Transcendent David

Chapter 203: CH 203

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There were warm applause at the concert. Many of the audience didn't know what had happened just now. But the extreme feeling made them accept the baptism of their hearts, so they gave Emma the warmest applause.

Some of these audiences may have guesses, but there are so few people studying the spiritual field that they can only guess.

Emma calmed down, and in the rehearsal order, the band began the prelude to the second song.

With the prelude, the scene immediately quieted down, the mood of expectation filled the air, and the audience were looking forward to another spiritual baptism.

Emma's voice sounded again, and it was still the faint power of spirit that came out with the song and filled the whole concert scene.

It is estimated that only in this way can the spiritual power be distributed to such a large range. Even if David's spirit is far beyond Emma's, it is extremely difficult to spread the spirit out of the body.

After hearing Emma's singing, David didn't hesitate. How could he let go of the good thing of improving his spirit.

With the experience of the last song, he was once again fully absorbed in Emma's singing.

Soon, his spirit was influenced by Emma's singing, integrated into the song and blended with Emma's spirit.

Emma felt David's spirit merge with her spirit again this time, but because of the danger of spiritual integration, she didn't dare to stop or have other ideas, so she could only sing wholeheartedly.

And her subconscious, or very willing to enjoy the feeling of spiritual integration.

With the singing, the mood of the 20000 audience was sometimes happy, sometimes sad, sometimes happy, and sometimes sad. David's spirit spread with Emma's singing in the huge concert scene.

This concert is more like Emma and David performing together. With the singing of a song, their cooperation becomes more and more familiar, and the effect is getting better and better.

In the first few songs, the audience applauded, but after a few songs, 20000 audiences got deeper and deeper in the singing, and the time to recover was longer and longer.

Often the influence of the previous song is not over, the next song has already begun.

There was a strange situation in the concert, that is, no more applause, and all the audience fell into a deep obsession.

Even the members of the band are influenced by the singing. We should know that these band members often cooperate with Emma and are used to the influence of Emma's spiritual power. Now, with David's participation, they can bear it at first, but they are also trapped in it for a long time.

Fortunately, when preparing for the concert, we prevented mistakes and recorded the accompaniment. When the band had problems, the accompaniment was supplemented in time, and there was no performance accident.

Of course, accompaniment is not normally used in concerts, which is extremely irresponsible to the audience. However, no one in the audience today has found this point, and everyone is addicted to the singing.

It may be that habits become natural. In the last song, as soon as Emma's singing started, David's spirit was sent out and Emma's spirit was also extended. Their spirits were like the warp and weft of a piece of cloth, interwoven and overlapped together.

After the singing, the whole scene is quiet, only the accompaniment is still at the end.

The whole concert site, not only the audience is addicted, but also the band, security and so on.

Emma stood quietly on the stage, at this time the concert was over, she could clearly feel the change of spirit, her spirit became stronger.

It's obvious that her spirit has become stronger. When she was young, her grandfather gave her a "Longyin fruit". After taking it, she felt the same way.

The "Longyin fruit" is a rare treasure of heaven and earth. It is also obtained from the God's world. It has a great moistening effect on the spirit.

It doesn't matter how precious longyinguo is, just say that it can only be taken once in a lifetime. If you take it again, it will have no effect. Moreover, there are very few natural materials and earth treasures that can enhance the spirit. Even if you have credit and power, it is very difficult to obtain it. This makes it extremely difficult to improve the spirit by using foreign objects.

But this concert, a total of 20 songs, is equal to or even better than the effect of "longyinguo".

Shouma's childhood spirit is not as strong as it is now. It has the same promotion effect, but the difficulty is completely different.

Emma looked again at David in box five. From the shyness of spiritual integration at the beginning to the nature after that, a strange feeling rose in her heart.

Emma is not without pursuers, but in the interstellar Federation, there are many excellent young people who want to pursue her.

But she did not accept one, on the one hand, because of her family, she needed to be careful of anyone she contacted, and on the other hand, she didn't feel it.

Because of the powerful spirit, Emma is more likely to feel other people's hearts. Her soul is extremely pure, which makes her naturally take this standard to measure everyone who wants to approach her.

This makes it difficult for Emma to open her heart, even though she has very few friends of the same sex, let alone accept friends of the opposite sex.

David also felt Emma's extremely pure heart in the spirit blending again and again.As a more powerful spiritual party, he has more initiative and more feelings in the spirit blending with Emma.

David had no other thoughts. He just admired Emma very much.

The chaos of the entertainment circle in the past life made him only listen to songs, but not pay attention to the people who sing.

He knew that the spirit would not lie. How could a girl with a gold heart not be appreciated by him.

David once again let the shadow agent activate the property panel. It is unknown how long the silence will last. Now he wants to know how much spiritual growth has been brought to him by the spiritual fusion of 20 songs.

When he saw the spirit that had reached 5.26, he still showed a smile.

The spiritual fusion of the first song brought him the greatest harvest, but he also knew that the situation of getting 0.02 spirit at a time could not last forever.

He is very satisfied to have another 0.06 point improvement in spirit.

"Boom Finally, the audience at the concert woke up. They all stood up and clapped and cheered wildly.

The band members wake up and look at each other with an incredible look on their faces and a sense of chagrin.

There are two crazy audience towards the stage direction, face with obsession and madness.

With these two audiences taking the lead, more audiences are affected. They are not completely separated from the influence of singing, and their emotions are extremely vulnerable to external influence.

Emma was surprised to see the crazy audience. On the stage, she was surrounded by audiences, and there was no place to retreat.

