Transcendent David

Chapter 188: CH 188

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Faced with more than 100 "Hunter Mantis", David did not rely on the ideas of other warriors. When he felt the danger, his spirit burst into full swing, and his fighting consciousness was fully aroused.

In the light ball of combat capability knowledge integrated by David before, all combat skills and combat experience were integrated into fighting consciousness and became his fighting instinct at this time.

All of David's choices are considered by his fighting consciousness to be the most reasonable. Except for the spirit left in the shadow body, all the other spirits are supporting the spirit explosion.

Just as soon as the hunter Mantis was under control, David switched his feet and fell again under the temporary fortress.

It's just that this time David is not fixed to the walls of the makeshift fortress, he's going straight down.

"What do you do, little brother?" Helena, who is preparing to meet David, can't help shouting.

Bray didn't even think about it. His body followed David and rushed down with him.

"Keep up, pay attention to cooperation!" Helena ordered in a deep voice, and she rushed down with her.

Without any hesitation, the four Warhammer beetles kept the momentum of cooperation, forming a straight line with Helena and also rushed down.

David didn't want to die. His fighting instinct told him this was what he should do, so he did.

The "Hunter Mantis" controlled by the "bewitching pattern" suddenly retreated at the same time, making the "Hunter Mantis" climbing up in the same straight line by surprise, and was hit by the "Hunter Mantis" in the bewitching.

The broken "Hunter Mantis" falls down, triggering a series of collisions.

Because of the need of group warfare, the second class spear in David's hand was no longer mastered by master spear, but was completely transformed into the fighting mode mastered by sword.

All he needs to pay attention to is the left and right sides. Because there is a "Hunter Mantis" in the front, he will not be attacked.

The two meter five spear once again showed its superiority in length. A dark blue arc of light was waved on both sides of David's left and right, sweeping away at the two "Hunter Mantis".

The spear is used as a long sword, which makes its attack range wider. Of course, if the spear in his hand is not a class II weapon, in terms of David's strength, the spear controlled by a long sword will pose a limited threat to the "Hunter Mantis".

Two "Hunter Mantis" did not come and avoid, or the "Hunter Mantis" density is too high, they do not have space to avoid, they use sickle chain saw limbs in front of them.

When the scythe and chainsaw limbs of the hunter Mantis were swept, the bodies of the two "Hunter Mantis" suddenly shook. The spear handle of the spear attacked them, but the "power shock" contained in it broke out. The bodies of the two "Hunter Mantis" lost control of their bodies and fell downward.

At this time, another "bewitching pattern" flew out, this time shooting at a "Hunter Mantis" on the left.

The nearest Hunter mantis on the left, who was about to attack David, suddenly gave a sudden thump. Soon, numerous tiny "bewitching patterns" controlled its soul.

This "Hunter Mantis" blocks David's left front, keeping a distance of two meters from David, and also blocks the other "Hunter Mantis" from approaching from this side.

At this time, David had no spare power to send out the "sleeping pattern" again. His spirit felt a little tired. If he issued the "deep sleep pattern" again, he doubted whether he would faint on the spot.

However, at this time, David had to face the "Hunter Mantis" only on the right side. He also broke out the ability of master spears with all his strength. The spear in his hand kept stabbing and dropping the "Hunter Mantis" one by one.

The distance of 15 meters is only three rest time. After killing five "Hunter Mantis", David has already rushed to the ground. The two bewitched "Hunter Mantis" keep a distance from David and make an attack on David, but in fact they control two directions.

David stood in front of the temporary fort, his back against the stone walls of the temporary fortress, five meters in front of him, is made up of sticky wire mesh isolation belt.

The position he was stuck in is very accurate. There are bewitched "Hunter Mantis" in both forward and left directions, which will not be besieged. In addition, due to the influence of the isolation belt, there are not many "Hunter Mantis" that can get close to him.

The "Hunter Mantis" group did not expect any betrayal within themselves, so they let the bewitched "Hunter Mantis" to control two directions of attack.

David landed on his feet and without stopping, he rushed to the right, where there was a five meter wide passageway along the temporary fortress.

At this time, he used the strongest spear control. He stabbed a "Hunter Mantis" directly to death. At the moment of withdrawing the spear, several "Hunter Mantis" rushed to him with speed.

When David turned around, there was a bewitched "Hunter Mantis". The bewitched "Hunter Mantis" actively blocked the attack of several "Hunter Mantis" with sickle chain saw limbs.

Another bewitched "Hunter Mantis" is protecting David on the other side, blocking several "Hunter Mantis" who are about to attack.David's spear stabbed at the side of the bewitched Hunter mantis, killed another hunter mantis, and turned his body again.

Bray and Helena, who followed David, were blocked by part of the hunter Mantis. They formed a battle with four other hammer beetles.

"Helena, I'll do it. I'm afraid it's dangerous!" Said Bray in a deep voice.

"Don't worry. I think there's something strange about my little brother." Helena didn't want Bray to do it now, and she also felt the strange fighting on David's side, stopping the way.

The mine will not break out for a long time, and it will break out now. Then, the mine will not work in the future, and it will need the protection of others.

David looks at the danger, but Helena doesn't see David's panic. It seems that the "Hunter Mantis" has some internal chaos and can't form an effective attack.

Even Helena never thought that David could control two "Hunter Mantis". Such a thing is unimaginable.

Since the battle between the interstellar Federation and Zerg, the Federation has been studying the control of Zerg. However, the Zerg genes have a certain ability to resist control. No matter how hard the federal scientists spend, they can not achieve the goal of controlling Zerg.

