Transcendent David

Chapter 1232: CH 1230

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Just as David spoke to speaker Gould, he sensed that the "Shenwen contact card" trembled.

"Speaker Gould, you come to command here. The God of war wants to see me if you want to." David said to speaker Gould with a strange expression.

As the space of the castle is occupied, there are some noble knights with high status in this room.

After hearing Lord Arthur's words, all the nobles were shocked.

Lord Arthur could contact the God of war directly, which was beyond the expectation of all nobles.

Although the nobles may have conflicts with the war temples and other shrines, the gods must be worshipped and respected in their childhood education.

Nobility can not believe in gods, but any one of the five gods is the actual ruler of the big world, which is reflected in the education of the aristocrats.

"Is there such a big gap between us and Lord Arthur?" The noble knight in the room thought.

"Lord Arthur, be careful. I don't think the evil black is right. Don't get too close." Councilor Gould was afraid of David's accident and reminded him.

"I'll be careful!" In the presence of so many people, David is not easy to explain that he knows the existence of "blasphemes". He can only say so.

David left the space castle and flew to the dark "space war Temple".

"Arthur Luce, please help clean up the outer layer of the" space war Temple ". There is an evil Zerg at the bottom of the" space war Temple " The God of war said to David in flight through the "God print contact card.".

"I'll be there soon!" David said in a deep voice.

If you can help, David doesn't mind doing it. You know, this is a big world war. Helping the God of war means strengthening God's fighting power in the big world.

"You should be careful. You can't use spirit probe. These evil insects can only use fire attack. It's better to let Alexis attack the black dragon in a long distance. Don't get close to it!" The God of War didn't want to harm David. The Shenwen agreement was not a decoration.

The God of war talks about the prevention and attack methods of "blasphemes", which is to enable David to make the right response to deal with "blasphemers".

"Thank you for reminding me that this blasphemer is really weird. I asked Alexis the black dragon to attack it with the breath of the dragon!" David was reminded by the God of war and named the blasphemer.

"Blasphemous insects, how can the Zerg world produce such strange Zerg, blasphemes should not appear!" When the God of war heard the name of the blasphemer, he said in a deep voice.

Even the God of war, who was well-informed, was extremely disgusted by this extremely evil existence.

If the God of war's noumenon is here, he can easily solve the "blasphemy", but in this kind of big world war, the God of war is impossible to appear.

Immortality is not to say that a God who believes in becoming a God can not be killed, but a god whose noumenon is hidden in the small world. As long as it does not come out of the small world, it cannot be killed.

In the main world, it usually appears in the way of God descending. This way of God descending loses the envoy of God every time. Even if the loss is great, it is just a spirit to pay.

Within the scope of the temple, the divine surrender can be separated from the God's envoy, and can be directly combined with the power of God and belief, and the available combat power will be greatly improved.

Depending on the convenience of the small world, the gods who believe in becoming gods can constantly fight with the enemy through God's surrender, and there is no need to worry about death. Death is only a small loss, which can not endanger the noumenon.

This big world war is not the war of a god of war. He can't be present in the body. What do the other four gods think? Besides, he is also worried about the unexpected appearance and damage of the body.

In the last battle with David's three gods, he was sure to win. Although the war situation did not reach the imagination of the God of war, the whole process was still under control.

"Alexis, don't get too close, pay attention to the power of breath!" David said to Alexis, the black dragon on his shoulder.

"No problem, my Lord. You can stay here and stay away from me." Alexis, the black dragon, rose into the air, not forgetting to remind David.

Although the black dragon is the most bad at long-range attack, as long as the dragon clan has a general long-range combat ability, that is, the breath of the dragon.

Dragon breath is a mixture of fire and acid energy, mainly fire, but also with a strong corrosive, the most important thing is that fire and acid are divine power.

Of course, the dragon breath is not always used. This is the attack of the Dragon spitting out the mixed energy in the body. Once the mixed energy in the body is insufficient, the breath of the dragon can not be emitted.

This is also why under normal circumstances, the dragon will not use breath, and will only hit if necessary.

The mountain like body of the black dragon Alexis is fully stretched out in space, and he sends out a provocative dragon song to the "space war Temple".This provocation is not to the God of war, but to the blasphemer. If the blasphemer leaves the temple of space war, Alexis, the black dragon, can directly spray its breath to death.

However, the blasphemer ignored the black dragon Alexis and was still attached to the bottom of the "space war shrine".

The black dragon Alexis flies around the "space war shrine" far away, looking for the position of the "blasphemer" with his eyes.

It's not easy to find a blasphemer in the same dark on the surface of the all black "space war shrine". Because it is impossible to use mental scanning to scan, the strong have long been used to using mental scanning to find the enemy.

Fortunately, Alexis, the black dragon, was a god level life born to fly. His eyes were extremely sharp. After flying around, he found the position of "blasphemer".

Alexis, the black dragon, carefully adjusted the power of his breath and exhaled a breath toward the blasphemer.

The dark red flame spurts out towards the blasphemer. According to Alexis, such a breath is powerful enough to wipe out a demigod. A fifth level Zerg like the blasphemer can be easily killed.

However, to the surprise of Alexis the black dragon, the jet of dragon breath on the blasphemer actually reduced the black on the surface of the whole "space war shrine", and did not cause any harm to the blasphemer.

