Transcendent David

Chapter 1187: CH 1185

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There are only ordinary people left in tijevo City, and their lives have not changed much because of the aristocracy leaving.

There are some differences between the city and the residential buildings outside the city, and there are perfect lightning facilities in the city.

Tije island is an island. The thunderstorm weather will last for a while in the summer. The simplest metal lightning device is not complex. Many are installed in the city of tije island.

This time, it was a successful way to protect the city's safety, but every resident in the city understood that things were not normal.

Because at this time, lightning was in a series, and even some residents saw the metal being deformed. As long as the metal lost its function, the whole city would be destroyed by lightning.

"What's the matter?" Dixon asked, looking at the deputy in the run.

"Dixon is in charge of the power of this thunderstorm, and for a few minutes at most, the city's lightning metal will be completely destroyed!" The Deputy officer replied with a pale face.

"It seems that the situation outside the city will not be said!" Dixon said with a heavy face.

Cities with lightning metal have become this way. The situation outside the city will only be worse. Even Dixon has a great grasp that the residents outside the city have been killed.

Dixon turned to the room and opened a secret door and walked in.

The secret gate is a complete set of contact law. Dixon has clear management. The emergency situation here should be sent out at the first time, otherwise there will be no chance.

After receiving the warning of Dixon, Butler Dickens first directed a group of six four level sky knights to investigate.

All of these six level Four sky knights are all the sky Knights of David's resurrection. A total of 40 resurrected level 4 sky knights are under the management of the butler of Dickens, which formed the basic fighting power of the LUS family.

Generally speaking, the level 4 sky knight is already very powerful. Within the world, even the top aristocrat family will not randomly move the level 5 Paladin.

Six four level sky Knights summoned the flying mounts from the star level gate of the main city of lidon star to fly directly to tije island. The whole process took 30 minutes, which is the result of full speed acceleration.

Tije island is not without a gate, where the single gate is disturbed so badly that it is impossible to carry out normal transmission.

When six four class sky Knights flew near tije Island, they saw a sea of electro-optical.

The entire island of tije became a sea of lightning, and from the sky to the ground, it was covered by light and electricity.

A four level sky Knight just prepared to send out a message through contact array, only to see an electro-optic snake rush out of the endless electro-optical ocean.

Lightning is the fastest of all attacks except space. Six four level sky Knights perceive danger, but they can't dodge it.

The heavy electro-optic snake tore the defense of the knight of six four level sky knights, and then swallowed six level Four sky knights.

The four rank knight armor on the level 4 sky knight can not block the impact of the light and the life disappears in a moment.

A force draws soul from the body of six four level sky knights, but the soul is very strange, because it is a collection of patterns with light white light.

And with the devious soul of six four level sky Knights separated, the strange soul burst into a flash, although the power used the secret skill of soothing the soul, it was not helpful.

Just as the soul of six four level sky Knights died, David, far away from Gami, suddenly opened his eyes.

The six level Four sky knights were resurrected by David and replaced the soul of the four level sky knight with the "enchanting pattern" of "spiritual sleep".

Such a four level sky knight has little ability to think independently, but the combat ability is based on the instinct of body, and can almost approach the combat power before resurrection.

In addition, the later stage of the battle of the four level sky knight is continuously improved because of the connection of the soul of the level 4 sky knight.

Once the fourth level sky Knight falls, the "enchanting pattern" associated with David disappears, which will impact David's soul.

Of course, with David's strength, this impact is almost none, but he can know the news of his fourth class sky Knight falling as long as he has an impact.

David was moved by his heart and six four level sky Knights fell at the same time. It was no longer normal.

It is important to know that six four level sky knights are the strong in the world of God under normal circumstances.

It is not to be seen that there are many five powerful people in the world, but it is a drop in the sea in the world where God belongs to the vast world.

In the world of God, the knight battle array composed of six four level sky knights can be killed at the same time, even among the five level strong.

David is confident that the five-level strong dare to fight against his family's level 4 sky knight, but it is also extremely rare.

"Butler Dickens, have you sent six sky Knights out to perform the mission?" David contacted Butler Dickens through the Lord contact law."Yes, Lord, there was an abnormal lightning strike on the island of Litton. After the first warning, the connection was interrupted, and the single portal there could not be used. I sent six level-4 sky knights to investigate, but no news has been sent back yet!" Butler Dickens did not know how Lord Arthur knew about it. He told the story of the incident.

"You don't have to meddle in this matter. Six sky Knights have fallen. I'll check it out!" David said in a deep voice.

Deakins housekeeper heart a burst of horror, Li Dun star actually have a strong dare to kill the Luce family knight, this kind of thing is simply unimaginable.

This is the first time that someone has dared to directly challenge Lord Arthur's majesty, and it is normal for Lord Arthur to do it himself.

At the same time, Butler Dickens also understood that the killers who could kill six level Four sky knights were not what his fighting power could cope with.

He was also distressed by the loss of this time. As many as six level Four sky Knights lost their combat power.

These four level sky knights are not ordinary sky knights, their cooperation is almost seamless, coupled with incomparable loyalty, they have never had any other behavior, just like a group of legendary ascetics.

David decided to go there in person and didn't send out any more fighting power. In fact, he had a lot of fighting power to send, such as the legendary knights in his hand, and the demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit" could also be sent.

However, he did not have such a choice. With his fierce name in the God's world, those who dare to be so provocative will never be ordinary people.

