Transcendent David

Chapter 230: CH 230

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Fox is sitting in his office. Looking at an appointment on his identity bracelet, fox remembers a small matter that Galen asked him when he came to renka.

It is a very small thing for a senior high school student who is not in the airy region to take part in the unified college entrance examination in the airdia star domain by legal means, which is a very small thing for the strong person of fox's extraordinary identity.

But since it was Galen, a good friend, who asked him for help, he naturally wanted to pay attention to it.

"David Kerr!" Fox whispered David's name out of his extraordinary mouth.

For the sake of a genius, Galen is very curious about what he will pay.

We should know that although we are friends with each other, we are not so good at giving.

When they are in such a position, they are not afraid to pay benefits, but they are afraid to pay human relations.

Many of fox's identity can be set to search for content in freehand mode.

Soon David's life appeared on the projection.

Fox looked at the contents of the projection, and the expression on his face changed from indifference to surprise.

A share of the results of the war, let him see a strong genius, in terms of the record, even the top class of a few such achievements.

Spear master, sniper beetle, proficient in a variety of weapons, decisive, has a positive killing elite group of warriors.

From the military side to the government, all aspects of the evaluation are at the highest level.

Judging from David's age, he is a gifted Oracle with unlimited potential. If he can become extraordinary, he must also be a strong one in the extraordinary.

As for the content of killing Cather extraordinary, Fox also attributed it to luck, but there was nothing special in it.

In fact, in history, many extraordinary people died in various accidents, among which poison killing is the most common.

Fox also understood why Galen attached great importance to David and asked him to take care of him.

Just as fox was about to turn off the information on his identity bracelet, a line of red font appeared in David's profile.

"New information has been added!" Fox is very curious. You should know that his information is synchronized with that of the war zone.

He also looked at the date. The date of this information is just a period ago.

In addition to the identity information, only some events worthy of special attention will be included.

Fox extraordinary points open the red font, jump out of a war report, this is the military after the battlefield restore the report.

"How could it be!" After reading the war report, fox's face became extremely frightened and said to himself in an incredible way.

If this war report is not included by the military, he has the idea of who is joking with him.

War report:

Party A: Thunder and lightning mercenary group

Party B: David Kerr

comparison of the two spaceships of the two sides

Party A: two retired thunder II frigates (with auxiliary guns, and air defense firepower), ten medium-sized combat ships (Civil medium-sized spacecraft refitted with weak combat effectiveness), and 30 light-duty combat ships (civil light spacecraft refitted with weak combat effectiveness)

Party A: Lightning mercenary regiment

Party B: David Kerr< br=""> Party B: Raptor refitted warship (modified version of thunder snake light frigate, two Gauss main guns)

comparison of first-class soldiers of both sides in the war

Party A: four weapon masters, 246 warriors.

Party B: David Kerr, spear master, middle class oracle.

Battle damage report of both sides of the battle

Party A: Twelve escape pods were searched and rescued near the battlefield, including eight soldiers and four crew members.

Party B: no battle damage

combat analysis: This is a typical battle in which the weak win the strong. Party B gives full play to the assault ability of the first soldier, and single person rushes into the main ship of the thunder and lightning mercenary regiment, and kills all the warriors with his own strength.

It is just that this kind of fighting mode requires strong single person combat power. According to the video from the scene, it can be seen that the main ship issued a summoning order, and a total of more than 200 warriors participated in the encirclement and suppression of David.

According to David himself to military personnel, he personally killed four weapon masters, making this kind of fighting more difficult to replicate.

The military analysis room concluded that since David is still in the middle class of the first class, his actual strength is still possible to be improved. Even in terms of this battle, David's own combat power can be called the first class invincible.

Doubtful point: how does David get close to the main ship of the thunder and lightning mercenary regiment, how to control the intelligent core of the main ship, and issue all weapons attack orders.

"The first class is invincible!" Fox muttered to himself.

This evaluator is the theater military, at least representing the views of the theater.

Fox extraordinary knows that David will be very troublesome, because this class invincible will attract many people's attention. Although David does not claim to be the invincible Oracle, this evaluation will arouse the dissatisfaction of talented oracle.If David is not so famous, fox extraordinary can directly let David into the college entrance examination process, as fox extraordinary identity, no one will be held responsible.

But after the news spread, David will be concerned by many people, so we need to consider the impact.

In Naan, the rock star, Galen was watching the same report.

His eyes were full of helplessness, and he wanted to hide David's whereabouts.

Originally, a high school student, even a genius a, entered the airy realm like a drop of water into the ocean. It is not easy to find out.

But now, with the title of "invincible in the first class", David is like a human torch, which will be noticed everywhere.

Galen is worried that the intelligence organizations of God belong to the big world will attack David. He has already guessed some things in his heart. However, he does not want to find out the root. Who can succeed does not have some secrets. He just wants David to be safe.

"Renka is not here. It's very difficult for the intelligence organization of the great world to do business there!" Galen comforted himself.

He can't do anything now. He can only send a message to Fox and ask the other party to take good care of him. With an extraordinary care, David's situation in renka will be much better.

Galen extraordinary also did not forget to send David interstellar news, let David pay attention to travel safety, after entering the school, had better stay in the school.

In a barracks of warstar, an officer's dormitory.

A lieutenant general's uniform hung on the hanger, showing the identity of the owner here.

At a small table near the bed, a soldier in a training suit is pouring a glass of liquor into a glass on the table.

