Transcendent David

Chapter 177: CH 177

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Edith came to the corpse of "tearing flying insects" and took out a decomposition knife the size of a dagger from her waist. What's rare is that this decomposition knife is shining with dark blue light. Although the light of dark blue is very weak, it also shows that the decomposition knife uses grade II materials.

Edith's action is very quick, first with the decomposition knife to cut the claw thorn of the "tearing fly", and then dig out the teeth from the head.

After the material was cut, the back of the "tearing fly" began to be cut. Two strips of fortified meat were taken out and put into a bag.

"On the 6th, I photographed the whole process of" tearing the flying insects ". The materials we got from" tearing flying insects "were not mission items. We assigned them by ourselves. After the task was completed, we returned to Naan city and distributed them again." Bliss explained to David.

"No problem!" David didn't have to nod.

At the moment, he is pressing his hand on the shadow server, absorbing the soul of "tearing flying insects", and at the same time, he is checking the newly acquired light sphere of knowledge.

Looking at the white "speed talent (usable)" knowledge light ball, his heart is not interested in the rest of the spoils.

What he needs now is to constantly kill "tearing flies" to get more "speed talent (usable)" knowledge light balls, so as to enhance his agility and make up for his lack of speed.

Edith also used a disintegrator to cut off several of the thickest shells and the wings behind them.

David didn't study this. After flying the shadow boy back into the 20 meter air, he observed the decomposition of Edith.

He also understood why Edith's decomposition knife is made of grade II materials. Without this level of decomposition knife, the time and energy required for the complete decomposition of this level of Zerg corpses will be doubled.

Within two minutes, Edith was able to decompose without even a trace of green worm blood on her exoskeleton armor.

"On the sixth, everyone in the team has their own tasks. Number four specializes in decomposition. The value of the materials she decomposes can be increased by about 10% compared with the materials decomposed by others. Therefore, although we know that she is very tired, we will wait for her decomposition as long as we have the opportunity!" Briss then explained to David.

It is true that Edith did not participate in the final battle, but this time she was able to hunt and kill the first class Zerg successfully, relying on Edith's attraction.

"Captain, this is a boast, I have no combat effectiveness, so I need to do more things!" Edith, however, put away the knife and said with a light smile.

As a female beetle, although her strength is not weak, her continuous outbreak is no less than that of male beetles. In addition, she chooses the scouting beetle and uses a long sword as a weapon, which makes her face the first level Zerg with little power.

In order to be able to play a sufficient role in the team, Edith learned to decompose, which made her position in the team has been greatly improved.

"All right, clear the battlefield and get ready to fight on!" Said bliss, clapping his hands.

Maitland used a heavy axe to make a hole in the ground, pushing the remaining corpses into it and covering it with earth.

Then he used the flame spraying device equipped with exoskeleton armor to burn all the green insect blood on the ground. During the operation, he was extremely attentive and did not let go of any place.

"Captain, I'm going!" Edith, too, rearranged herself, said softly.

"Be careful!" Briss replied.

The team's fighting was very efficient. In just one hour, Edith attracted four "tearing flies" and all of them were killed by the team.

The whole process was extremely smooth, and David completely regarded himself as a real big shield beetle, as well as the rest of the team.

There was a smile on his face behind his armor. He was already thinking about how to invite David to join their team. With David's master shield beetle and second-class shield, the team was very relaxed when facing a "tearing bug".

The other beetles in the team were also in a good mood. In the last operation, before attracting two "tearing flies", every time they killed a "tearing bug", everyone was struggling. How could it be so easy.

"Dada Da Da!" In the distance came a series of gunshots.

"Damn it, who's using thermal weapons around here?" Bliss was in a bad mood. He swore loudly on the channel. Then he called to Edith, "number four, come back quickly. Mission cancelled!"

David also heard the gunfire. It was not the sound of a sniper's special sniper gun. It sounded like the sound of a defensive machine gun.

The defense machine gun can only deal with larvae in the wild, but it has no effect on the first level Zerg. The attack power of the first level Zerg cannot be broken.

And the sound of defense machine gun is very easy to attract Zerg, so this weapon is rarely used in the wild.

"Captain, the sound of the gunshot just now has aroused two" tearing flying insects ". They have found me Edith's voice of horror came.David saw Edith, who was running, and two "tearing flies" flying low behind him.

"Six, can you block a tear fly alone?" Bliss did not panic, as the leader of the team, he panicked, the team ended.

Don't think about running at this time. They can't run at all in the wild. The speed of "tearing flying insects" can easily catch up with them one by one.

It's no use going back to the landing ship. The landing ship is a huge target in front of the tearing flying insects.

"No problem!" David is still a steady return.

His words added some confidence to bliss.

"Four, use up all the repelling powder. We'll wait for you at the trap!" Said bliss in a deep voice.

"Yes, Captain!" Edith came back quickly.

"Let's break out with all our strength. This is the last battle today. We'll go back when it's over." Said bliss, looking at the other three.

"Captain, what are you afraid of?" Maitland exclaimed, then turned to David and said, "six, thank you."

Everyone in the team knows that it's hard for David to deal with a tearing bug, but there is no one here who can survive at the speed of tearing a flying bug.

Last time, if a well-known group of beetles didn't pass by, they would have been killed.

The good luck of last time can't last forever. Now it's David's.

David didn't stay where he was. Now he could no longer hide his strength. He saw through the shadow servant's eyes that he could not run to this side at the speed of Edith, and would be overtaken by "tearing flying insects".

