Transcendent David

Chapter 1160: CH 1158

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David also had a little favor for Archbishop jotter. The Archbishop's negative attitude can make him more leisurely to face the pursuit from the war shrine.

He even thought about whether to keep Archbishop jotter alive, thus affecting the war shrine's actions against him.

However, the situation of gamisin made David very angry. He thought Archbishop jotter was dead in his heart. He would kill Archbishop jotter whenever he had a chance.

Of course, what we need to do now is to solve the space war shrine on garmi. Even if garmi has no value, it is also his leader. No one is allowed to show off force here.

David sneaks underground in the direction of the space war temple. As he gets closer to the space war temple, he also feels that the scanning energy from the space war temple is getting stronger and stronger.

At a distance of 50 kilometers from the space war temple, David had to stop moving forward. In his perception, any closer distance would be detected by the scanning array of the space war temple.

Although the artifact "creeping head crown" has a great effect on hiding breath, David is not still. When he uses the ability of "underground stealth", there will still be breath leakage.

If it is in a completely static state, the artifact "creeping head crown" can not even be detected by unsuspecting gods. However, as long as energy is used, the perfect concealment of the artifact "creeping head crown" will be destroyed.

At a distance of 50 kilometers, David is thinking about how to get close quickly. He needs to take a step before the space war shrine can react.

David is trying to activate the "break the air" ability to see if he can open the other end of the space passage directly inside the space war temple.

It turns out that his idea is wrong. Just as soon as he tries to activate the "void breaking" ability, the space energy of the "void breaking" talent ability is discovered by the array in the space war temple.

The alarm bell on the clock tower of the space war Temple suddenly rings. The short bell makes everyone in the space war Temple nervous.

"Turn on the highest defense energy, and the scanning God tells me what happened!" Ordered Noel, the fourth level priest assigned to run the space war temple.

How can the sacrifice of noel not be nervous? This is the territory of the first knight in the world. Even his God's body was defeated by Lord Arthur.

It can be said that Lord Arthur's threat exceeded the appearance of evil gods. We should know that every evil god that appeared before was killed by the gods.

In fact, this is not to say that Lord Arthur is more powerful than the evil gods, but after a long sleep, the evil gods have extremely limited power to use, and even some evil gods can not even exert their powerful abilities.

The most important point is that evil gods are naturally suppressed by the world rules in the big world of gods, and part of their strength is used to resist the world rules.

David's side is different. He has his own small world of soul space, and there is a world tree, so that he can always be under the world rules of his own soul space small world.

Although the world rules of the small world in his soul space can't compete with the world rules of the main world, there is no problem in protecting David from the world rules of the main world.

No wonder that God Noel thought that Lord Arthur's strength was more terrible than the evil gods.

The sudden alarm made Noel sacrifice the first to think of Lord Arthur's return. Under his command, the space war Temple quickly entered the combat readiness state, and the pale gold energy shield protected the space war temple.

"Report adult, did not find the breath of life, check the scan record, it is the space energy fluctuation that caused the array alarm!" Scan the magistrates to report.

"Where does the spatial energy fluctuation come from?" Asked the priest in a deep voice.

"Can't confirm, is it a space anomaly over the planet portal?" The scanning God asked with some uncertainty.

The original star level portal of garmi was taken away by Lord Arthur. Now the star level portal has just been rebuilt. Due to the short debugging time, it is normal to have some abnormalities.

There is another reason why the scanning deity thinks so. The scanning array of the space war Temple constantly monitors the situation of garmi and space. In particular, anyone who wants to approach garmi in space can not escape the monitoring of scanning array.

The scanning array did not find anything approaching from space, that is, no one had entered garmi.

In this case, of course, he would be the first to wonder if there was something wrong with the planetary portal.

"Let's check the planet portal. Keep the temple on alert." The priest of noel ordered in a deep voice.

After failing to use the ability of "breaking the sky", David realized that something had been discovered in the temple of space war. He immediately moved underground and went deep underground.

He has enough patience. He is a hunter at this time, and the space war temple is his prey.

The tense atmosphere in the space war shrine lasted a day, and two groups of alchemists inspected the star class portal.Nor can the sacrifice of noel keep the temple of space war on high alert all the time. Neither the power of faith nor the deities and sacrifices stationed here can bear the tension for a long time.

"Switch to normal defense state, take turns to change defense and rest!" The priest of noel looked at his tired hands and said helplessly.

The pale gold energy shield outside the temple of Space War slowly faded and finally returned to colorless state.

When David returned to the mountain, his eyes lit up. He didn't need to use mental perception. He only needed to use the real-time map on the light screen to find changes in the outside world, especially any changes in the temple of space war, which would be automatically informed by the intelligent system.

The ability of "underground stealth" was turned on again, and soon David returned to the place 50 kilometers away from the temple of space war yesterday. He looked up from the ground and observed the situation of the temple with his eyes.

At this time, two deities appeared carrying huge space boxes at the distant star gate, which was responsible for transporting materials to the garmi temple.

The rich garmi has become a Jedi, unable to produce any more products, not even water.

In addition, materials for the construction of the standard war shrine need to be continuously transported.

