Transcendent David

Chapter 191: CH 191

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Several beetles threw insect repellent bullets, which were extremely accurate. The shells were thrown on the front road of the "Hunter Mantis" charge, and clouds of smoke rose.

It's just that in the past, the insect repellent smoke at least made the first-class Zerg avoid it, but today, the hunter Mantis seems to ignore the insect repellent smoke, and rushes through the insect repellent smoke and continues to rush towards the beetles.

"Helena, we met the king of the hunter mantis and his more than 100 followers. We need your help Harrington has lost his pride. He has lost two brothers. If he doesn't ask for help, he will lose more brothers.

"Bray, what do you think?" Helena, who was about to enter the target mine directly, hesitated for a moment when Harrington asked for help.

"Save it, these are the elite warriors of Naan city. If they are lost, they will greatly damage the combat power of Naan city!" Bray said without hesitation.

"What do you mean, little brother?" Because of David's performance, Helena attaches great importance to him and needs to consult him.

"Save them, they are human beings!" David said in a deep voice.

"Harrington, one minute of support, we'll be there in a minute!" Having been confirmed by Bray and David, Helena immediately replied.

Thank you Harrington, who lost his pride, said gratefully.

"Audrey, you take four beetles to protect bell. Bell, you are responsible for sniping the hunter Mantis king!" Helena orders as she changes direction with her team.

Sniper beetle bell found a high ground, lying on the high ground with a sniper lens to observe.

"Captain, the" Hunter Mantis "king is too fast to snipe!" Helena and her team had just marched for ten seconds when she heard the report of the sniper on Oracle bell.

Professional sniper beetles like bell can determine whether they can snipe at their own level in a few seconds.

"Bell, wait for the opportunity!" Helena was surprised and said in a deep voice.

The strength of sniper beetle bell is not weak. Although he is not as abnormal as David, he is also an experienced sniper beetle.

Even bell couldn't lock in the figure of the hunter Mantis king. The speed of the hunter Mantis king can be imagined.

"Brother, can you try to lock it in?" Helena turned her head and said to David, who was running together.

"Good!" David nodded.

He quickly broke away from the team, inserted a second-class spear beside him, and laid out the "godorfen's anger" sniper gun on the ground. In the vision of the "T3 sniper auxiliary device", he could not even see the shadow 1500 meters away.

David immediately went into a state of concentration, and his spirit broke out.

But something unexpected happened to him. Even though the world became slow, the figure of "Hunter Mantis" king was still very vague in the vision of "T3 sniper auxiliary device".

Because the "Hunter Mantis" King's moving speed is too fast, let alone locking, even grasp its trajectory can not be done.

Recently, David's battle has been very smooth, which makes him have a great expectation of spiritual outburst. Even before, he even had the idea of killing the "Hunter Mantis" king.

Reality tells him that he is still far from being able to defeat the second class Zerg.

"Second sister, we can't lock it!" David had no choice but to report on the channel.

"Little brother, come back to the team quickly!" This time Helena is ready, she said in a deep voice.

The secret service team is only two kilometers away from the beetle association team. Helena said it takes one minute. In fact, the distance between them does not need such a long time. However, the support is not to rush directly, but to maintain the combat formation and advance.

So although David delayed a little bit, it didn't affect his return to the secret service team.

It seems to be the reason for killing two scouting beetles. The king of "Hunter Mantis" is eating blood. He sees the secret service team approaching and makes a sharp warning sound while running.

And the beetle association team and the "Hunter Mantis" also officially engaged in a battle. The elite beetles are worthy of being the elite beetles. Under the protection of two-level shields on all sides, the impact of the "Hunter Mantis" did not break down the defense formation of the beetle association team.

Five "Hunter Mantis" were hit by the beetles of the beetle association team. All of these five "Hunter Mantis" were hit by class II weapons. Only class II weapons can have such power.

Ordinary first-class weapons will not make the hunter Mantis lose their fighting power in an instant unless they hit the key point of the hunter Mantis.

It's the same as two of the A's who can get through the shoulder.

Exoskeleton armor automatically pushes in healing potions. At the same time, the two beetles also use hormones so that they will not be affected by injuries.

Harrington's face was very ugly. Just as soon as he got in touch with each other, two people were injured. The "Hunter Mantis" king had not attacked. Once the "Hunter Mantis" King participated in the attack, he could not imagine how serious the consequences would be.Helena heard the warning cry of the "Hunter Mantis" king. She did not pay attention to it. She just looked back at Bray, who nodded to her.

"Little brother, you are in the middle, big shield armour is in charge of both sides!" Helena redistributes the formation.

David was ordered to rush to the front of the formation and became the arrow. Helena and Bray were standing behind David, ready to shoot.

Two big shield beetles were also divided into two sides, and all the first-class weapons were shrunk to the middle and rear of the battle array.

Without level 2 weapons, the beetle can't do any damage to the hunter Mantis king.

It seems to have been infuriated by Helena's disregard. The king's virtual shadow of the "Hunter Mantis" turns and rushes towards the secret service team.

In the sky, the shadow attendants see the king of "Hunter Mantis" who produces illusions due to his fast speed, and his target direction is exactly David in the front.

No wonder David's breath is the weakest among all the beetles here. Of course, the king of "Hunter Mantis" chooses the weakest one. This is the instinct of Zerg.

Attacking the weakest of the enemy, attacking the enemy's confidence, is Zerg's favorite tactic.

David's spirit broke out at this time, but he only saw the shadow of "Hunter Mantis". He was a little bit clear. Even if the master spear was in his body, he was not sure that he could hit the king of "Hunter Mantis".

