Transcendent David

Chapter 251: CH 251

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Holding the Spurs, master mackintosh waved them in the air, and a very strange thing happened.

The Spurs and the arms of master mackintosh disappeared when they were waved. At the same time, his arms holding the army spikes appeared tens of centimeters away from the direction of waving.

It's like the speed that the naked eye can't see when the speed reaches the limit, but master mackintosh knows very well that it's impossible to reach the speed limit with his speed. He just waves his arm.

Everything comes from master mackintosh's army spike. The power of space is contained in the claw sting. It does not have the ability to store items, but the ability to shuttle through space.

The same is the force of space, but there is a big difference.

Because the number of grade III materials containing the power of space is too small, this kind of space shuttle ability can only achieve this range of travel.

Of course, the most important thing for master mackintosh is not itself, but it represents that master mackintosh has become a master of weapon manufacturing in addition to designing and manufacturing exoskeleton armor.

Master Mckintosh picked up the side of the test tube and took the nutritional potion. His tired body seemed to be infused with vitality. He walked out of the underground forging room with the army spurs.

With great satisfaction, master Mckintosh returned to his exclusive floor.

Sitting in an automatic rising chair, master mackintosh stabbed on the console in front of him. Professional scanning devices began to scan back and forth, and data appeared on the light screen in front of him.

As David said, master Mckintosh only needs the data of the Spurs, plus the video of the manufacturing process, which is enough to prove that the Spurs were forged by him.

He packaged and sent the data to several weapon forgers. With their confirmation, master Mckintosh's weapon forging master would have no doubt.

It's also a great honor for master Mckintosh to reach the peak in both fields at the same time.

For master Macintosh, at his level, interests and power have long reached the highest level he can achieve, and only fame can attract him to fight for it.

Everything is done well. While waiting for the reply of the weapon forging master over there, master Mckintosh thinks about David.

He promised David to customize an exoskeleton armor for him, but he still hasn't started it for a week. This makes master Mckintosh, who is very likely to become a master of weapon forging because of David's materials, feel a little ashamed.

"Check how many grade 3 materials are still in the warehouse?" He asked in a deep voice.

On the screen of light in front of him appeared an answer: "260 kilograms."

This is the response of his intelligent system. Although there are a large number of staff in Mckintosh design room, the most important thing is under the management of intelligent system, which is also under the control of master Mckintosh.

260 kg of grade 3 materials, to be honest, for such a well-known design office, the quantity is very small.

"Take out 200 kg of it and use it on David's custom exoskeleton armor!" Master Mckintosh said in a deep voice.

The intelligent system immediately made a note on the third grade material, and the inventory of 260 kg changed to 60 kg.

Master mackintosh didn't care about the 200 kg grade III material. He was in the exoskeleton armor design office. The federal government didn't give much quota for grade III materials.

But after his weapon forging master is certified, the quota of grade three materials will be tilted to him.

This is also his disguised thanks to David for bringing the mutated three-level materials, so that he has realized the wish that has not been achieved.

"Old friend, have you really forged an extraordinary weapon?" A projection appeared in the hall and asked, looking at master Mckintosh.

"Briggs, didn't you see my forging process?" Master Mckintosh, laughing triumphantly, asked, looking at the projection of master Briggs.

Master Briggs is also the master of renka star, but Briggs is a master of weapon forging.

Just now, master mackintosh's target of sending information is master Briggs.

But master Mckintosh didn't expect master Briggs to contact us so soon. This time is only enough time to browse the information sent in the past and have a close look at it.

"I just want to see what they do. I'm coming here now!" Said master Briggs, waving.

"Why are you in such a hurry? The data I sent to you is very detailed and can explain everything! " Said master Mckintosh, shaking his head.

"You don't look like a real master of weapon forging. What's the significance of this extraordinary weapon in terms of data? Besides, if it's too late, you may not have this extraordinary weapon in your hands! " Master Briggs retorted.

When master Briggs saw the detailed data, he thought that this extraordinary weapon was not owned by master mackintosh, but a commissioned forging business.Of course, normal people will not sell the third grade materials with this special variation, but will forge them into weapons.

Briggs became a master of weapon forging, but also forged extraordinary weapons to obtain the master identity.

Generally, there are two ways to obtain weapon forging masters. One is to find out that they have made outstanding contributions to weapon forging, and the other is to forge extraordinary weapons.

The former approach has not come out for thousands of years, because the federal research on metal materials has reached the extreme, and it is not known how long it will take to make further breakthroughs. There is no stronger metal material to emerge. It is almost impossible to make significant changes in the forging process of weapons which have long formed a fixed forging mode.

Forging extraordinary weapons has become the most practical way for weapon forging masters to produce. Extraordinary weapons can only be forged with top-level forging standards.

In the past, it is not that there has never been a case that variant materials fall into the hands of ordinary forgers and are forged into very common weapons. Therefore, after obtaining the variant materials, ordinary people will give them to the weapon forging masters for forging, so as to reduce the risk.

David gave the variation material to master Mckintosh, but David did not know the real value of the variation material.

This is the importance of knowledge. The rock star, which is lack of knowledge inheritance, has fallen into the hands of several extraordinary people. However, the three-level material of variation is regarded as a secondary three-level material, which is not paid attention to as a gift to David.

