Transcendent David

Chapter 214: CH 214

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The two curving engines of the Raptor refitted ship used only 50% of the power and flew continuously for four days.

David in the spaceship, did not stop the normal training.

However, the life in the spaceship was more comfortable than his practice in Naan city.

He brought the intelligent core of Emma, the intelligent housekeeper, to the spaceship. Emma, the intelligent housekeeper, controls a machine body and prepares three meals for him with two professional chefs.

Smart housekeeper Emma's cooking knowledge comes from the Titan S600 transport ship. Bonner, the successor of Titan consortium, specially developed a cook program for enjoyment, which can be compared with top chefs.

The two chefs on the thundersnake refitting ship can be regarded as extraordinary by Cather, and they are also the top chefs in the fleet.

Feeling the threat from Emma, the smart housekeeper, the two chefs went all out.

This allows David to enjoy different styles of top-level meals in his spare time.

As for the cultivation resources, David is also fully prepared. Thirty days of secondary fortified meat and several months of primary fortified meat ensure that he will not be short of resources for cultivation for a period of time.

"What's the matter? How did you turn off the warp engine? " When David was having lunch, he felt that the speed of the Raptor refitting ship slowed down. He asked strangely.

"My Lord, we must exit from the speed of light and report to this space fortress. Otherwise, the space mines in the next space will regard the spaceship as illegal. Once we enter the range of space mines, we will be attacked by space mines!" Captain hope quickly explained.

Through captain hope's next detailed explanation, David understood the reason.

Rock star is the last administrative star in the theater. After leaving rock star and heading for the interstellar Federation, there will be three defense belts arranged by the interstellar Federation.

The first defense zone is a minefield composed of countless space mines. This kind of space mine has a very fast reaction speed. As long as an illegal intruder is found, it will self explode and use the power of explosion to hurt the illegal intruder.

At the same time, before the self explosion, a message about the illegal intruder will also spread to the nearby space mines. If the illegal intruder is not killed, then the one waiting for the illegal intruder is the continuous self explosion of other space mines.

Of course, this defense belt is not aimed at interstellar Federation ships, but to prevent the occasionally encircled Zerg.

However, since the defense belt has been deployed, the interstellar Federation has also applied it to deal with some illegal spaceships and prevent them from leaving the theater.

When each ship leaves the war zone, it must be checked. No Zerg is stolen out of the war zone. At the same time, the spaceship has the legal qualification to assign a safety identification for the spacecraft.

With the safety identification, when passing through the space minefield, the space mine will not be triggered, and the spacecraft can successfully pass through the space minefield.

The damage of Zerg is too great. As long as one larva is taken out of the war zone, it may produce a huge swarm of insects on a planet with better environment and abundant resources.

The rules came from a destruction that, long ago, had not been so scrutinized.

A crazed collector thinks of a larva as his new collection, with exoskeleton armor and various confinement devices. The larva has little resistance.

But when this crazy collector returned to his hometown, it was in the process of transportation. Due to the negligence of the staff, the locking device used to hold the larvae was cut off, which made the larvae use extremely corrosive saliva and sharp limb knives to break the prison and successfully absconded.

This crazy collector didn't take it seriously and didn't report it. It's just ten years later, the administrative star in the heart of the interstellar Federation was full of Zerg.

The interstellar federation can't allow Zerg to occupy an administrative star. Fortunately, it has only been 10 years, and there is no support from warstar Zerg here, so the Zerg can only be promoted to level 2.

After many times of ground clearing, a large number of beetles were killed, and even ten of the extraordinary were killed. The interstellar Federation found that the executive star could not eliminate all Zerg in this way.

There are countless larvae hidden in the earth of the executive star. In addition, a large number of resources on the executive star make the emergence of secondary Zerg in batches. Finally, the helpless interstellar Federation decides to destroy the executive star.

Zerg disaster is like a plague, once spread to other planets, the consequences will be unimaginable.

A rich executive star, because of a Zerg larva, was eventually destroyed by a starburst.