"Arthur Luce, turn on the contact sign. I want to see what this blasphemer looks like!" The God of war pleaded with David through the "Shenwen contact card".

David did not refuse this request. He took out the "Shenwen contact card". When his mind moved, the "divine stripe contact card" projected the "space war Temple" in front of him.

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The God of war in the small world saw with his own eyes the "blasphemer" that howled at Alexis in the breath of the black dragon Alexis, which shocked the God of war.

A small five level "blasphemer" can withstand the breath of Alexis the black dragon.

Even if Alexis, the black dragon, controlled the energy and did not want to damage the "Temple of space war", it was enough to show how terrifying the defense of the blasphemer was.

The "space war shrine" uses space turbulence material, and the breathing power controlled by black dragon Alexis is not weak.

"I really want to capture blasphemous insects. It's really good research material!" The God of war seems to have recognized David's identity and has become more casual in talking to him.

"I think it's better to throw the blasphemer back into the Zerg world!" David doesn't want blasphemes to live in God's world. He doesn't want to meet such enemies one day.

"By the way, how much do you know about blasphemes?" The God of war asked curiously.

The God of war is understandable for David to know the name of "blasphemer". The two Zerg gods can help David in the great world war. How can this information be concealed.

"Blasphemy is also a taboo in the Zerg world. I only know that even the Zerg world is extremely afraid of blasphemous insects!" David thought about it and said.

"Zerg are also afraid of blasphemous insects, so I'm very interested in your proposal!" The God of war was excited to hear David say so.

Then David's "divine pattern contact card" in his hand had an item transfer prompt, which was sent by the God of war. It needs David's confirmation before it can be transmitted.

David confirmed the teleport, with a transparent ball in front of him, the size of a fist.

His spirit sweeps, this is a strange space object, looking at the fist size, but inside is a small piece of space debris, which is the size of a football field, and is 20 meters high.

"Although I don't know the specific situation of the blasphemer, since the blasphemer can use the space door, it must not affect the space energy. I will ask the God of justice to send a sacrifice with space divinity to help you catch the blasphemer into the space ball.

There is a self destruct array on the space ball. You can help throw the space ball back to the Zerg world, so that the Zerg can feel the power of "blasphemous insect" Said the God of war in a deep voice.

The God of war is really angry with the "blasphemer" who makes him embarrassed, but he is even more angry with the Zerg behind him. So even if he can't study the blasphemer, he should let the Zerg feel the bite of the blasphemer.

David felt a little strange in his heart, because the God of war he talked to was not a God without feelings, but a life with emotions.

In the past, David only felt the anger of the God of war, but now he also felt the God of war's malicious revenge.

It is almost impossible to say that throwing the blasphemer back into the Zerg world will cause huge losses to the Zerg world.

But when it comes to disgusting Zerg, that's absolutely true.

"I don't need the God of justice to send sacrifice here. I have the gift of space!" David said with a smile.

It is estimated that the temple has long known that he has a space talent. He has used the ability of "breaking the sky" many times. Of course, the temple side always thinks that it is a kind of space artifact or a talent of teleportation.The God of war seemed to have known it for a long time. He didn't say anything else. He just waited for David's action through the "Shenwen contact card".

David throws the space ball first, and he won't get close to the ball until the blasphemer is under control.

David is more confident than the God of war to use space to guide blasphemes, because this is how Zerg move blasphemes.

"Alexis, keep the power of breath, give me a moment!" David commands the black dragon Alexis through his soul.

Alexis, the black dragon, has unconditional trust in David. Although it is very expensive for him to breathe, he still tries his best to maintain the breath.

The God of war was envious of Alexis the black dragon.

It is not easy to envy a deity, or the one who rules the world.

The God of war, even if he is the God of God, has not been able to obtain the loyalty of the dragon. The dragon is not so easy to control.

"Death has made a wedding dress for others!" The evil god of war.

It has been known that death captured a black dragon who was seriously wounded in the war with the dragon clan. When the God of war last met Alexis, he knew that death had been busy for tens of thousands of years.

David's mind moved. He activated the ability of "breaking the void". He placed the exit of the space passage in the space ball, and the entrance of the space passage was placed more than 10 meters away from the blasphemer.

This position is also the limit of David's perception that there is no danger, and it is estimated that his spirit will be damaged.

The "blasphemer" bears the breath of Alexis, the black dragon. Its way of confrontation is to consume the evil breath of the whole "space war shrine" with the dragon breath.

In this case, the blasphemer is unable to fly, and even moves extremely slowly.

The "blasphemer" suddenly found a space passage. Although he said that there must be something wrong with the passage, there was something more important than life preservation. Without hesitation, the blasphemer crawled toward the space passage.

At the entrance of the space passageway, the "blasphemer" appears in the space ball during the space rotation.

After the blasphemer enters the space ball, David can see the inside of the space ball through the transparent shell of the space ball.

The "blasphemous insect" falls on the ground inside the space ball. Because the space debris in the space ball is very small, although life can barely exist here, there is no condition to form a life cycle. Therefore, the space sphere is extremely desolate, without any plants or other life.

David saw the black mist rising from the blasphemer's body rising sharply, and the ground was slowly turning black. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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