Of course, this is also related to the special characteristics of the "space Ripper." the "space Ripper" has no strong attack power, so its claw sting is far less than that of the real third level Zerg.

In addition, the force of space is the most difficult to find, even master mackintosh almost did not find it, which is also the reason why the force of space contained in the three-level materials of variation is too small.

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Master Mckintosh has just finished his communication with master bris, and has received an application for a visit from Donovan weapon forging master.

"There are two weapon forging masters coming here. It seems that there is no problem this time!" Master Mckintosh said to himself with a smile.

He was already very tired, but after receiving the news that two weapon forging masters were coming, his spirit was greatly improved.

Instead of resting, he began to design drawings of exoskeleton armor for David.

Thanks to his gratitude, he used some special military technologies many times in his design. Of course, different from maum of the Engineering Department of Naan city in Panshi, all the technologies he used were authorized.

However, many of these technologies will not be used on ordinary exoskeleton armor, on the one hand, because of the cost, on the other hand, because of the military security system.

Confidentiality is a good solution, as long as David signs an agreement when he takes the exoskeleton armor.

Even speaking of the cost, with the good mood of master mackintosh at this time, he even took out 200 kg of grade-3 materials. Who cares about the use of other special materials!

As time goes by, Emma's concert is getting closer and closer. Everywhere in Chia is the promotion of Emma's concert.

While Emma's concert was well publicized, a piece of news caught the attention of many A-list in a small area.

With the unanimous certification of master Briggs and master Donovan, master Mckintosh won the title of the second master and became a master of weapon forging.

For this matter, the warriors would like to know more about the certified weapons forged by master mackintosh.

Unfortunately, master Mckintosh and the other two masters did not disclose any information about the weapons they certified on the grounds of confidentiality.

Both David and jenlis thought that master mackintosh didn't have time to customize exoskeleton armor for David because he forged certified weapons. They didn't expect that the third grade materials David produced were the main materials of certified weapons.

David is sitting in the classroom. The atmosphere in the school is very tense recently. There are only less than 20 days left for the college entrance examination. Every student is studying hard.

But this has nothing to do with David, who is reading materials while writing programs for intelligent systems, instead of learning the high school knowledge that he has already mastered.

His results and his special, let him and the class students are out of place, especially in the tense review, no students with him, so that he has no more familiar students except Moore.

Identity Bracelet came to the vibration, David opened the identity bracelet, saw a message.

"David, your exoskeleton armor has been customized. Please come to pick it up at two o'clock in the afternoon." It's from Mckintosh design.

"The exoskeleton armor is customized!" David couldn't help being stunned. A few days ago, he was still watching the design progress to zero. In this few days, the design and manufacturing were finished.

He's at school now, but it's hard for him to postpone the appointment at Mckintosh's design office. He doesn't have free time in the next few days.

In the final review of senior three, Lunka private middle school also stepped up the students' study time. There was no rest day in the last 20 days, and it entered the full sprint stage.Even two days later, David had to ask for leave to attend Emma's concert.

There is no way. I still need to ask for leave this time.

David stood up and went to teacher Delia at the podium. His action attracted the attention of many students.

"Teacher, I have something important to deal with. I want to ask you for leave!" David asked, looking at the questioning Delia teacher.

"David, I'm very relieved about your grades, but you are going to ask for leave in two days, and you are going to ask for leave today. I still hope you pay more attention to your study!" Delia said solemnly, but she quickly nodded and said, "be safe. Don't affect your study."

Miss Delia didn't want to agree to David's leave, but the leave two days later was specially approved.

But this week's simulation test, David again nearly full score results ranked first in the school, this result of the transfer of students, related to the family, she is not too strict, David does not need to review, the results are good enough, review can not be improved.

"Thank you, teacher!" David wanted to go straight to headmaster Grover. When he heard that Delia agreed, he said with a smile.

David left school in the envious eyes of the whole class.

At the school gate, I got on my own floating car and set my destination as mackintosh design room, and the suspension car took off.

Before arriving at the Mckintosh design room, the suspended vehicle was informed that it was allowed to enter.

The suspension car was directly parked in the parking garage on the first floor of Mckintosh design room. This time, David's treatment was completely different from that of the last time. There was no obstruction or inspection. Last time, jenlis's suspension car was not able to park in the design room.

"Welcome to Mr. David. The master is waiting for you." Assistant Jonson, after David got out of the car, appeared next to it and said respectfully.

"Please show me the way again!" David said with a smile.

Assistant Jonson took David in a special elevator to master Mckintosh's eighth floor.

"David, come and sit down!" Master Macintosh was sitting in a chair with an empty seat next to him. A glass of fruit juice was on the table in front of the empty seat. Master mackintosh patted the empty seat warmly and said.

"Master Mckintosh, congratulations on becoming a master of weapon forging!" David sat down and congratulated.

"So you know, I still need to thank you for this matter!" Master Mckintosh was very happy to hear David talk about the master of weapon forging.

"It's about me?" David asked.

"In fact, I should apologize to you. The material of space Ripper claw thorn you brought that day was very important to me. I didn't guarantee whether it could be forged successfully. Some words didn't explain it. What I thought at that time was that if I failed, I would compensate you for an ordinary third grade army thorn, but I was very lucky to succeed!" Master Mckintosh said apologetically.

"Do you mean that the certified weapon that makes you a master of weapon forging is the army spike forged for me?" David asked in disbelief. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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