Transcendent David

Chapter 216: CH 216

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Five combat ships are approaching the 200 km range of the modified Raptor ship. The main laser gun on the combat ship has been fully charged and is waiting to enter the combat distance at any time. As long as it enters 150 km, it will attack immediately.

"The rear Gauss gun is aimed at the left one, and three seconds later it will fire the bomb!" Captain hope looked at the scan data on the screen, and his face was full of scorn.

At this time, the distance between the two sides did not enter the attack range of the five battle ships, but it entered the attack range of the Gauss gun of the thunderbolt refitted ship. This is the gap between the civilian spaceship and the warship. The gap of 50 kilometers is the life and death gap.

With the order of Captain hope, the rear weapon cabin of the modified thunderbolt ship was opened, and the hidden rear main Gauss gun protruded from the weapon cabin.

The crew of the ship will not even be able to control the fight with the five most powerful ships in front of the ship.

The energy shield consumes a lot of energy. In general, the energy shield will only be opened immediately before the formal war.

According to the judgment of the five battle ships in the rear, even if they have not entered the attack range, and they have made a wrong judgment on the armed thundersnake refitted ship, how can the energy shield be opened in advance.

This is also a common problem of star mercenaries. They pay more attention to their past experience and do not have the compulsory combat rules as the army does. Therefore, some fighters' subjective judgment will always appear, which will affect the result of the battle.

David is also looking at the display, which shows that the rear Gauss gun is fully charged when it is hidden, and it will be activated as soon as it reaches out of the weapon cabin.

Gauss gun, also known as coil gun, uses the principle of electromagnetic force to launch an object. It is a kind of kinetic energy weapon.

Because under the same energy, the Gauss gun is more dangerous to the Zerg. Even if the warhead launched by the Gauss gun uses the first-class warhead, it can cause fatal damage to the second-class Zerg.

If a light warship, such as the Raptor light frigate, is loaded with energy weapons, its main gun is almost difficult to kill the third class Zerg, but with the Gauss gun, it can kill the third class Zerg when using the second class warhead.

Only the energy weapons loaded on medium and large warships can pose a threat to the class III Zerg.

Therefore, two Gauss guns will be retained on the modified Raptor ship, instead of using energy weapons, because the target of this warship is not other spaceships at all, but Zerg.

ten class II warheads are installed on the warship, and the cost of these class II warheads is very high.

Because the secondary grade materials required by the warhead used in the spaceship class Gauss gun are almost the same as that of a heavy weapon. In addition to the additional materials and special technology, the secondary grade Gaussian gun warhead is more expensive than a class II heavy weapon.

There are 200 warheads of grade I, which is equivalent to 200 class I heavy weapons.

David also learned these days. Through his own authority, he found many powerful functions and a large number of combat readiness materials.

Of course, there is no need to use a class I warhead to deal with this kind of ordinary civilian refitted combat spacecraft.

With the slight tremor of the Raptor light frigate, David knew that a bomb had been fired.

The explosive bomb is a warhead specially developed for destroying the spaceship. After impact, it will explode violently and destroy the enemy's spaceship.

"An attack is coming!" In the battle ship on the first left, the crew operating the scanning device issued a panic warning.

"Dodge, prepare for impact!" Yelled the captain of the battle ship.

It's just too late. The Gauss gun has a range of 200 kilometers, and it only takes two seconds to hit the target. Unless the military spacecraft with high flexibility can make evasive action, the civil spaceship can't react at all.

The intended impact did not occur, the attack brought only a devastating explosion.

The bomb, with its terrifying potential, broke through the outer armor of the first left combat ship. The defensive layer, which was claimed to be able to stop several rounds of attacks, was easily broken by the bomb.

The bomb entering the interior of the spaceship automatically detects the suitable explosion position and explodes immediately.

This kind of explosion is not an ordinary explosion, but a super explosive produced by mixing krypton crystal powder with other materials.

