Transcendent David

Chapter 1268: CH 1266

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"Eternal guardian" is not only a artifact, but also an artifact ring with space storage and protection ability. Its more important significance is David's emotional commitment.

In the interstellar Federation, the normal age for marriage is 40 years old. If the two love each other before, they can make love.

The two "eternal guardians" are the love betrothed between David and Emma. Although David didn't say this, Emma was very clear about it and didn't need to say something.

For the next two days, Emma's face was very bright, and she would touch the "eternal guard" on her fingers from time to time.

Along with Emma's side of the two female beetles, also happy for Emma, they secretly told Emma's mother, Mrs. Amelia.

The news also relieved Mrs. Amelia that the family could be said to be tied to General David, or totally dependent on General David's power.

Although Mrs. Amelia knew that the relationship between General David and Emma was very good, both admiral David and Emma were too young to be tested too much, which made Mrs. Amelia, who was used to the separation and separation, very worried.

What's more, Admiral David and Emma didn't really settle down. This time, Admiral David sent a love thing to let Mrs. Amelia down.

David mobilized the military to send an invitation to the extraordinary who came to the rescue the other day. In addition, he also sent an invitation to senior military and government officials.

On the afternoon of the dinner, the best restaurant in Qiya was protected by the military and police. Several roads were completely closed. In the sky, there were more than ten small warships patrolling. Even in space, there was a fleet standing by.

Before the dinner, one of the top hovering cars came to the restaurant door.

The people who get on and off the floating car submit the invitation letter in front of the door. No one is allowed to enter this dinner party, so only one person can enter each invitation letter.

However, none of the invited guests had any comments. This dinner party is already the top class dinner party in aridia.

General David has not really met with all parties since he was in charge of the armament of aridia. This is also a rare opportunity to have close contact with General David.

Extraordinary people also put aside their usual publicity, they are very punctual, neither early nor late, almost at the same time.

In front of the dinner, the two knights stood still, and lieutenant general Bradford served as half host to welcome the guests.

General David's status was too high, and few of the guests could excuse him to welcome him.

However, when fox arrived, David took the initiative to come to the door to welcome him.

Fox extraordinary came with three disciples. His eyes narrowed slightly as he swept over the two knights.

Although his strength can only be regarded as level three, he still has vision. He feels extreme danger in the two knights.

The 12 level 4 sky Knights have also given fox a sense of extraordinary danger, but it is obviously not as strong as it is today. It can only be said that the strength of the two knights has been improved.

In particular, fox thought that General David had said that he wanted to improve the strength of the guard knight, but he didn't expect that in just a few days, General David really did.

Fox saw the same ring on General David's finger as Emma's again, and a smile appeared on his face.

"I'd like to congratulate David and Emma and invite me to your wedding Fox said with a smile.

Emma is said by fox to be a little red, but she did not dodge. Since wearing "eternal guard", her relationship with David has been confirmed.

"Uncle Fox must be invited then!" David responded with a big smile, and then said to the three disciples beside Fox: "you too

The level of the dinner was beyond Fox's extraordinary imagination. Here, we saw not only the senior officials of Kia City, but also the senior officials of Iridia star region.

The military, not to mention, appeared at the scene are officers with the rank of general.

David took Emma through the dinner, and it was the first time he had taken Emma to such an important occasion.

He established a formal relationship between him and Emma throughout the airidian realm, and Emma's identity changed from Queen of heaven to an important figure in the Federation.

The guests cast envious glances at Emma. Many people know that this event, which shocked the Federation, involved many forces. The reason was that Emma was attacked.

In particular, the rings on the fingers of two people are smart people who can attend the dinner party. How can they not know the meaning.

"How do you do, Mrs. Amelia?" David brought Emma to Mrs. amelia and said with a smile.

Mrs. Amelia looked at David and Emma with some emotion. One of the Deputy commanders of the Federation wrote a song to Emma for love, and even sang a love song. This event has become a model of love in the interstellar Federation, which has aroused the admiration of countless people."David, you must treat Emma well!" Mrs. Amelia patted Emma and told David.

Mrs. Amelia's action at this time is like giving Emma to David. Emma's mouth is closer to David with a smile. Today's Emma is the happiest woman.

A lot of eyes are on this side, and the official relationship between General David and Emma will spread throughout the airida region, which David intends to do.

Although twelve level five Templars and the artifact "eternal guardian" can protect Emma, the best way is for Emma not to get into any trouble.

Let all the forces in the Federation know that Emma is David's scale. In addition, with the care from the government to the military, I believe those forces will no longer have the courage to attack Emma.

In fact, even if David doesn't do this, I don't think anyone in the interstellar Federation will dare to provoke Emma any more.

This time, even the intelligence organizations that transmit intelligence have been uprooted. All personnel of the Lutu financial group directly involved have entered the military prison and their property has been confiscated.

Many intelligence organizations have blocked information about Emma, fearing that the information might be used to provoke General David's anger.

The following month, David and Emma spent time together in the world of Renca, and Emma pushed out all activities to spend the rare two people's world together.

This month, whether it is the interstellar Federation, the God of the big world, or the Zerg world, it seems very calm.

But under this calm, it is the undercurrent surging.

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The twelve evil gods are meeting again in their own little worlds through illusions.

"Mother forest, how is your contact with the demigod Arthur? Is there any progress? " Death asked the mother forest God.

"There's no progress. Demigod Arthur is closed again. I don't know when it will end!" Said the forest God, shaking her head.

