Transcendent David

Chapter 231: CH 231

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Two bodyguards, Leona and Nora, stood outside the door. They knew what their mission was, but they would not interfere with Emma's life.

Emma and David are sitting in the sunshine room on the third floor. There are some precious flowers and trees in the sunshine room. The light outside spreads on the two people through the transparent curtain wall and roof, making them bathe in the sunshine.

Emma is also rare to have leisure time, holding a cup of tea in her hand, smiling and enjoying the quiet, enjoying the space alone.

David is enjoying it too. The environment makes him feel unreal. Coming here from the rock star is like coming to another world.

"David, my spirit seems to have grown since last time!" Emma broke the silence quietly. She looked at David with curious eyes and said.

At that time, Emma didn't feel much because of her nervousness, but after that, she found the growth of her spirit.

David also looked at Emma with a smile. He knew what Emma was talking about. The spiritual integration and resonance of the two people not only increased Emma's spirit, but also his spirit.

David himself wants to know if this growth can continue.

"I don't know why, but we can try again sometime." Said David, taking a sip of his tea.

"Don't look for time. We have free time right now. We can try it!" Emma said excitedly, putting down her tea cup.

"No problem." David looked around and nodded.

The melodious song was sung from Emma's mouth, and David obviously felt a spiritual energy spreading out with the song.

David had heard this song. It was the opening song of the last concert, but now Emma's singing level is higher than before, even if there is no accompaniment.

Leona and Nora stood at the door, listening to the singing from the room, and their expressions were intoxicated. However, they had been trained and knew the appeal of Emma's song, so they forced themselves to wake up.

Singing Emma takes a look at David, and David joins in with her spirit and merges with Emma's spirit.

This time, David did not shield his mind, his spirit with the appreciation of Emma, with all self-protection, all feelings are unreserved let Emma through the spirit of fusion to feel.

At the same time, David also felt the emotion contained in Emma's spirit. It was a sweet spring, a beautiful poem, and an impeccable emotion.

With the fusion of the two spirits, the appeal of the song suddenly increased several times.

Leona and Nora, who were still resisting, fell into the singing in an instant. They were happy and sad with the singing.

Singing from the room spread out, around the birds are also attracted, standing in the villa next to the tree, crooked small head to listen.

At the end of the song, the birds wake up from the song and look around blankly. Then they look at the villa. They don't leave. They still stand in the treetop, as if something still attracts them.

Leona and Nora, the two female bodyguards, also wake up. They look at each other and think that they will apply for isolation earphones when they go back. Once they hear the song, they will indulge in it, making them unable to do their own work well.

"David, I don't seem to have improved my spirit!" Emma felt her state and said in disappointment.

David is summoned to the shadow server, which shows that the spirit on the property panel is still 5.95, but David knows that there is a little improvement in the value that can't be seen at the back.

His spirit is far more than Emma's, although only a very weak increase in spirit, but this is also an increase.

"Emma, I feel that there should be improvement, but it is too little." David thought about how he felt and said with a smile.

Emma's spirit is much weaker than David's, but David's side has only increased the spirit that can't be checked. It's more difficult to find Emma's spirit.

"What's the reason? Is it too little singing? " Emma wrinkled her nose and asked in a puzzled way.

At the last concert, she sang 20 songs, and her spirit blended with David 20 times.

"I feel that there should be a lack of audience. The spiritual growth is likely to come from the audience. As long as there are enough listeners, we can get a lot of spiritual feedback, and we can make the spirit grow significantly." David analyzed.

"A lot of audience!" Emma frowned, and soon she laughed and said, "I'll advance my next concert. When I go back, I'll ask when I can go ahead and rent a big venue. Now I'm very famous!"

"I will take the college entrance examination in June. You must not hold a concert during the college entrance examination. I can't go there then!" David reminded with a smile.

Emma heard David say this, but she couldn't help thinking that David was just graduating from high school.

But it's strange that every time she gets along with David, she feels as if David is older and she is more like a sister.

It was this strange thought that made her not change her first name with David, instead of distinguishing them by age."David, don't be on guard here. You should relax yourself!" Emma was glad that David could open his heart to her, she said softly.

"I'll try it!" David nodded. He could feel Emma's concern.

However, it is difficult for him to live a completely relaxed life as a warrior from the war zone.

He didn't want to be like that, so he would lose his ability.

They were sitting in the sunshine room, talking softly, most of the time Emma was talking and David was listening.

Until the sunshine in the sunshine room is no longer, Emma breaks Lucia's communication request several times, and Leona finally enters the sunshine room.

"Miss, you should go back!" Leona warns.

"Not all the arrangements for today?" Emma asked, somewhat reluctantly.

"You're going back to dinner with your husband and wife today. It can't be too late!" Leona reminds me again.

"Is it so late?" Emma, noticing the time, exclaimed quickly. She stood up and thought about it, then turned to David and said, "David, I'm leaving first. I've got plans for these days. I'll come to see you in a few days."

"I'll see you off!" David said with a smile.

After seeing Emma off, David began to tidy up his room.

It is mainly to sort out some items from the luggage, and several pieces of equipment are also taken out from the space items.

He imported the backup smart housekeeper program into this smart housekeeper. However, thinking that his smart housekeeper was also called Emma, he couldn't help thinking that if Emma knew it, she would not be happy.

