Transcendent David

Chapter 1147: CH 1145

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After knowing the news that speaker Gould was trapped, David set out from garmi, and he took Alexis the black dragon.

He did not bring the demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit". This time, it is very likely that it was a trap set by the war temple, so it is possible that the God of war will come.

Perhaps other people can not see the particularity of the demigod "Knight of the spirit", but how can the God of war who trains the demigod "Knight of the spirit" not see it.

Being able to revive the dead is one of David's least wanted secrets to reveal, especially the God of war.

You know, this ability is that the gods will covet it, and then it will be more troublesome than now.

It's a little bit closer to the Stargate than a little starship on the Stargate.

This distance, for demigod David, is only a few minutes away from Haida.

The ability of "breaking through the sky" is the most powerful ability of space movement. Even if David has not made any great breakthrough in space ability, his ability of "breaking the sky" has increased a lot after his strength has reached the level of demigod.

When David rushed to Haida, speaker Gould on Haida was also in a bitter battle.

The environment of "the realm of blood" has greatly enhanced the power of the God of blood. The knight battle array composed of speaker Gould and fourteen legendary knights can only barely protect themselves.

Speaker Gould is in the front. His semi divine light sword is constantly wielding. He has cut down all the bloody figures. However, the broken bloody figures will return to the blood fog in the rear, and will condense again and join the battle again.

Of course, in this process, the blood figure is not consumed, it is consuming the blood energy in the "blood state".

However, this consumption is not worth mentioning compared with the blood energy obtained by sacrificing the whole planet. If speaker Gould wants to consume the blood energy of the "blood realm" in this way, the legendary level blood power of their 15 legendary Knights will be consumed 10 times, which will not have much impact on the "blood realm".

Without a targeted attack on the "blood state", it is impossible to defeat the rising five level bloody figure.

Under the infinite resurrection mode, the five level bloody figure is almost invincible, which is why speaker Gould felt helpless.

Continuous sword, although there is strength of crushing, but still let speaker Gould a little tired.

Although these bloody figures are only level 5, they are manipulated by the God of blood. Their fighting ability is extremely strong. Speaker Gould needs to exert all his strength to kill them quickly.

"In exchange, Knight Michael, it's up to you to attack!" Speaker Gould wanted to change people to dominate the battle of Knight battle, and other legendary Knights turned to defense. He immediately thought of letting Lord Arthur's legendary Knights attack.

At this time, speaker Gould remembered that Lord Arthur's legendary Knights all had "swordsmanship" talent, and their real combat power was far better than his in close combat.

With the change of cavalry battle, Michael came to the front of cavalry battle.

At this time, the defensive battle array adopted by knights at that time was defensive, but it needed a knight to attack to reduce the pressure on the knight's battle array defense.

This is also the concept of knightly battle, using attack instead of defense.

If it's a real enemy, the cavalry battle array will constantly charge and kill all the enemies. However, these five level bloody figures are not real life and can not be killed completely. Using Knight charge will only consume a lot of blood force.

At present, the knight battle array needs to reduce the consumption of legendary blood power, and prolong the battle time to the maximum extent, and delay the rescue of Lord Arthur.

Mike legendary Knights stood in the leading position of the Knights' battle array. With a flick of his five level light sword, the five bloody figures in front of the knight battle array were easily cut off and turned into bloody fragments.

David has recently been optimizing the forging of the demigod level light sword, so all legendary Knights have not been replaced with demigod weapons.

However, it doesn't need such strong weapons to deal with this kind of five level bloody figure. The attack power of level five bloody figure only reaches level five, and its defense ability is extremely low.

This is also normal. Even if it is as strong as the "God of blood", it is impossible to create real level 5 combat power out of thin air. These five level bloody figures are the source of level 5 souls collected by him before. After transformation, level 5 attack power can be achieved by using the environment of "blood state".

Therefore, it is very easy for Mike's legendary knights to kill level 5 bloody figures. Under the control of "swordsmanship" talent, level 5 light swords can kill level 5 bloody figures without consuming the blood power of legendary level.

After Michael legendary Knights dominated the cavalry battle, the pressure on the cavalry battle was greatly reduced. The main reason was that the bloody figures of level five who were facing the attack could not even make an attack, so they were killed by the legendary Knights of Mike, which gave the rest of the legendary knights in the Knights' battle line breathing time.Speaker Gould and the other two legendary lords looked at each other with shame and helplessness in their eyes.

Before, speaker Gould led the cavalry battle, although his fighting power was extremely fierce, and he constantly killed level 5 bloody figures, the fighting results of the two sides could not be compared with those of Mike legendary knights.

When speaker Gould led the knight battle array, the knight battle array was still attacked by level 5 bloody figures, and the blood power consumption of legendary Knights was still a lot.

However, when you come to the legendary Knights of Mike, the battle of knights will be relaxed several times. Even speaker Gould and the two legendary lords can have time to recover their blood power.

The fighting continued, because it was easy, and Chancellor Gould had time to get in touch with bishop Boleyn.

"Gould, how are you doing? What do I need to do? " Bishop Boleyn inquired immediately after contacting fraternity.

Although news had been sent just now, due to the intense fighting, speaker Gould only came and reported a news that was still alive.

"I don't have much on my side. I'm not unprepared. The earth Temple supports Archbishop McKinley's action?" Speaker Gould was most concerned about the attitude of the other four temples.

"Archbishop McKinley has expelled me and the other three bishops, and all the clergy except the war shrine. It seems that he had a plan in advance." Said bishop Boleyn in a deep voice.

