Transcendent David

Chapter 1199: CH 1197

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The fifth bishop of Jeffers was standing in the square, talking excitedly with the nobles beside him, talking about what happened in the courtroom.

He behaved like an ordinary nobleman. From the expression on his face to the voice of his voice, he integrated into the aristocracy in this area.

As a believer in the God of fear, the fifth bishop of Jeffers slightly controlled people's hearts, so that the nobles around him would not find that he had joined the chat recently, but thought that he had been here for a long time.

"Lord Arthur!"

"Invincible Knight!"

In the square, someone suddenly called out, especially the noble knight, whose expression was close to madness.

The fifth level bishop of Jeffers was shocked. The cult believers only revered Lord Arthur from the bottom of their hearts.

Lord Arthur, at present, the only strong man who can make a big feud with the war temple and still be free from the influence of the war temple, even the war temple is easing relations with him.

This is extremely unimaginable for the fifth bishop of Jeffers, who has been dealing with the temple for thousands of years.

Because of the power of the temple, all the believers of evil gods had to hide themselves carefully within ten thousand years.

Take a look at this Lord Arthur. After killing the two archbishops of the war temple, he can still appear in public like this.

The fifth bishop of Jeffers carefully hid his breath as much as possible. A light flashed on a small necklace on his body. The fluctuation of his body was bound under the skin, and the skin on his face was more real.

Although I don't know what Lord Arthur is doing here, the fifth bishop of Jeffers made the worst plan.

He didn't believe in what Lord Arthur could track him down, because he was so confident that he was so secretive that the killing of the Leon Templars ended before the trial began, when Lord Arthur had not yet arrived.

If it was not for the fear of leaving before the trial that it would draw the attention of the Supreme Council afterwards, the fifth bishop of Jeffers would not stay.

David didn't land on his feet. He was thirty centimeters above the ground, floating.

Under the guidance of Xiaobai, he found the square.

The nobles on the square, naturally, can see his identity from the mark on his robe, which is also the knowledge that every noble must learn.

On formal occasions, almost all nobles wear clothes with emblems for identification.

David came to attend the trial ceremony of the Supreme Council. What he was wearing was the robe of the leader of the Luce family.

Although there were thousands of nobles in the square, the professional etiquette inheritance made them bow down to salute respectfully at first because of excitement and confusion at the beginning.

David's spirit swept through thousands of nobles, and Xiaobai has accurately pointed out the target position he is looking for.

So his spirit found the fifth bishop of Jeffers. The breath of the fifth bishop of Jeffers was very strange. It seemed that he was just an ordinary person, but under his spiritual perception, he always had a false feeling.

At the same time, David also sensed a familiar smell, which was the breath of artifact.

The fifth bishop of Jeffers should not be the real owner of a artifact that has not been fully controlled. Therefore, when using the artifact, it did not achieve the most perfect effect.

There are too many nobles here. David doesn't want to hurt the nobles around him because he catches the murderer.

As soon as he had a little power in his spirit, the power of terror in silence acted on the fifth bishop of Jeffers.

The fifth bishop of Jeffers was saluting Lord Arthur like the nobles around him. He had a artifact in his body. He did not think that he would be found so easily, so he did not want to resist.

But just as he was saluting, he felt a sudden appearance of a huge force, which came from all directions at the same time.

The body of the fifth bishop of Jeffers froze, and his state at this time was like a man being pushed into a rock, surrounded by irresistible rocks, and could only keep his original movement.

David entered the square with a smile, and immediately, in a straight line in front of him, all the nobles were on both sides.

It was at this time that the fifth bishop of Jeffers suddenly showed his special features.

The rest of the nobles scattered to make way for a wide passage, but only the fifth bishop of Jeffers remained motionless.

The nobles present were not stupid. Lord Arthur's sudden appearance, combined with this man's strange performance, the nobles realized something.

The nobles, centered on the fifth bishop of Jeffers and Lord Arthur, scattered around and formed a circle.

David flew up to the fifth bishop of Jeffers. He reached out one hand and gently took a necklace from the neck of the fifth bishop of Jeffers.

His spirit entered the necklace and found that there was a divine thought in the array of identifying the Lord, and he did not know which one it was.

In this case, David did not want to operate here, he put the necklace into the space pendant.Without the artifact necklace, the breath of the fifth level bishop of Jeffers can no longer be hidden. A terrible smell of blood is emitted from the fifth level bishop of Jeffers.

Because of the loss of the artifact necklace, the original face of bishop Jeffers was also revealed.

As an old monster who has lived for thousands of years, bishop Jeffers tried his best to survive by sacrificing. The price was that his body was full of rotten breath and his skin was like bark.

"It's a believer of evil god. It's full of evil smell. I'm afraid it's up to level 5!" Exclaimed the knight among the nobles.

"Excuse me, this is the assassin of the trial. I need to take him back to the Supreme Council!" David grabbed the fifth bishop of Jeffers and nodded to the nobles around him.

He rose into the air and flew towards the Supreme Council.

"This is the" invincible Knight ". Believers of level five evil gods can't even resist in front of him

"Don't say that they are followers of the fifth level evil gods. Even the demigods are weak in front of Lord Arthur!"

"It is said that..."

The nobles on the square began a heated discussion. The scene that appeared in front of them gave them something to talk about.

David flew into the Supreme Council and left the fifth bishop of Jeffers to Chancellor Gould.

"He killed the Knights of the temple of Leon!" David pointed to the fifth Archbishop of Jeffers.

"I won't say thank you, but I'll see who this is first, according to the corresponding meritorious deeds." Speaker Gould did not say politely.

