Transcendent David

Chapter 229: CH 229

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After leaving the third line of defense and entering the curvilinear flight state for two days, the modified thunderbolt ship broke away from the curvilinear flight.

David was also in the cockpit, and he was informed by Captain hope that he was about to reach the space door.

The interstellar Federation has a vast territory. If we fly slowly by meandering speed, it will take several years, decades or even hundreds of years to go to distant planets.

The space gate technology is the foundation of the interstellar Federation to control such a vast universe. The space gate is actually a kind of controllable space wormhole.

Through the connection of two space gates to achieve ultra long distance direct transmission, in an instant to reach another far away star region.

As soon as he broke away from the warp speed, David saw through the huge porthole in the front of the spacecraft a huge steel circular structure floating in space.

Inside the steel circular building, there is light freshwater blue light, like water waves, which is the substantial space energy.

The steel circular building is very large, with two platforms extending from both sides to both sides, on which there are two bases.

The most obvious thing in the base is that there is a thick gun barrel on both sides. The dark gun body is 50 meters long, which makes everyone fear.

"Star Destroyer gun!" David slowly called out the names of the two super cannons.

Star Destroyer gun is a kind of energy weapon only equipped by super warships. Its attack is to activate huge energy in a totally unreasonable way. After energy shock, the energy becomes extremely active, and then the energy is sent out.

As for the power of the Star Destroyer gun, it depends on the energy injected into the gun.

The reason why it is called Star Destroyer gun is that it can destroy a planet directly under the maximum injected energy.

Once this kind of weapon is fully excited, the spaceship can not resist even if it has opened the energy shield, and it is directly turned into cosmic dust.

Ordinary warships are not equipped with such super weapons. On the one hand, the Star Destroyer guns are too large and the recoil force is extremely terrible. On the other hand, ordinary warships can not support a single launch of Star Destroyer guns even if they have exhausted all the energy.

The space gate equipped with two Star Destroyer guns is almost equivalent to a super warship.

Those two bases are not only Star Destroyer guns, but also other weapons.

"Z765449013546, you have entered the space gate of zx042. Please show your ID card immediately!" There was a sound from the space door in the cockpit.

After several operations, Captain hope set the legal procedures for refitting the thunderbolt warship to public, and set the navigation permission of the rock star Naan city as public.

"Authentication passed, the fee has been paid, target airdia star domain, allowed to pass!" After a moment, the sound of the space door rings again.

David listened to Galen's words about the expenses, and he paid them for him. The procedures were also handled together.

So there's no problem with that. David's just curious about how to get through the space door.

"Your honor, you need to enter the life support module, or put on exoskeleton armor. All our crew members must enter the survival chamber to resist the impact of space transmission!" Captain hope warned.

It was with Captain hope that Galen and Hans could rest assured that David would go to the airy region alone.

David did not enter the life support module, he chose to wear exoskeleton armor.

Wearing that luxurious exoskeleton armor, David was still standing in the cockpit, while the rest of the crew entered the lifeguard.

A beam of light from the base next to the space, pulling the Raptor refitted ship slowly forward, slowly approaching the water blue water wave of the space gate.

Just as soon as the warship was in contact with the water wave, a suction force sucked it in.

Then David felt the light scattering in front of him. Even the cockpit he was in could not be seen. All around him was light and shadow.

He felt that the energy of terror was contained in the light and shadow, but it seemed very tame, but the tameness was only relative.

If David wasn't wearing exoskeleton armor, the light and shadow could easily affect his body, tearing skin, breaking muscles and breaking bones.

It seems that after a long time and a moment, David is lost in the gorgeous light and shadow, but it is black, followed by another light.

When David regained his sight, there was another universe in front of him.

The reason is that there is another light in space.

In the rear, there is a space door, which is being pulled out of the space door by the speed of light.

Captain hope and his crew also returned to work from the life support module.

David looked at the time on the identity bracelet. It only took more than ten seconds to pass through the two space doors. Maybe the real time to pass through the space doors was less than one second.

"Z765449013546, welcome to alidia, please abide by local laws The beautiful female voice rings in the space door.David noticed that there was no Star Destroyer gun in this space gate at the Iridia sector, although there were two bases at the same location.

At the same time, he also found that there are all kinds of spaceships coming in and out, which is not as cold as the space gate before.

"My Lord, we have arrived in the region of aridia. It's only three days from here to darenka!" Captain hope reports.

"Let's go, then." David said as he took off his exoskeleton armor.

The Raptor refitted ship immediately turns on the warp engine and instantly enters the speed of light.

David returned to his room and began his daily routine.

Three days later, David received a report from captain hope that he was close to lunca.

David came to the cockpit and saw renka through the porthole.

It's a half green, half water blue planet with a ring around it.

"My Lord, our ship can't enter the interior of renka, it can only stop there!" Said Captain hope, pointing to the approaching ring.

"What is that?" David asked curiously.

"That's the space port of renka. No polluting industries are allowed to appear on renka, so this is also an important industrial area of renka." Replied captain hope.

The thunderbolt refitted ship is parked at an airport in the ring of stars. Of course, it is not free. It needs 10000 credit points to dock every day.

David doesn't care about the cost. Since he wants to own his own private spaceship, the corresponding cost is necessary.

