Transcendent David

Chapter 204: CH 204

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David used the second grade army spike on his calf to block the attack of blood arrow, but the huge force contained in the blood arrow still drove him out.

These two female bodyguards are the real elite top beetles with many secret arts. They are the absolute elites selected by Emma's family from the special forces in the army.

Although they didn't expect that there would be "power shock" talents in this desolate planet, they still made a strong counterattack at the first time.

David was also angered by the attack of the female bodyguard. If it was an ordinary beetle, not to mention the blood arrow, the previous attacks were lethal.

When he flies out of the body, the fierce look in his eyes flashes, and the "spiritual arrow" in the seedling of the soul fortress is mobilized.

David didn't know that these two female top beetles were Emma's bodyguards, but they thought they were the strong ones in the audience, or that mysterious organization would come back and assassinate him again.

When he decided to use the "spirit arrow", David was awe struck by the opportunity. If he used the ability of "spirit piercing" which is not an interstellar Federation, he could not survive.

Just when David was ready to use the "spiritual arrow" to fight for his life, Emma behind him finally saw two female bodyguards.

Emma's reaction is a little slow, including Emma. This is the first time that Emma is so close to a man, and her mind is influenced by David's spirit. On the other hand, David's process of fighting with two female bodyguards is too fast.

"Leona, Nora, stop! He's saving me!" Cried Emma.

Hearing her cry, David stopped the "spirit arrow" to stimulate, and the two female bodyguards also stopped the forward rush.

"Let's rush out first!" What hasn't come and what to explain, the audience around him has gathered around, David said quickly.

"We cover!" Without hesitation, Leona and Nora, the two female bodyguards, immediately protected David and Emma in the middle and rushed to the door together.

Just as several people rushed out of the gate of the concert, the security system of the concert was activated, and a harsh alarm sounded throughout the concert site.

All the audience who heard the alarm were awakened from their madness, and then they found out what they had just done.

"No catch up!" David didn't have to look back. The shadow boy on his head had already seen it clearly. He said with a sigh of relief.

The reporters who had been staying outside the concert did not expect to see Emma being carried out by a man. The cameras in their hands were all aimed at several people.

"Can you put the lady down?" Leona looked around, then at David, who was still carrying Emma, and whispered.

"I'm sorry!" David felt a little embarrassed, and quickly put Emma down and said.

Thank you Said Emma softly.

"Emma, why are you recited One reporter first asked.

"Can you tell us your name?" This is a reporter asking David.

"What happened at the concert?"

"Emma, are you in love with him?"

"Emma, how long have you known each other?"

One by one, most of the questions were asked to Emma. Influenced by Emma, David was constantly questioned by reporters.

"Sir, don't talk. We'll deal with these things. Get out of here first!" Leona, afraid of David talking, whispered.

Leona and Nora push away the reporters who are approaching. A floating car flies over. It's David's floating car. In Naan City, his floating car has incomparable priority.

So after David and Emma walked out of the concert together, the first thing to arrive was David's floating car.

The door opens automatically, and the two female bodyguards, regardless of whether it's their own floating car, want to make sure Emma leaves quickly to reduce the impact of the incident.

David couldn't even get into the driver's seat. Nora jumped into the driver's seat faster than he did.

In the reporter's questioning, Leona helped Emma get on the suspension car, and David also followed him. Finally, Leona pushed the reporter close to enter the suspension car and closed the door.

The suspension car rises from the ground, deftly avoids the reporter and speeds up to leave the scene.

A reporter quietly came to the side of the police, left and right to see that no one was paying attention to him, and then gently touched the police.

"Whose is that floating car just now?" The reporter asked in a low voice. He was afraid that the police would not tell the truth, and then said, "I'll buy it at the same price."

"You'd better not ask, we are old friends to remind you!" Said the policeman in a deep voice.

The super running floating car that drove directly into the scene was so eye-catching that the police here had already noticed it and knew who it belonged to.

It was because he knew the result that the policeman warned the investigating reporter.

Reporters are also rich in experience, listen to the words of the police understand the background of the other party is very large, immediately bow head pretended to be inadvertently left the police side.

"Thank you, sir, for saving miss. We will repay you!" Leona looked at the young and outrageous David in front of her and said thanks.Although David's strength is beyond her expectation, she has seen too many talents beside Emma. Such a genius as David is not worthy of her attention. If David did not save Emma, it would be a great help to her, and she would not say so.

"It's nothing. I'm just doing what I want!" David waved back.

He got a lot of benefits from his spiritual communion with Emma. How could he not help Emma when she was in danger.

"Leona, are you and Nora OK?" Asked Emma, with concern in her eyes.

She only knew that David had fought with two female bodyguards for a short time. Only at this time did she see Leona's face pale and bloody. Nora's face could not be seen, but the feeling of exhaustion could be seen.

"This gentleman is very strong. Nora and I have not been able to hurt him by using the secret arts. Now Nora and I are just the sequelae after using the secret arts. Just have a rest." Leona replied respectfully.

Emma put her heart down and looked at David secretly with her eyes. Such a close distance made her see more clearly David's face.

A strange sense of intimacy rose from her heart, which was the result of the fusion of spirit and spirit, and also affected Emma's view of David.

Emma wanted to ask David's name, but she was too shy to speak.

"Your name, sir?" As if knowing Emma's thoughts, Leona asked David.