Mother forest God has his own ideas. He only talks about half god. Arthur refuses to cooperate and doesn't tell his discovery. This is his way back.

If you become a God, you will lose a lot of freedom, such as the most important freedom. But the mother forest God is different.

Even in the twilight of the gods, the mother forest God is in a protected position. Although she can obtain some status by relying on the supply of resources, it is impossible to achieve complete freedom.

In order to maintain her present status, the mother forest God needs to allocate the resources cultivated in her small world to other gods.

Therefore, in order to attract the life energy of the demigod Arthur, the Forest Mother God is willing to become the subordinate God of the demigod Arthur. In any case, it is not worse than the current situation.

"I heard that the interstellar Federation failed?" The God of death looked at "evil spirit" and "blood god" and asked.

"The interstellar Federation has at least legendary strong, I and the God of blood have failed to descend, the God envoys and statues have been destroyed!" "The God of evil spirits," he said in a deep voice.

"We got the wrong information. Did the five temples deliberately mislead us?" "The God of blood" is also a little angry.

The "evil spirit God" and "blood god" lost a lot in this operation. They are not the five big temples with rich money. Each of their gods is extremely precious.

The loss of believers is small, but precious statues and important envoys are huge losses that they cannot bear.

"No, the information about the interstellar Federation is also collected from various aspects. It is impossible that all the information of the nobility is false!" The God of fire shook his head.

"But the truth is, the interstellar Federation has killed our minds!" The spirit of evil spirits adheres to the Tao.

"There is no need to try again on the interstellar Federation side. I have news that the second group of believers sent to the interstellar Federation were all found when they left the interstellar Federation theater and were ready to enter the interstellar Federation interior. All the rebels were killed by warships!" "The God of shadows," he said in a deep voice.

After the first group of believers from the evil spirit God and the blood god successfully entered the interstellar Federation to spread their faith, the God of shadow sent a group of believers without consulting with other gods.

In fact, it is understandable that most of the Twelve Gods of "Twilight" have their own thoughts.

This kind of private action is too common, and the "God of Shadows" doesn't even feel that there is anything wrong with this behavior.

"The God of shadow" completely imitates the experience of "evil spirit God" and "blood god", bribes nobles and transports believers through "star boat".

His luck is very good, this group of believers were not found by the guard star, of course, this is also related to the "God of Shadows" divinity has hidden their own breath of divinity, luck and the role of divinity, so that this group of believers successfully crossed the guard star.

Entering the outer space of Battlestar from the border, or even entering warstar, was very smooth. At that time, David's side was still in the investigation stage, and did not attack warstar.

This allowed this group of "shadow God" believers to successfully sneak into the interstellar Federation war zone before cleaning up.After gaining a new identity in the war zone, the followers of the "God of Shadows" must think that they are completely successful.

They took a rest in the interstellar Federation theater for a period of time, then boarded the ships of the purchased federal forces and prepared to enter the interior of the Federation.

Everything is very smooth, after checking again and again, finally left the war zone and entered into the last checkpoint, airidia star field defense line.

Originally, according to the believers of the "God of Shadows", the astral defense line of Iridia is the simplest barrier.

This is because the main purpose of this checkpoint is to prevent illegal immigration, and the believers of "God of Shadows" travel in regular spaceships with relatively legal procedures.

However, just as the "shadow God" believer's spaceship entered the defense line, an order was received that all personnel must be inspected.

Every ship that wants to enter the interior of the Federation must pass by a battleship. All crew members need to gather in the cockpit and stand on the side of the battleship for scanning and review.

Although all the spaceships have complaints, they have to endure the complaints even when facing the fleet of 10000 warships in the defense line. What's more, there is only one more inspection.

The "shadow God" believers did not care about this inspection. Perhaps in their view, such inspection is far less than the previous level inspection, which was scanned by more professional inspection equipment.

The ships of the "shadow God" believers are in line, but the inspection speed of the spacecraft ahead is very fast, as long as the battleship passes slowly.

Finally, it was the turn of the "shadow God" believers in the spaceship. The crew of the ship told the "shadow God" believers that they must all go to the cockpit and not be lucky because the life scanning device will find anyone who dares to evade the inspection.

In addition, the crew also told the "shadow God" believers that their identity was completely legal.

This makes the "shadow God" believers have no extra worry, they stand in the cockpit, watching the spacecraft a little closer to the battleship.

Just as the spaceship approached the battleship, a box in the battleship gave off a pure white light, which instantly wrapped the spaceship on the side.

"Damn it, it's the magic of light!" The screams and screams were joined together.

The inspection method David prepared is the "light divinity technique and divine pattern array". It uses several "divine power crystals" as energy, which will not trigger normally. Only when the believers of evil gods are found can the "bright divine arts divine pattern array" be activated.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, the "light divinity technique and divine pattern array" can be used for many years without worrying about energy problems.

It can also be said that the followers of the "God of shadow" were unlucky and became the first victims of the "light divinity and divine pattern array".

This kind of "light divinity and divine pattern array" which is powered by "divine power crystallization" can release the "light divinity skill", which is powerful enough to damage the fifth level bishop.

It has a lethal effect on followers below level 4, and those who can send to the interstellar Federation are all followers below level 4, because the energy level of level 4 believers will be detected by the federal scanning device.

The followers of the "God of Shadows" were reduced to ashes one by one in the "magic of light", and the ship was locked by several main guns. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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