Transcendent David

Chapter 1161: CH 1159

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"Give me a start!" When David saw that the situation was not right, he gave a big drink, reached out and pulled up the statue.

Previously, David wanted to use the artifact "the chains of death" to break the statue of the God of war, but the statue was stronger than expected.

The artifact "death chain" is not an attack artifact, and its attack power is not high.

The statues in the main hall are full of the power of faith, and are also the center of the temple of space war. At this time, the statues are close to the artifact materials. How easy is it to destroy them.

If David doesn't use the "destruction field" on his left index finger, he can break it directly.

The artifact "the chain of death" binds the statue of the God of war and binds it behind him.

"Blasphemer! Blasphemer Those who fell to the ground, when they saw that the God of war was carried by David behind their backs, their bodies all rose with white light of faith, and they cried out like crazy.

Originally, the paralytic effect of the "electric light field" paralyzed the ascetics all the time, but as the light of faith in the ascetics became more and more bright, the paralytic effect on them disappeared.

Even if the "field of electricity and light" is still on and lightning is constantly moving on them, once the crazy believers enter into a state of fanaticism, they can be immune to all negative states.

All the ascetics who have been sent here are crazy believers who have been practicing hard for more than 100 years.

There are not many descriptions of ascetics in the world, because the temple is so powerful that it hardly uses the power of the ascetic.

But for the loss of high-end combat power in the temple, Archbishop jotter would not have used the hidden power of the ascetic.

David's heart is also dark shock, this is the first time he faced crazy believers. These crazy guys can be immune to all negative states, that is, they burst out their own power of belief, and burst out the power of belief in the human body. Although they enjoy some special effects, they also greatly hurt themselves.

Crazy believers use their lives to complete their attacks on blasphemers.

"What's the matter? Increase the energy of the bound array!" In another room, the priest of noel cried.

The sudden appearance of Lord Arthur made the sacrifice of noel a little unprepared, but he was also an experienced commander.

The space war temple is not so easy to enter. Although Lord Arthur has limited the gods of war, there is not only one way to attack in the temple.

The power of the divine pattern array, which consumes the power of belief, is many times stronger than that of the ordinary pattern pattern array. In addition, due to the restriction of the rules in the temple, the worship of noel has great confidence that Lord Arthur can be trapped here.

However, the fetters had already been opened, and Noel could not understand that Lord Arthur had not been affected.

"My Lord, it has been turned on to the maximum energy. It can't be increased any more!" A deity replied.

"Contact the main temple and ask for reinforcements!" Sacrifice Noel's face changed, he ordered.

The sacrifice of noel now only hopes that the 4000 ascetics can support a little more time, so that reinforcements from the main temple can come.

In the main hall, the most primitive battle began because David was unable to use attacks that were detached from the body.

The God of war's innate ability originated from the God of war broke out in the God of war's own temple. David's "artifact Knight's sword" constantly swept over the body of a ascetic.

If someone who knows David very well is here, he will find that his fighting style is not the same as before.

The ascetics are extremely crazy and are totally desperate in fighting. In order to attack the enemy, they can ignore whether they are attacked or not.

This kind of enemy is the most difficult to deal with, fearless of life and death, focusing on hurting the enemy. Unless there is a huge gap between the combat effectiveness of each other, it will only result in being surrounded and beaten.

David is the one who has a huge gap in combat power with the ascetics. This gap is not only in realm, but also in combat skills.

His "artifact Knight Sword" is as alive as it is, and there is also a sequence of attacks by the ascetics. His "artifact Knight Sword" can always hit the key point faster than the ascetics, so that the weapons of the ascetics can never be close to 20 cm in front of him.

The twenty centimetres were like a natural moat, and the ascetics poured in like a tide, but they fell one by one in front of David.

David's fighting style was very calm. He walked towards the ascetics step by step, and the rhythm of his steps was not affected by the attacks of the ascetics.

The main hall of the space war temple is like David's dance floor. He is like the elegant Shun.

There was no hard work. Even if there were as many as 50 level 5 strongmen in a pair of 4000, David didn't feel any trouble. He really felt the horror when his fighting skills reached the divine level.

You know, in the battle in the main hall, David can't attack in vitro. He can only use his sword to kill his opponent. Under this limitation, the talent and ability of "God of war" can be fully displayed.The red blood flowing on the ground makes the solemn hall appear evil.

Perhaps in the eyes of the gods and priests in these war temples, David is the extremely evil existence.

The four thousand ascetics fought to the last man, and even though they knew that they couldn't defeat David, they kept on rushing to him.

They are using their own blood to maintain the dignity of the God of war, they put the dignity of the God of war in front of their own lives.

David did not show mercy. The ascetics fought for their faith, while David fought for himself. No one was right or wrong.

"Artifact Knight's sword" swept the neck of the last ascetic. David turned and walked toward the side hall without looking at the corpse on the ground.

One of the important reasons why crazy believers are not afraid of death is that after their death, their soul must return to the small world of gods.

Perhaps in the minds of the mad believers, death is the beginning of rebirth.

But crazy believers don't know that if they die in front of David, their souls will no longer belong to themselves, let alone the gods they believe in.

The shadow attendants fly out, and the invisible figure will take over the soul of the crazy believer one step after the death of each crazy believer.

As for the soul receiving channel of the God of war's small world, before it was opened, the shadow servant finished the work of receiving the soul ahead of time.

When David opened the door of the side hall, there were not many people in the side hall, only a hundred or so. They were not strong enough.