David himself faced a tearing bug. He was confident that he had the strength to fight, so he chose to take the initiative.

Although Edith didn't get along with him for a long time, he couldn't watch Edith be killed by the "tearing fly" when he had the ability.

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"Captain, I'll pick up number four!" As David spoke, he was already fully engaged in the exoskeleton armor of the land lion, and his figure rushed forward.

There are six tearing flies in this group, and the two tearing flies chasing Edith are the last two, so David is relieved to rush out of the sound shielding area.

Bliss wanted to say something, but he didn't say much.

As a captain, it is unreasonable for David, who has just joined the team, to take risks. Now David takes the initiative to attack, but he wants to persuade him to say nothing.

David didn't care what bliss was thinking. There was a shadow servant in the sky. He went up to Edith.

"No. 4, I'm going in your direction. Be careful David said on the channel.

"No. 6, it's too dangerous. Don't risk it!" Exclaimed Edith.

She didn't want David to be such a young Oracle, because this mission died in the wild. Although she saw many deaths, David was too young.

David did not speak any more. The "spiritual arrow" in his soul fortress trembled slightly and was ready to inspire.

With shadowy observation, David could see the situation ahead from the perspective of God.

David has already seen Edith's figure and two "tearing flies" behind her, which is only 10 meters away.

Although Edith kept releasing the powder backward, trying to drive away the "tearing flies", the two "tearing flies" obviously found the missing of their companions. In this case, they did not care about the smell of their original disgust, and their bodies did not slow down and passed through the powder directly.

"Four, two meters to the left!" David said in a deep voice.

The speed of "tearing up the flying insects" is so fast that he has to get closer to the "tearing insects" to display his "spiritual arrow".

At such times, Edith could only listen to David's orders, otherwise she might have hurt both sides.

Although she was panicked, she still kept most of her calm. There were many chances for scouts to encounter danger. She had faced life and death many times.

When she saw the blue light, she felt at ease. In the most dangerous time, she didn't have to bear it by herself. How lucky it was.

As Edith ran, her figure moved two meters to the left, exposing the two "tearing flies" behind her in David's eyes.

David blocked the shield in front of him and charged to one of the "tearing flies" with the big shield.

At the same time, the "spirit arrow" in his soul fortress flew out and shot at another "tearing fly".

He never used the "spirit arrow" to attack Zerg, so he can't guarantee that this attack will affect "tearing flying insects" 100%, but he has done what he can.

The dark blue shield collided with the tearing bug, and David's shield kept shaking. At this time, his hand was released, and the shield was hit by the force of the tearing bug.

On the other side, Edith could smell the "tearing insects" behind her, but she heard the sound of a heavy object landing on the ground.She can't help looking back, but she saw a scene that surprised her. The "tearing bug" chasing her seemed to be hit by something, falling from a low altitude to the ground, rolling constantly.

She also saw that the dark blue shield, which made her feel at ease, was hit by another "tearing fly" at the same time. She was about to scream, but she saw that David took out two dark blue long swords from behind.

The "tearing bug" who hit the big shield felt very bad. The strength from the big shield was not big, but the concussion force that followed made its whole body a little weak.

It tries to keep flying, which is its instinct. As a flying Zerg, once it lands on the ground, its combat ability will decline a lot.

It doesn't take a second to recover.

However, how could David give "tearing bug" one second to repair? Starting with two long swords, he immediately changed from a big shield beetle to a double sword beetle.

In less than half a second, he rushed to the flying low flying "tearing fly". The long sword in his left hand and the sword in his right hand crossed back and forth in front of him. In the twinkling of two dark blue lights, the head of "tearing flying insect" was cut off.

David's figure made a very difficult turn in the air, just to avoid the last fight of "tearing flying insects".

As soon as he landed on the ground, he rushed to another fallen "tearing fly.".

David did not expect that the "spirit arrow" would be so powerful to the first level Zerg, and directly put another "tearing flying insect" into continuous vertigo.

He doesn't have time to think about the time when tearing flies into vertigo. All he needs is to get close to tearing insects.

Because the "tearing bug" is above the ground at this time, as long as you get close to it, even if the "tearing bug" wakes up from vertigo, David can also have a great advantage.

To tell you the truth, David despised his "spiritual arrow". In terms of breaking through the shackles, David's spirit has reached the level of transcendence, that is, the level of Zerg.

If you attack a first-class Zerg with this strength of "spirit arrow", it is still a "tearing bug" that is not good at defense. Its power is very strong.

When David came to the teardrop, it was just beginning to wake up from his vertigo, but it was too late.

David was not polite. His double swords swept left and right again and cut off the head of the "tearing fly".

Edith on the side was almost stunned. She had never seen a warrior with such terrible fighting power.

The "tearing bug" is a very difficult class 1 Zerg. In the first level Zerg, there is a very strong fighting power. Even if the Beetle team deals with a "tearing bug", it should be handled carefully.

However, the young David easily killed two of them in a short time.

These are two "tearing flies". Two "tearing flies" can kill their Beetle team.

At this time, David felt the comfortable feeling from the shadow waiter, and knew that the souls of two "tearing flies" had been absorbed.

At the same time, through the actual combat, he knew his real combat power. There was no problem dealing with one "tearing flying insects", but it was difficult to deal with two "tearing flying insects".

Because the "arrow of spirit" is a disposable consumable. It takes at least one day to condense the "arrow of spirit" again. The power of that "arrow of spirit" is still very weak. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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