Transcendent David

Chapter 202: CH 202

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David's friends Myron, Jim, Daley and dequincy played in Naan city for five days. David took time to accompany him every afternoon, but in the morning he kept on training.

On the afternoon of March 25, the five people went to the concert early.

"Why so many people?" David was startled by the crowd as the floating car approached the concert.

Although Na'an city is usually busy, it never gets crowded. But today, the whole road of the concert is full of people.

"It's not surprising that there are few big stars coming from rock star. There are dangers everywhere, and there are few big stars coming out." Jim answered, shaking his head.

Panshi star is a war zone. The residents here always dream of becoming first-class warriors when they were young. The education of Panshi star is also trained in this way. The education has always been based on the basic training of the first-class soldiers. No one who hopes to become a Oracle will choose cultural knowledge.

Art knowledge, such as music, dance and painting, will not be provided by schools unless students are very rich in their own homes and can be taught.

Coupled with the harsh living environment, rock star's entertainment activities are particularly scarce compared with the non war zone.

It's rare for a big star to come to the concert, and the residents of Panshi star burst out with great enthusiasm.

This is due to the blockade of Skynet, which has cut off the fast track for many people to buy tickets through Skynet. As a result, the number of people from other cities to attend the concert is less, otherwise the number will be more.

"Emma, Emma, I love you!" Even through the window, David could hear the warm cry outside.

David didn't understand these people very much. He didn't pursue stars himself, but when he looked at his friends, he saw the same excited look.

If it wasn't for the special suspension car, it could drive directly into the street, and if some of his friends were not on it, it would be just like these crazy people.

Although David had no right to drive it from a high place, the police did not dare to stop it.

When the car reached the theater where the concert was located, David found something wrong because he saw a red carpet at the door.

A man in a security uniform came up and looked at David and four other people in the car and looked at the red carpet list of identity bracelets.

"Sir, please stop the suspension car here!" It is estimated that several people are not invitees on the red carpet, and security immediately followed the command road.

Although the security guard can't see that the floating car is owned by Galen, he can see how expensive it is. In addition, the police can let it over there, which also shows the identity of the people in the car.

Therefore, the security guard's attitude is excellent, with a smile on his face all the time, for fear of offending the powerful.

David also knows that he can't get off here. Maybe people around him think they are going to take the red carpet.

The suspension car stopped and David and several people got out of it.

"Gentlemen, what's your position? I'll show you the way!" The security guard has been following, saw several people get off the suspension car, immediately respectfully asked.

The tickets are in Myron's identity bracelet, and he shows them.

"Please come with me, some distinguished guests!" As soon as the security guard looked at box five, he knew that he was doing the right thing today and made a gesture.

Myron also wanted to stay here to see the red carpet, but he also knew that the guests in the box would be disgraced if they stayed here to see the red carpet, so he didn't mention it.

The security guard led several people into the concert site through the exclusive passageway for distinguished guests. The concert site was arranged into a huge round shape with up to 20000 seats.

And the box is around the central stage, 20 boxes form a round shape, located above the ordinary audience.

The location of box 5 is very good. It's a little bit right on the front of the stage. It's one of the best places to watch.

Security will David several people to the box door left, Myron opened the box door with tickets.

"Gentlemen, my name is Fanny. I'm in charge of box five. Please call me if you need me." Just walked into the box, a beautiful looking waitress introduced herself.

All kinds of fruits and snacks are ready in the box. There is a wine cabinet next to it. The seats are all soft sofas. As far as the concert is concerned, it is a very luxurious enjoyment.

On one wall of the box, the situation of the red carpet outside was shown.

"Fortunately, I didn't stay outside to see the red carpet!" Myron said with a smile.

Here are all friends, there is no scruple in speaking.

"I wanted to stay just now, but I didn't mean to say it!" De Quincy went on.

Joking, outside the red carpet has been lively, a celebrity appeared, from the red carpet.

Almost every time Myron saw a person walking across the red carpet, he called out his name and exclaimed.

Although David was smiling, he didn't know any of these so-called celebrities.He never knew that there were such celebrities in Naan city. Even if the celebrities were not Galen, Alvin and Mervyn, at least they should be Helena, Bray and Harrington.

However, the writers, songwriters, hosts, movie stars and other professional celebrities who listened to Myron's call out did not feel at all in David's heart.

In fact, it's a matter of hierarchy. David's people today are from Naan City, even at the top of the rock star.

And even if they come to the concert, they won't be on the red carpet.

The process of red carpet is very long. Watching a so-called celebrity who doesn't know walking slowly on the red carpet, David has some regrets to come to the concert. The concert is more boring than he imagined. If it wasn't for his friends, he would have left long ago.

David asked for a glass of juice, opened a copy of the God's great world book on the identity bracelet and read it.

Several friends also know that David is hard-working in practice. They spend a lot of time with them these days. When they see David reading, they don't disturb him.

If you concentrate on reading, time will pass quickly.

David, who was reading a book, suddenly heard a beautiful female song and woke him up from the book.

The song was beautiful, but it wasn't enough to wake David. It was the subtle spiritual power of the song.

This makes the singing have a kind of feeling of integrating into people's heart, and makes the people who hear the song involuntarily follow the song and change their emotions.

"Spirit attack!" David, who had just experienced spiritual induction not long ago, was on the alert immediately, but soon he found out that he was too much.

The spiritual force in this song is more important in influencing people's emotions, without any intention of attack.