David's "mental sleep" is the ability of Zerg, and the only one who can control Zerg is Zerg itself. Higher level Zerg are born with the ability to control lower level Zerg.

But "bewitching brain worms" can control a large number of Zerg. Now it's just because David's spirit is still too weak. If he has the mental strength of "bewitching brain worms", the "Hunter Mantis" here doesn't need to fight at all. An idea can control them.

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David also knows how astonishing it is to control Zerg, so he carefully hides his ability. Two bewitched "Hunter Mantis" keep attacking posture all the time.

Sometimes even the bewitched "Hunter Mantis" will launch a real attack, but these attacks will block the other "Hunter Mantis" attack.

Although David's strength is not as good as that of the hunter mantis, the "power shock" contained in each of his strokes will make the attacked "Hunter Mantis" lose control of his body for a short time.

This battlefield is divided into two parts. On one side, Helena and four hammer warriors form a defensive formation. Bray stands behind Helena. Because of the barrier belt, they have walls behind them, and they are still under attack.

After a few quick moves, a Warhammer beetle caved into the wall behind them, forming a shallow hole of rock.

Helena a few steps back, only need two Warhammer beetles can block the hole, behind the Warhammer beetle can support and replace at any time.

This is also Helena's courage to face more than 300 "Hunter Mantis". The particularity of the temporary fortress allows the team to have geographical conditions at any time.

The outside barrier belt can also help them a lot in a short time, but this kind of barrier belt can't withstand the attack for too long. Some "Hunter Mantis" have begun to attack the barrier belt. As long as a few minutes later, the barrier belt will lose its function.

Unable to besiege Helena, the hunter Mantis focused on the rocks near the entrance of the temporary fort.

As long as the rocks are destroyed, the natural Helena team loses its protection and is exposed to them.

It's just that when the hunter Mantis uses its scythe and chain saw limbs to cut pieces of rock, no matter how small they are cut, they don't fall to the ground, but are sucked back again.

Helena doesn't care about the "Hunter Mantis" attack. As long as there is no powerful Zerg to directly break through the temporary fortress and attack the core of the temporary fortress, then the temporary fortress can't be destroyed until the energy consumption ends.

On the other side, David is fighting alone, walking through the hunter mantis, his spear thrusting out twice a second.

Almost every one or two stabs, a "Hunter Mantis" is bound to fall to the ground. This is also the reason why Bray has not shot. David did not encounter real danger. David was surrounded by the hunter mantis, and he was not hit once.

David is now in full swing, and he has all the means he can come up with.

In the sky, a shadow controlled by his mind was observing the whole situation of his battlefield.

He also divided two kinds of mind spirits to control two "Hunter Mantis", so that they can perfectly cooperate with his fight.

The fact shows that although "Hunter Mantis" have wisdom, it is obvious that their wisdom is not strong. At least up to now, no "Hunter Mantis" has realized the abnormality of two bewitched "Hunter Mantis".

Two bewitched "Hunter Mantis" are like two big shield beetles, protecting David.

And these two big shield beetles also communicate with David's mind, constantly make the most perfect cooperation.

There were dozens of "Hunter Mantis" chasing David, and nearly half of them were killed in two minutes.

As a matter of fact, if the battlefield was in an open space, David would never have achieved such a result.The environment in which David is living is the rock wall of temporary fortress and the sticky screen wall of barrier belt on one side. The width of the middle is only five meters. Two bewitched "Hunter Mantis" are protecting David. This is the reason why David can fight with all his strength.

There are only one or two "Hunter Mantis" that can really threaten David every time. David only needs to avoid the attack of these two "Hunter Mantis" and can attack the nearby "Hunter Mantis" wantonly.

"Little brother, the barrier belt can't hold on!" Helena saw the warning from her face armor and quickly called it out on the channel.

David also saw through the shadow agent that the white sticky silk screen wall on the ground surrounding the temporary Fort had collapsed, and all the silk threads were powerless to break and fall to the ground.

The barrier belt lost its barrier ability, and nearly a hundred "Hunter Mantis" rushed to David immediately.

"Boy, back to the wall!" Cried Helena.

Once again, Bray tightened the hammer in his hand, and if there was something wrong, he would try his best to break out his fighting power.

David is the hope of their school, and also the most important disciple of the teacher Galen extraordinary. Bray and Helena, who know Galen extraordinary well, can see that Galen is treating David like a son.

That's why Bray was with David on his first dangerous alien mission.

David obeyed Helena's orders, but he did not dare to face so many "Hunter Mantis" at the same time. Even with the help of two bewitched "Hunter Mantis", he could not stop so many "Hunter Mantis" attacks.

Just after David retreated to the wall, the wall retreated automatically, forming a hole about the size of a man behind him. The depth of the hole was five meters.

He immediately entered the cave. Two bewitched "Hunter Mantis" stood on both sides of the cave, forming a passageway where only one "Hunter Mantis" could approach.

In this environment, David has been breaking out of the spirit of relaxation, just relax, he felt extreme mental fatigue.

Fortunately, he is in a position where he only needs to use his spear to stab. He doesn't need to pay attention to whether he will be attacked or dodged.

Shadow attendants fly back from the air, a hand on David's body, suddenly a warm soul energy into David's soul, moistening the tired spirit.

This is an extremely luxurious act, because these spiritual energies can strengthen David's soul when he is full of energy.

However, there are too many Zerg here. As long as you kill more Zerg, some of them are the supplement of soul energy.

With the influx of soul energy, David's spirit was refreshed. It was like after a good night's sleep, his spirit returned to its best state. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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