Transcendent David

Chapter 215: CH 215

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In 30 seconds, before the dealer over there started to collect the notes, the battle here was over.

The fighting happened suddenly and ended more suddenly.

The onlookers looked at David in disbelief. David picked up a team of beetles alone, even if it was empty handed.

But for David, this kind of fight naturally has a great advantage.

The vast majority of the beetles are involved in unarmed combat, but they don't study it very well, because they need to spend most of their energy on practicing the weapons they need more.

In the face of Zerg, unarmed combat is a joke.

Even if you fight with the Oracle, you can't break through the exoskeleton armor with empty hands.

Therefore, in addition to a very small number of people who are very fond of it and have talent, no one will spend too much effort on it.

However, David directly obtained 23% of the mastery level of unarmed combat ability from the light sphere of knowledge. This level of unarmed combat ability is very rare among the oracle.

He also activated his "extreme speed" talent, which made his unarmed combat strength to a new level. It can be said that even if he meets a warrior who is proficient in the peak of unarmed combat, he can also overcome it.

As long as there is no great difference in strength between the two sides, the fight is naturally extremely easy.

"Good, have a drink at the bar, I'll take it!" The middle-aged man who didn't make a banker just now laughed and invited David.

"Boss, would you like us to have a drink, too?" The beetles on the edge also cheered.

David heard the names and knew that this was the owner of the bar.

"Together!" The owner of the bar, too, said with a smile.

"What about these people?" David looked at the six fallen beetles on the ground and asked in a voice.

"Come for the first time. It's OK. It's just that they're going to have bad luck." Said the boss, pointing to the six beetles on the ground.

Just then, several soldiers came over, and two soldiers grabbed weapons and exoskeleton armored loading boxes from the fallen and groaning beetles and threw them into the nearby military floating flying vehicle.

Except for the monkeys, the rest of them were carrying weapons and carrying exoskeleton armor. Now all the equipment was taken away.

"This is the cost of treatment. If you dare to do it here, you will have to bear the loss if you fail!" A soldier took out the healing potion and poured it to the beetles one by one, then threw the empty bottle on them and said.

Just a minute before and after, several soldiers got on the military floating car and left, leaving behind the six beetles who had been treated. Before leaving, several soldiers also made a gesture of thanks to David.

When David saw the gesture of thanks, he couldn't understand what it meant.

The faces of the six beetles who received the treatment did not look happy. Anyone who received treatment only needed hundreds of credit points but lost hundreds of thousands of credit equipment would not be in a good mood.

The healing potion worked, and all the six beetles recovered some strength. David's attack was reserved, and he didn't want to kill people in the strange space fortress.

"Monkey, you pay for my equipment!" A beetle roared and threw himself on the monkey.

The rest of the beetles also rushed forward. The strong man who could have controlled them could not speak at this time because of the lower part of the body injured. Even if he used the medicine, he could not speak at this time, but his expression was like crying without tears.

"Originally I wanted to remind you to take away the equipment of these guys, but this time the law enforcement team came too fast. It is estimated that the law enforcement team members were nearby just now!" Said the owner as he pulled David into the bar.

The rule here is to fight at will, but if someone loses his resistance, then his belongings will naturally belong to the winner.

It's just that there is no loss of resistance in the fight here. You know, unless there is a huge gap, it's not easy to fight another warrior with his fist.

Because the weak beetles don't wait to be beaten in the same place. Knowing the rules here, they have already run away.

This is why the strong man immediately surrounded David after learning that the weapon behind him might be a class III weapon.

David doesn't care about the equipment. He also understands what the gesture of thanks made by several soldiers just now means that he has left a lot of wealth to the soldiers.

"Little brother, would you like to join us in the air combat competition? At least 10000 credit points a day, which is much higher than the income you get when you do tasks As soon as he sat down in the bar, the owner said to David.

"I'm just passing by, and I'm leaving in a moment!" David knew the reason why the bar owner invited him in. He shook his head and refused.

"Little brother, think about it. My bar is the largest in this area, and your income will increase in the future." The owner of the bar did not give up and continued.

David just shakes his head. How can he stay? If he is really a middle-class beetle with 10000 credit points a day, he will definitely be moved.It's just that there are one billion credit points in any anonymous credit card on his body. How can he look at this income.

Seeing David's resolute attitude, the bar owner's interest in David has disappeared. He casually said hello and went to work.

David watched the time and drank red wine. He didn't worry about the conflict just now. After a while, he would be far away from the Battlestar. Even if the Oracle wanted to revenge again, he couldn't find him.

In a corner of the bar, there is a frustrated beetle drinking.

When he looked up and saw David sitting in the distance, his eyes shrank, but he covered it well.

His name was ized, and he was a middle-class beetle, and there was no hope for him.

Izzad was originally responsible for managing a store here, which belonged to the powerful Cather extraordinary.

With Cather's extraordinary deterrence, ized's shop business is very good. Every month, it can bring a lot of income for Cather, and at the same time, it also brings yizede his own reputation and wealth.

However, all of this disappeared with the bad news, and Cather was killed. The news followed was that the shop was robbed by other forces, along with all his wealth and status.

Yizede became a vagrant beetle, without Cather's extraordinary reputation. The beetles who had been bullied by him had retaliated against him one by one.

He even lost his exoskeleton armor and weapons, and even left the Space Fortress has become a luxury. No spaceship will hire a warrior without weapons and equipment.