"Miss!" Two middle-aged women stood close to the entrance of the concert. As soon as they were sober from the influence of singing, they saw the madness of the audience and immediately cried out.

These two are Emma's bodyguards. Although they have the strength of top class A, they are not wearing exoskeleton armor. It is too late for them to rush to the stage from the door.

Originally, they were standing beside the stage, but the impact of their singing just now was so great that they needed to stay awake, so they retreated to the farthest distance from the stage.

But that's how they were affected.

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Now Emma's safety is under threat, but they can't protect it in time.

David, who is looking at the property panel, feels Emma's panic. This is a link between the two after their spiritual integration, which may gradually weaken and disappear over time.

But now that the spirit of communion has just ended, the connection still exists.

David saw Emma's danger, he came to the concert, it is impossible to bring a sword.

Fortunately, he had been carrying the second grade bayonet with him. He was anxious for Emma's safety, and he had no time to go out from the box door.

The box door has to pass through the passage. It takes a long time to get out of the box and come to the scene. Emma has been in trouble for a long time.

David's second grade bayonet moves on the glass in front of him. The solid bulletproof glass that can even block light thermal weapons is thinner than paper in front of the second grade bayonet.

In less than a second, a hole was cut out in front of the box for one person to pass through.

David made his way through the hole and leaped toward the stage with all his strength.

The distance is about 40 meters, so it is impossible to jump to it.

Because of his impatience, David directly turned on the talent of "extreme speed". His figure turned into an illusory shadow and stepped on the heads of several audience members.

At a speed of 1.7 seconds in 100 meters and a distance of 40 meters, he stood on the stage.

At this time, the nearest audience jumped onto the stage, and two Emma's bodyguards were still 100 meters away.

David looked around and found that the stimulation of spiritual integration was too strong, which made the audience's restraint extremely weak. Under the guidance of someone, most of the audience were rushing to the stage.

These audiences are not enemies, and David can't kill them one by one as if he were dealing with Zerg.

Now the only choice is to leave the stage, which is in the center of the auditorium and in the most prominent position. It is almost like a lighthouse attracting this crazy audience.

"Follow me!" David immediately made a judgment. He pulled Emma up and dragged her to the least number of people.

Emma was holding hands and blushed again, but she knew that the crisis was at hand, and she could not bear to think about it. She immediately ran with David.

Emma has also practiced physical exercises, which is about 800 kg. Her speed is OK, but it is far from that of David.

David had just run two steps when he found that he was too fast to pull Emma away from the ground, which would easily hurt Emma.

He didn't even think about it, and as soon as he put his arm into action, Emma was carried behind him.

David's strength at the foot of his body, more than Emma's weight, for him, is as light as nothing.

With his feet on the heads and shoulders of the audience, he stood out after several times.Emma did not expect that David would carry her behind her, and began to struggle, but when she felt the familiar spirit, her heart suddenly calmed down.

David took her to jump over the heads of the audience. Emma could not see the crazy faces of the audience. She only had the peace wrapped in the familiar spirit. She was lying on David's back, her head gently resting on David's shoulder, and her face showed a smile.

Just when David thought he was leaving, he suddenly felt that two murders had locked him in.

Then two figures rushed to him. In the process of two figures rushing to him, two second class swords were pulled out from behind.

"Kill!" Two pale blue lights turned into lightning and swept toward David's legs.

"Damn it, how can weapons be allowed in here?" David cursed in his heart that his spear could be hidden, but the two men's second class swords could not be hidden.

At the same time, his spirit also felt the strength of the two men. He had been in contact with many top beetles, and he knew that they were two subversive warriors.

If he had the right weapon in his hand, David didn't care about fighting.

But just after opening box five, he stabbed back to his leg. It was too late to pull it out.

Besides, he was not the opponent of the two top swordsmen, even though he was holding the spear.

"Flash!" David instinctively made a judgment, almost no time to think, his figure has been fast translation.

With "extreme speed" turned on, he was out of the range of the two long swords before the dark blue light approached.

As soon as his feet touched the ground, he immediately exerted force, and "power shock" was aroused. He kicked two chairs at two people, and his body quickly retreated.

The two female bodyguards think David is controlling Emma. They are very aware of Emma's temperament. They don't even touch a man's hand, let alone lie on his back.

And this man they have never met, so misunderstanding arises.

For Emma's safety, the two female bodyguards are almost desperate to attack, but this is still unable to catch up with David like a fish.

When seeing the two chairs flying towards themselves, the two female bodyguards didn't think about it. They just swept out with one sword, and the figure would rush to them without pause.

But from the chair came the strange power, let not guard two female bodyguards whole body a shock.

When the two bodyguards were weak, they bit the tip of their tongue at the same time, and two blood arrows shot at David.

This is the secret skill of two female bodyguards. The strong blood arrow is enough to break through the gold and iron. For the armour without exoskeleton armor, the body defense is only slightly stronger than that of ordinary people. This blood arrow, which is almost like a bullet, can not withstand.

The attack of the two female bodyguards deliberately avoided Emma's position. At such a close distance, they immediately came to David.

"Danger!" David sensed the danger coming, and as he was retreating, he could see the way the attack was being used.

At the same time of his high concentration, his spirit began to explode, and the track of the two blood arrows flying was completely in his eyes.

From the attack position of the two blood arrows, we can see the cooperation of the two female bodyguards. No matter how David dodges, it is very difficult for David to avoid all the two blood arrows.

On one side of David's body, his right leg was lifted up and blocked in front of him. He successfully avoided one blood arrow, and another hit him in the lower leg.

Where he was hit in the calf, a faint blue light flashed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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