Transcendent David

Chapter 171: CH 171

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Galen sat alone in the small hall, where he sat after David left, with a helpless look in his eyes.

David's genius exceeded his expectation, and when David took out five bottles of "holy water of immortality", Galen surmised the possible direction of the mysterious organization.

Although Galen is currently in a very high position in the rock star, is the first strong government, but he is not enough.

After the return of warstar, Galen exchanged all his War Merit Awards for a chance to break through the extraordinary, a bottle of extraordinary potion and corresponding resources provided by the military in the breakthrough.

Maybe his luck, maybe his life and death in warstar, made him a miracle.

Galen extraordinary did not stay in the military. He was full of unspeakable feelings for warstar, including fear, disgust, anger and hatred. Warstar was the source of all negative emotions for him.

Many of his friends died in the battle of Zhanxing. It was a terrible memory. Whenever he recalled it, he would feel trembling.

For resources, he turned to the rock star government, which provided extraordinary resources.

Because of his lack of knowledge, most of his cultivation methods were obtained from the government of rock star. For the government of rock star, which was not extraordinary, the knowledge related to transcendence is very rare.

Maybe David can still accept his guidance in the first division, but from David's current performance, Galen himself also knows that he can guide too little.

As far as resources are concerned, Galen's transcendence can only support the consumption of David during his breakthrough of transcendence. However, without a systematic knowledge system, David may be able to become extraordinary, but just like himself, he can become an ordinary extraordinary, and can only become the guardian of a bad planet.

Galen's expectations of David are very high. He doesn't want to waste David's talent.

Combined with that mysterious organization, it was the most reasonable choice to send David to alidia first college.

David is in the top room, with a hand on the shadow attendant's shoulder in the void, and the light bulb of divine language (99% mastery) flows into his body.

As the orb of knowledge of divine language (99% proficient) entered David's body, a vision appeared before him.

First, a lot of information flowed into his brain, and then he appeared in a study where an old man in a strange robe was teaching him knowledge.

This knowledge includes daily communication, poetry, literature, professional language and so on. David sat in his study and received one-on-one instruction.

Maybe it's because it's just language knowledge. Although the knowledge is extremely complicated, the time of illusion is not too long. It seems that the illusion has passed for several months at most, which is far less than that of those visions of combat ability. Once it enters, it takes several years and decades.

When David opened his eyes again, he felt as if he had learned a foreign language. He could not only speak and write, but also learn the context in which to respond correctly.

He took out the three books which God belongs to the big world characters. The words on the books are no longer strange, but have a strange sense of intimacy.

The titles of the three books, Kerry's diary, an overview of magical objects and crystal meditation, illustrate their contents.

David first took out Kerry's diary. When he opened it, he was stunned because the contents in it could not be understood by 99% of his proficient divine language, and the order of characters was chaotic. There was no word in it that could be viewed completely.

"Encrypt!" He immediately thought of the greatest possibility and was greatly disappointed.

Perhaps he can use his mastery of the word of God's big world to use the medium-sized server to crack the encryption, which does not require much resources for the medium-sized server.

However, David needs to spend time and energy, and also needs to see whether the cost and benefit of cracking are worth it. It is not worthwhile to develop a cracking software for a new language family just for a diary.

David shook his head, put down Kerry's diary, and picked up the overview of magic items. When he opened the inner page and saw the contents, he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The content of "overview of magic items" is not encrypted text. David can see it clearly from the content to the pictures.

This is a book about special effects items in the god world. It records 35 magic items, including the space ring David got.

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The description of the space ring is like this. The space ring uses the heart core of the Zerg with space ability as the material. After enchanting, the space storage magic items are made. The space size of the space ring is related to the texture of the space Zerg heart core and the level of enchantment.

David thought about the space tearing heart core that Galen and Daryl were fighting for. It seems that the heart core should be the raw material of space objects, but I don't know whether the space objects of the interstellar Federation also use the same materials.

He then flipped pages and pages, and a completely different world opened up to him.

He saw a short stick that can activate fireballs, the strength of fireballs can melt special steel, masks that can breathe in water, amulets that can provide extra strength for themselves, and necklaces that can heal the body after being stimulated.David really saw another world civilization system, a completely different civilization system from the interstellar Federation.

"Why David was overjoyed. When he turned to one of the pages, he saw the familiar disc, which was the one in the ring of space.

The introduction of the disc let him know what kind of object it was, the Juyuan disk, a kind of magic article that uses krypton crystal as energy to gather special energy in the universe to speed up self-cultivation.

The six empty grooves are where the six krypton crystals are placed, and the way of activation requires the giver to activate with his own energy.

David was not in a hurry to take out the Juyuan disk, but continued to read it, but there was nothing to attract him after the record.

He picked up the last book "crystal meditation", opened it and saw the chaotic way of recording again. He closed the book with disappointment.

Throw the three books to the shadow waiter. With a wave of his hand, the three books disappear and have been included in the space ring.

David also put the spirit into the shadow service body and took out the gathering source plate. This time, the body was easily caught and carefully placed on the ground.

In the space ring, he took out six krypton crystals. He found that these krypton crystals were somewhat different from those seen in ordinary days. These krypton crystals were all the same in shape and were more pure than the krypton crystals he had seen before.

David doesn't know whether this kind of krypton crystal was processed by the special technology of God's big world, or the krypton crystal itself is like this. However, the amount of krypton crystal in the space ring is enough for him to consume six or seven times, so it is not necessary to consider the problem of krypton crystal for the time being.

Placing six krypton crystals in six grooves, he manipulated the shadow server, which, according to the record, emitted a strange energy toward the center of the source plate.

Then a faint light was emitted from the source plate, which completely wrapped up the area with a diameter of three meters around it, forming a light blue light ball.

David was standing beside the Juyuan disk, surrounded by the light ball. He was sensitive to the strange energy gathering.

"Useful!" He was happy in his heart, did he find a way to practice quickly?

Without thinking about it, David immediately began to practice the 18 movements of the body lifting technique. When the 18 movements of the body movement were over, he was not happy at all.

Because in the process of practicing the 18 movements of body skill, those strange energies have not been absorbed.

The reason why he didn't practice "high-level oracle" was that there was no gene repair module here. He didn't want to suffer from physical damage all night. In addition, he would have to deal with Galen tomorrow, so he would not hurt himself.

Just when David was disappointed, he suddenly felt the abnormality from the shadow waiter.

When he put his mind into the shadow service body, he immediately felt the difference. Those strange energies were slowly entering the shadow service body, strengthening the shadow service's nihility body.

Although this strengthening is not obvious, David is very sure that the energy gathered in the source plate has an effect on shadow.

For a long time, the only powerful way for shadow servers is to absorb souls. David has always believed that this is the way to strengthen shadow servers, but now it seems that Juyuan disk can do the same.

David walked out of the range of the source plate and left the shadow in it. After an hour of consumption, the six krypton crystals remained unchanged.

Of course, this is very normal. Krypton crystal is not an ordinary energy source. Its huge energy can support the spacecraft engine to work for many years. Unless the shield is opened under attack, it is very difficult for krypton crystal to be consumed in a short time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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