Transcendent David

Chapter 1186: CH 1184

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David laughed, and he knew very well that if he was weak enough to be run over by any one of the four temples, the four temples would definitely crush him to death.

The reason why David immediately sent the two Zerg deities back to the Zerg world after fighting with the war shrine God, so that Alexis, the black dragon, was reduced to the size of a kitten to hide his own aura of divine power, in order to show that his divine helper did not exist in the god world.

But even with this kind of expression, he still needs to wait for the treatment and selection of the four temples. This feeling is very bad, and he will hand his own destiny to others.

Now, although the four temples have been expressed, it is far from a long-term intention. Everything depends on his own strength.

David opened one of the wooden boxes and saw that there were three "perfect kryptonite" in it. He was not very happy.

For demigods, this gift is neither light nor heavy. The "perfect kryptonite" belongs to one of the rarest resources in the god world, and it is also the most widely used resource.

Most of the production is controlled by the temple, and only a small amount of "perfect kryptonite" is distributed by the Supreme Council.

David opened the other three wooden boxes, all of which were the same three "perfect kryptonite". The temple maintained amazing consistency in this respect.

He entered a thank you note on the Lord level contact array and sent them to the archbishops of the four temples.

"It seems that I can continue to rebuild garmi!" After that, David said with a smile.

After the meal, David sent speaker Gould out of the castle, speaker Gould found a bright outside the castle.

Speaker Gould looked up at the sky, and saw a white light from the highest place on the castle, illuminating the castle and its vicinity all the way to the star gate.

Standing in the light, speaker Gould felt warm all over his body, just like a deity performing "blessing divinity".

"Blessing divinity" is a kind of low-level divinity. Its function is to increase the resistance of the subject's body and mind, so that the subject can avoid curse and hypnotic attacks.

Although speaker Gould felt the light like "blessing magic", he did not believe it could be.

Because he has never heard of anyone using blessing divinity as lighting. There is a simpler lighting divinity in divinity, which consumes less and is more economical.

Moreover, using "blessing divinity" as lighting is a kind of blasphemy compared with the gods of faith.

"What is that, Arthur?" Speaker Gould asked David curiously.

How could speaker Gould not be curious? The more he felt, the more sure he was that the white light was the "blessing divinity", and how many sacrifices would be required to perform such a large area of "blessing divinity".

"That's my prize!" David replied with a smile.

"Can you go and have a look?" Speaker Gould's curiosity can't be restrained. Of course, there are enough reasons for his relationship with David to make such a request.

"Yes, go and have a look." David Wei hesitated and agreed.

David and speaker Gould rose into the air and flew into the air.

The "space destruction Temple" is high above the sky, protected by the divine stripe array during the day, and only a cloud can be seen from the ground.

David left "space destruction Temple" here for the safety of garmi. With the powerful power of "space destruction Temple" and the recovering garmi defense system, the next enemy will receive a stronger counterattack.

In the evening, the "space destruction Temple" provides lighting for the lower part. This is mainly normal. David lives alone in garmi. The "space destruction Temple" provides lighting very convenient.

Because the "space destruction Temple" is being built to serve the war, there is no living divine pattern array inside, and there is no such thing as lighting divinity.

However, the effect of "blessing magic" is the longest, and the consumption of faith is relatively small, which is in line with the role of lighting. So David chose "blessing divinity" as lighting.

As for blasphemy, the god named "destruction" is himself. How can he blaspheme when he serves himself.

Speaker Gould saw the huge temple. He did not recognize the source of the temple for a moment, but he soon remembered the information from the war shrine.

In the intelligence, Lord Arthur attacked the space war temple, causing thousands of ascetics to fall and the space war Temple disappeared.

Now it seems that the temple of space war was used by Lord Arthur, but speaker Gould looked at the outer wall of the temple of destruction in space, and he was a little hesitant.

"Gould, if you have anything to say David saw what speaker Gould meant and said with a smile.

"Arthur, you don't believe in any gods, do you?" Speaker Gould asked carefully.

Speaker Gould worried that David chose to believe in gods who could provide powerful power because he wanted to improve his power quickly.There are too many such things in the history that God belongs to the big world. Evil gods always use various interests to tempt human beings. Once they are tempted, they can gain certain benefits in the short term, but in the long run, they are a great danger.

The result of believing in evil gods is that it is completely opposite to the five temples.

Although all the five temples chose to keep a relationship with David, if they knew that he believed in evil gods, they must join hands in the encirclement and suppression.

"No, I have cultivated the strength of demigod by myself. Who can be worthy of my faith?" David laughed and shook his head.

With pride and pride in his words, speaker Gould was relieved.

In fact, speaker Gould would like to ask how the "space destruction Temple" works. But when he thought that it might involve some secrets of David, he just thought that he did not ask.

When he saw the relief outside the temple of destruction of space, speaker Gould guessed that this was a God that had never appeared before.

According to the content of the relief, this is a great God, opening up the world, is the God of creation.

This is definitely not a god of the great world, but speaker Gould has nothing to worry about, because even if David believes in a non God God God, it is not about the temple.

The gods of other worlds cannot be identified as evil by the temple, let alone by their followers.

More importantly, this God is the God of creation, which is very special. In his big world, the God of creation is omnipotent, and destruction and rebirth are just a matter of finger pointing.

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Speaker Gould thought that he only watched around the "space destruction Temple" and did not ask to enter the temple.

