Transcendent David

Chapter 1185: CH 1183

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The God of justice sits on the throne, and in front of him are dots of light. These are all the information about Lord Arthur collected by the temple of justice.

Even if Lord Arthur's history in the interstellar Federation is recorded, almost all of Lord Arthur's experiences are recorded.

In fact, the war between the God of war and the three gods at the level of God had already disturbed the four gods, including the God of justice. However, the God of war did not ask for help and the four gods did not go there.

Among them, there are four gods who believe in the God of war. As allies, they have a deep understanding of the God of war and know how powerful the God of war is.

Although the God of war is a God who believes in becoming a God, its ability of close combat is far more than the ordinary three gods can resist.

However, the war situation was beyond the expectation of the God of justice. The God of war and the three gods did not win or lose.

The breath lock talisman came from the God of justice. He knew the whole story. He was very clear about the reason why the God of war left the small world.

The God of war must have gone after Lord Arthur. The three gods are the helpers invited by Lord Arthur.

In terms of intelligence, the war shrine ended all operations against Lord Arthur, including conventional and unconventional means such as intelligence gathering, buying off dark lines and so on.

The God of justice knows the God of war very well. This is the reconciliation between the God of war and Lord Arthur, and the war temple will make such an action.

We should know that there was a deep hatred between the war shrine and Lord Arthur. The three archbishops fell directly or indirectly in Lord Arthur's hands. In addition, a large number of war shrine level five strong men also fell into Lord Arthur's hands.

If it was not for the orders of the God of war, the new archbishop Macintyre would not have dared to make such a decision.

Lord Macintyre was not a member of the public. Once he issued an order beyond the acceptance of most people in the temple of war, the consequences would not be acceptable to him.

Now the God of justice needs to consider how the temple of justice should deal with the relationship with Lord Arthur. This is no small matter.

No matter what kind of method Lord Arthur used, the three divine levels could come to God for him, which showed that he had the ability to mobilize the three levels.

This has to be valued by the God of justice, who are the three gods who can draw with the God of war.

If you are against Lord Arthur, you are equal to fighting against three gods. If these three gods are evil gods belonging to the big world, the God of justice can call on several gods to join hands, but the three God levels leave the God belongs to the big world after the war, which shows that the three God levels are not the God level of the big world.

Now the evil gods are ready to move, and many abnormal phenomena of God belonging to the big world show that the evil gods are waking up.

At this point in time, we are against three powerful gods. That is to force the three gods to the side of evil gods.

Of course, as long as the other three gods do not want to appear in the world, as long as the other gods do not belong to the world's most important gods.

If you tolerate one Lord Arthur, you can avoid confrontation with the three powerful deities, and you can concentrate on dealing with evil gods. The God of justice will soon consider the choice.

The gods are very wise, and they will not do the unworthy things.

Another important piece of information is that it has been made clear that Lord Arthur has no believers in God's great world, which is very important.

Once Lord Arthur has believers in God's great world, it is in conflict with the five temples in principle, which involves the battle of faith.

In that case, the five gods should join hands to kill Lord Arthur.

In the big world of God, there can only be five kinds of beliefs, and even if there are gods, they can only be the gods subordinate to these five beliefs.

The God of justice wants to tolerate Lord Arthur, because Lord Arthur is powerful enough to get some preferential treatment under the premise that God belongs to the big world and there are no believers and there is no belief struggle.

As for the demigod strength of Lord Arthur, in the view of the God of justice, Lord Arthur's cultivation talent is absolutely unparalleled in the world. However, if you want to become a God through cultivation on the basis of no belief, it will take at least ten million years to become a God.

These days, the five gods had solved the trouble of awakening the evil gods and had the ability to deal with Lord Arthur's affairs.

"Archbishop Julian, send a demigod to Arthur Luce The will of the God of justice landed in the image of the God of justice in the temple of justice, and sent a divine metaphor to Archbishop Julian.

Archbishop Julian was extremely surprised when he received the parable. The meaning of the God of justice was very clear. He intended to make friends with Lord Arthur and recognize his status as a demigod.

In the history of God's great world, no demigod has ever had this treatment.

Because those demigods were trained by the five temples, which were equal to the weapons of the five temples, how could the five gods express their friendship with their weapons.This is just the attitude of the God of justice. The other gods of wealth, earth and knowledge all adopt the same attitude. The gods are so familiar with each other that they do not need to discuss this matter.

Speaker Gould stayed in gamisin for an afternoon. He just wanted to stay and have dinner with him. For half a year, he did not eat the delicious food prepared by Lord Arthur.

Of course, speaker Gould didn't have no role in gamisin. In a short time, he helped David contact a number of stable mineral supply channels.

Reconstruction of garmi requires a lot of materials. David has the technology of interstellar Federation, so there is no need for ready-made materials, just the most primitive minerals.

After garmi star and Zerg world's huge underground space consumption, David's inventory of materials is not much, need a lot of replenishment.

In fact, this is also the active help of speaker Gould. David also has his own property. The materials needed can be handled by Butler Dickens. However, speaker Gould is willing to help, so the speed of purchasing materials will be much faster.

Housekeeper Dickens contacted people with similar identities and needed to negotiate. Speaker Gould was just a greeting. The material supplier could even send the materials first.

"Arthur, are you ready to eat?" Speaker Gould asked, looking at the sky.

"Already ready!" David made a salute with a smile.

