Transcendent David

Chapter 187: CH 187

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David knows more about the number of "Hunter Mantis" than anyone here. His high spirit allows him to make analysis and judgment quickly.

The number of 324 "Hunter Mantis" is very accurate, which also worries David.

You should know that any "Hunter Mantis" is not easy to deal with. Although the beetles here are very strong, it is not a problem to deal with one or two or even three or four "Hunter Mantis", but it is impossible to achieve one to ten.

However, David didn't see Helena's nervousness. Although Helena could not directly see the number of "Hunter Mantis" as he did, with the result of scanning device, I believe that Helena's judgment and the actual number are not too much different.

"Big shield armour, pay attention to the left and right direction of defense. The front is blocked by four battle hammer and armour. Bell, you are responsible for assisting!" Helena ordered in a deep voice. She turned her head to David and said, "brother, you're going to exchange spears. I need your attack power!"

"No problem!" David nodded.

Compared with a sniper gun that can only attack once in a few seconds, it is the best choice to use close combat weapons to deal with this kind of weak defense but large number of "Hunter Mantis".

David takes back the anger of godolfen and takes out the second class spear, which is divided into several sections, and assembles it.

"Little brother, the middle position is up to you Helena saw David change his spear, pointed to the front position and said to David.

The hunter mantis is is very fast, but its defense is relatively low among the first-class Zerg. This is the enemy that David, a skilled spear master, is best at dealing with.

However, there is little cooperation between David and the secret service team. In particular, this kind of complete defense mainly depends on the familiarity of each other rather than the battle array.

When David stands at the front of the middle, there is no need to consider the cooperation with other beetles, as long as the other beetles take the initiative to cooperate with David.

"Second sister, what about me?" Furness saw that Helena had finished all the tasks of the Oracle, only he and Bray had no task, so he couldn't help asking.

"You just stay here and don't make trouble for us!" Helena glared and said to Furness.

She didn't want to take Furness with her on this mission, but she happened to have Bray walking with David. She thought that it would be better for her to act together with all her colleagues. She could stimulate Furness through this mission, so that he could fully practice.

Before there was no danger, Furness followed the action, but now the situation is very dangerous, with the strength of Furness, if you are not careful, your life will be in danger.

Furness looked at David, who had already reached the central position in front of the temporary fortress, and the Bray standing behind him. He could not help but felt helpless, but the fire rose in his eyes.

The front of the "Hunter Mantis" rushed to the barrier. This white silk like barrier belt, David thought, would not have any effect, but to his surprise, the hunter Mantis that touched the barrier belt first was like a insect entering a spider's web and was immediately stuck.

The more the trapped "Hunter Mantis" struggles, the more entangled in the white silk screen.

To tell you the truth, the strength of the white screen can't block the scythe and chainsaw limbs of the hunter Mantis. However, the viscosity of the white silk screen makes it difficult for the hunter Mantis to remove the silk mesh easily.

The more than 20 "Hunter Mantis" rushing to the front are thus trapped in the barrier zone, and it is very difficult to escape in a short time.

But "Hunter Mantis" is not without wisdom. The "Hunter Mantis" at the back knows the function of barrier belt and will never repeat the same mistake. They jump over the barrier belt.

David holds a second class spear and looks at the "Hunter Mantis" that is getting closer and closer in front of him.

The more focused his spirit was, the more he entered the state of mental explosion.

Of the 324 "Hunter Mantis", more than 20 were trapped in the barrier zone. The rest were divided into three parts. About 200 of the largest number attacked the temporary fortress head-on, and the other two parts, about 50 each, attacked the left and right sides of the temporary fortress respectively.

Helena is standing next to David. There are four hammers and bray. There are seven.

On the contrary, there are more people in the left and right sides. There are eight beetles in each group, and there are also beetles with second-class big shields in front of them. It is not a problem to face 50 "Hunter Mantis".

The Jiashi here are all the most elite warriors in Panshi, especially with many second class weapons, which make the strength of the warriors more powerful.

Don't underestimate the armour who holds the second class big shield. As long as there is such a big shield in any group, its defense will be greatly improved.

It can also let other members of the group concentrate on attacking, so as to improve the attack power of the group.

Last time Helena took a secret service team in the wild of Naan city. If there was a beetle with a second class shield at that time, it would be much easier to deal with the "tearing flying insects".

So normally, when fighting Zerg, each group will be equipped with at least one shield beetle.Helena is at ease on both sides. What worries her most is the 200 "Hunter Mantis" on the front.

In fact, the bottom card in her heart is bray. Although he can't make a move, as long as he does his best, his combat power will be very terrible. Although he can't compare with the extraordinary strength, it is also far beyond the peak champion.

Of course, the price of mine's hand is physical damage. Although she has the "holy water of youth", Helena still does not want to let her hand easily.

Now it's up to her and David to see if they can solve so many "Hunter Mantis" faster.

The "Hunter Mantis" on the front is approaching. Although their speed is not as fast as the flying Zerg "tearing flying insects" that David met before, it is the fastest Zerg that David has encountered on the land.

Coupled with the gravity of panshi-6, the speed of the hunter Mantis has reached 200%.

But in David's eyes, the running "Hunter Mantis" moves slowly, and he can see every small movement of each "Hunter Mantis".

Unfortunately, his mental outburst only strengthened his abilities of observation, analysis and judgment, but not his own speed.

This makes his speed unable to keep up with his observation, analysis, judgment, so that he can not play the mental burst brought about by these enhancements.

However, master spear master can also make up for some speed effects through skills.

Due to the role of the temporary fortress, every "Hunter Mantis" who wants to attack the beetles on the temporary fortress needs to use bounce to jump to the top of the temporary fortress, which is 15 meters high.