The two magistrates carry the space box and walk to the gate of the space war temple. This space war temple is for war. For stronger security, there is no other door. The gate is the only entrance.

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When the space war shrine was opened, and two deities carrying the space box stepped in, David appeared with a pair of energy feather wings behind him, and six "death chains" were flying beside the wings of the energy feather.

He turned on his strongest state. After completing the pre war preparation, he activated the ability of "breaking the air" and opened the "rule of speed".

Although the ability of "breaking the air" can't send the other end of the space passage into the space war shrine, it's not a problem to send it to the door.

The wings of the energy feather behind him fluttered gently, and a thin energy protected his body. He stepped into the space passage, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of the temple of space war.

In front of David's eyes are two motionless deities carrying the space box, as well as the wide open door.

David understood that he had to be faster, because the space war temple could not react, otherwise he would face a more powerful body than the last one.

His left index finger gently taps on the energy shield in front of the gate, which is the fastest way he can break through the shield.

Although the energy shield of the temple of space war is reduced by a part, and the door is not protected by the actual divine pattern after the door is opened, it can also withstand the full blow of the demigod.

David can only solve this energy shield in an instant only by the "destruction field" of his left index finger. At the same time, because of the particularity of his left index finger, it does not cause a backlash in the "speed rule" because of this attack.

For his left index finger, "destroy rule energy" is the normal energy of his left index finger. The attack using "destroy rule energy" is just a normal attack of a demigod.

"Destruction rule energy" is the integration of "speed rule" and "power rule". Naturally, it will not bite itself because it is in the "speed rule".

David didn't wait for the energy shield to be completely destroyed. When the "destruction rule energy" opened a hole in the energy shield at the door of the space war temple, he activated the "body of thunder light" and physically penetrated into the interior of the space war temple as an electric light.

Like all shrines, once you enter the gate, you will find the main hall of the temple. This is also the place for worshipping gods.

The statue is the core of the temple, and David knows that through the statues in the small world of soul space.

It is also the understanding of the temple that he can have confidence to quickly solve the space war temple.

The hall is densely packed with practitioners sitting cross legged. Under the influence of the "speed rule", even the top five among them did not respond to the sudden electric light.

In the twinkling of an electric light, David's "speed rule" also lost its effect, and his speed with the main world was back in sync.

Just when David broke away from the "speed rule", the alarm in the space war temple was also reflected. The alarm from the array and the bell on the clock tower formed a tense atmosphere.

The statue in front of David is also automatically gathering the power of faith, which is sensing the invasion of the demigod and preparing for the divine descent.

How can David make the divine landing successful? He has already made a plan to enter the space war temple at great risk.

When he activated the talent ability of "spider silk entanglement", because he used the means of attack, he also automatically broke away from the state of "body of thunder light" and restored his noumenon.

David really took a lot of risks. In order not to be affected, he even took Alexis the Black Dragon into the artifact space card.If there is any mistake in this operation, he must resist the first attack from the God of war before he can summon Alexis the black dragon again.

The six artifact "chains of death" are transformed into six illusions, which are wrapped around the God of war.

The main reason is that David's position is too close to the statue, which he calculated.

The statue that is preparing to descend is bound by the "death chain" which uses the "spider silk" talent ability, and the spirit inside is immediately imprisoned.

After the divine mind was imprisoned, the fluctuation of God's descent suddenly stopped, and there was no follow-up movement.

Without the coordination of the gods of war in the statues, the divine surrender would no longer exist.

At this time, the 4000 ascetics in the hall came to their senses, and their eyes were red after seeing David's action of blaspheming the God of war.

David's eyes were cold, and his mind moved. The "electro-optic field" was activated. In all the spaces of the hall, lightning came and went.

A ascetic was struck by lightning and lost his ability to move.

However, David was surprised that the "electro-optic field" was a demigod realm. Based on his strong spirit, his "electro-optic field" was even more powerful than the demigod "electro-optic beetle king".

However, the "electro-optic field" did not kill the 4000 ascetics here, but made use of the special paralytic effect of the "electro-optic field" to make them lose their activity ability.

David actually wants to thank his soul space small world, and the world tree in the soul space small world.

Without the world tree for him to resist the restrictions of the outside world, when he entered the space war temple, he was already suppressed by the divine stripe array in the space war temple and could not move.

The space war temple is the highest level war weapon in the war temple, and its internal divine pattern array is equivalent to that of the main temple.

This divine pattern array is to transfer the small world rules of the God of war to the interior of the space war temple. Let alone the low-level demigods like David, even if a real God enters here, his strength will be greatly restricted.

Of course, David's strength is not completely unaffected. After leaving his body, such attacks as "electro-optic field" were suppressed by the divine pattern array of the temple of space war.

In the space war shrine, the strength of each deity and sacrifice will be blessed. In addition, the intruders will be restricted by the rules. Under this situation, the intruders will not be able to make effective attacks.

In addition, David used the "electro-optic field". Although the attack power of the "electro-optic field" was greatly limited, the paralytic effect did not fail. All the ascetics in the hall were unable to move and attack David. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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