At least David's soul fortress did not repel the spiritual power of the voice. The song also made David feel happy, which showed that the song was harmless.

Discovering the spiritual power of the song, David was so curious that he looked at the stage.

Standing on the stage was a woman in a white pleated skirt with long blonde hair and a delicate and beautiful face. It was Emma who played the leading role in the concert.

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David's understanding of Emma is only in the memory of his predecessor. In addition, he does not attach importance to this memory, so the so-called understanding is only to see the extent to which Emma knows who she is.

When I really saw Emma herself, I understood why her predecessor and some of her friends were so obsessed with her.

In the interstellar age, as long as you spend some credit points, you can ensure that your body will not be obese, and cosmetic surgery is just a trivial operation, so you usually see a lot of beautiful women.

Emma is different from those beauties. Of course, her appearance has reached the peak that David can imagine, but what makes Emma different is her temperament.

In David's opinion, besides the innate generation and nurture, the rest should be caused by his spirit.

Emma's spirit is about 3, which David estimates will not be biased.

Three times the spirit of ordinary people, coupled with Emma's warm spirit, makes her beauty extremely special.

Knowing that Emma's voice was not aggressive, David was also open and immersed in the song.

Emma's singing is very infectious, and David, who has released her spirit, is like a good friend around him, completely entering the artistic conception brought by the song.

Without knowing it, David's spirit was sent out of his soul.

If David is asked to take the initiative to do so, he can't do it at all, because there are only three kinds of spiritual mastery: "spiritual puncture", "mental sleep" and the spontaneous mental outburst after focusing on the spirit.

Now his spirit emanates from his body and is guided by Emma's song.

David's spirit is integrated into Emma's spirit. Along with Emma's singing, we can feel the emotion of 20000 audience. This is a wonderful feeling.

Emma, who is singing with all her heart and soul, is accompanied by David's spirit. The appeal of her singing has been strengthened several times.

Originally affected by the singing, the audience is only slightly emotional fluctuation. Most of the people born in the rock star and experienced the most dangerous living environment are still extremely strong willed.

But when David's spirit was integrated into Emma's spirit, the audience's mood was out of control.

When singing to the fate of the suffering, the scene of 20000 audience were tearful, when singing to the beautiful life, the scene of 20000 audience then laugh.

Not to mention the audience, even David and Emma, the singer himself, were immersed in singing.

Any longer song will be over, and when Emma finishes her last line, she suddenly wakes up.

She felt that the spirit was intertwined with another spirit. The spirit was the extension of the soul. This feeling was like a close embrace between two people.

Emma, as frightened, hastily regained her spirit.

Emma has a strong understanding of the power of spirit, which is related to her family background. She has access to many spiritual knowledge that ordinary people can't touch.She knows that the spirit and the spirit of direct contact, if not careful is the result of both sides.

Fortunately, her spirit and the spirit of the other party are not a trace of deliberate, otherwise in the integration period as long as there is a little incongruity, then the two souls will be affected.

Of course, Emma didn't know that if something happened, it would only affect her, not David.

David's soul fortress and "crystal mind" protect his soul.

Emma looked into a box in front of the stage where the spirit she felt was coming from.

David also came to his senses. He felt that his spirit had improved a little.

The shadow waiter is right beside him. He puts his hand on the shadow waiter and activates the property panel.

Just a song time, his spirit increased by 0.02, his spirit reached 5.20.

If he wants to improve the spirit of 0.01, he needs to kill at least ten warriors, absorb their souls, or kill dozens of Zerg.

Now just a song let him improve 0.02, which can't help but let him a burst of heart.

He looked at Emma with his eyes burning.

Emma and David's eyes meet, Emma's face appears a crimson color, David's burning eyes let her look away.

"How can this man look at me like this?" Emma thought, just because of the spiritual blending just now, let her not too much blame for David's eyes, but more inexplicable joy.

Emma was glad that David was about her age and that he was acceptable.

She didn't want to mingle with the spirit of an old man or a greasy uncle.

"Who is he?" When Emma bowed her head, the thought rose in her heart.

It was not until the blush on Emma's face faded that the audience at the scene came to their senses.

"God, Emma sings so well. I feel like my soul has been washed away!" Myron said with a long breath.

"Myron, why are you crying?" Asked de Quincy, pointing to the tears on Myron's face.

"Ah Myron quickly touched his face and found it was full of tears. He wiped away the tears and said to de Quincy, "you have tears on your face, you have cried too!"

De Quincy also touched, sure enough, his face was full of tears.

He looked at Jim and Daley again, and found that they were wiping their tears. Only David's face was clean and special.

"David, are you not moved by the song?" Myron looked at David and asked.

"I'm very moved!" David nodded positively.

When David and Emma's spirit merged, he felt the emotional change of the audience. Myron and his friends were crying and laughing for a while, and their faces were still full of tears.

The 20000 audience on the scene felt clear headed, which was the benefit of the song just now.

Those who have psychological injury will be cured completely if they are slight, and those who have no psychological injury will be full of vigor and vitality.

The vast majority of the rock star audiences are more or less suffering from psychological injury. How can anyone in the war zone not be exposed to danger? After this time, their hearts have been restored.

But Emma and David got the biggest benefit. In the process of their spirit experiencing the emotional changes of 20000 audiences, their spirit was also improved.

Of course, Emma doesn't have David's property panel, so she can't see the actual enhancement of her spirit, but Emma also feels some subtle changes in herself. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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