Let captain hope arrange rest for his crew, but David didn't drive the landing ship.

Because according to captain hope, you have to use the shuttle of renka to enter renka from here.

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David rented a luggage cart and put all the things he needed to bring to the ground. Of course, some important items were collected into two space items.

After the luggage was put away, David sat on the shuttle. He checked the time of the ID Bracelet with that of the renka star, and found that the time was 9:10.

He looked at the e-ticket, and the fare for the departure of the transport ship was 9:30. It seemed that he would have to wait another 20 minutes.

At this time, his identity Bracelet suddenly had a hint, a contact application.

David looks at the contact applicant and smiles on his face.

"David From the identity Bracelet came a soft voice, which was Emma's voice. Emma then said, "where are you now on renka?"

"Emma, how did you know that I was in Renca?" David asked strangely when he heard Amy's question.

Although he told Emma that he would come to renka, he did not say the specific time. Besides, he had just arrived at renka and was known by Emma before he reached the earth.

"David, don't you know that you can set up a friend reminder function on your identity bracelet?" Emma's laughter rings from the identity bracelet.

David just learned that he had just proofread the identity bracelet, which was to connect the identity bracelet to the renka star Skynet, and Emma was his only friend in renka.

"I forgot!" David said sheepishly.

"David, share your current location with me. I have time to come and see you." Emma chuckled as she revised the schedule in an electronic document.

During this period of time, after she returned to renka star, she was more concerned.

Her spiritual growth makes her singing more appealing. Many people say that her singing is more charming, especially when singing love songs, which makes people feel like drinking mellow wine.

Lovely Ma knows that the influence of singing love songs is not only the cause of spiritual growth, but also that as long as she sings love songs, she can't help thinking of that figure and integrating her feelings into it.

She specially turns on David's online reminder. Normal friends don't use this function. You know, this function is very annoying.

Today, she was just about to attend an event when she was reminded by David to go online.

In a mood of agitation, she took the initiative to contact David.

Seeing the position from David on the identity bracelet, she trotted as she started her private spaceship at home.

"Emma, where are you going Lucia, the agent, was waiting for Emma outside the door. Seeing Emma running without image, she seemed to have an emergency. She ran after her and stopped her.

"Sister Leona, please help me to push off today's schedule. I'm going to meet a friend!" Said Emma, pleading with her hands.

"It's OK to arrange to push it off, but who's your friend?" Lucia had never seen Emma go to see her friends so actively, and asked with concern.

"It's David. He arrived at renka today. He's at the space port. I'm going to pick him up." Emma said in a soft voice, a little red on her face.

"Take Leona and Nora, and be safe!" Lucia sighed in her heart, and did not mean to stop Emma.She was so familiar with Emma that she saw the recent changes in Emma.

Originally she thought that after leaving the rock star, David's influence on Emma would gradually fade away, but she did not expect that Emma would be in a daze every day, with a smile on her face, and what she was thinking.

Lucia knew that Emma was really in love. This was Emma's first love. No matter whether she succeeded or not, she was not ready to stop it. This is Emma's best memory.

With two bodyguards following, Emma won't have any accidents.

David sat in the shuttle and looked at the ring like space port, which was completely different from the rock star.

There's no military facilities, not even energy shields.

If on the rock, such a ring is estimated to exist for less than a few days, it will be destroyed by Zerg.

He also looked at the people who had taken a fancy to the spaceship. They were relaxed and did not pay any attention to whether there was any danger around them.

All of a sudden, David found out that he had been greatly affected by the rock star.

This is renka, a planet of peace, not a war zone full of crises.

Thinking of this, David can not help but relax the body, want to integrate into these ordinary people.

As time went by, more and more people were on board the traffic ships. These people were talking to each other.

Just when David wants to blend into the peaceful atmosphere here, a small bright white spaceship is approaching quickly, which makes David nervous.

His hand involuntarily grabbed the second class bayonet next to his leg, and his other equipment was in two space items and luggage in the luggage compartment.

The only self-defense weapon is the second grade army thorn. Of course, if necessary, he can put on the exoskeleton armor and take out the third grade heavy axe at any time.

"God, what do I see? It's Emma's private ship! " Exclaimed a passenger.

Then all the passengers looked at the bright white spaceship with unbelievable looks on their faces.

When David heard Emma's name, his whole body relaxed again, and his hand left the spike beside his leg.

He stood up and walked out of the cabin in the eyes of all.

"What does he want to do? Is he crazy?" There was a sneer from the passengers.

The small, bright white craft stopped next to the shuttle, and Leona jumped out of it and walked toward David.

"Mr. David, miss is waiting for you on the ship!" Leona said coldly.

"I still have my luggage on the transport ship!" David didn't care about Leona's attitude, explaining and preparing to get back her luggage.

"Mr. David, I'll take the luggage!" Although Leona's attitude is not good, but still preemptive one step said.

David didn't insist. Before he stepped into the bright white spaceship, he saw Emma standing in the hatch.

The sun was just shining on Emma from the hatch, and her delicate and flawless face was shining with a faint golden light.

David was astonished. He stood in the same place for a moment.

"Mr. David, your luggage is here!" I don't know how long after that, Leona's voice sounded behind David.

The voice startled the two people who were looking at each other. They both looked away at the same time, and their faces were bashful. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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