Transcendent David

Chapter 175: CH 175

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This group A's aircraft is very ordinary, just a small landing ship.

This kind of landing ship is usually used as an accessory device of a large spacecraft, but for a small group of six people, this landing ship is enough.

David joined the team without revealing his identity. After signing the temporary contract, he joined the team in the name of David.

As long as there is no conflict between the two sides because of the dispute, neither party has the right to check the true identity of both parties.

You know, after leaving the safe city of Naan, many of the first class wanted to keep their real identity secret, so David's behavior was normal in the eyes of team leader Boris.

David's field combat experience is very little. Although he had fought out of the city when he was in peran, he was only within the safe range of the city.

He is confident that the experience he has gained from the light ball of knowledge is enough to cope with most of the situations, but he still chooses to carry out several tasks with the experienced team of first class members, and then he will choose whether or not he wants to do his own activities.

"We're going to fly to the safe area of Nanan City. Let's go!" Bliss ordered in a deep voice.

David will put aside the land lion loading box to take over, first take off the back sword, leg army thorn, and then activate the loading box to start his armor.

"David, I didn't expect you were good at using swords too!" Edith, who was removing her make-up, said with a smile.

"The combat effectiveness of shield is too weak, so I choose long sword, and I can attack at any time!" David explained with a smile.

"We'll fight each other when we have time. There are too few warriors who use long swords!" Edith continued.

She did not stop to remove her makeup as she spoke.

"Is it strange that I can remove my makeup?" She asked, chuckling at the curiosity in David's eyes.

David nodded. He was really curious.

Edith's appearance can be scored 80 points after makeup removal, and less than 70 points after makeup removal. With the beauty loving nature of women, how could Edith remove her makeup at this time.

"Some Zerg smell very sensitive, the smell of cosmetics is not conducive to my investigation task, these damned insects!" Edith said as she continued to remove her make-up.

"Edith, you look good without makeup!" Maitland came to praise, but it was Edith's white eyes.

David put on the exoskeleton armor, the general's stab and sword were equipped, and he had a big shield in his hand.

The rest of the team, with the exception of Edith, completed the first.

The exoskeleton armor of these team members is the standard exoskeleton armor of the Oracle Association, none of which is a special type of exoskeleton armor.

"David, this mission doesn't pay a lot. If you use such good exoskeleton armor, once the exoskeleton armor is damaged, this mission will be lost!" Maitland looked at David's land lion's exoskeleton armor with envy in his eyes, but said.

David thought about the maintenance price of the exoskeleton armor he saw in the government building. The more common the standard exoskeleton armor, the cheaper the maintenance cost.

For the warrior who is good at cooperation and ordinary, the enhancement provided by excellent exoskeleton armor is not decisive for combat.

Of course, in the final analysis, it is a word "poor"!

"Thank you for your concern. I will pay attention to it." David didn't explain too much, he said with a smile.

He took part in the mission mainly for the purpose of "tearing apart the soul of the flying insects". As for the contribution value of the beetle Association, unless he stayed in Naan city all the time, he could not get any good things by doing the task only in the past few months before he went to University.

Even if there is some damage to the exoskeleton armor of the land lion, the expected contribution value is enough to repair.

"It's all experience!" Maitland said with a triumphant smile.

Bliss frowned. David's mastery of the big shield and his holding of the second class shield are enough to show that David is a beetle with a background. These words of megaland always have a provocative meaning, which will affect David's perception of the team.

"Now I turn on the team channel!" Bliss interrupted Maitland and said in a deep voice. He turned to David and said, "David, go into the wild. According to the rules of the field, you call me captain, fielding two, case three, Edith four, Maitland five. We call you number six. Is that ok?"

"No problem, Captain!" David nodded.

In this respect, he has learned that even the channel of exoskeleton armor is not absolutely safe when entering the wild. All the warriors wear face armor, and their identities will be kept secret. However, if they call their names in the channel, their identities will also be exposed, so they will use code names normally.

And the most normal code is the number code, because it is the most convenient and easy to remember, in the most dangerous can easily call out the corresponding code.

Bliss nodded with satisfaction. The other side had such strength at a young age and was very easy to get along with.

"Captain, close to the target position!" Case report with navigation map in front."Landing!" Briss ordered.

With his words, the landing ship landed toward the ground.

It wasn't long before David felt a slight shock. It was the landing ship that landed.

He took off the leather cover on the big shield, and the faint blue light made the light cocoon light on other people's weapons look very dim.

"Wow, second grade big shield!" Even if it is speculated that David's big shield is level 2, but the team members can't help but exclaim when they really see it.

After getting off the landing ship, natural David put himself into the identity of big shield beetle and stood at the front of the line.

Fielding placed a camouflage net for the landing ship, which could not be found as long as it was not too close.

The landing ship also has its own alarm system. If it is too close, it will give a warning to the team at the first time.

This is the first time David walked out of Naan city. He looked at the map navigation in the exoskeleton armor, which is more than 500 kilometers southeast of Naan City, just near the mission site.

"From now on, do not use the external speakers of exoskeleton armor, only the team contact channel is allowed!" Bliss seemed to be taking care of David, especially.

David turns off the external speaker, which is normally turned on. Otherwise, it is hard to get the sound out under the protection of the helmet after wearing the upper armor.

"No. 4, you go around to investigate. Report the target immediately. The rest of the team keeps walking forward. The target is in front of you. The speed is 20!" Bliss continued on the channel.

