Transcendent David

Chapter 1233: CH 1231

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Just a "blasphemer" pollutes the space debris inside the space ball. Fortunately, the space ball is not David's, otherwise he will still be heartbroken.

David has a lot of space objects, but not many of them are bigger than the space ball.

The main reason is that there are too many avatars, even ordinary space rings used by legendary knights.

Of course, David's reference to "ordinary" refers to the space ring used by normal level 5 Templars, and the space ring he wants to qualify for is artifact level.

In a short period of time, the "blasphemer" has completely polluted the space ball. The inner space of the space ball is not connected with the outer shell. There is a space barrier around the space inside the space ball. There is no need to worry that the "blasphemer" will break the space ball by polluting the outer shell of the space ball.

Without the continuous pollution of blasphemous insects, the "space war Temple" is surrounded by golden fire from the interior of the "space war Temple".

The black dragon Alexis also stopped breathing and was recovering from his previous consumption.

His way of recovery is to constantly take out spiritual fruits from space objects. Compared with the mountain like dragon body, the small spiritual fruit has a strange disharmony.

Alexis the black dragon poured into the mouth of spiritual fruit, almost in tons.

This kind of extravagant behavior is seen by the God of war through the "Shenwen contact card", and he can't help but smoke from the corners of his mouth.

Spirit fruit for the gods, also has a certain effect, can supplement physical strength and energy, the most important thing is that there is no side effect.

However, few gods use spiritual fruit to restore physical strength and energy, because the production of spiritual fruit is too small. The total output of the whole God belongs to the great world, and a part of it is left for the temple below, which can only be used for tasting fresh food in the hands of gods.

Don't say that the gods don't listen to rumors. At least there are many rumors about Lord Arthur that the God of war has heard.

It is rumored that Lord Arthur got the space debris that produced the space spirit. If Lord Arthur had never left the God and belonged to the big world, the God of war would not think it was true.

But Lord Arthur was able to go to Zerg world, and he had a close relationship with the interstellar Federation. Maybe this kind of space debris could not exist in God's big world, but other big worlds could not be said.

The "Temple of space war" has returned to its original color. The polluted black has lost its "blasphemer" and has no resistance at all.

The "space war shrine" flew towards the defense line and returned to its original position.

Archbishop Macintyre received the oracle. He was pale and issued orders. Half of the deities and sacrifices were separated from the other "space war Temple" to enter the empty "space war Temple".

The portal of the "space war shrine" has also been opened, but it will take some time to transmit all the required deities and sacrifices.

"Arthur Luce, when the rest of the blasphemes have been eliminated, please throw the space ball into the space door!" The God of war said to David.

The God of war doesn't ask too much. Now the black "blasphemes" gather in front of the space door, and it will take some time for the fire in the 14 space temples to be cleaned up.

Although the number of "blasphemous" is still too many years, the number of blasphemous insects is too much, but the number of blasphemous insects is too much.

"Yes!" David nodded.

However, he didn't do it himself. As soon as his spirit moved, he flew out of the space Castle not far away.

Anton legendary Knight flies to the space ball and reaches for the space ball in his hand.

David doesn't want to touch the space ball with his own hands, not even spiritual contact. "Blasphemous" also brings him a lot of shadow.

Anton's legendary knight is his avatar. What's the avatar used for? Isn't it convenient to do things that noumenon is inconvenient to do?

The God of war is not surprised that David let Anton's legendary Knights hold the ball of space. Basically, every top nobleman has a dead man. Even if he is not a dead man, there are also family Knights willing to sacrifice for the family.

This is the idea that God belongs to the great world for thousands of years. The God of war is also satisfied with Anton's legendary Knight's strength, which is enough to carry out this task.

In front of the space door, the fire was still burning, and the piercing scream continued.

The fourteen space shrines have opened a long-distance belief channel, which provides a steady stream of faith for Shenhuo through the remote temples.

There are "blasphemous insects" here, and there is no more swarm of insects on the other side of the Zerg world. It will be futile to send a swarm of insects to share the trouble for God's great world.

Just when David thought that he would have to wait a long time, the consumption of faith in the fourteen space shrines suddenly increased by ten times, and then the golden flame suddenly poured out many times as powerful as before.

David could see that the five gods had done it.It should be that blasphemes are too troublesome, and the five gods don't want to have any more accidents.

The blasphemer's piercing howl didn't last long. With the end of the howl, David sensed the shadow waiter's impulse to absorb his soul. He quickly controlled the shadow waiter.

He knew that the blasphemer had been killed, and the world will that followed made him feel strange.

Because David felt anger in the will of the world, which is hard to imagine for the world will, which has never been revealed.

David's side is OK, just aware of the anger of the will of the world, but the five gods in the five small worlds have changed their faces.

It is a great event for the five gods to perceive that God's will of the world belongs to the great world, which has produced a sense of alienation from them.

The connection between the five gods and the world will of God belongs to the big world is established after the unification of God belongs to the big world. This connection enables the five gods to exert their abilities beyond themselves in the god world.

Just like long-range space movement, only when gods belong to the big world can we use the "gate of faith", because the five gods are supported by the will of the world.

Although the alienation of the will of the world did not make the five gods completely break the connection with the will of the world, the connection is actually weaker.

That is to say, after killing more than 50 blasphemous insects at a time, the world will be extremely disgusted with the souls of the dead blasphemers, and the five gods will be implicated.

In the final analysis, it was the fire of the temple of the five gods that killed the blasphemer.