There are four wine cups, corresponding to four photos. The photos show four soldiers, who are commander Norton of thunder and lightning mercenaries and three other weapon masters.

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"Brothers, after drinking this glass of wine, go all the way. I will solve your enemies for you!" The soldier poured himself a glass of wine and said in a deep voice.

With that, he drank the wine in his hand and made a continuous cough in his mouth.

He can't concentrate on his drunkard, because he can't be a drunkard.

"I asked my friends to help me. I think the title of" class a invincible "will definitely leave David nowhere to hide. When the news arrives, I will take his life!" He stopped coughing and said with pride to the four pictures.

This sniper beetle was dart, who was in the same team as commander Norton in the army. Dart was highly valued by the military because of his super talent in sniping. In addition, the thunder and lightning mercenary group did not have the opportunity to exert his strength, so dart stayed in the army.

When the bad news came, dart sniper beetle immediately used his contacts.

A strong sniper beetle has a terrifying connection.

But dart sniper beetle is unable to find the exact location of David, want to find a person in the entire interstellar Federation, the difficulty is unimaginable.

Even if we know that David has flown to the airy region, as far as the hundreds of billion people there are concerned, we can't find David's location in a short time.

Therefore, Darth's attack on Jiashi was entrusted with human feelings, and the general's analysis report added "invincible Jiashi".

In fact, if it was not for his efforts, even if the military analysis office really believed that David was "invincible", it would not have added such a sentence, because it would bring trouble to David, and might lead to extraordinary dissatisfaction after David.

"Soon, soon, David, I'll find you!" Dart sniper beetle murmured into the photo. His eyes were full of tears. All the brothers who lived and died were dead, and the hatred was over.

David didn't know he was going to be in big trouble. He was in a good mood.

Emma's spaceship carried David to kia. David sat beside Emma and looked out of the window curiously.

Kia has no walls and no obvious defense facilities. It is like a city without fortification.

What will happen if David doesn't think about it!

When he thought of it, he couldn't help but smile. His impression of Zerg invasion was too deep-rooted. Once the small town on the rock star could not resist the invasion of Zerg, the whole city would be destroyed.

"David, what's your impression of Kia?" Emma asked softly, seeing that David had been looking out at the scenery.

"It's not safe!" David didn't even think about it, so he answered directly.

"Poof!" Leona and Nora, sitting not far away from Emma, were amused by David's answer. They didn't expect that David's evaluation of Kia would be like this.

"David, there are no Zerg here, and the law and order is very good." Emma, however, was sad, and said, looking at David tenderly.

What kind of experience would make David think about safety when he saw the beautiful scenery.

David shook his head, he also found his own problems, he laughed at Emma, put aside the idea of city defense in his mind, and wholeheartedly realized the beauty of the city.The city is very beautiful. Looking at it, green plants occupy most of the city. The buildings are like gemstones in the green.

In the center of the city, a river is like a jade belt that divides the city into two parts.

"Lunca is famous for its environment, and the whole iridya star region. Everything here is for the purpose of keeping nature. There is no factory in lunca, but most of the financial and research institutions in iridya are concentrated here. This is the center of iridya and the most beautiful tourist planet in Iridia." Emma's introduction was full of pride. This is the planet she grew up on.

The ship stopped at the tarmac on the roof of a villa. David didn't ask where it was. He believed Emma's arrangement.

The moment the door of the spaceship opened, David smelled a fresh air.

He was almost fascinated by the air. The air here is different from the dry air of the rock star and the filtered air in the spaceship. The air here is full of flower fragrance, full of green vitality, and full of moisture of water.

David's five senses are extremely sensitive, which makes the air here more impact on him.

Emma didn't urge David. She went to rock star and knew what kind of environment it was. From there to renka, there was a huge environmental gap. David needed time to feel it.

"I can't wait to see the scenery here!" David woke up from his intoxication and said to Emma with a smile.

"Come with me and let you have a good tour of the villa!" Emma's smiling eyes narrowed, and she said, with a beautiful arc around her mouth.

David followed Emma and stepped out of the ship.

Different from the view from the top to the bottom of the spaceship, the feeling of standing in the beautiful scenery is more profound.

Apart from the first floor, the rest of the villa is made of glass like materials, which looks like a diamond inlaid on a silver base.

The villa is surrounded by tall trees. David doesn't know what kind of trees they are. They may be unique here.

Trees are very dense, the villa will be completely isolated from the outside world, only a road in front of the villa is connected with the outside world.

Walking from the platform to the second floor of the villa, David found that from the second floor, you can directly see the beautiful scenery outside. The materials used in the two or three floors here look like crystal from the outside, but they can't see the internal situation, which ensures the internal privacy.

However, being inside is just like being in nature. Special technology should be used on the wall to shield other rooms except the room, so that people in any room will feel completely integrated with the outside world.

The layout here is very simple, but the details are perfect, showing the designer's intention.

Accompanied by Emma, David visited the three story villa and the basement.

David was surprised when he saw the specially reinforced training room in the basement.

Emma had a smile in her eyes. This is the villa she chose for David. After returning from the rock star, she was designing the layout herself.

The training room in the basement was also specially made by her when she heard that the training conditions needed by the Oracle were needed.

"I love it here!" David didn't refuse Emma's offer, he said with a smile to her.

Neither he nor Emma cared much about a villa, but he preferred Emma's Thoughts on it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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