"Yes, Captain!" Edith should say that although the exoskeleton armor she was wearing was also standard exoskeleton armor, David found that several of the heaviest pieces of armor were missing from the standard exoskeleton armor.

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This greatly reduced Edith's exoskeleton armor defense, but at the same time gave her a place to add a special acceleration engine.

This kind of acceleration engine can accelerate the exoskeleton armor, but the beetles rarely choose to install it.

The reason is simple: Although the acceleration engine speeds up the exoskeleton armor, it is not fast enough to compare with the speed Zerg, and this acceleration is more effective in straight running, and it is not helpful for combat.

Of course, this kind of acceleration engine is very suitable for scouting beetles. David saw that Edith was running forward at a speed of more than a third faster than that of ordinary beetles.

David won't wait for Edith's investigation. At 20 meters above his head, the shadow guards are hiding there.

A little of his mind remained in the shadow server's body, which gave him an extra pair of eyes to look around.

At this height, within a range of several kilometers around, he was in observation.

The team was very slow. The speed of 20 kilometers per hour was the walking speed for the beetle.

This gives David the energy to observe Edith's actions. He is still very curious about the detection of the oracle.

Edith has a variety of scanners, including life scanning, thermal scanning, insect scanning designed for Zerg, and electronic signal scanning. Although her exoskeleton armor lacks some armor, she uses the lightest sword, but her exoskeleton armor is equipped with a large number of peripherals.

In the wild environment, Zerg is the biggest enemy, but at the same time, we need to be cautious about the Strange Oracle.

Although the beetle association has mobilized Skynet's resources, as long as the beetle on the mission opens the video on the exoskeleton armor, it can let the beetle Association know what happened during the mission.

However, it is also difficult to stop some beetles' sneak attacks, because the exoskeleton armor is not marked. As long as the signals on the body are shielded, the beetles can do whatever they want in the wild.

As Edith runs, she throws small devices on the ground. These are trigger devices. Whenever there is abnormal activity, it will trigger an alarm so that she can find out.

Her combat effectiveness is very weak, but she is the most indispensable member of the whole team.

Her speed suddenly slowed down, and inside her manicure, a red scan was warning her that there was an abnormal target in front of her.

Edith gave orders to the exoskeleton armor, and then soft pads appeared on her feet, which made her move quietly.

She was very careful and slowly forward, and at the same time released a small robot dog.

The robot dog is also wrapped in soft material, so it is silent during operation.

"Captain, we found six tearing flies together, but we didn't find the rest of them!" Soon in front of the robot dog back to the screen, while Edith synchronized the picture to the team channel, while reporting.

"No. 4, mark up and continue the investigation!" Bliss said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Captain!" Edith whispered back.

"It seems that there is no mistake in the intelligence of this mission. We will work out a combat plan after the fourth finds the rest of the" tearing flies. " BLIS said on the channel.

"Captain, can the mission intelligence of the association still go wrong?" David interposed."No. 6, Zerg, especially the flying Zerg" tearing flying bug ", will probably change their residence position after staying in a certain place for a period of time. Therefore, the intelligence of the association is not 100% accurate." Bliss explained patiently.

"Captain, we found another nine tearing flies. I've already marked them!" Edith's voice is on the channel again.

David also saw two locations on the shared team map, with a distance of about five kilometers.

This distance is too close for the "tearing bug". As long as one side is disturbed, the other side comes to support it only in an instant.

What's more, even the smallest group of six tearing insects is not something this team can cope with.

David was a little curious about what the team was going to do next.

"No. 4, be careful. Start with the six tearing flies. We'll meet you at this mark point!" Said bliss in a deep voice.

On the shared team map, a marker was set up three kilometers from the six tearing flies.

"Six, go straight to mark three at full speed!" Bliss then issued an order to David.

"Yes, Captain!" Then David answered.

With his big shield in his hand, he speeds up towards the direction of the mark. He is the arrow of the team, and the other team warriors follow him.

Although David's experience in cooperation is very poor, he is familiar with all weapons through the illusion in the light ball of knowledge, and he can master the battle formation coordination of the beetle in the small team.

So he naturally cooperated with the rest of the team. Of course, this is what every beetle must learn, but no one knows that David has never been taught this knowledge.

Ordinary beetles, after being certified, need at least a period of time to learn, master some necessary knowledge, and learn to manipulate exoskeleton armor.

David went straight through the process, acting like a veteran.

Bliss followed David, but he was relieved.

Before David showed his own strength, master level big shield is enough to make perfect protection in battle.

However, when he saw David's age, he was worried that David's unfamiliar formation would affect the cooperation with the team.

Now, seeing David unconsciously and naturally into the formation of the team, and leading the formation of the team, he is completely put down his worries.

Just as they were running, the ground was rolling, and a larva came out of the ground and grabbed at the front of the team, David.

David's shield in his hand has always been on guard. This is a habit inherited from the knowledge owner of the big shield. Accidents will happen at any time in the wild, so the weapons should be prepared for battle at any time.

The larva darts out of the front soil. David doesn't even slow down. The big shield falls.

After a tenfold increase in the strength of 1300 kg, it has reached 1300kg. In addition, the second grade material of the big shield will increase the damage when hitting. The outer shell of the larva can't even defend itself, so it is directly smashed in the air. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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