Of course, Leona didn't know what Emma thought. She just wanted to make it easier to contact David and thank him afterwards.

"My name is David Kerr!" David introduced himself. Then he pointed out and asked, "where do you get off? I have friends at the concert

Emma secretly wrote down the name of David Kerr. She wanted to ask David about the spiritual integration at the concert. However, she felt that the occasion was wrong, and she was embarrassed to let the bodyguard know about the spiritual integration.

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Leona breathed a sigh of relief at David's reply.

David's attitude didn't depend on what they meant. Instead, he didn't care about Emma.

"We stayed at the Titan Hotel, where we could meet other people!" Leona replied with a smile.

David nodded and said nothing more.

To be honest, David has never been so close to such a beautiful woman in his previous life or this life, which makes him feel a little restrained.

After many times of strengthening the five senses, you can clearly smell the smell of Emma opposite, it is a light flower like fragrance.

Smelling this fragrance, David can not help but think of the previous soul blending, thought of the body contact when saving Emma, which makes David more cramped.

"Mr. David, I apologize for what we just did!" Leona also felt that the atmosphere in the car was a little strange, so she broke the atmosphere with a voice.

"I'm wrong, too. I think you're people who want to be bad for us." David waved his hand.

When Emma heard David say our word, the scarlet color on her face, which had already disappeared, reappeared.

A trace of sweetness rose in her heart. Her heart beat faster than ever before.

Whether David or Leona, in this narrow space, perception is very strong, Emma's change is both perceptible.

Once again, the floating car fell into a strange atmosphere, and Leona did not make a sound. She did not know Emma's thoughts, so she did not break the atmosphere in the car.

The quiet atmosphere ended with the trembling of David's identity bracelet, which David saw was Myron's communication request.

"David, you're just so cool. We're all in a daze!" Myron's voice was ringing in the suspension car, and he continued, "but where have you been? Can't the hero throw us down after saving the United States? "

David's face was a little embarrassed. He glanced at Emma in front of him. He scolded Myron for being a good mouth guy.

"My God, I guessed you right if you didn't speak?" It seems to feel something, Myron exclaimed, and then he said, "we'll spend more time outside and find a way to go back without you picking us up!"

After Myron finished, he disconnected the communication, and David looked at the identity bracelet.

During the whole conversation, David didn't even say a word. Myron said that the painting was over.

"Poof!" Emma covered her mouth with her slender hand and did not suppress a slight smile.

"This is my good friend. You don't care if you often talk without thinking." David explained awkwardly.

"I feel it's good to have such a friend!" Emma replied softly.

Emma's voice was soft, and though not as attractive as the spiritual force she used to sing, it was still the best voice David had ever heard.

With the first language exchange between Emma and David, the invisible barrier between them disappeared.

"Yes, it's not easy to make true friends." David agreed with Emma, too, and nodded."I haven't said thank you personally. Thank you for saving me at the risk of your life." Said Emma, bowing her head.

"In fact, I want to thank you too!" David quickly replied.

As soon as his words were said, they were stunned at the same time. They both understood the meaning of the unintentional words, and their faces showed a look of embarrassment.

The blending of spirit is equal to the intimate contact between two souls.

Emma felt the greatness of David's spirit and the strange charm in his spirit.

David also felt the immaculate soul of Emma in the spirit blending, and the pure and crystal soul also attracted David.

As two people with strong spirit, their strong spirit makes them feel the spirit of others. It is very difficult for some people who have other thoughts to become their friends.

It's harder to find a step closer than a friend.

Of course, neither David nor Emma has gone that far. Now they just have the idea of getting to know each other.

"Can I exchange contact numbers?" David asked in a voice.

Leona wanted to refuse, because Emma's contact number would not be given to outsiders. She usually needed to contact Emma. All of them were connected with Emma's economic person. Better friends were through their two bodyguards.

"Yes!" Without waiting for Leona to say no, Emma opened her bracelet and said.

David and Emma exchanged contact numbers, so they were in touch.

"Can we exchange the application of spirit in the future?" David asked, thinking of Emma's wonderful spiritual application.

"OK." Said Emma, nodding, but soon she was somewhat disappointed and said, "but I'm leaving Naan tomorrow, and I'm in renka most of the time!"

"That would be great!" David said in surprise.

Emma looked at David with wide eyes, not knowing why he said so.

"I'm going to take the college entrance examination soon. The school I want to test is in renka star!" David explained with a smile.

"What school do you want to test for, renka star, I am very familiar with it!" Emma was very happy, too, she said, chuckling.

In conversation, something called fate rises in each other's hearts.

In such a large interstellar Federation, the two met in Naan, the rock star, and will meet again on renka, probably on the same planet for a long time.

"I want to take Alicia No.1 school!" When David said the name of the school, there was not a trace of pride and show off, some just plain, as if to say a very common thing.

"Alidia No.1 school, what a coincidence, my home is in Kia city!" More surprises for Emma.

David was also very surprised. He thought that he was only on the same planet, even if he was predestined, but now he found that he was still in the same city.

"When you get to Qiya, I'll show you around. The scenery there is very beautiful." After saying so much, Emma also somewhat let go, she offered to invite.

"It's a pity that you will leave tomorrow, otherwise I can show you the city of Naan, which is the most beautiful city on the rock star!" David said with a smile.

Leona, sitting next to them, looked at Emma and then at David, wondering if she would report it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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