Although he thought so, he didn't change it. He was used to the intelligent housekeeper Emma.

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He also recorded what he needed to buy, and Emma was very considerate in the room, almost everything for David.

From small to toiletries, all kinds of clothes from inside to outside, socks, shoes, to vehicles, a very attractive style of floating car.

But David needs to prepare the items he needs. A gene repair cabin, a lot of gene repair liquid.

Even the fortified meat needs to contact the relevant supplier, otherwise his practice will not be sustainable.

In this way, David knew how much trouble a man was out there. In the past, Galen had been able to help him. He didn't have to worry about strengthening his meat.

Fortunately, today's "high-level Oracle technique" has been practiced in the spaceship. As long as the gene repair module is purchased tomorrow, it will not be disconnected.

In the evening, he moves "crystal mind" through shadow service, and then sleeps in exhaustion.

At six o'clock in the morning, a delivery suspension truck delivered gene repair cabin and gene repair fluid, and arranged for him to debug in the underground training room.

Several staff did not ask why the medical device was installed at home. To know that the medical treatment in Qiya city is extremely developed, as long as the application is made at any time, the rescue ship will arrive as soon as possible.

The medical treatment in Chia is completely free, and there is no need to spend credit points like David. The gene repair cabin and gene repair fluid are not cheap.

The staff speculate that this is probably the eccentricity of the rich.

Gene repair cabin and gene repair solution were ordered last night, and the delivery time was also determined by David. If the goods are delivered during non working hours, 50000 credit points should be added as overtime service fee for several staff members.

David doesn't care about 50000 credit points. What he cares more is that the "high-level Oracle body art" can't be disconnected from the practice, otherwise it will affect the training effect for a long time, and he will have to endure physical torture again.

At half past six, the installation of the gene repair module was completed and the staff were sent away. David began his "high-level Oracle body training".

At nine o'clock in the morning, David changed his suit, which Emma had prepared for him. Otherwise, he would not know the service taste of renka star, and he would be impolite in front of fox.

Driving a windy suspension car, David followed the navigation and pressed automatic navigation.

He didn't know the law of Kia, so the best choice was to let the floating car navigate automatically. According to his current social level, the floating car would choose the most appropriate way of navigation.

Sure enough, unlike the rock star, David's e-level authority allows him to fly at a height of about 10 meters in Chia.

David also found that there are not many floating cars at this height, but more floating vehicles running on the ground.

No matter where it is, there is a gap of grades, even if the scenery here is picturesque.

David's villa is not in the downtown area of Kia. Fox's extraordinary office is in the center of the city, so David can see more than half of the city's scenery along the way.

As the floating car more and more into the city, David also found that there are more and more buildings, these buildings adhere to the concept of integration with nature, green plants and building perfect harmony.

There are not too high buildings here. The highest one is only about ten stories, which is just as high as the tallest plant.The buildings are more green than the city in David's impression. Plants are embellishing the city. This is a plant city.

In the center of the city, the floating car is close to a building integrated with a huge ancient tree, which looks very old and complements the huge ancient tree.

As soon as the floating car approached, two police suspended vehicles approached.

"Please open the identity Bracelet permission!" Police suspended car, a policeman said politely.

The guests who can come here are either real status or lunatic. The police are very aware of the importance of politeness.

David sets the identity information on the identity bracelet to public, and scans it together. Soon, two police floating cars turn and guide in front. David's floating car receives the instruction from the police floating car and flies with it.

David stepped out of the suspension car at the gate of the building. The car automatically looked for parking space.

Just walked into the gate, a beautiful woman in a work skirt came up.

"Is this Mr. David, please?" Asked the woman respectfully.

"Yes David nodded.

"Your Majesty is already waiting for you. Please follow me!" The woman made a hand salute and said.

Walking in the hall, David looked at the layout here. There were details everywhere, from the floor on the ground to the decoration on the walls. Every detail showed traces of history.

It can be seen that the owners here like this style very much. Even the elevator David walked into is also that kind of antique elevator.

Mechanical buttons, rolling display floor, wooden armrest, and fashion beauty, there is a special feeling.

The elevator door opened, and the woman was obviously stunned. She saw fox standing outside the elevator door smiling.

The woman can't help but look back at David. She doesn't understand the identity of this young man. She even asks fox to stand at the elevator entrance to greet him.

You know, even when the mayor came, fox had never had such an attitude.

"Hello, Lord fox!" David has a kind of most intuitive feeling to the extraordinary, that kind of volcanic power, let him see fox extraordinary at the first sight, know the identity of the other party, he bowed to greet.

"What's your name? I'm a stranger. Galen and I are best friends. You should call me uncle!" Fox looked at David and laughed.

When he saw David for the first time, he was also surprised by the breath that David carried.

The breath of the middle class beetle is not strong, but David's breath has a terrible evil spirit. Fox, who also participated in the war, knows very well where this evil spirit comes from.

This is a kind of breath naturally bred in the body after killing too many strong people.

This kind of breath usually has no effect, but when it is an enemy, it can produce a deterrent effect and make the same opponent produce psychological pressure.

If he is a warrior who has never been to war, when David's spirit is fully opened, he will feel nervous and timid and lose the opportunity to fight.

Fox immediately understood that David's battle result was true, otherwise it would not have produced such a heavy evil spirit, which was almost as bad as that of the veterans who had returned to battle star for ten years. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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