Once the Zerg enter the administrative star with sufficient resources, it will produce explosive development.

The interstellar Federation didn't want to see the second executive star destroyed, so it had a strict inspection system to prevent the Zerg from leaving the theater in various ways.

David saw the military base at close range for the first time as the modified thunderbolt slowly entered the battleground.

This is a huge steel space city, a military fortress. The space city is not beautiful. Its rough style shows the terror of its war killing machine.A large number of heavy weapons, such as kinetic energy weapons, energy weapons, missiles, and various types of weapons from far to near, from strong to weak, make the Space Fortress a powerful space Arsenal.

Space Fortress is one of the important supply stations of the space fleet. It can produce ammunition and repair equipment inside, and it is also a leisure place for space fleet officers and soldiers.

Guided by the command of this space fortress, the thundersnake refitted ship entered a mooring point.

This anchorage is equipped with super powerful scanning equipment, but when scanning, in order to avoid harm to human body, all personnel must leave the spacecraft.

As the scan took an hour, David left the ship fully armed with a custom-made exoskeleton armored loading case, a class III Tomahawk wrapped in a leather case, two second class swords on his back and a second class army spike beside his legs.

The captain took his crew and two chefs to the crew meeting place for rest. Instead of going with them, David wandered alone on the Battlestar.

David brought his custom-made exoskeleton armor loading case and weapons because the Battlestar did not prohibit armour from carrying equipment.

Almost all the spaceships that can sail in space are protected by the Oracle, and the military facilities like Battlestar will not care about some Armored Warriors.

You should know that every space fortress has heavy weapons that can easily kill the oracle. Making trouble in a military station is almost equivalent to seeking death.

David is also used to being careful. He is carrying the exoskeleton armored container and walking on the street outside the ship's parking place.

As a large number of spaceships pass through here for inspection every day, a large number of rich crew members and beetles will spend money in Battlestar, and the spaceship will also take this as a supply point.

The busy street in front of David was formed outside the spaceship parking spot. Many shops were set up here, which made it more like a prosperous city without looking like a military fortress.

The shops on both sides of the street did not attract David. Instead, the pedestrians on the street attracted David's attention.

Most of the pedestrians here are very tough. According to David's eyesight, the proportion of the first class is almost one fifth of the number.

It's a staggering proportion in any city, but it's normal to put it in Battlestar.

This is because there are not only the accompanying beetles of the spaceship, but also a lot of beetles waiting to be recruited here, as well as those in the army.

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From the relatively safe non war zone to the theater space zone, this space fortress is the last safe place and the only way for all spacecraft entering the theater.

Therefore, there is also a human market mainly composed of beetles. The warriors are waiting for the spaceships to enter the war zone to recruit the accompanying beetles here.

of course, there are also many pirate Eyeliner here, reporting the targets that can be seen here.

In addition, it is also a market for selling stolen goods. There is no Skynet and no corresponding government department. As long as the management fee is paid to the military here, some goods of unknown origin can be traded here.

It is because of this that this strange market has emerged.

"Hit, head up!"

"Well, that's it!"

"Bear man, bearded man, bearded bear, bearded bear, bearded bear, bearded bear, bearded bear, bearded bear, bearded bear, bearded bear, bearded bear, bearded bear, bearded bear, bearded bear, bearded bear, bearded bear, bearded bear, bear

Halfway through the street, David saw a boxing ring projected on the outer wall of a bar in front of him. On the ring, two people were fighting, and the noise was coming.

These are two warriors fighting, but they are not wearing exoskeleton armor or using weapons. They are fighting each other with empty hands.

David himself has 23% mastery of the level of unarmed combat ability, he saw two beetles in the air combat, he was very interested.

Just as he watched the battle in the projection, a hand reached behind him and grabbed the third class heavy axe wrapped in leather sheath behind his back.

51% of proficient level stealing ability, although usually has no effect, but has this ability in the body, even if David is distracted at this time, this hand grasps his level three heavy axe, he immediately discovered.

