Transcendent David

Chapter 1269: CH 1267

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It can be said that David's act of placing the "light divinity pattern array" in the airdiya star field defense line completely cut off any evil god believer's access to the interstellar Federation.

In addition, after warstar has been reorganized, it is necessary to consider the consequences if anyone wants to provide convenience for the people belonging to God in the big world for the benefit of themselves.

The "God of Shadows" did not conceal that the legend of Annabella was not in Gami, which was guarded by the legendary Knight of Anton.

The Anton legendary Knight sends a signal to David in the interstellar Federation as soon as he receives the transmission request.

David, who was accompanying Emma, moved his mind and separated a part of his mind into Anton's legendary knights.

Anton legendary Knights know who the lady Kathleen is. If she is a real lady, it is impossible to apply for transmission to garmi. The only one who can do so is the "mother forest God".

David's mind enters the soul of Anton's legendary knight and takes over the body of Anton's legendary knight.

With a wave of his hand, he agreed to Baroness Kathleen's application for transmission.

Others also flew to the planetary portal, waiting for the arrival of Baroness Katherine.

The figure of Baroness Katherine appears in front of the planetary portal. The temperament revealed in her eyes is not the temperament of an ordinary baroness, but a temperament that has lived for thousands of years and experienced countless stories.

"Mother forest God, what are you doing here?" Anton's legendary Knight's temperament also changed greatly. He still inquired with an equal attitude when he knew that lady Kathleen was the "Mother God of the forest".

The "mother forest God" looked at Anton's legendary knight. His eyes flashed with doubt, and soon came to his senses.

"Great demigod Arthur, I'd like to meet you and discuss something important." "Mother forest God" said with a slight bow.

"Mother forest God" is not too strange. Anton's legendary knights are normal among the gods, just as he can be attached to the Baroness Katherine.

However, the "mother forest God" did not think that the demigod Arthur could have such a means. Only the gods can do this.

But think of the magic of the demigod Arthur. He has Alexis, the black dragon, who has reached the demigod level in just a few years. At the same time, he still has the mysterious breath of life absorbing him.

There's something strange about Arthur's semi divine ability.

"How important is it to meet? Can't this be done? " David is in the interstellar Federation, and he controls Anton's legendary knight.

"I must be in front of the demigod Arthur to be able to tell that this matter concerns the safety of God's great world!" "Mother forest God" insisted.

The "mother forest God" believes in demigod Arthur, but does not believe in Anton's legendary knights. In other words, he would like to have a face-to-face communication with the demigod Arthur, feel the breath of life again, and deepen his determination to turn to demigod Arthur.

"Anton will take you to the hall for a rest. I'll be back in a minute!" David thought for a moment and said.

David, who was in the interstellar Federation, looked at Emma with some regret. He promised Emma to stay with him for a period of time. He had to leave again after only one month.

"David, is something wrong?" Emma was sensitive, she asked softly.

"Yes, there are some things I need to deal with, and I'm leaving again!" David said helplessly.

"You've been with me for thirty-five days. You've delayed a lot of things. Don't worry about me!" Said Emma, smiling.

Emma really feels very happy. David has been with her for such a long time, and has disclosed their relationship to the interstellar Federation.

"I give you the emergency contact information, anything you can contact the emergency contact information, I can receive the message immediately!" David didn't forget to tell him when he left.

Naturally, what David left behind was the contact information of the fifth level bishop of einside who stayed in the "interstellar Federation security point". As David's Avatar, as long as the message is sent, David can feel it through his soul in any big world.

After David left Emma, he first used the ability of "breaking the sky" to teleport himself into space, and then opened a space wormhole leading to "the safety point of God's big world".

He entered the wormhole in a flash, and when he reappeared, he was already 500 meters below the surface of garmi.

David's clothes and face were all changed into demigod Arthur, and Alexis the black dragon appeared on his shoulder.

He is a "void" talent. He appears in the hall of the castle and sits opposite the Baroness Kathleen.