With a roar, the first left combat ship first collapses in the interior, and then explodes outwards. All the crew members have no time to react and turn into cosmic dust.

The bomb is a real military item, and if Kasser is not fighting Zerg at warstar, he will not get this kind of military supply.

But David doesn't have to worry. There are still 500 bombs in the ammunition depot. It is estimated that as long as he doesn't often fight in the air, these stocks will be enough for him to consume for a long time.

"Damn it, how could their ship have a long-range main gun?" Said commander grove angrily.

After the fury, he had no time to grieve over the loss of the combat ship, because since the other side's range was so far, he would continue to attack."Send me long-range missiles, send out one group of missiles, and order the other spaceships to accelerate immediately and approach the enemy ships!" Commander grove immediately made a judgment and issued a new order.

He bought the long-range missiles from the black market, and the price was very expensive. He would not bear to launch them once, but when it came to life and death, he did not hesitate to launch all of them.

The long-range missiles were only equipped by his main ship. Five launching holes were opened on the side of the spaceship, and five long-range missiles flew out, dragging the tail flame into red light and flying toward the thundersnake refitted ship.

The remaining three combat ships were ordered to maximize their engines and speed up their approach to attack range.

As for commander Grove's main spacecraft, he did not approach immediately, but slowly retreated. He needed to observe the reaction of the other side.

If the modified thunderbolt can avoid flying missiles and defeat three battle ships, then even the main ship will not work.

In addition, commander grove was extremely suspicious that the modified thundersnake was a real warship. Otherwise, there would be no such a long attack distance.

Commander grove is familiar with the spaceships of the star mercenary regiment. Unless it is the large mercenary regiment related to the large consortia, it is impossible to have a long-range attack capability of 200 km, which is the attack distance of light warships.

It was this mentality that made commander grove shrink.

"Drop the decoy, and the rear Gauss gun is aimed at the first on the right, fire!" Captain hope looked at the very fast approaching five light spots on the display screen, and judged that five seconds had passed since the first Gauss gun was fired, and it was ready for a second shot, so he said in a deep voice.

Five small decoy bombs are launched from the modified thunderbolt warship. These decoys simulate the signals of the modified Raptor warship and face five long-range missiles.

There is a gap of several generations between the five long-range missiles and the small-scale decoy missiles on the warship, which makes the long-range missiles fly to the five small decoys without any hesitation, and the five long-range missiles collide and explode in the air.

In the light of the explosion, a bomb went through the fire and shot at the right combat ship.

Although a bomb was found in the scanning of the first battle ship on the right, it was still unable to evade, so it had to rely on the energy shield for hard resistance.

"Turn the boat around, and the Gauss guns will go ahead!" Captain hope ordered immediately after the second attack.

Gauss gun is very strong, but it also has defects. Every time the main gun is used, it takes time to recover. The interval between two successive attacks also needs at least five seconds. And as the attack continues, the interval time will be longer and longer.

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The former Gauss gun stretched out from the weapon cabin and was immediately excited. At this time, the explosion fire of five long-range missiles in space had not dissipated, and a burst bomb passed through the fire again.

"Impact, impact!" The captain of the first combat ship on the right warns out loud.

He believed that with the energy shield, it could completely block the attack of enemy ships.

The explosive bomb hit the energy shield, which makes the energy shield shake continuously, and then the violent explosion makes the energy shield crumble.

Just as the captain of the right first combat ship breathed a sigh of relief, he heard the shouts of the crew operating the scanning device.

"Attack, attack!"

The captain of the first fight ship on the right didn't even give a warning because he knew that today's energy shield could not block another attack.

In the despairing eyes of the crew, a bomb flew into the cabin and exploded across the entire combat ship.

"Keep your distance, turn the boat, and prepare for the next round of attack!" Captain hope ordered again.

The Raptor refitted ship was returned to the main hull, and the two engines were used for conventional acceleration, which quickly increased the speed.

The remaining two combat ships watched as the attack range was getting closer and closer to 150 kilometers, only to find that the modified Raptor speeded up suddenly and quickly abandoned them.