"Lord Arthur, do you know what you are doing?" The Reverend Noel looked at the coming Lord Arthur, and he summoned up his courage and exclaimed.

"It seems that you are the main sacrifice of this temple. Garmi is my leading star, and it is my right to deal with invaders at my leading star." David said faintly.

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"My Lord will not let you go!" Said the priest in a deep voice.

"It should be said that I will not let go of the God of war!" David patted the statue behind him with his hand and said with a sneer.

The Noel sacrifice and more than 100 deities and sacrifices could not bear the provocation of David. They could not tolerate the desecration of the God of war.

In an instant, all the deities and priests launched an attack on David. It was a suicide attack, and the result was predictable.

Ten minutes later, David took back the scabbard of the "artifact Knight's sword", and there was no life inside the temple of space war.

He flashed out of the space war temple with the statue, swept the spirit of the space war temple and put it into the space pendant.

When the statue left the temple of space war, the inner power of faith quickly dissipated.

The existence of deities would not have been accepted by the rules of the main world, and only in the special environment inside the temple would they be protected.

David doesn't need to destroy the statue at all. After the idol loses the power of faith, his spirit can easily enter into the statue.

However, before David had come and used his spirit to explore the spirit of the God of war left in the statue, the shadow servant had already stepped into the statue to absorb the spirit of the God of war.

In fact, after leaving the temple, the role of the statue is lost. The statue is no longer the container of the deity, and it is no longer the protection of the deity.

Once the mind is not protected by the body, it is the soul that has lost its noumenon.

David dodged to the star portal. His spirit entered the inner part of the portal. He used the alchemist's ability to forcibly change the power of the portal.

In the main temple of the war, Archbishop jotter was in a very good mood with his victory.

Archbishop jotter felt that he had recovered a part of the war shrine and lost the reputation of Lord Arthur many times. Lord Arthur's leading star was occupied by the war temple, which represented the victory of the war temple.

Although there was no contact with Lord Arthur, under the order of Archbishop jotter, the message was that Lord Arthur fled and abandoned garmi.

"Newspaper!" Exclaimed one of the magistrates at the door.

"Come in!" Archbishop jotter was not satisfied with the Archbishop's fluster, but he knew very well that it must be important for the Archbishop to seek him, he said in a deep voice.

"Archbishop, there is a rescue message from the priest Noel. Lord Arthur enters the temple. Please send a strong man to support him!" As soon as the deity entered the room, he immediately reported.

"What?" Archbishop jotter suddenly lost his composure, and he rose abruptly.

Archbishop jotter did not think of Lord Arthur's retaliation. He has opened the belief network to all war shrines. Although it consumes the power of faith, he can master the situation of any temple at the first time and supplement the power of faith in the first time.

The temple of war has not been opened for some time.

Archbishop jotter didn't want to be meritorious, but he wanted nothing wrong. He used the power of faith to exchange for security.

But Archbishop Joe did not expect that Lord Arthur's first attack was the temple of space war.The temple of space war is very special. Even if the war temple has accumulated ten thousand years, only four space war temples have been built.

As the war weapon of the war temple, the space war temple has a very strong defense capability, which is almost the same as the main temple.

In addition, there is the power of divine descent, enough to make the space war shrine fearless of any enemy.

Archbishop jotter never thought that the space war temple would be lost. In his mind, the space war temple was as safe as the main temple.

"Archbishop, there is an urgent need for reinforcements from the Noel cult!" The Oracle, seeing Archbishop jotter's delay in speaking, hastened to remind him.

This attitude of the magistrates also reflects the lack of prestige of Archbishop jotter himself in the war shrine. In any previous archbishop, no priest dared to urge the Archbishop before he made a decision.

"How to rescue? Who is to go? Or will the emissary continue to die? " Archbishop jotter turned to look at the oracle and asked in a continuous voice.

Archbishop jotter was also very helpless. At this time, he found that the powerful war shrine could not effectively reinforce Noel.

The most effective way is for the two space war temples to fly past, but they have left the two space war temples of garmi for a long time, and it will take a long time to return to garmi.

By the time the two space war shrines reach garmi, the battle on garmi will be over.

As for other rescues, what is the power of Archbishop jotter?

After several defeating consumptions by Archbishop guy and archbishop McKinley, the high-end combat power of the war shrine is extremely empty.

For high-end combat power, Archbishop jotter also remembered the 4000 ascetics who stayed in the temple of space war, among which there were 50 level 5 strong men.

There were not many level five strongmen left in the war shrine. Fifty of them were lost. The number of level five combat power in the war temple was too small to maintain a huge force.

Archbishop jotter had a colic in his heart. When he became archbishop, his strength fell to this level.

The magistrates were speechless for a while. Of course, the envoys could not be sent again. The last time the fourth level sky Knight emissary was already the strongest one in the war shrine. Sending the rest of the envoys was tantamount to letting the God of war waste his mind.

The atmosphere in the room was frozen. Archbishop jotter and the priest did not speak. They waited in silence.

"We can't get in touch with Noel cult. In addition, the star level portal of garmi has lost its authority and can't teleport any more!" The deity looked at the contact array in his hand and said in a deep voice.

"Hoo!" Archbishop jotter breathed a long sigh of relief, and finally did not have to choose whether to reinforce.

Archbishop jotter was already considering whether the main temple was safe. Since the space war temples could be captured by Lord Arthur, the possibility of the main temple was also possible.

Archbishop jotter did not consider the loss of the space war shrine any more. He issued orders to strengthen the security level of the war star where the war main temple is located.

After the operation of Archbishop jotter, the war shrine successfully changed from attack to defense. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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