He can only stay in the bar, with the drink to paralyze his nerves, let himself forget everything outside.

But izzad saw David, the face he used to curse with the most vicious words every day. It was this man who made him lose everything.

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To be a successful businessman, Izod not only relies on Cather's extraordinary reputation, but also has the talent of a businessman. He controls his anger well.

David didn't know anything about it. The bar was so noisy that his perception became extremely insensitive.

Looking at the time, he put down his glass, swept the price with his identity bracelet, and then walked out of the bar.

When David left, Izod immediately ran out to the control room.

After handing all his last credit points to the dispatcher in the control room, he got the scheduled flight route of David's spacecraft in the space minefield.

Within the space minefield, the spacecraft can not turn on the warp engine, and it needs to move forward according to the scheduled flight route.

Because once the warp engine is turned on, it is likely to hit the space mine due to its too fast speed.

This area only takes half a day to pass through, and it doesn't take long. It has little impact on ordinary spaceships.

"I didn't expect that one piece of information sold two credit points!" The dispatcher said to himself with a triumphant smile on his face after ized left.

He doesn't care whether selling the flight route will cause accidents to the spaceship. It's the ship's own business. It's the extra money he earns from his dispatch position.

By the time David returned to the Raptor, the scan was long over, and the captain and crew returned to work.

"My Lord, are you going now?" Asked the captain respectfully.

"Let's go!" David nodded in agreement.

The thundersnake refitted ship slowly sails out of the Space Fortress, and the captain navigates according to the route map, preparing to pass through the space minefield.

Ten minutes after the Raptor modification left, five medium combat ships also left the battleship.

Thirty minutes later, the largest mercenary regiment in the citadel received a commissioned mission. Its two large-scale combat ships, ten medium-sized combat ships, and thirty small-sized combat ships left the fort and followed the same flight path.

Because it was through the space minefield, David did not return to his room, but stayed in the cockpit, looking outside.

There is no life outside the window.

"My Lord, the scan found that there are five ships in the rear that are chasing us at a speed slightly faster than us!" Captain hope came quickly to David and reported.

"Captain hope, are you going the same way?" David also looked at the huge display screen in front of the cockpit, which was the result of scanning device scanning. Five dots were in the rear. David asked aloud.

"My Lord, after we have occupied this route, it is unlikely that any more spaceships will be used during our voyage!" Captain hope shook his head and explained.

There are many navigation routes in the space minefield. In order to avoid some troubles, the same route will not be arranged normally.

"So someone wants to trouble us?" David said solemnly.

"Adults, don't worry. These five spaceships are far inferior to our spaceships. There's no need to worry about space war!" Captain hope was full of confidence when he talked about the Raptor refitting.

David also saw the scanning results of the analysis of the five spaceships. The five spaceships were basically ordinary civilian transport ships, and they were equipped with heavy space weapons, which could not be compared with real warships in terms of structure and stability.The heavy space weapons installed in those five spaceships, in terms of the stability of the civil transport spacecraft, will make the civil transport spacecraft unable to make a second attack accurately for a long time after firing.

And the five spaceships themselves can't withstand the attack from the Raptor refitted ship. If the other side has the energy shield, it can support for a while, if not, it can be completely destroyed by one strike.

"It's up to you to direct the battle." David nodded and ordered.

This kind of spaceship space war still needs to be directed by a professional person. He does not know much about spaceship space war, and random command is likely to harm everyone.

"Yes, my Lord, you must live up to your trust." Cried captain hope.

Among the five spaceships, grove, the head of the scorpion mercenary regiment, was sitting in the captain's chair. Beside him stood six men, six of whom were wounded by David.

"If you don't get a third class weapon from that man, I'll skin you!" Said commander grove in a deep voice.

These six beetles are the outer members of the mercenary regiment. They are usually in the name of the flying scorpion mercenary regiment. Part of their income is handed in each time. They are not closely related to the flying scorpion mercenary regiment.

This time, six beetles came to report that a medium class beetle had a class III weapon. For this weapon, commander grove urgently dispatched five combat spaceships to pursue it.

But in his heart, he doubted whether the six warriors were revenge for being hurt by the other party, and took him as a tool of revenge.

"Commander, monkey is a scout beetle. Although he doesn't wear exoskeleton armor, his scanning device is very sensitive, and his discovery will not be wrong!" At this time, the strong man who was the leader of the six Jiashi could only adhere to the previous statement.

Now, if not, it has to be. He just hopes the monkey doesn't make a mistake this time.

"Well, if you get the third level weapons, you can all become official league members!" Commander grove nodded and promised.

After that, he ignored the thanks of the six warriors and looked at the spaceship on the screen.

In his opinion, this battle will be very simple, because he did not see the traces of weapons from the ship, unless the other side's modification technology is very high.

He didn't believe it was refitted from the Raptor light frigate. His judgment was just imitation.

This is often seen in spaceships, because every captain wants to fly a real warship, so there are all kinds of spaceships with very similar appearance.

"How much longer will it take to get into range?" Asked captain grove to the crew.

"Commander, you can enter the range of our main gun in one minute!" The crew replied.

"Mind you, I'm not going to blow up the ship, I just need to hurt it!" Commander grove gave orders to all the crew through the communicator.

"Yes, chief!" The crew responded loudly.

This is not the first time for them to do such a thing. They have rich experience and know what kind of attack can ensure the integrity of the spaceship and stop it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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