In this encounter, if David can't hit the hunter Mantis king, then the hunter Mantis king will hit David.

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In fact, there was not a second before and after the "Hunter Mantis" king decided to attack David, to rush to the front of David 10 meters away.

How could David let the "Hunter Mantis" King approach so that the "spirit arrow" in the soul fortress drew out and shot at the king of "Hunter Mantis".

The king of the hunter mantis, who was fast approaching, flashed past the attack of the spirit arrow.

This silent "spiritual arrow" was discovered by the king of "mantis Hunter".

The king of the hunter mantis, who dodged the arrow of spirit, seemed to be frightened. In a moment, he felt an attack that could threaten his life.

"This is a dangerous enemy." a clear understanding appeared in the king's brain of the hunter mantis, so after avoiding the "spirit arrow", he turned without hesitation and gave up the idea of attacking David and attacking the secret service team.

He did not understand why the "Hunter Mantis" king turned at this time, which made him lose the chance to do it.

This "Hunter Mantis" king is extremely cunning, in David's side did not get a bargain, immediately changed the target, rushed to the beetle association team.

"Be careful, the hunter Mantis king is coming!" Harrington warned loudly that his eyes were focused on the coming Hunter Mantis king. Although his eyes could not keep up with the speed of the hunter mantis, he knew that as long as the hunter Mantis approached, he would be blocked by the big shield beetle, and that was the time for him to shoot.

It is true that the "Hunter Mantis" King rushed to the beetle association team, but before it, more than 100 "Hunter Mantis" attacked the defense of the group again.

Harrington, who has been keeping an eye on the figure of the hunter mantis, can no longer find the figure of the hunter Mantis after he enters the group.

Just as he was looking for the shadow, the left big shield beetle made a defensive move. The arm holding the second class shield was cut off, and half of the breastplate was cut off.

Blood gushed from the breastplate, and poisonous gas entered the cut chest. The big shield beetle didn't even scream and fell to the ground.

The left side lost the big shield beetle, which made a hole in the defense of the beetle association team, and dozens of "Hunter Mantis" rushed over.

"Boss, I'll go first!" A beetle yelled. Then he was holding a second class heavy axe, and his body whirled to meet the hunter mantis, blocking the gap.

After the second class heavy axe swept several "Hunter Mantis" bodies successively, nearly ten wounds appeared on his body.

"Little bug, why is it just this strength?" All the hormones in the exoskeleton armor were injected into the body, and the wounds were ignored.

He blocked all the "Hunter Mantis" that rushed to the gap in a short time.

It was just a shadow passing by him, his yelling stopped, and his head fell off his neck.

"Brother Harrington roared with tears in his eyes.

Every Oracle here is an old brother who has been with him for more than ten years. They train together, live together and die together.

At this time, the special service team's armour finally joined them. After the front leader David rushed into the formation of the beetle association team, he rolled forward and came to the big shield which was thrown on the ground with a faint blue light. He held the second class shield in his hand.David has a second class shield and a second class spear. His big shield is in front of him and his body makes a defensive posture.

In the continuous sound of attack, the "Hunter Mantis" attacked five or six times on the big shield, and David's feet fell to the ground 20 cm due to the huge force of the attack.

Except for the dust, the rest of the ground was extremely hard. David's legs could sink into the ground, but how many attacks he received.

David's face flushed after the armor. If he hadn't mastered the master's shield, and the hunter Mantis was not a powerful Zerg, he would have been seriously hurt.

As early as he was close to the group of the armour Association, he saw the defense gap through the shadow attendants, so at the moment of meeting, he turned into a big shield beetle and blocked the defense gap.

With reinforcements, the six secondary level shields are distributed in six directions, making the defense here almost impeccable.

The just critical situation has also turned into a confrontation with the hunter mantis, and the hunter Mantis doesn't mean to charge for the second class big shield.

David didn't have time to move around until then. As he blocked the affected body in succession, he found that the shadow attendants were absorbing the soul.

After so many feedbacks on the various reactions of shadow attendants to absorb souls, he also has experience.

Because David came here so quickly, the soul of the dead body did not dissipate.

David can clearly distinguish between the soul of the hunter mantis and the spirit of the beetle. He can only feel sorry for absorbing the spirit of the beetle.

Although he was able to control the shadow attendants, whenever a soul appeared, the shadow attendants could not be controlled and automatically absorbed the nearby souls.

So even if he wanted to let go of the soul of the Oracle, he couldn't do it.

"Helena, thank you for your timely rescue Harrington thanks Helena on the public channel.

In any case, Helena was able to do it when he was most in danger, and he had to accept it.

"Yes, you are also fulfilling the task of the government." Said Helena, nodding.

"What's next?" Harrington looked at the "Hunter Mantis" who was still swimming outside the defense and did not attack or leave, especially the "Hunter Mantis" king who appeared and disappeared from time to time, and asked Helena.

He gives the leadership to Helena, which means that in this mission, he and his subordinates accept Helena's command.

"Wait a minute. Let the wounded take care of the wound." Helena is not polite, but the order is to let the beetle association team injured repair.

There are six large shields on the periphery, and the armour holding the second class weapons, which makes the middle of the formation very safe. Furness is here to help the wounded beetles bandage.

"Who is this brother?" Harrington looked at David and asked Helena.

David is very conspicuous among a group of warriors, not to mention that he just picked up the big shield on the ground to block the attack of the hunter mantis, blocking the gap in the formation.

Big shield can not be used by any armour. Every big shield beetle has experienced a lot of fighting training, and the training time is even longer than that of using attack weapons. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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