Transcendent David

Chapter 176: CH 176

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This accident did not affect the team's forward speed, big shield is not good at attacking, that is relatively speaking.

For the second level shield, the larva's defense does not need to be sharp to crush it.

"No. 6, if you didn't show your strangeness to the wild before, plus your age, I would have thought you were a beetle who often wandered in the wild. You have a good teacher!" Bliss couldn't help praising.

"Captain, my teacher is really good!" David came back laughing as he ran.

Although his knowledge was not taught by Galen, Galen's transcendence was indeed excellent for him.

The larvae that have just been shot to death do not leave any traces on the second grade shield. Any blood stains will not stay on the second grade materials. As long as a gentle swing, all the stains will be removed.

There was no further trouble and the team came to mark three.

"Five, set up the shield!" Bliss ordered to Maitland.

"Yes, Captain!" Maitland, who was on the mission, was obviously different from usual. He did what he said and immediately began to lay out the shield.

It's also understandable that if Maitland had been on duty for so many times, he would have been kicked out of the team. No one would have liked a guy who was restless in a dangerous place.

David saw the shield under Maitland's cloth, and through his electronic countermeasures division ability, he recognized that it was a miniaturized equipment of sound shield.

Maitland placed four shielding devices around 100 meters, so that the area of 100 square meters was completely affected by the shielding devices, no matter how loud the sound could be transmitted.

"Captain, will those tearing insects come by accident?" David asked anxiously.

You should know that this location is too close to the location of the tearing insects, although it is covered by a sound shield.

"No. 6, it seems that you are not familiar with the characteristics of" tearing flying insects ". In the future, you'd better master all the information you want to hunt and kill Zerg before each mission Burris said in a deep voice, and then he went on: "tear flies don't like midday, when the sun is at its peak. They usually stay at a standstill when they are not disturbed and wait until noon before flying again."

David couldn't help but feel a little nervous. Since he got the shadow master's ability of integrating knowledge and light sphere, he really lacked the acquisition of knowledge.

He thought that it was enough to rely on the knowledge in the light sphere of knowledge, but the knowledge in the light sphere of knowledge was only knowledge in a certain field, not omnipotent.

Maybe in the future, David will integrate more knowledge into the light sphere, and he can really achieve omniscientism, but at least now he has not reached this level.

David secretly told himself that he should be fully prepared for any task in the future, but he will only have one life.

On the other side, Edith takes out the robot dog again. She takes out an injection gun and carefully injects a little liquid from the tube into the soft material of the robot dog.

The amount of this is very important. This liquid is a pheromone of Zerg. If you inject too much, the pheromone will attract all the nearby Zerg.

Edith only wanted to attract one of the six "tearing flies" and wanted to control the accuracy of pheromones.

The robot dog walked towards the six "tearing flies" at a very slow speed, and as it got closer and closer, its speed was almost one centimeter closer.

A kilometer away, Edith is engrossed in the image shared by her face armor and robot dog. Although she has successfully attracted many first-class Zerg using this method, she is not so much faced with "tearing flying insects".

The previous mission attracted two "tearing flies" at one time, which directly caused the big shield beetle of the small team to be seriously injured. This is also the reason why the team has to find the big shield beetle again.

This time, Edith had her previous experience, and her understanding of "tearing flying insects" was deepened.

All of a sudden, in her shared vision, a "tearing bug" moved. Almost at the same time, she gave the robot dog a command to back off.

"Lacerated flying insects" have a very sensitive sense of smell and are very curious. If they smell the breath, they will check.

Edith takes out the syringe and drops a drop of pheromone on the finger of the exoskeleton armor.

The tear bug found the retreating robot dog by its sense of smell. It suddenly accelerated and flew towards the strange thing.

As far as tearing flies are concerned, as long as they are not of the same kind, mechanical dogs are a delicious meal.

Just as he got close to the robot dog, he smelled a stronger smell. At the same time, he saw Edith running.

Jiashi, who have been fighting with Zerg for thousands of years, have long been enemies of each other. Even this hatred is engraved in the soul of every Zerg through the Zerg gene.

After seeing Edith, the beetle immediately gave up the robot dog and turned its target to the enemy beetle.

If there are more than one beetle in front of you, the "tearing fly" will sound a warning and call for its companions.However, Edith was the only one, which made the "tearing fly" give up the warning and pursue Edith.

Edith pushes the speed of her exoskeleton armor to the limit, while she scatters the powder she has prepared behind her, which is the smell the Zerg hate most.

This kind of smell is just like human beings face the stench, they will have the instinct to dodge.

The meeting place of Edith and the team was only two kilometers away. She made her first move, and with the influence of several powder balls, she was not overtaken by the "tearing flying insects" when she approached the meeting place.

David saw the whole process of Edith's pursuit and escape through the shadow attendant, and he could not help but sigh that none of the warriors who could fight in the field was simple.

Complete preparation, full speed exoskeleton armor, and sophisticated calculations are the basis for Edith's escape.

"Six, pick up!" The voice of bliss's command came.

"Got it!" David answered.

He tightened the big shield in his hand. In the past, he faced the first-class Zerg with long-range attacks, but this time he had to face it. He felt a little nervous, but the big shield in his hand gave him great confidence.

This confidence comes from the powerful master level shield master, from the elite big shield beetle of the free blade mercenary regiment.