The temple is an area that only believers can enter. It is a great honor for Chancellor Gould to visit the temple outside.

"Arthur, I know you can ask the gods of other worlds, but I hope you don't let them invade the big world!" Speaker Gould said solemnly to David when he was about to leave.

"God belongs to the big world and my hometown. I won't let the gods of other worlds invade me!" David assured me.

Speaker Gould left gamisin with a smile, and his only worry was eliminated.

He believes in David. David won't cheat him.

After David saw off speaker Gould, he looked at the "space destruction Temple" in the sky. As speaker Gould worried, the operation of "space destruction Temple" made it easy to suspect that other gods were involved.

His mind moved, and the image of the God in the main hall of the "space destruction Temple" flashed, and an opaque silver energy shield was raised outside the "space destruction Temple".

The silver energy shield reflected the light around, and the huge "space destruction Temple" disappeared mysteriously.

This is optical stealth. This is not the capability of "space destruction Temple", but David has installed a set of optical stealth system from the interstellar Federation in the "space destruction Temple".

At present, he is also the deputy commander of the federal command in the interstellar Federation, and he is a big man in the military. This kind of military level optical stealth system is not troublesome to obtain, and even the technology can be read at will.

"Annabella legend, you can come back!" David thought about the legend of Annabella again. Before, she was not allowed to return because she was worried about the attitude of the four temples. Now the four temples have expressed their attitude. Without crisis, the legend of Annabella can be recalled.

With the legend of Annabella, the reconstruction of garmi, some things that need external contact don't need David himself.

The materials contacted by speaker Gould should be received by someone.

Within ten minutes of the news, the legend of Annabella returned to garmi through the planetary portal.

A smile appeared on her face when she saw that her castle was safe and sound.

Perhaps not many people understand Annabella's legendary feelings for garmi. This is her real home. After leaving the war shrine and losing the war shrine home, this castle specially built for her has become her home.

Annabella legend did not meet Lord Arthur, she is also used to this mode of getting along with each other, Lord Arthur practice extremely crazy.

Even if Annabella lived in garmi for a long time, she seldom met Lord Arthur.

Walking into her castle, she saw a space ring on the table in the hall.

Annabella legend picked up the space ring, spirit swept through it, found that it was full of spiritual fruit, she understood that Lord Arthur gave her cultivation resources.

Annabella legend in gratitude at the same time, also took over garmi star's external work, this work she is very familiar with.

It seems that everything has gone back to before, and it seems that there has been no conflict between the high levels of God's great world.

Only a part of the nobility talked about the successive fall of the three archbishops in the war shrine. As for the war between the God of war and the three gods, it was only spread among a few top nobles.

Litton, a planet originally belonging to the Litton family, was later given to David by the knight of the Arden temple.The planet has always been managed by the Deakins housekeeper. The Litton star has a perfect management system, and the Deakins housekeeper only needs to check the accounts.

As for whether the managers who originally belonged to the Leighton family would do harm to Lord Arthur, Butler Dickens was not worried at all. As long as the lytons were not crazy, they would not take the initiative to provoke Lord Arthur, let alone the managers who now belong to the Luce family.

There is a large island named tije island in Litun star, which is the planting base of alchemy crops. Because several kinds of alchemy crops planted need a lot of manual management, there are one million farmers living on the island.

The city of tijuet had been evacuated for a long time. There were no nobles left. At present, there was only one Dixon steward in charge.

Not to mention tije Island, it is that the whole Litan star was originally the private leader of the lyton family. All the nobles who lived on the island were related to the Litton family. Some of them were clansmen, and some were nobles who had joined the lyton family.

After the change of ownership of Li Dun Xing, these nobles of course also moved away from here. All they could take away were their personal belongings. They did not even dare to take away the decorations in the castle.

David's rise is so fast that he has no time to accept the support of the lower class aristocrats. He has become a top aristocrat and has a huge territory.

For a long time after that, David either practiced or was busy, almost no longer involved in affairs, which made it impossible for other low-level nobles to take refuge.

This also led to the extreme lack of nobility in David's territory. Of course, Li Dunxing's situation is better. There has been a sound management system here for a long time. As long as the steward gives orders, there are already rules and regulations below, and you can act according to the rules.

Without the nobles, there would be no knights. This was not a big deal. Who dares to have any visions in Lord Arthur's territory.

Tonight's tije Island, dark clouds cover the whole island, this kind of large-scale dark clouds in this season is very rare.

Many old farmers are looking at the sky, wondering about today's abnormal.

In the dark cloud, a little arc is generated, and then the arc flashes around the cloud, causing more arcs.

Like a chain reaction, a large number of arcs emerge in the dark clouds, the dark clouds in the night, and the sky presents a strange light.

The animals on the island of tijue first found out that it was wrong. They were all crawling on the ground, as if trying to blend their bodies into the soil.

The arc accumulated in the dark cloud finally reached its peak, and a series of lightning fell from the cloud and split on the island of tijue below.

The houses built of stones are also very strong, even if they have lived for a hundred years, they will not have any impact. But after a lightning strike, the houses are like being detonated and instantly turned into pieces.

In the light of the electric light, the farmer's family in the house is charred. After the soul is detached, it is attracted by an obscure attraction.

This is just one of them. Countless lightning bolts have fallen, and almost all the houses on tije island have been attacked. Millions of farmers have died and their souls have disappeared. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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