Transcendent David

Chapter 172: CH 172

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Although he had a late rest last night, David woke up at six o'clock on time. He opened his eyes and saw the blue light ball and felt the shadow inside.

After a night's absorbing of strange energy, shadow service is really stronger.

But it's really a little stronger. With David's keen sense now, he can see any change in shadow service.

The power of shadow service has increased by about a gram, which has little effect.

However, David saw the hope that the power of shadow guards could increase. If they continued to persist, they might be able to attack directly with weapons.

Of course, the shadow guards are far from that requirement. They don't have the strength of tens of kilograms. Even if they use needle weapons, they can't pierce the skin of the strong.

With the help of the space ring, the shadow waiter can enter any sealed area with poison and kill the target with poison.

Or go into the closed area and steal anything that the space ring can earn.

Unfortunately, all the forces in Naan had a good relationship with him. Even the free blade mercenary group paid a huge price for attacking him.

So he just wanted to find an enemy to test the shadow servant's ability, but he couldn't do it.

However, poison can be prepared in advance. As for where to buy poison, David's eyes are on the identity bracelet.

Yesterday, he had the right to enter the mission site of the Oracle Association. At that time, he just glanced at it and didn't examine it in detail.

At this moment, he opened the identity Bracelet connection to enter the task site of the beetle Association. The identity Bracelet threw a light curtain, on which appeared the logo of the beetle Association, and then entered it automatically.

Task site is divided into several areas, one is to publish the task area, the second is the resource list area, the third is the discussion area.

Open the release task area, where a lot of tasks are released from high to low. Because his permissions are authenticated by extraordinary privileges, he can see all the tasks of the rock star Oracle Association.

The ordinary members of the association can only see the corresponding tasks.

Most of these tasks are aimed at exterminating Zerg. For example, three first-class Zerg were found at 202 traffic artery, and a beetle combat team was needed to go there. For example, fifteen middle-level and above-level warriors were needed to guard the 15th mining area in the west of the city.

Even David saw the related tasks of the resource star near the rock star, but the tasks of guarding the resource star all required the lowest, all of which were high-level beetles.

The reward for completing the task is the contribution point of the beetle Association. David estimates that it is no different from the contribution point of the government. It is all to reduce the role of credit points and better let the members of the association complete the task in exchange for resources.

Thinking about resources, David goes back to the resource list area, and he sees all kinds of resources.

There are first-class and second-class weapons to be exchanged. First class weapons are better. They can be exchanged at more than ten thousand contribution points, while second-class weapons need to be exchanged at thousands of contribution points.

According to the tasks David saw in the release mission area, a normal a beetle who has completed the task for half a year can probably exchange for a class I weapon, while it is estimated that it is impossible to exchange a class II weapon depending on personal ability.

Exoskeleton armor, cultivation resources, a large number of materials, training techniques and so on are all marked in the list of resources. It is probably because of this that countless warriors are attracted to join the association.

David glanced around and finally saw the small classification of poisons. The reason for this is that there are very few poisons that can work on Zerg.

Zerg has a very strong anti-toxic, for humans is a lethal dose of poison, for the Zerg may be just dizzy.

Therefore, there are only five kinds of poisons in the small classification of poisons, and the quantity of each kind is only a few bottles.

David saw that the cheapest bottle of poison was called "nerve suppression type III poison", which also required 2000 contribution points, while the number of contribution points that each person could assign to a common task was only a few dozen.

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You should know that most of the tasks will not be completed by a single person. The top class beetles focus on cooperation. Even if the top level beetles face the first level Zerg one-on-one, they dare not say that they are sure of winning.

And the more the damage of body and equipment is reduced, the more consumption is saved and the income is increased.

So despite the fact that some tasks have 100 or even hundreds of contribution points, a group of beetles go to carry out, and the contribution points of each beetle assigned are very limited.

David shook his head. He wanted "nerve suppression type III poison" very much, but his contribution was beyond his imagination. How could he have time to slowly brush his contribution points in exchange for it.

In fact, David saw five kinds of poisons, none of which were aimed at the first-class Zerg. Each of these precious poisons was produced by professional companies through special methods of extraction and blending.

The beetles who normally buy these poisons are prepared to deal with the powerful second level Zerg.David gave up the idea of doing the task and buying poison for the time being. He turned to the discussion area again.

He saw all kinds of messages in this area.

"One of the group's five most powerful warriors is missing, and high-level Warhammer warriors are preferred!"

"I am good at training and mastering the Warhammer. I ask a group of first class soldiers to take in and follow the arrangement!"

"Find two powerful big shield beetles to do the task of tearing the flying insects together. The big shield beetles will give priority to the spoils!"

When David saw this message, he couldn't help but move. Killing "tearing flying bug" to get its soul can generate speed talent knowledge light ball, which is a special knowledge light ball that directly improves agility.

He patted himself on the head, patronizing the search for poison, and did not pay attention to the "tearing flying insects.".

David quickly returned to the release task area and started searching with the keyword "tearing the flying insects". About ten or more tasks about "tearing the flying insects" appeared.

Tear flying insects are a kind of terrible first-class Zerg. They are extremely fast and attack fiercely. In addition, they often appear in groups, making it extremely difficult to kill them.

In these 14 missions, David saw at least a dozen "tearing flies" together. In one task, nearly 100 "tearing flies" gathered together.

These are not only the "tearing flies" that entered the rock star during the last Zerg invasion, but also the "tearing flies" that entered the rock star at the time of the invasion, bringing the latest genetic code. As long as the larvae of Panshi meet some conditions, they can evolve into "tearing flies.".

David looked at the nearly 100 "tearing flying insects" mission. When he saw the record of 12 failures, he couldn't help but feel awe.

The red failure represents the real death. David doesn't believe that anyone can escape from the pursuit of nearly a hundred tearing flies.

It may not be long before this task can be completed. Then the military will use war weapons to wipe out the "tearing flying insects" far away from the kryptonite mining area, while the "tearing flying insects" near the kryptonite mining area will be exterminated by the military.

In fact, there is a strange balance between the emergence of the Zerg and the beetle. If the beetle needs to be promoted, it needs the Zerg's fortified meat. If the beetle needs powerful weapons, it needs the Zerg's claws and teeth. If the beetle needs better protective gear, it needs the shell of the Zerg.

It can be said that the strength and combat power of the Oracle need Zerg.

The most effective way for humans to kill Zerg is to use powerful energy weapons. In spite of krypton crystal mining area, Zerg can not resist these super weapons that can explode asteroids.

However, as a result, humans have lost the Zerg material and the opportunity for the oracle to ascend.

That's why there are so many Zerg clearance missions, instead of using powerful weapons to clean them up.

David set his target on the task of eliminating 15 "tearing flying insects". The mission time is one month. After receiving the task, the approximate position will appear in the identity bracelet. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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