In this way, the "Hunter Mantis" loses a lot of attack skills, and in the process of jumping, the "Hunter Mantis" body is suspended in the air, without any borrowing force, and its reaction to attack will also lose half.

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Just as the first batch of 25 "Hunter Mantis" jump first, David's second class spear moves first.

The spear of two meters and five meters is several times longer than the hammer in the hands of the warriors nearby, so David's attack was also the first to launch.

David's hind foot is hooked on the edge of the temporary fortress, and his front foot steps down. His body is completely horizontal on the top of the temporary fortress, which allows him to get closer to the jumping "Hunter Mantis.".

In David's eyes, the hunter mantis, which has no ability to dodge in the air, is a fixed target one by one.

All he had to do was to stab the second grade spear into the heart of the hunter mantis and kill them.

David has master spear mastery, which is too easy for him to attack.

The spear of the second class is like lightning, thrusting out, withdrawing, and withdrawing. In the process, his body also stands upright on the temporary fortress with the force of his front and rear feet.

However, ten of the twenty-five "Hunter Mantis" jumping up at this time have been killed.

Helena gives a big drink. Her second class hammer hits a "Hunter Mantis", which can't be dodged in mid air. With the help of this blow, the Warhammer continues to attack the hunter Mantis nearby.

Beside her, the four Warhammer beetles waved their hammers in the direction of the hunter Mantis.

Their goal was clear, to stop the hunter Mantis from landing on the temporary fortress.

Helena is already attacking the third "Hunter Mantis". The first two "Hunter Mantis" are all smashed by her and hit by the second class war hammer. The shell and interior of those two "Hunter Mantis" are smashed and their fighting power is lost.

Before they beat back this group of "Hunter Mantis", the second group of "Hunter Mantis" jumped up, and the number reached 50. The rest of the "Hunter Mantis" did not jump, but used their jumping limbs to climb up.

Standing on the side of mine, the palm of his hand was gently released, and then he pressed it heavily. He held the second class hammer in his hand. In this case, he was ready to start.

In the soul fortress of David, a well drawn "sleeping pattern" was thrown out by him, aiming at a "Hunter Mantis" climbing below.

The "Hunter Mantis" is only five meters away from David. The distance is not to say that the "sleeping pattern" is so hidden that it can not be found. Even if it is found, the "Hunter Mantis" will have no time to escape.

At the same time, he did not use a spear to master the second grade spear. Instead, he took the second grade spear as a long sword and used it. 80% of the master level spears mastered it. The ability to deal with these "Hunter Mantis" who had no avoidance ability in the air was not weaker than the master spear who could only stab directly.

Master spear mastery is more suitable for one-on-one combat. David's spear master is specialized in stabbing, and only one target can be stabbed at a time.

Now David changed the way he fought. The second class spear was dancing in the air, making elegant arcs.

If it is a stronger enemy or is on the ground, the effect of David's fighting style will not be very good. The main reason is that the spear is too long to give full play to the power of the sword.

But the special geographical environment here has made David's fighting method play a great effect.When dozens of "Hunter Mantis" jump in front of him, they encounter dark blue spears. The "Hunter Mantis" swept by the spear head is naturally cut off. Although the "Hunter Mantis" hit by the spear body will not be injured, it can not jump to the original target and fall back to the ground one by one.

In just a few seconds, David blocked most of the "Hunter Mantis" jumping into the air.

Among them, as many as 18 "Hunter Mantis" were killed by David, which was determined by the number of souls absorbed by shadow attendants.

Bray's grip on the second class hammer was released again, and David's response did not require him to take immediate action.

"David, good swordsmanship!" Said Helena, laughing.

With her eyes, it is natural to see that what David just used was not a spear master, but a sword master.

After countless years of growth, the interstellar Federation's beetles have developed these weapons, and there will be no useless weapons.

Although few people use the sword, there are still many top beetles who have no hope of promotion. The reason is that the sword is more suitable for agility and speed.

This has a huge advantage in dealing with enemies without speed advantage.

The "Hunter Mantis" just now lost its speed advantage because it jumped in mid air. It was unable to dodge and respond to changes. This made the sword master the most effective way to fight.

Of course, this kind of fighting method is only suitable for David, and few warriors can specialize in several kinds of weapons.

The energy of a warrior is limited. It needs time to practice physical skills and earn training resources. However, it takes years of continuous practice to master any kind of weapon, even if he is gifted.

No matter how good a talent is, he will spend his energy on mastering a variety of weapons. Compared with the same talent, if he concentrates his energy on mastering one weapon, the gap between the two will be huge. Mastering multiple weapons will make his mastery of weapons more extensive but not refined.

Of all the warriors Helena had ever seen, David was the only one who had mastered all kinds of weapons, and even reached the master level in spear mastery.

David did not respond to Helena. His spirit at this time was attracted by the "sleeping pattern" just displayed.

In the soul of the hunter mantis, the "sleeping pattern" absorbs the soul power of the "Hunter Mantis." at the same time, the "deep sleep pattern" is also transformed into countless small "bewitching patterns".

It seems that the "Hunter Mantis" has no resistance to the ability of "mental hypnosis" which comes from bewitching brain worms. Since entering the soul of the "Hunter Mantis", the "sleeping Mantis" has not received any resistance.

Moreover, the speed at which the "sleeping pattern" can be transformed into countless tiny "bewitching patterns" is also faster than that of David's previous application on the beetles.

Just a breath, the "Hunter Mantis" was "bewitching pattern" control.

There is a strange connection between the hunter mantis and David because of the "bewitching pattern".

At this time, the climbing "Hunter Mantis" is about to reach the top of the temporary fortress. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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