David's hand was faster than that hand before the hand fell on the third class heavy axe. Perhaps because the other party's theft was too amateur, he grabbed the hand at once.

"Oh, pain, my hand, be gentle!" The owner of the hand was a thin young man with a black Flamingo pattern on the back of his hand. At this time, David grabbed the wrist and cried out loudly.

His cry attracted the attention of the people around him, and immediately five warriors, armed with weapons and carrying an exoskeleton armored container, came up.

"Let go of the monkey!" The strong man, the leader, said in a deep voice.

"Go away!" David wanted to break the young man's hand called monkey directly, but he was also a oracle. Although his strength was not very good, he could not easily break his wrist, so he could only throw it out.

"Monkey, what's going on?" The first strong man didn't want to make trouble here, but his man was beaten. He couldn't just let it go. So he grabbed the monkey's body and asked in a deep voice.The monkey looked at David and said a word in the strong man's ear. The strong man's eyes immediately changed and turned to look at David, especially the third class heavy axe behind him.

They thought David didn't hear it, but when the monkey whispered, the shadow attendant was by the monkey's side. Naturally, David heard that.

"Boss, the weapon behind the boy is not simple. My scanner has scanned the feedback of level 3 materials!" This is what a monkey whispers to a strong man.

When David heard this, he knew that it was not a good thing. Weapons made of grade 3 materials are a great temptation for the first class.

"Boy, you hurt my arm. Do you want to leave something as compensation? I think the heavy axe behind you is good. I'll let you go if you leave the heavy axe!" The strong man made a gesture, and several companions quickly surrounded David.

They didn't do it, they kept threatening with words.

If there is no explanation from captain hope before getting off the ship, David will be arrested by Battlestar if he uses weapons.

In Space Fortress, it doesn't matter if you fight empty handed, but you can't use weapons.

It is impossible for so many warriors to fight in the space fortress. In order to prevent people from dying, it is not easy to clean up. Therefore, it is stipulated to prohibit the use of weapons.

These beetles provoked David just to let him do it first. If David used weapons, he would have the reason to fight back in self-defense. He killed David directly and robbed the heavy axe.

Even if David doesn't use weapons, as long as he does it, plus monkeys with little fighting power, six warriors can easily defeat David, and then they can also rob a heavy axe.

Their ideas are good, but the reality is different from their wishes.

David quickly judged the strength of the other side. The first strong man had the strength close to the peak, two of the other five were high-level, and the rest were middle and low-level.

If weapons are used, David believes that just a few breaths can kill them all.

Even without weapons, David had the absolute confidence to defeat them.

"There are people ready to fight here, and there is a good play to see again!" Cried a beetle nearby.

His cry, coupled with the atmosphere, surrounded by many warriors.

These are just a few. A large group of beetles who are watching the fight on the ring in the bar are all outside the bar after being informed.

David did not expect that the environment here would be like this. He even saw two officers laughing at the situation here, and did not mean to stop them.

"I've made a bet. I'll pay 10 for the boy's victory, and 1-1 for the six-a-class team here!"

David frowned when he heard that someone was starting to bet on their fight. He didn't want to be laughed at.

Without waiting, David suddenly stepped out of his feet. With the blessing of the ultimate speed talent, 23% of his mastery of space combat was almost invisible.

The six warriors were surrounded by the crowd and were distracted for a moment.

David's first kick is aimed at the first strong man, who is the greatest threat to him.

"Ah The strong men screamed together and got a foot in the lower body.

After hitting the strong man, David turned his body and turned around in the air. With this force, he hit another beetle with a whip leg.

The beetle had the strength of a high-level beetle, but his body could not bear the blow. His body flew to the side and collided with another companion.

At this time, the other beetles also responded, yelling, punching and kicking at David.

David easily avoided the attack of several beetles, while accurately hitting their vital points. Although each of the beetles was not fatal, it was enough to lose the fighting ability. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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