Transcendent David

Chapter 1148: CH 1146

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Speaker Gould did not persuade him, because he also made a choice. After the two legendary lords blew themselves up, he would blow up his own heart space and give 12 legendary Knights a chance.

Just as the first legendary LORD watched the giant tornado approaching and was ready to detonate his heart sea space, a gap appeared in the space. A figure emerged from the space gap and suddenly appeared in front of the knight battle.

It was David who arrived at the crucial moment.

The reason why he can appear so accurately in front of the knight battle array is that there are 12 legendary knights who can accurately locate the space coordinates.

Lord Arthur Said speaker Gould and the two legendary lords at the same time.

Speaker Gould was deeply moved by Lord Arthur's figure.

He wanted to come, so far away, Lord Arthur came in such a short time. How much did it cost.

Speaker Gould just saw that Lord Arthur came out of the space, and the cost of using space treasures to transmit, even if it was a space artifact, would not be small.

David had already seen the situation on Haida through the eyes of Michael's legendary knights, so he was in the middle of the Knights' battle and the giant tornado as soon as he appeared.

Giant tornadoes are really terrifying. They concentrate more than ten bloody tornadoes, which almost reach the peak of the demigod level.

It's no wonder that Chancellor Gould and the two legendary Knights felt despair, which was not the attack they could resist.

David sensed the giant tornado, but he didn't mean to worry at all.

Because his sense of danger didn't sound an alarm, indicating that the power of the giant tornado did not pose much threat to him.

Of course, David also has to deal with this giant tornado properly. After him, however, speaker Gould and the two legendary lords did not have much self-protection ability.

David shot it forward with his left hand, and then the giant tornado seemed to be trapped by something. After a breath, the giant tornado exploded.

After the explosion of the bloody giant tornado, it did not recover the energy of blood, but turned into nothing. The energy of blood was destroyed by the power of terror when it exploded.

Speaker Gould was very close to David. He saw David stretch out his gloved left hand and clap it on top of a giant tornado. The giant tornado collapsed.

But in fact, not only speaker Gould, but also the other two legendary lords did not see David's real action.

David's left hand shows him flicking his finger before touching a giant tornado.

The index finger of his left hand is a demigod, which contains "the energy of destruction field", and has the speed of the "speed rule". What can be seen by speaker Gould and his legendary knights.

The avatar of the God of blood saw David crush the giant tornado. With a wave of his hand, a hundred five level bloody figures appeared, forming a battle array similar to Knight battle, and surrounded David.

"Speaker Gould, get out of the way!" David said in a deep voice.

Speaker Gould had no hesitation. He knew that staying here would only drag down Lord Arthur. As he retreated, the twelve legendary Knights changed their cavalry battle array and used the knight guard battle array to protect him and the two legendary Lords.

The incarnation of the God of blood can see the strength of David. For the demigod, he also shows the strongest power of the incarnation of God's mind. He wants to use the five level blood figure of the immortal body to drag David to death.

David's body was shining with light, and his "artifact Knight's battle armor" equipment also appeared in his hand.

"Chop!" David's "artifact Knight's sword" has been accumulated to the limit. After the talent of "fatal sword" was put into practice, the light flashed and an amazing sword light swept across the front.

Although the battle array composed of 100 level 5 bloody figures also has a certain degree of defense, their original defense foundation is too shallow. Adding up 100 level 5 bloody figures into the battle array, it can not resist David's powerful sword.

The front five level five bloody figures were swept by the sword light of "fatal sword" and their bodies were turned into bloody fragments.

"Lord Arthur, be careful. These guys have unlimited resurrection power!" Speaker Gould worried that Lord Arthur did not know the ability of level 5 bloody figure, so he quickly reminded him.

But what speaker Gould didn't see was that after the five level-5 bloody figures were cut into bloody pieces, the invisible shadow servants had already flown by and absorbed the five level five spirits.

Maybe in front of the overwhelming majority of the strong, the five level blood figures are invincible, because as long as the source of the fifth level soul can not be eliminated, then these five level blood figures are inexhaustible.

These "blood gods" cultivate five levels of soul in their own small world. They have no special talent for the soul. They can't even see the source of soul, let alone attack.

It is extremely difficult to attack the five level soul source transformed by the God of blood even if you have the ability of soul talent.However, the "God of blood" encountered the most unreasonable shadow servant. As long as any soul lost the protection of the body in front of the shadow servant, it would be captured by the shadow servant.

Even if it is a god level fall, its soul can not escape the absorption of shadow servants, let alone these only five levels of blood figure.

When David sensed the message from the shadow waiter, he couldn't help but see that these five level bloody figures had level five soul origin. How could he miss such a good opportunity.

You know, he has not had a large amount of level 5 soul income for a long time. Now that he is in God's big world, he has little chance to kill level 5.

In the Zerg world, the fifth level Zerg is extremely scattered. David can't run around the Zerg world for the spirit of the fifth level Zerg, so his income will not keep up with the existing danger.

The sudden killing of five level five bloody figures made a gap in the battle line of bloody figures.

David's figure flashed into the gap, and the "artifact Knight battle array" in his hand was wielded, and the talent and ability of "swordsmanship" broke out in full swing.

Without the protection of the battle array, the defense of level 5 bloody figures is almost nothing to David. The "swordsmanship" talent can be displayed, and each sword can kill all the level 5 bloody figures within the attack range.

Speaker Gould and two legendary Knights gaped at Lord Arthur's battle with the bloody figure of level five. Before that, they were suppressed by the bloody figure of level five. They could only use the knight battle array to defend and delay the battle time.