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In the database of the Supreme Council, there is information on all known believers of evil gods.

The fifth bishop of Jeffers, an old monster, naturally has his message.

"It turned out to be a believer of Jeffers level five evil god. There were signs before that his God had revived. Now it seems to be true!" Speaker Gould confirmed after some identification.

It is not that there is any problem with the information of the Supreme Council, which needs such a long time to be identified.

But the face of the fifth bishop of Jeffers is difficult to distinguish. After sacrificing again and again, each sacrifice gets the reward from the gods, prolonging his life, and making himself a little bit inhuman.

"Is the trial going on?" David didn't want to be away from gamisin for a long time, he asked in a voice.

"Continue, of course. I'll go through the war shrine, and the trial will continue in an hour, whether or not they're watching again!" Said speaker Gould, nodding.

If the murderer is not caught, the Supreme Council may not be able to continue the trial, but the fifth bishop of Jeffers has been caught. The murderer has nothing to do with the Supreme Council, but is the enemy of the temple. Naturally, the trial will continue.

We can't let the McNairs die in vain. At present, the massacre of the McNairs has been highly concerned by the nobles.

In any case, we should give an account to the mcner family, otherwise we can't calm down the anger of the aristocrats.

The temple of war is a very bad start. If you only get an inaccurate information, you can kill all the nobles. Then are the nobles in the big world safe?

Despite the fact that the nobles are not acting too strongly at present, it is because the Supreme Council has done a very good job. It is enough for the nobles to support the Supreme Council.

David did not ask how to interrogate the fifth bishop of Jeffers. He had caught the man and left the rest to professionals.

All he needs to do is find a quiet place and wait for the trial to start again.

After David asked speaker Gould to find a quiet place, speaker Gould asked housekeeper Hayes to take David to a quiet place. Speaker Gould left with the fifth bishop of Jeffers.

Housekeeper Hayes took David to the speaker's office, where there was a huge space. When speaker Gould was away, it was definitely the quietest place in the whole Supreme Council.

"Lord Arthur, you can ask for anything. I'm right outside the door!" Said housekeeper Hayes, smiling and bowing. Then he backed out of the room.

David takes out the necklace from the space pendant. As soon as he takes it out, he feels that the necklace in his hand is driven by a force and wants to be detached from his hand.

This force is extremely strange. It is not only enough to let the level five strong people lose their hands accidentally, but also has a demagogue energy contained in it.

Unfortunately, this is the encounter with David, this power and the energy contained in it, can not shake him.

However, this also let him know that the owner of this artifact seems to have found something abnormal, so he wants to take back the artifact.

In fact, gods don't worry too much about losing their artifact, because it's hard to get rid of the idea of recognizing the Lord.

If the spirit is not sleeping, then the mind in the artifact will have a certain attack power.

"Who are you?" A spirit came from the inside of the necklace.

It was a voice that was aloof and scornful of all living beings, just like talking to the mole ants below in the high altitude."And who are you?" David didn't like the attitude and asked.

This artifact necklace is in his hand. Even if a deity directly sends his body to him, he will not return it.

Today's David has such confidence that he is not afraid of any gods.

"I am your nightmare, the source of fear!" The voice of that spirit is more grand and more strange.

"It's the God of fear. Dare you tell me where you are? I'll come to you now David replied faintly.

"God of fear" obviously didn't expect David to say this. He was stunned for a moment.

David asked, "God of fear" dare not do it.

Of course, the God of fear will not suffer in this way. After David has said his name, he is looking for the channel to connect with David.

Because the deity in the artifact necklace has not supplemented the power of belief for too long, it can exert very little power.

So the "God of fear" wanted to punish David through the opportunity of calling his name, and through the communication channel generated by calling God's name.

However, "God of fear" found the channel of contact, but found the abnormality of the channel. This is not an ordinary channel of communication, which shows that the soul of the other party is not weaker than him.

If the "God of fear" wants to attack David from a distance through the contact channel created by the name of God, it is very likely to be eaten back by David's soul.

"Who are you?" This time, the God of fear repeated the first question, but his attitude has changed greatly.

"I'm Arthur Luce. If fear is interested in meeting me, I'll find a way to find you!" David answered in a deep voice.

"The God of fear" immediately thought who Arthur Luce was. Did not the God of storm lose the existence of the last temple?

We should know that the last Temple of the storm God is protected by the storm God. Anyone who wants to attack the temple must first face the body of the God of storm.

In addition, the temple is an extension of the small world of storm God, which is beneficial to storm God in terms of rules and environment.

In this case, Lord Arthur still defeated the storm God and captured the storm temple. This means that Lord Arthur's combat power is strong enough to be considered as a strong one among the demigods.

Not to mention a black dragon behind Lord Arthur. The black dragon is a real God level life.

The God of fear made a decision in his heart. He didn't want to fight against such existence at all, let alone let his temple be broken by Lord Arthur.

"It turns out to be the great Lord Arthur. This" phantom necklace "is my previous work. I'll give it to you for appreciation. I hope you like it!" The voice of "God of fear" turned, and there was a trace of warmth in the voice.

Then there was a spatial wave coming out of the phantom necklace. David could intercept it, but he didn't.

How to say that this is also a God, and there is no hatred of God, there is no need to do things too much.

Just like just now, after David captured the fifth level bishop of Jeffers, he did not ask the fifth level bishop of Jeffers to disclose the location of the temple of "God of fear". That is to say, after tens of thousands of years of existence of evil gods in the great world, who knows what measures will be taken or what kind of friends they will have. As long as the evil god does not take the initiative to provoke him, he will not Enemy on many sides. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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