Transcendent David

Chapter 192: CH 192

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"This is David, the youngest disciple of the teacher. I want you to take care of him in the future." Said Helena.

"It turned out to be my brother. It's really gifted!" Said Harrington, with a smile in his eyes.

His pride had long been gone, and Galen knew that he had accepted a new disciple. When he saw David himself, his heart was full of exclamations.

"What about David brothers' sniping skills? Now the way to get the hunter Mantis forward is to snipe from a distance Harrington looked at the sniper gun behind David and asked Helena.

David is from Helena's side, and he is also an extraordinary disciple. He is not good at commanding, so he asked Helena to come forward in a consultative tone.

"I have to rely on my younger brother. I forbid to stay on the other side to attack the beetle." the hunter mantis is is too fast. Once he shoots, he will definitely lead the "Hunter Mantis" to the past. " Said Helena, nodding.

The sniper beetle bell asked for help just now, but Helena stopped him. Once Baer was exposed, he and the five beetles who were guarding over there would be killed by the "Hunter Mantis" king.

"Younger brother, you snipe at some" Hunter Mantis "and move them. You can't wait any longer!" Helena told David on the team channel.

David nodded. He stepped back two steps, and the space left was automatically shared by the big shield beetles.

He put the second-class shield aside and his spear in the ground. He put the "godorfen's anger" sniper gun in his back and lay on the ground.

The fixed device on the customized exoskeleton armor fixed his body to the ground. The beetle in front of him flashed out a shooting channel, so that his vision could clearly see the "Hunter Mantis" figure surrounding them.

After David was ready to snipe, he immediately entered the state of mental explosion. Although today's battle consumed a lot of his spirit, after absorption and integration, his spirit was stronger.

"Boom", a huge voice sounded in the defense circle.

The "Hunter Mantis" who were waiting outside the armour's defense circle were startled by the sound of a huge sniper gun. However, a first-class bullet flew out of the defense circle and shot into the head of a "Hunter Mantis" before the sound.

The sound startled the hunter mantis and saw a fallen companion. The hunter Mantis began to run quickly.

Without the command of the hunter mantis, the hunter mantis can only run around the perimeter of the beetle's defensive circle. Meanwhile, the hunter mantis, who is good at speed, instinctively wants to avoid such a long-range attack by running.

The king of the hunter Mantis did not immediately order the hunter Mantis to attack because of this snipe. It has its own judgment. As long as it is besieged for a period of time, Panshi resource star will be dark. By then, Hunter Mantis will have a great advantage.

In the dark, exoskeleton armor and human body heat are natural targets. On the contrary, "Hunter Mantis" is a kind of Zerg, which is difficult to find out accurately in the dark.

So the "Hunter Mantis" king is waiting, waiting for the dark night of Panshi 6 resource star.

David's body in "godolfen's anger" hit, by a strong reaction, his body constantly trembling, all the reaction forces out of the body, led to the underground.

This process did not affect his continued aim.

Although the hunter Mantis are running, they are not the king of the hunter Mantis. They are not as fast as the king of the hunter Mantis. David can clearly see the moving track of the hunter Mantis under David's mental outburst.

Five seconds later, as soon as the reaction force in David's body was cleared, his second shot hit again.

A fast running "Hunter Mantis" fell down in response, and the "Hunter Mantis" was also hit in the head.

"What a terrible sniper ability!" Harrington looked at David, who was sniping, and sighed.

In a short period of time, David changed three kinds of weapons, from holding a second class spear into the formation, picking up the second level shield to help resist the attack of the hunter mantis, and then switching the sniper gun for sniping.

Although Harrington didn't see David using spears, he also heard that David had master spears, which spread widely in the upper strata of Naan.

He was able to successfully resist the impact of several "Hunter Mantis" with the second level big shield, which shows that David's mastery of shield is at least proficient.

And at this time, he showed a terrifying ability to snipe. How could it not surprise Harrington.

Harrington himself is not a sniper beetle, but he also knows that he can snipe the running "Hunter Mantis". His sniping skills are not weak.

At the same time, it's no secret that David passed the sniper assessment of the beetle association with excellent results. The "anger of godolfen" is also one of the extraordinary collections of the beetle Association.

In his exclamation, five seconds passed again, and another sniper shot rang out.Fortunately, all the warriors here are wearing exoskeleton armor, and the loud noise nearby is partially isolated by the exoskeleton armor, which will not cause any impact.

When the third "Hunter Mantis" falls to the ground, the king of "Hunter Mantis" can no longer ignore it. In this way, the "Hunter Mantis" will be killed before dark.

The king of the hunter Mantis let out a scream. All the hunter Mantis began to turn and rush towards the armour defense circle.

"Set up the barrier belt!" Helena, who was in charge of the command, called out.

With her order, four beetles with barrier tape devices threw the four devices out, exactly around.

In just one second, four barrier devices are automatically connected to form a white screen like partition wall several meters high.

But it also made David lose sight, he could not continue to snipe.

He took back "godolfen's anger" and replaced it with a spear. This time, he did not take over the defense. Five big shield warriors with second class shields were enough to form a strong defense circle. What was needed was a strong attack.

The "Hunter Mantis" King has seen the barrier zone, so it screams several times in succession. The charging "Hunter Mantis" quickly sweeps the rocks on the ground to the barrier zone.

The sticky wire mesh sticks the flying stones together. The "Hunter Mantis" constantly picks up the stones on the ground with scythe and chain saw limbs. Soon, the barrier belt formed by the wire mesh is useless because of too many stones.