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But when he got to Lord Arthur, the level five blood figure was like the difference between an adult and a baby.

Even the most powerful resurrection ability of level 5 bloody figures disappeared.

At least, speaker Gould didn't find any five level bloody figures that were killed by Lord Arthur. There were fewer and fewer of them.

The spirit of "God of blood" is a pain in the flesh. The origin of the fifth level soul is not Chinese cabbage. It takes a long time to cultivate each level five soul.

The origin of 100 level 5 souls is also a great wealth to the "God of blood" who has been sleeping for a long time without income.

"blood god" dares to transfer the origin of the five level soul from the small world, because he can be sure that few people can injure the origin of the five level soul.

David is like a phantom walking through the five level blood figure. As long as he gets close to the level five blood figure, he will produce a sword light, and no one can resist the sword light.

When there are ten level five blood figures, the spirit of "blood god" also reacts, and wants to recall the last ten level five blood figures.

When the ten five level bloody figures turned around and wanted to escape, David couldn't help but feel anxious. This is the separation of ten level five spirits, which is still very important to him and can enhance his thinking ability.

When he stepped out, there was a space crack in front of him. When he entered it, he appeared in the middle of ten five level bloody figures.

The position of David's appearance is calculated, and all ten level 5 blood colored figures are placed in the attack range of "swordsmanship" talent.

In the twinkling of the sword light, the last ten level five blood figures turned into blood colored fragments. The shadow servant moved to the blood debris as if in an instant, and absorbed the spirit of level 5.

A few incarnations of the God of blood revealed anger. A blood pattern fell on David's head.

The blood color pattern has not yet fallen, as if it had been purified, and instantly broken into pure energy dissipation.

Speaker Gould was trying to remind David to be careful of slowing down. Before he said it, he shut his mouth when he saw this situation.

Although speaker Gould was surprised, the incarnation of the God of blood was even more surprised.

Because the incarnation of the God of blood has a better understanding of what his blood color pattern is. That's the curse rule. Unless we master the opposite rule, it's very difficult to dodge it.

David also wanted to dodge when he saw the blood color pattern, but there seemed to be some rules on the blood color pattern that made him unable to dodge.

It is only when the blood pattern approaches him and enters the external influence scope of the small world in the soul space, the curse rule is influenced by the world tree and transformed into harmless energy by the world tree.

Of course, not all rules can be affected by the world tree when they enter the small world of soul space. Only when the speed is relatively slow, can the rules of control class be affected by the world tree.

David looked at the incarnation of the God of blood in the sky, and regretted that he had consumed the "energy of destruction" in his left index finger in advance.

If he still retains the energy of the destruction field, he will definitely rush to the end of the incarnation of the God of blood.

Now many of David's deadly methods have been used. He has some trouble killing the incarnation of the God of blood.

The incarnation of the God of blood was not stupid. After seeing David so strong, he did not stop in the air. The avatar scattered and disappeared in the blood mist.As soon as David's figure flashed, he came to the Knights' guard battle line composed of twelve legendary knights. He was worried that the incarnation of the God of blood would suddenly attack here.

He did not join the cavalry battle, which is not his arrogance, but he can not be integrated into the cavalry battle.

Now David has a little bit of blood power in his body, which is prepared to disguise as a knight. His actual energy has two parts. One part is the "black dragon power" obtained from practicing "black dragon sleep".

The other part is the "destruction field" of his left index finger. The "destruction rule energy" is only a small amount of energy in his body. However, with his cultivation, the "destruction rule energy" will gradually replace the "black dragon power".

David was careful to guard against the fact that "the realm of blood" was not broken, and the avatar of the God of blood could appear anywhere at any time.

He didn't worry too much. Procrastination was also very beneficial to him, and he had time to restore the "destruction rule energy" of his left index finger.

David did not speak. Speaker Gould and the two legendary lords were not easy to disturb. They were also looking for the incarnation of the God of blood. As long as the avatar of the God of blood appeared, they could send out a reminder. This is the only help they can do now.

A few minutes later, David's face showed a strange color, he looked at the sky in disbelief.

"The incarnation of the God of blood has run away?" David did not have the slightest scruple to speak out the name of the God of blood. He became a demigod and had seen too many gods. He had long lost his fear of the gods.

"Lord Arthur, your strength..." Speaker Gould was about to ask questions, but he thought that there were two legendary lords here. He stopped asking.

Speaker Gould was puzzled. If Lord Arthur was a legendary class, the God of blood, which they could not deal with by all the 15 legendary knights, was defeated by Lord Arthur alone.

Is there such a big gap between the legendary ranks, so big that it is beyond the horizon?

To say that the twelve legendary knights are not weak in combat power, they also have the "swordsmanship" talent.

"Lord Arthur is our benefactor, we can become a legend also got the help of Lord Arthur, Chancellor Gould, please rest assured, we will not reveal the strength of Lord Arthur!" The two legendary lords also understood speaker Gould's worries. They looked at each other. One of the legendary lords bowed down and said.

"I'm just promoted to the demigod level. It's going to take a long time to stabilize my strength." David did not conceal speaker Gould's thoughts, and replied with a smile.

As for the two legendary lords, they are also members of the "dawn alliance". They have a contract, and the members of the "Twilight alliance" can not violate the requirements after they know clearly.

Otherwise, the two legendary Lords will have to face the soul of David. Even if they don't die, it will be the end of dementia! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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