Long before that, David summoned the temple knight who remained with him as Anton legendary knights, and Anton legendary Knights handled the corresponding affairs.

They enter the dining room and sit down. Anton's legendary Knight delivers two fruit salads to them.

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Speaker Gould looked at the fruit salad and felt only a luxury.

Yes, as the speaker of the Supreme Council, speaker Gould of the top aristocracy, also felt the luxury of fruit salad in front of him.

Because this fruit salad is made of spirit fruit. Although he has drunk "spirit red wine", it can only be used at important time of cultivation.

Although spirit fruit is not as good as "spirit red wine", it can only be eaten in practice. It is extremely wasteful to eat fruit when it is usually eaten.

"Arthur, it's a bit too extravagant!" The friendship between speaker iguld and David, what did he say.

"Spirit fruit does not need to save for me, I have a stable supply!" David waved.

On hearing this, speaker Gould did not ask any more questions and began to eat politely.

Spiritual fruit turns into mild energy and warms his body. However, he still feels that it is too wasteful. If he can practice immediately at this time, he will get a lot of benefits.

Obviously, the quality of this time's spirit fruit is far higher than that of the 100 spirit fruit sent to him last time.

"I got a piece of space debris, which produces spiritual fruit. Recently, through research, the production of spiritual fruit has increased a little!" David explained in a statement that he had already prepared.

David is not a liar. The first spiritual fruits were produced from the cultivation space in the "artifact space card".

However, he said little about the spiritual family. Without the spiritual family, it is impossible to produce spiritual plants under the condition of cultivating space.

"Don't explain this to me. This kind of space debris is..." Speaker Gould stopped here, pointed to the sky, and then continued, "they will covet it too!"

"I don't know their attitude yet. If I can't, I'll be away for a while." David understood who speaker Gould was referring to, he said in a deep voice.

"Blame me, I shouldn't have mentioned them!" Speaker Gould picked up a red wine glass and drank it down.

Then speaker Gould's face changed. Regardless of this, he started the "dawn cultivation method" to absorb the energy contained in red wine.

One side of the red wine did not attract the attention of speaker Gould, because he did not feel the special red wine in his perception.

In fact, this red wine is very special. It is made by spirit grapes produced by David's small world of soul space, and it is not made by David himself.

As the spirit clan becomes stable in the small world of soul space, more and more spiritual plants are planted, and more natural products are produced.

David left the brewing of "spirit red wine" to the spirit clan himself. After he taught the process and steps, the spirit family explored and tried.

Perhaps it was because of the innate sensitivity of the spirit people that they produced this kind of "spirit red wine" before long. This kind of "spirit red wine" also became the resource of David's daily cultivation.

The spirit red wine made by the spirit people is not as publicized as David's spirit red wine. All the energy is hidden in it. Without careful perception, we can't find out the special features of the spirit red wine.

David is already a demigod. This cultivation resource called "super spirit wine" can play a great role in demigod cultivation. For the legendary speaker Gould, it is too much.

David did not think of the result, but in front of him, speaker Gould could not have any problems.After a long time, speaker Gould slowly opened his eyes.

"What kind of red wine is this? I almost didn't resist the surge of energy?" Speaker Gould looked at the empty glass and asked in disbelief.

At this time, he did not have the slightest idea of another glass. On the one hand, he had no spare power to absorb energy. On the other hand, such red wine must be extremely precious.

"This is" super spirit red wine ". Its output is a little bit small. Now it is used by my cultivation. I'll give it to you for appreciation." David said with a smile.

"It's a waste to drink for me. I feel that this" super spirit red wine "can help me a lot even when I'm promoted to a demigod!" Speaker Gould said with some reluctance.

To tell you the truth, he would not drink it at this time when he knew that the energy of "super spirit wine" was so abundant that he would not drink it until he was promoted. He estimated that the possibility of promotion to demigod would increase a lot.

Of course, speaker Gould is far from demigod. He has not formed his own rules.

"I'll prepare it for you when you get promoted!" David said casually.

At present, "super spirit red wine" can not be supplied to others. On the one hand, it is true that super spiritual red wine contains too much energy, which is not suitable for legendary use. On the other hand, he is also using a lot of "super spirit red wine". The premise of sending out resources is that he can not affect his own cultivation progress.

Even if the cooking of all the dishes is not as good as that of the vegetable master, even if it is not as good as the vegetables.

Just at the end of the dinner, news came from David's Lord level contact array. His spirit swept through the Lord level contact array with a strange smile on his face.

Speaker Gould was a little curious when he saw that General David had put the main contact phalanx on the table.

In this case, it is necessary to prepare for the teleportation of small items. The Lord level contact array has a built-in small item transfer array, which can only be opened by the presence of a nearby star level portal.

Naturally, David received news from the earth temple, the justice temple, the wealth temple and the knowledge temple. The news congratulated David on becoming a demigod, and delivered the congratulatory gifts representing their respective temples, requesting to open the small items transmission array.

David would never refuse the kindness of the four temples. He opened the small item teleportation array and approved the application of the four temples.

Then, white light flashed continuously in the Lord level contact array, and then four refined wooden boxes with four sacred patterns on the table top appeared.

Speaker Gould knew that the four temples were expressing their respective attitudes just now. It can be seen that the four temples have no malice. David estimated that they should stay away from the god world again and avoid the pursuit of the temple.

"It seems that the four shrines don't want to be evil with you either." Speaker Gould sighed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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