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"Mother forest God" felt the familiar breath of life, which made him indulge in it. In order to get close to it, he was willing to give everything.

Later, the "Forest Mother God" made a new discovery. Although he used the body of Baroness Kathleen, which limited his many abilities, he still had his vision.

Looking at the demigod Arthur at such a close distance, the "mother forest God" found that the demigod Arthur had some differences."Demigod Arthur, have you finished the body of demigod?" "The Forest Mother God" asked with some uncertainty.

The reason why the "mother forest God" did not dare to confirm was that the last time he saw the demigod Arthur a year ago, at that time, the semi God Arthur could not see the state of "demigod body".

The "half god body" is generally not visible to the strong. Only by observing the skin close to the gods can we find out the difference.

Having a "demigod body" is a real life sublimation, which makes life reach the level of God from the ordinary. Although it is only a demigod, it can also reach the edge of God, and still cross the threshold of God level.

Based on observation and experience, it can be concluded that Arthur, the demigod, is in a state of complete demigod.

In this state, it is almost certain that you want to be a God.

In the future, we only need to constantly enhance the energy, and then we can continue to move towards the divine level.

"Mother forest God" is really a good eye David said with a smile.

After being confirmed by the demigod Arthur, the "mother forest God" had a strong idea in his eyes.

"I have a message to tell you this time!" At this point, the eyes of the "mother forest God" fell on the black dragon Alexis, and there was a trace of hesitation in his eyes.

"Mother forest God," Alexis is trustworthy, he knows everything about me David saw the concern of the mother forest God and said with a smile.

Alexis, the black dragon, also glanced at the "mother forest God" with slight dissatisfaction.

"The God of death has called on all our gods to discuss and call upon the dragon family to return to God and belong to the great world!" The Mother God of the forest finally told the news.

David didn't feel much. For him, he didn't know what the dragon family meant to God's belonging to the big world.

Perhaps in the information books, he saw the records of the age of the dragon, but the history was too long to arouse his resonance.

"What? Does death want to summon the dragon clan But Alexis the Black Dragon said.

"I've forgotten, demigod Arthur, that you don't know the horror of the dragons. Alexis, the black dragon, is here to confirm what I'm going to say.

In the age of the dragon, human beings were ruled by the dragon, and the gods were suppressed by the dragon. Finally, the gods launched a group of resistance and defeated the dragon. The dragon family went away from the world.

That war, which lasted tens of thousands of years, brought down countless gods Since Alexis, the black dragon, is here, the "mother of the forest" is restrained when explaining it.

"It should be the gods who launched a rebellion and calculated the dragon clan with innumerable conspiracies and tricks. The dragon clan finally chose to avoid it!" Alexis, the black dragon, retorted.

Alexis, the black dragon, takes a different stand, and naturally his words are quite different.

"Alexis the black dragon, in any case, you must admit that the return of the dragon clan will once again plunge the whole god world into an endless war of gods, countless planets will be destroyed by the war, countless human beings will die in the war, and the god world will again enter a long period of chaos." "Mother forest God" said to Alexis the black dragon.

Alexis, the black dragon, did not speak. He knew that mother forest was true.

"What's more, when the dragon clan returns to fight with the five gods, it will also cause losses. To know that the five gods have ruled the gods in the big world for tens of thousands of years, no one can see their strength clearly. Although the dragon clan is powerful, after the consumption of different worlds, how much strength can they still have now? Can they really compete with the five gods?" "Mother forest God" continued.

Alexis, the black dragon, was even more silent. He fought with the God of war. At that time, he and two Zerg gods fought against the God of war. The battle was even.

This is only the God of war. In the big world war with Zerg world, the attack of the God of justice alone made Alexis the black dragon recognize the strength of the five gods.

Alexis, the black dragon, did not see the Dragon when they left God's world, but he could guess the residual fighting power of the dragon clan at that time.

To tell you the truth, Alexis the black dragon has no confidence that the return of the dragon clan will pose a great threat to the five gods, unless there is an unexpected development of the dragon family after leaving the world of God. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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