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Although there was no public publicity, many of the top aristocrats knew that Lord Arthur had won the battle against the God of war. Those who could kill six level Four sky knights at the same time were also included in this circle.

David even doubted whether it was a trap arranged by the temple again, but it was not.

David has just maintained a relationship with all the five temples. Although it is not a good relationship, at least it will not be antagonistic.

On the other side of the war shrine, the God of war could not change his attitude so quickly and set traps against him again. As for Archbishop MacIntyre, he did not dare to do such a thing with his courage.

The same is true of the other four shrines. Without the orders of the gods, the archbishops would not do such things in private, and it is even more impossible to say that the gods have reneged.

At least the five gods disdain to do such things. As the five masters of the great world, they will not do anything harmful to God's name.

So David was very curious about who was trying to deal with him.

If it is not the five temples, then at least one thing can be sure, that is, the man who made the move did not know that he had mobilized the three gods to fight the God of war.

Or this is not an action against him at all, and his heart will have this speculation.

David appears in front of the planetary portal. Alexis, the black dragon on his shoulder, is resting. In his shadow, the demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit" follows.

As long as he does not meet the God of war, he has confidence in the first World War, or he really meets the God of war. Under the natural ability of "breaking the air", the probability of escaping is still very high.

Between the flash of space, he had already arrived at the star level portal of Leighton. He did not disturb other people. The ability of "breaking the sky" was turned on. He appeared again and was already beside the island of tijuet.

The ability of the six knights to locate in the sky is just like the ability of thunder's landing in the sky.

"Be careful, my Lord. I smell a very light spirit!" Alexis, the black dragon, recovers from his rest and sniffs after looking at tije island.

"So there are evil spirits doing things in my territory?" David said, with an awe inspiring look in his eyes.

He did not have the awe of other people for the gods. He was not born in the big world of God. He was born in a lack of fear of God. Let alone the strength of him and his subordinates, he could face up to the powerful God of war.

"This breath is very familiar. Looking at the situation here, I probably know who the God is. It has something to do with the God of storm!" Alexis said with great certainty.

Alexis, the black dragon, had dealt with this "God of storms" a long time ago. Although he had been separated by tens of thousands of years, he still recognized the breath of "storm God".

"Whether it's storm God or storm God's believers, it's impossible to do such a thing in my territory without giving an explanation." David said in a deep voice.

His figure flew towards tijue Island, ignoring the lightning and thunderstorm. Several lightning obviously found him and rushed towards him.

However, he was pushed away by a repulsion force before he was close. David opened up the semi divine "electro-optic field", which is based on the "lightning pattern". His "electro-optic field" has a strong control over lightning energy.

With David as the center, the "electro-optic field" has spread out.

Tije island is not a small island, but David's spiritual radius is 1000 meters, and the "electro-optic field" quickly sweeps a distance of 1000 meters, covering the whole area of tije island.The lightning and Thunderstorm from the sky to the ground is manipulated by the "electro-optic field", and the sovereignty of lightning and thunderstorm is forcibly deprived by David.

At this time, David also understood that it was not the storm God who came forward in person, but that there were believers of storm God who were offering sacrifices.

And his spirit also found the altar in the center of tijesh, as well as twelve worshippers of storm God in sacrificial robes.

What makes David most angry is the statue on the altar. When he sweeps away his spirit, he feels the howling of countless souls inside the statue.

These are the inhabitants of tijesh and his leaders, but they are sacrificed by the followers of evil gods, which he can't bear.

The fifth bishop of kulich looked at the statues on the altar. His eyes were full of excitement and excitement.

His Lord, his God, and his faith are about to wake up. The belief of "storm God" has not been passed on smoothly, and it has been barely supported up to now.

The main reason for this is that the believers of "storm God" have a very high demand for spiritual talent, which is much higher than that of other evil gods. However, after becoming a "storm God" believer, they can't get the gift of "storm God" immediately.

Believers need to practice the basic spiritual cultivation method first, and wait for the acceptance of the storm God. Then, the God of storm will display his divine grace and let the believers obtain lightning magic.

This leads to the polarization of believers' strength. Believers who have received God's favor are actually extremely powerful, and lightning magic is more powerful than expected.

But ordinary believers on the other side can even protect themselves.

This time, the God of death came the agreement of the gods, and it was necessary to awaken the God of storm.

Among them, only two of the 12 bishops who have been able to take over his own followers are Kuhn.

So the target they chose is very difficult. First, there must be a large population; second, it must be isolated from the outside world; third, there is no strong knight.

Although the fifth level bishop of kulich and another believer who has received God's favor are good in strength, they can't kill all the knights in a region at a very fast speed.

As long as a knight misses the net, the knight will use the contact array to warn.

Their choice requires that the number of knights in the area should be as small as possible, and there are fewer areas that meet the requirements.

After that, the fifth Archbishop of kulich discovered the island of tije. First of all, with a million people on the island, it absolutely met the first condition. Because it was a production base of alchemy crops, it hardly contacted the outside world at ordinary times, so it met the second condition.

The third condition is even more suitable, even there is no knight in the whole island of tightje.

All the nobles have been evacuated from tijie island. If no new nobles enter, there will be no soil for knights to survive.

This is a natural and optimal regional sacrifice area. Millions of people have no defense. It is like a piece of fat to tempt the fifth level bishop of kulich, which makes him unable to resist. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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