David looks at the flying "tearing bug" flying in the distance. The distance between "tearing flying insect" and Edith is very close, but David still needs to wait for "tearing flying insect" to enter the sound shielding area.

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The scanning device on Edith's exoskeleton armor, frantically displaying a series of red warnings on her armor, each time closer to her.

She felt that every second was extremely long, and the speed of this "tearing fly" was beyond her expectation.

The flying speed of all the "tearing flies" is not the same. Edith attracted more "tearing flies" than most of them.

At the final tens of meters, Edith felt the threat of death.

As a scouting beetle, she faced life and death more often than ordinary beetles. Although she was in extreme danger, she remained calm.

Edith saw the familiar blue light, which was David holding the second class shield.

She breathed a sigh of relief, and a flash of fire burned the pheromone on her exoskeleton armored finger.

Although this does not immediately change the pursuit of "tearing flying insects", it will not be because of this reason that they will continue to pursue her after being blocked by big shield beetle.

David pressed his right arm on the shield with his left hand. He used the posture of holding the shield with both hands. His feet pressed hard on the ground to make two deep holes. Then the big shield was in front of him. Under the protection of the big shield, he launched a charge against the flying "tearing flying insects".

This is a strange feeling. A single "tearing bug" is enough to kill any beetle easily. Only one beetle can be fearless of danger, that is, the great shield beetle.

David also has a second level shield, which is a big shield that the first level Zerg can't break through.

It is for this reason that, as the team leader, Boris did not give up his teammate because David was too young. The second class shield is enough to form a solid defense for their team.

Even without knowing whether David had team experience, bliss agreed to carry out the task together.

It was less than a meter away from Edith that David's second-class shield hit him.

The power of "tearing apart the flying insects" is not its advantage, but it is only relatively speaking. For David now, the power of "tearing flying insects" is not what he can resist.

So after the collision, David's body flew back.

Fortunately, David long before the collision, the exoskeleton armor and the shield formed a solid whole, which greatly reduced the impact of huge force on the body.

The second level shield and the land lion exoskeleton armor absorbed more than half of the impact of the tearing bug, and the rest couldn't hurt David.

It's also hard for the "tearing bug" to suffer. It's a second-class shield. Although it's not very powerful, it still causes a slight injury to the "tearing bug.".

The tear bug gave up pursuing Edith. On the one hand, the disappearance of pheromone made it lose its attention to Edith. On the other hand, it hated David, the beetle who caused its damage.

David had expected that, just after landing on the ground, his second-class shield landed on the ground at the bottom, slightly tilted, his feet against the ground, and his arms pressed behind the shield to prepare for the impact.

"Let's get together and get ready to fight!" Cried bliss.

The "tearing fly" makes a shrill cry, which is calling for its companion. It also finds that this is the enemy's trap. With its experience, its companion will come after a few breaths at most after calling.

It didn't know that there was sound shielding."Tearing the flying insects" is very fast. This time, it is totally aimed at David and rushes over.

"Boom The flying body of the "tearing bug" hit the big shield heavily, which made David's feet fall into the ground.

If tear bug continues to move and attack, David has no time to respond.

Of course, David didn't want to expose some of his strength. He fought according to the normal reaction of the big shield beetle.

By this time, the Warhammer in the hands of BLIS had already attacked, and the "tearing flying insects" felt the power contained in the hammer and dodged in a hurry.

However, the four beetles, who had worked together for a long time, were ready for a series of attacks after David attracted the attention of "tearing flying insects".

As soon as the "tearing bug" avoided blith's hammer attack, Maitland's heavy axe immediately attacked it. However, he tried to avoid upward, but was blocked by case's heavy axe.

After escaping from the attack of three heavy weapons, Fielding's first-class hammer hit the "tearing bug" on its back at the most appropriate time.

"Tear flying insect" was hit hard by the hammer and fell to the ground from the air. Just as he was about to struggle to get up, David also responded. The second grade shield took David's body from top to bottom and pressed down.

Without the advantage of flying, the speed of "tearing flying insects" could not be played out. It was hit by David's big shield.

"Six, it's nice to work with you!" Said bliss, laughing.

His hammer hit the head of the "tearing bug" accurately, which made it seriously injured. Fielding's hammer then hit it in the same position. The "tearing bug" struggled for a while, and the continuous hammer attack was enough to make it unconscious in a short time.

Keith and Maitland did not hesitate. When BLIS and fielding attacked, they also completed the accumulation of strength, and the heavy axes in their hands hit the neck of the "tearing fly".

Although the neck of the "tearing fly" has a thick shell to protect it, it can't resist the heavy axe attack that the beetle has accumulated for a period of time.

With the green blood flowing out of the wound on his neck, David could see that the tear fly had been fatally hurt, because under his big shield, the struggle of the tearing fly was very weak.

David didn't get up. The big shield was still holding down, and his body was as tight as possible to ensure that he was not stabbed by the claws of the tearing fly.

When he felt the shadow servant descending from the air, and a sense of intoxication came from the shadow attendant's body, David took back his big shield and stood up.

"Captain, confirm that the tear bug is dead!" Edith found out the exact status of the "lacerated flying insect" through life scanning on her face armor.

"The first" tearing fly "was successfully killed. No. 4 will deal with it and everyone will rest for a while." Said bliss, smiling.

David is also lamenting the professionalism of this team. It is estimated that only such experience can take on such a difficult task.

At the beginning, he thought the team was too weak, because only BRICs was the top one, and the rest were only high-level ones. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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