Helena shakes her head. She has the "Hunter Mantis" under the command of the king. Once the beetle uses the attack method, it will be cracked by the "Hunter Mantis" king.

However, the barrier zone still affects the speed of the hunter mantis, so it is not the fastest state when the hunter Mantis rushes into the defense circle.

One hunter mantis, fearless of life and death, bumped into the outer second-class shield. Even if they knew that hitting the second-class shield with their bodies would make them suffer heavy damage, they would be shocked by nothing.

With the control of the "Hunter Mantis" king, the "Hunter Mantis" is no longer a single individual. For the sake of the collective, they can pay the price of their lives.

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David loves this way of fighting. He never needs to consider his own safety as long as he stabs his spear behind the big shield.

With master spear mastery and "power shock", he won't miss every shot.

What made him feel more comfortable was that the shadow servant absorbed the soul of the "Hunter Mantis" all the time, and the battle was indeed the best harvest field for the soul.

Although they belong to two different forces, there is no problem in the cooperation between the Jiashi association team and the secret service team.

This is conducive to the promotion of the universal formation promoted by the interstellar Federation. No matter whether it is the army or the government, the beetle Association, or some folk beetles, as long as they become warriors, they have to learn the relevant formations.

Each kind of weapon has a corresponding position in the formation and plays a corresponding role.

It is because of the promotion of the interstellar Federation that the unknown warriors will naturally combine together to form a very threatening combat formation as long as they get together.

Of course, the lack of training of folk Jia Shi is much worse than that of organized Jia Shi.

However, the Jiashi of various forces also have their own special formation, and the general formation is only convenient for the cooperation of unfamiliar warriors.

As in the present battlefield, the cooperation between the special service team and the Jiashi association team is the special formation of Naan City, especially aiming at the characteristics of the two major organizations.

In a good situation, a big shield beetle's leg was cut off, lost the leg support, the big shield beetle screamed and fell to the ground.

When David looked at the past, he could see the figure of the king of "Hunter Mantis" disappearing in the group of "Hunter Mantis".

Several Warhammer beetles stepped forward to fill the gap left by the big shield, but their defense was not as good as that of the big shield.

In only ten seconds, they had more or less scars on their bodies. One of the Warhammer warriors was cut into his armor. Although he only destroyed the armor, his face was not seriously injured. The toxic gas exposed made him look blue and blue in an instant.

"The big shield beetle shares the position, the rear pays attention to protect the big shield armor!" Helena ordered with a gloomy face.

The one who just died was her subordinate, one who was able to distribute the second class Warhammer. They were all elite warriors in the secret service team.

Just at the time of her order, another beetle fell to the ground, this time a heavy ax beetle from the beetle Association.

"Helena, the speed of the" Hunter Mantis "king is too fast, hiding in the" Hunter Mantis "sneak attack, give us too much pressure, to find a way to solve it!" Said Harrington, with an ugly face.

The loss this time is too great, any more loss will hurt our muscles and bones.

"Little brother, you give me a chance, as long as the" Hunter Mantis "King pause moment, I can hit it There was no sound, said Bray, who was behind David."Bray, are you here?" As soon as Harrington heard the voice, he knew who it was. He could not help exclaiming.

Bray is the pride of their generation. He could not have been so high-profile before he knew he was there.

Bray's excellence suppressed the generation of Naan City, and Harrington only had a chance to get ahead after Bray entered the transformation period.

As long as the name of Bray is heard, it will make their generation feel pressure.

Harrington also knows how Bray's state is, and he's surprised to be here.

"Are you ready to give up your promotion Harrington understood what Bray was saying, and he went on.

"Failure is not terrible. This failed promotion cost me at most 10 years, but I know a lot. I will be more confident about the next promotion!" Bray said with a smile.

"Ah! You dare to take this step, and dare to fail. You are better than all of us! " Said Harrington with admiration.

Of the same generation, only Bray stepped out of the way of promotion. Although he failed, it was much better than Harrington himself who had never had the courage to take the "extraordinary potion.".

Only after taking the "extraordinary medicine" for the first time, the probability of success is the highest. Even if the body recovers after failure, the failure rate of taking "extraordinary medicine" again will increase to a level of despair.

Therefore, Bray dare to admit his failure and be confident in his next promotion attempt is far beyond Harrington's mind.

"Bray, do you want me to stop the hunter Mantis king, David is too young!" Harrington went on to recommend himself.

"You can't, you need David to do it!" Said Bray, not politely.

"Let me go!" Helena nodded in agreement.

Unlike Harrington, both Bray and Helena believe more in David.

They know that David has the special power talent of "power shock". As long as he contacts the king of "Hunter Mantis", he will probably stop the king of "Hunter Mantis".

"Good!" David answered in a deep voice.

To get close to the "Hunter Mantis" king, he does not dare to ask big.

That's a real second class Zerg. Its strength and speed are far higher than him. If you are not careful, you will die.

David held the second class shield on one side in his hand and stuck the second grade spear on the ground.

To face the "Hunter Mantis" king, he dare not hold a shield alone.

Because two big shield beetles fell down and lost their users, no one could play the second level shield.

Even if these beetles know that the second level shield can block the "Hunter Mantis", but without mastery of the master level shield, holding the second level shield can not play the real role of the second level big shield. Instead, it will affect the whole combat formation.

Therefore, the second class shield thrown aside is not used by armour. It is not like fallen hammers and heavy axes. Their second level weapons are picked up by their companions.

David held the second class shield and went to the position where he had just fallen. In the process, the formation was also changing. Several Warhammer warriors retreated and gave way to their defensive positions. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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