"Commander, we can't keep up with enemy ships. Please withdraw immediately!" The captain of a combat spaceship asked commander grove.

When the speed is far less than the other's spaceship and the range of weapons is very large, the battle is almost doomed.

Because they can't catch up with them, they can't beat them, they can only passively be beaten.

Look at the combat ship that was shot up just now. It was destroyed only by two strikes. The other side's attack power is too strong. This time, the mission is to die.

"You are allowed to abandon the ship and escape the ship in exoskeleton armor!" Commander grove could see it clearly, he ordered in a deep voice.

It is impossible for these two combat ships to escape. The speed of the Raptor refitting ship is too fast, and it will be sooner or later to be destroyed.

As long as we keep the first soldier on the ship, the rest of the crew doesn't matter. We'll recruit again.

Commander Grove's orders made the crew of the two ships look pale and look with fear at the men on board.

The warriors ignored these ratings. On weekdays, their brothers matched each other. When it came to life and death, they had to look after each other.

"You can't leave me behind!" On the left side of the combat ship, a crew member screams wildly, holding a beetle's exoskeleton armor.The beetle grabbed his arm and flung it out.

The crew's body collided with the ship's wall, making a bone fracture sound.

For a time, the cabin was quiet, and all the crew were afraid to speak.

The beetles were so fast that they opened the hatch and rushed out.

"I can't live, and you don't want to live!" The sailor who controls the laser gun has a resolute look in his eyes, he murmured.

Just as the scanning crew again issued a loud warning, a laser from the laser gun swept several warriors.

Later, the ship was destroyed by two explosive bombs, the blast wave of the explosion made the fleeing beetles unstable.

As for the several warriors swept by the laser gun, the exoskeleton armor was not able to completely block the laser attack. The armor shell on the exoskeleton armor was melted, and the internal temperature quickly reached 1000 degrees due to the destruction of the temperature balance device.

Several warriors did not even scream, they were ignited by the high temperature, leaving only the destroyed outer skeleton armor shell in space.

In front of the spaceship class weapons, Jiashi appears so fragile.

Of course, most of the beetles managed to escape. When the last combat ship was destroyed, only 13 of them were using the power engines on their exoskeleton armor to fly in the direction of the main ship.

"My Lord, what are you going to do with these beetles?" After the victory of the battle, Captain hope withdrew from the state of command and inquired carefully.

It was only then that David realized that he had underestimated captain hope.

From the air combat just now, although the performance of the spacecraft here has absolute advantages, the calm command of Captain hope is also an important condition for victory.

After hearing captain hope's question, David's attitude towards him was much better.

"Captain hope, is it OK to kill them?" David asked with a smile.

"My Lord, they are robbers, and whatever you do is reasonable!" Captain hope replied respectfully.

"Then you will command them and kill them all!" David decided.

"Yes, my Lord!" Captain hope answered. He turned around and ordered in a loud voice, "change the alloy warheads, take those beetles as targets, and fire two Gauss guns in rotation!"

At this time, the enemy has no threat, and the last combat ship has already retreated to a distance of 300 kilometers, and there is no threat to the Raptor refitted ship.

But this is not to say that we can pursue and kill the Raptor refitted ship at this time, because with the existence of these beetles, we must eliminate all the beetles before we can pursue them.

Don't look at the distance, the beetles can't threaten the spaceship at all, but once the beetles get close to them, they will be a disaster to the spaceship.

As a matter of fact, the reason why commander grove let the beetle leave the spaceship is that this kind of situation can prevent the Raptor refitted ship from pursuing.

Thirteen warriors were flying toward the main ship, only to find that they were getting farther and farther away from the main ship.

"We have been used by the regiment leader!" A beetle looked at the direction of the main spaceship and cried out in despair.

As soon as he finished, his body burst open, and the exoskeleton armor failed to block an alloy warhead fired by the Gauss gun. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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