Bishop Boleyn did not say that the four archbishops agreed with and helped Archbishop McKinley's plan. Even if Chancellor Gould had guessed it himself, it could not be said from him.

Once said, bishop Boleyn betrayed the temple of the earth, and there was a festival in his heart that might be noticed by the God of earth in the next prayer.

The gods attach great importance to the piety of sacrifice, especially the piety of the extremely close sacrifice. Maybe the gods can tolerate many mistakes in sacrifice, but betrayal is absolutely intolerable.

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"It's better if you leave, so as to save yourself from being hurt by mistake." When Chancellor Gould heard bishop Boleyn leave, he couldn't help but say.

I don't know what happened. It was clear that the war shrine had been prepared and arranged in advance. However, speaker Gould still had great confidence in Lord Arthur.

He even had an idea that Archbishop McKinley and the war shrine would suffer greatly this time.

Therefore, speaker Gould did not want bishop Boleyn to be affected. If bishop Boleyn did not leave, he would warn him.

After a long battle, and his five level blood figure is still in the downwind, and he can't even consume the opponent's blood. The avatar of the God of blood in the sky waves his arm.

In the "realm of blood", the blood fog began to spin. The whirlwinds went from small to large, reaching kilometers, forming a terrifying tornado and rushing towards the Knights' battle.

"Open the cavalry charge, dodge!" Speaker Gould couldn't relax any more. He closed the contact and took control of the Knights' battle line. He ordered in a deep voice.

The cavalry battle formation takes speaker Gould as the arrow, forming an arrow like charge formation.

The tornado chased after the knight battle, and there were five levels of bloody figures trying to block the speed of the knight battle.

"Guard both sides Speaker Gould said in the cavalry battle.

His main task now is to dodge tornadoes. Such a huge bloody tornado will consume a lot of blood power once it attacks the cavalry battle array, which is not conducive to the delay of the knight battle array.

When speaker Gould wanted to come, Lord Arthur would take two days to come. Even if he used any special means, it would be reduced by about half a day at most.

So he had to spend two days on Haida before Lord Arthur could reinforce him.

In the sky, the avatar of the God of blood drew a blood pattern and flew towards the Knights' battle.

Speaker Gould was killed easily by legendary Knights because of the bloody figures on both sides. When he felt that it would be easier to deal with the bloody tornado, the blood pattern fell on the knight battle.

He felt the weight of his body, and the speed of his battle with the Knights was slow.

"Slow down! Damn it, this is the blood god waking up and paying attention to it Speaker Gould had no scruples at this time, he cried in the cavalry battle.

If it's just the embodiment of the God of blood, they can still cope with one or two, but if it's the God of blood's personal attention, the battle will be in trouble.

We should know that there are very limited means for a deity to display. At most, gods can only use two or three abilities among them, and only one of them is particularly powerful.

From the beginning to the present, the avatar of the God of blood has passed through the realm of blood, summoning blood colored figures, which in turn exerts the ability to slow down. This is absolutely not what a normal avatar can do.

"Tell Lord Arthur not to come here immediately. Don't put him in danger!" Speaker Gould called out to the legendary Knights of Mike.Speaker Gould thought of Lord Arthur at this time. Since there is a God here, although he only borrows a god incarnation, he also knows that he can not resist.

These legendary Knights fell here and could no longer drag Lord Arthur into the water.

Speaker Gould knew very well that even if he fell, as long as Lord Arthur was there, the mein family would not have much influence. With his friendship with Lord Arthur, Lord Arthur would definitely protect the mein family.

"Speaker Gould, don't worry!" Mike legendary Knight said lightly.

Speaker Gould had no time to distract himself. Due to the deceleration state, the speed of the knight battle decreased and was overtaken by a bloody tornado.

The bloody tornadoes hit the cavalry battle array one by one. The blood tornado can gather blood energy which is extremely terrible. Under this collision, the attack effect is much stronger than that of the bloody figure.

Speaker Gould felt that the legendary blood power in the knight battle array was constantly consumed, and the speed of consumption was so fast that he was shocked.

He madly agitates the legendary blood power in his body to break away from the deceleration state. Unfortunately, he is facing the incarnation of the God of blood, which is also the God of blood himself.

The God of blood is good at cursing in the records. He is good at using all kinds of negative states.

After sacrificing to the living beings of Haida star, the incarnation of the God of blood was forced to upgrade to the demigod level. With the strength of the demigod stage, the real gods cast their curse. Where can the fifteen legendary Knights resist.

The incarnation of the God of blood seems to have seen the end of the battle, and the blood power of speaker Gould and the other two legendary leaders was almost exhausted in a short time.

Only 12 legendary knights can support it, but as long as speaker Gould and two legendary knights can not provide legendary level blood force, they will automatically leave the knight battle.

Without the protection of cavalry battle, in this environment, it is only a matter of time before it falls.

The avatar of the God of blood in the sky waved again. This time, more than ten bloody tornadoes formed and formed a super giant tornado.

With the power of destroying the withered and decaying, the super giant tornado rushes to the cavalry battle array which is still in the deceleration state.

"Knight Michael, you twelve leave first!" He said, looking at the voice of the giant dragon's blood.

"Speaker Gould, I'm going to blow up my heart and give you a little time to delay!" The legendary Lord on the side said.

"You go first, then I!" Another legendary LORD followed.

They all know that falling down is also a fact. If they can delay a little longer, they can give other legendary Knights a chance to survive.

At the critical moment of life and death, they will not hesitate to make a choice immediately. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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