The God of war was glad that the blasphemer was ready to be thrown back into the Zerg world, not killed on the spot.

Although it's just the death of a blasphemer, maybe this is the last straw to crush the camel.

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Perhaps increasing the soul of this "blasphemer" will completely disconnect the world will of God belonging to the big world from the five gods. In that case, the loss of the five gods will be great.

It is still unknown how many thousands of years it will take to rebuild the connection with the will of the world.

This time will be the weakest time for the five gods. Who knows what will happen during this time.

David didn't know that. After perceiving that the blasphemer had been cleaned up, the legendary Anton Knight flew to the space gate with a wave of his hand.

"Alexis, take me to protect Anton David said in a deep voice.

Only the breath of the black dragon, Alexis, can pose a fatal threat to the blasphemer. To protect Anton's legendary knights, it is better to ensure that the space ball is safely sent into the space gate.

David's figure flashed and sat on the black dragon Alexis's back. The dragon on Alexis's back scaled into a chair, making him sit more comfortable.

In the space temple where blasphemes have just been eliminated, everyone breathes a sigh of relief, and no one wants to face such horrible creatures again.

"What is that?" Exclaimed Archbishop Adele.

The scanning phalanx forms an illusion in front of the five archbishops, among which is Anton's legendary knight and Alexis the black dragon behind him.

In fact, none of the five archbishops paid attention to Anton's legendary knights. They all looked at Alexis, the black dragon who was flying near.

"Do you want to attack?" Asked Archbishop Macintyre.

Archbishop Ambrose and three other archbishops glared at Archbishop Macintyre with their eyes. They all doubted that such an archbishop would make the war shrine look like.

"Look at the scanning results of the space war shrine before you speak!" Said Archbishop Barney in the least.

Archbishop MacIntyre's spirit sensed the situation of his two "space war temples" and found that the scanning result was alliance state.

In fact, we don't need to look at the scanning results of the "space war Temple" in front of us. We can see that the black dragon Alexis in the illusion is not marked as an enemy.

In the great world of God, all gods are either enemies or allies.

"Is that Lord Arthur?" Archbishop Julian pointed to the figure on the back of the black dragon Alexis in the phantom and asked in disbelief.

Even if he knew that Lord Arthur had the help of black dragon, he didn't expect that black dragon could let Lord Arthur sit on his back. He took the divine black dragon as his mount.

"Dragon Knight!" Archbishop Adele whispered a word that only appears in knight novels.

After saying the word "Dragon Knight", Archbishop Adele's face turned red. The Archbishop's reading of knight novels was nothing, but it was a little embarrassing to say it in public.

However, at this time, the other four archbishops did not laugh at Archbishop Adele. Instead, they recognized what she called "dragon knight.".

"Dragon Knight" is only imagined in knight novels. Why is it fantasy? Because the dragon is a divine life, even the weakest adult dragon is a demigod.In the age of the dragon, catching a dragon to become a mount, not to mention whether it can be done, is to be able to do it, but also need to consider the Revenge of the whole dragon clan.

After the end of the age of the dragon, the dragons tore up the space and left the divine world, and the dragon became a legend.

While the five archbishops were discussing it, they were all together, and they received the similes of their respective gods.

"Order all space temples to stop any attacks, and do not affect Lord Arthur's actions!" Exclaimed Archbishop Ambrose.

Archbishop Ambrose's order was quickly passed to all the space temples. The space temple had not received the order and would not take the initiative to attack Lord Arthur and his party.

But Archbishop Ambrose strengthened the order, which was the God's fear of accidentally injuring the space ball in Anton's legendary Knight's hand.

The space ball is a random work of the God of war. It is not strong enough and can be destroyed once attacked.

If the blasphemer is released, the five gods will never want to see the consequences.

Fourteen space shrines, more than 100000 deities and sacrificial rites quietly watched the black dragon Alexis fly close to the space door.

Alexis, the black dragon, has been keeping a distance of 200 meters from Anton's legendary knights. When he encounters a problem with this distance, the "blasphemer" will not affect this side. At the same time, he can also start breathing to solve the "blasphemer" as soon as possible.

Anton legendary Knight holding the space ball has come to the space door. His spirit touches the space ball gently and activates the self destruction array.

He throws the space ball into the space door and quickly backs away.

The legendary Anton Knight stands behind David, on the back of Alexis the black dragon. Alexis turns back to the space castle.

Even if Alexis, the black dragon, had a strong breath, but the sacrificial and divine officials of the five temples still had an impulse to worship after seeing the terrible dragon body.

The natural threat of life level can not be hidden by the strong breath.

David sits on the back of Alexis, the black dragon. He enters the body of the demigod, the golden winged beetle king, in the Zerg world.

He is curious about the situation after returning the blasphemer in the space ball back to the Zerg world, just like a kid who has played a prank and wants to see the tragedy of the teased.

What David didn't expect was that he appeared in the enclosure of the space temple on the black dragon Alexis, which made him the first "Dragon Knight" in God's big world.

At the same time, he also had the same height with the gods in the hearts of all Temple gods and sacrificial rites.

In the world of gods, there were only five gods in this position. Now there are more Lord Arthur.

Although the deities and sacrifices of these temples did not produce faith to Lord Arthur, the recognition of temple gods and sacrifices made David's identity truly placed in the position of the sixth God in the god world.

Perhaps none of the five gods who signed the divinity agreement with David thought about this, but it happened.

Even the five archbishops had the same feeling that David had an equal relationship with the five gods. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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