Transcendent David

Chapter 1200: CH 1198

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David played with the artifact "phantom necklace" and lost his "God of fear" consciousness of recognizing the Lord. His spirit easily entered the recognition array, making the artifact "phantom necklace" completely his own.

"Phantom necklace" can change one's appearance and breath at will. It also has a certain effect on hiding breath. If it is used with the artifact "creeping head crown", the effect will be better.

David has no need to change his appearance, let alone the demigod level. He is an ordinary knight. As long as he is stronger, he can change his muscles to a certain extent, so as to achieve the purpose of changing his appearance.

But changing breath is something special. Breath is a person's business card, which represents the person. Changing breath means that you can impersonate someone.

David has never seen this artifact "phantom necklace" in books. Perhaps it is because he has not read many books, but it is more likely that this artifact has not been made public.

Artifact like this, once the effect is made public, it will be on guard.

David doesn't need the rest. He doesn't need to change his breath and pretend to be someone else. His only function is to hide the breath, so that the exploration of the world rules from God's great world can not accurately locate him.

Now, no matter where he is, he has to wear the "creeping head crown", which is to prevent the God of war from finding the exact position.

On the other side, the God of fear takes back his mind, but he is still a little afraid.

It's nothing to lose Jeffers' fifth level bishop. The belief of "God of fear" has been spreading well. It's not difficult to cultivate a fifth level bishop by consuming some faith power, giving some divine grace.

The fear of "God of fear" is that he will continue to be tough. Lord Arthur can definitely get the position of the temple of fear from the fifth bishop of Jeffers.

Like the hapless God of storm, even the last temple could not be saved.

However, in the view of the God of fear, the God of storm is also self seeking. Believers who call storm God find the wrong place to offer sacrifices to Lord Arthur's people on Lord Arthur's territory. It is normal that Lord Arthur and the God of storm will never die.

The conversation between Lord Arthur and "God of fear" is very short, but in this short time, "God of fear" is aware of Lord Arthur's temper.

That is a lawless guy. He is absolutely brave to fight against the gods in front of him. What's most terrible is that he has such strength.

Lord Arthur and the black dragon Alexis, in any case, the God of fear did not want to be an enemy to him. You should know that the God of fear could not let the body of God enter the God's world.

Therefore, if you are against Lord Arthur, you will only be in a passive state.

The more he thought about it, the more uneasy he felt. His mind moved and he made a decision.

The fifth bishop of Jeffers was tied to a special chair with special chains on his hands, neck and feet.

These chains are full of patterns, and at this time the patterns are shining, so that the fifth bishop of Jeffers cannot mobilize even a trace of energy.

These chains are specially used by the Supreme Council to deal with the strong. They can't work simply. They need to work with the patterned array of the whole room to limit the energy in the fifth Archbishop of Jeffers.

"Bishop Jeffers, tell us why you want to assassinate the Knights of the temple of Leon. You have not done many things in the past thousand years, and it is even more rare to be a killer!" Speaker Gould asked in a deep voice.

Speaker Gould has the information of the fifth level bishop of Jeffers. This believer of the fifth level evil god can be said to be extremely low-key, and has not made many moves.

Therefore, although there are wanted for the fifth level bishop of Jeffers, there are not many meritorious deeds to be wanted. With the strength of the fifth level bishop, the wanted meritorious service is not enough for the strong men to fight for this.

This is also the way to protect the life of the fifth bishop of Jeffers. Every time he acts, he will carefully calculate the impact on himself, so that his reward will not reach a dangerous level.

"Speaker Gould, don't ask me any questions. You can do whatever you want." The fifth bishop of Jeffers said very simply.

Speaker Gould frowned slightly. He knew that it was not easy to get anything from bishop Jeffers v. the physical punishment of this old monster who had lived for thousands of years was useless. Bishop Jeffers was also a spiritual genius, and the use of spiritual interrogation was also useless.

"Then I have no choice but to give you to the war shrine!" Said speaker Gould, shaking his head.

The fifth bishop of Jeffers was silent, as if not afraid of the threat of speaker Gould.

Speaker Gould took out the speaker to contact the phalanx and contacted Archbishop Macintyre. This is also the last chance for Jeffers to contact Archbishop Macintyre. If he does not answer any questions, speaker Gould will really hand it over to Archbishop Macintyre.

The fifth Archbishop of Jeffers was just sitting with his eyes closed.

Speaker Gould entered a message in the contact phalanx, explaining to Archbishop Macintyre that the killers of the Knights of the temple of Leon had been caught and could be handed over to the war shrine at any time.Just as chancellor Gould was waiting for the war shrine to return, bishop Jeffers V suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes full of fear.

"Why, afraid?" Speaker Gould was somewhat surprised by the reaction of the fifth Archbishop of Jeffers. He thought that the fifth bishop of Jeffers was worried about being sent to the war shrine.

But soon speaker Gould found out that the situation was not right. The breath of the fifth bishop of Jeffers was rapidly weakening.

You know, in the largest interrogation room of the Supreme Council, bound by several patterned chains, the fifth bishop of Jeffers could not commit suicide.

But the breath of the fifth bishop of Jeffers is constantly weakening. Under the mental perception of speaker Gould, he feels that this is the internal collapse of Jeffers fifth level bishop.

"It's said that you have captured the believers of Jeffers level five, Archbishop Barney told me to come and ask for Jeffers' followers!" At this time, a message came from the speaker level contact phalanx of speaker Gould. This is bishop Boleyn of the earth temple.

Bishop Boleyn was not very polite to speaker Gould, because they had a very good relationship in private. They were brothers.

"Pauline, what's going on with Jeffers' five level cult followers?" Speaker Gould did not think about how bishop Boleyn would know about this. He quickly opened the contact phalanx and sent bishop Boleyn the information about bishop Jeffers' convulsions in real time.

"How could it be that the evil god of Jeffers' fifth level cult abandoned him, and his body should have been rotten for a long time. But because the evil god used his divine power to maintain his body immortal through God's grace, he was still alive.

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Now the evil god wants to abandon the believers of Jeffers level five evil god and take back the divine power given by God's grace. Naturally, his body will not be able to support it. It is inevitable that his body will collapse! " Bishop Boleyn explained to Chancellor Gould as he transferred the image to another board.

The fifth Archbishop of Jeffers did not make many moves, but one of them was related to Archbishop Barney, who was very young at that time.

Although Archbishop Barney has been trying to capture the fifth bishop of Jeffers for so many years, even as the Archbishop of the earth temple, Archbishop Barney can not find the trace of the fifth bishop of Jeffers.

aristocrats have ears and ears in the shrine, and the temple has never left eyeliner in the nobles. Such a big thing happens on the side of the Supreme Council. Although the four great shrines are not involved, they are also paying attention to it through their own way.

After hearing that the fifth level bishop of Jeffers was arrested, Archbishop Barney finally failed to resist and made a request through bishop Boleyn.

Speaker Gould shook his head helplessly when he heard bishop Boleyn's explanation. In this case, he had no good way but to watch bishop Jeffers die slowly.

"I have recorded the death process of the believers of Jeffers level five evil god. I believe it can satisfy Archbishop Barney!" Bishop Boleyn didn't ask for Jeffers' fifth bishop any more, he said with a smile.

Speaker Gould cut off the contact with bishop Boleyn. At this time, the reply from the war shrine came. Bishop Jeffers was handed over to the Supreme Council for trial.

In fact, Archbishop Macintyre of the war shrine wanted to come back in person, but as long as he thought that Lord Arthur was here, he had no idea of coming back.

Even in the whole war shrine, there were no deities and sacrificial rites willing to come at this time.

Archbishop Macintyre also knows that if the murderer is caught, the Supreme Council will at most be a bit negligent and fail to guard the Knights of the temple of Leon. The murderer is a believer of evil gods and the enemy of the temple itself, and the greatest responsibility cannot be transferred to the Supreme Council.

Besides, the Knights of the temple of Leon have fallen. Archbishop Macintyre doesn't want to appear for the sake of ordinary deities. The war shrines do not have the confidence to completely break away from the Supreme Council for the sake of those ordinary priests.

On the contrary, Archbishop MacIntyre is sometimes glad that the Knights Templars of Leon have not been tried, which is actually the best result. Otherwise, if Archbishop Macintyre really wants to turn against the Supreme Council for the sake of the fifth level Templar Knight, the situation will be even worse.

What the temple of war needs now is a period of recovery, to restore the number of its strong to its previous size, or even more, to suppress the Supreme Council.

Archbishop MacIntyre's most pitiful thing is the number of envoys in his hands. Now there are only three envoys left in the war shrine.

The strength of these three envoys is very weak. It goes without saying that they can suppress a legendary Knight at most.

And because the strength of the three envoys was weak, the three envoys were almost consumables. Each time the gods came down to deal with the legendary knights, they would lose one emissary.

This is not before, when God was the highest level in the big world. At that time, even if the weakest God sent him down, he didn't need any effort to solve the level 5 opponent.

But to deal with legendary knights, you need more consumption, which is not a weak God can bear.

Archbishop Macintyre had the idea of reviving the war shrine in his heart, but without the corresponding strength in his hand, he could only bear it.The archbishop, geoffre, may have broken up some of the bodies after the inquest.

David is in the speaker's office, sensing the shadow attendant suddenly flying out, and then absorbed a soul.

Since his spiritual scope has reached 1000 meters, this kind of thing often happens. As long as he is within 1000 meters, as long as there is death, the shadow servant will instantly appear in the place of death within 1000 meters and absorb the soul.

David himself had no need for spiritual energy, which was all digested by the shadow attendants.

This time, David was surprised that the absorbed soul was the fifth level soul with the origin of the fifth level soul. He was moved in his heart and knew that this was the fall of the fifth level bishop of Jeffers.

He could not help but sigh for the ruthlessness of speaker Gould, and directly killed the fifth Archbishop of Jeffers.

David did not know that it was because he told the "God of fear" that he was afraid of the God of fear and abandoned the fifth level bishop of Jeffers who might reveal the location of the temple of fear.

The trial court started again, and the whole trial process was very smooth.

The absence of Archbishop MacIntyre and the absence of representatives from the war shrine have kept the trial process calm.

The chief justice and the four judges, under the view of the nobility, made the judgment through the evidence provided by the noble affairs office and the law enforcement office.

All the magistrates involved in the massacre of the McNair family will deprive their blood and send them to the mineral star to dig until they die.

The chief justice also took into account the cause of the war shrine, and did not directly sentence the death of 86 deities.

But the deprivation of blood is no less than hanging on the spot. Most knights would rather die than be deprived of blood.

They lost their blood and were sent to the mineral star, and the gods would not live long.

Mineral star's environment is extremely bad, the stronger people can't bear it. It's lucky to lose blood and live a year there.

The verdict was reported to the war shrine and the other four shrines. The four shrines did not object to the verdict, nor did they raise any objection.

There was no immediate response from the war shrine, which seemed to acquiesce in this result.

But a lot of people in the big world have seen that there is a very obvious crack between the war shrine and the nobility, especially with the Supreme Council.

Only a few people speculated that the original pupa of this crack was an evil god, but even if they knew this, they could not affect the rift between the war shrine and the nobility.

Among the nobility, at least there is a lot less respect for the war shrine. In the eyes of the nobility, the war shrine is slowly losing its high position and turning into the enemy of the aristocracy. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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