Transcendent David

Chapter 252: CH 252

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"Yes, it's an extraordinary army sting!" Master Mckintosh said as he put a sheathed spike on the table and pushed it to David.

When David heard the word "extraordinary", his heart was filled with anxiety.

In this world, transcendence is not used casually. As long as it is named "extraordinary", it is the representative of extraordinary.

Looking at the army thorn in front of me, even the scabbard is made of grade three materials. This is a big and frightening one.

David general stab picked up, slowly pulled out, green light flashing, this is a third grade army thorn.

But David didn't understand why this army spike was called the extraordinary army thorn.

"David, try waving the bayonet!" Master Mckintosh, seeing David's doubts, said with a smile.

General David's stab was waving in the air, his hand with the bayonet flashing in the air, with almost no time interval between them.

"The ability of this extraordinary army spike is space shuttle. Unfortunately, the longest space shuttle distance is only 50cm, so it can only be used as a personal weapon!" Master Mckintosh continued.

In the view of master Mckintosh, the practical effect of this extraordinary army sting is too small.

It is estimated that the most important role of this extraordinary army stab is to assassinate. In fact, this kind of weapon that can only deal with the internal combat of human beings will not be of high value.

With such a short weapon, it's not easy for a powerful Zerg to hit the key.

What's more, there are too few people who can fight against powerful Zerg. If they are not careful, they will die.

Army spike is a special weapon, which is not one of the main weapons of Jiashi, which greatly reduces the value of extraordinary army spike.

Almost no beetle will conduct in-depth research on the use of army spikes. Even if the scouting beetles mostly use long swords, at least in the fight against Zerg, they still have the ability to fight the first battle.

Of course, this is not that the value of this extraordinary army stab is not high. In fact, this extraordinary army thorn has a fatal attraction for most of the extraordinary army stabs.

Most of the extraordinary weapons are class II weapons, and the best weapons are class III weapons.

Due to the scarcity of extraordinary weapons, most of them can not possess an extraordinary weapon that matches their identity.

"David, I've read your information and know that you are a genius. It's better not to expose this extraordinary army stab at will. When you become extraordinary, it doesn't matter!" Master Mckintosh said with a smile.

"Thank you. This spike is too valuable!" David took the extraordinary spurs and did not know how to thank Master Mckintosh for a moment.

Although the material is provided by David, the quality of the material provided by David is obviously different from that of this army spike.

Not to mention this is an extraordinary army stab, with extremely strange ability.

"You don't have to thank me. Fortunately, there is no waste of materials, otherwise I don't know how to face you!" Said master Mckintosh, waving his hand.

"I don't know how precious those materials are if you don't tell me, which shows that they are related to you!" Said Mr. mackintosh with a light smile.

"Because of the materials you gave me, I became a master of weapon forging, and I also prepared a gift for you!" Master Mckintosh said as he lit on the light screen in front of him.

From the ground rises a display platform, on which is an all black exoskeleton armor in display state. Every section of the exoskeleton armor surface has a hard feeling of diamond surface.

This exoskeleton armor has more short wings on the back than ordinary exoskeleton armor, and is a little bigger than the exoskeleton armor David has seen before.

"This is my custom exoskeleton armor?" David asked, looking at the dazzling exoskeleton armor.

"Yes, this is an exoskeleton armor that can fly in the atmosphere for a short time. It can meet the needs of atmospheric and space warfare and support most kinds of weapons. The intelligent auxiliary system uses the most advanced optical brain of the military. The energy supply is double krypton crystal driver, which can provide 15% increase in speed and strength." Said master Mckintosh to David.

"Can you fly?" David was attracted by the ability to fly. Most of the exoskeleton armor did not have the ability to fly. This is not because of the lack of technology, but because the krypton crystal driver of the exoskeleton armor will not be stable if the flying ability is added to the exoskeleton armor.

For a piece of equipment that needs close combat with Zerg, stability is the most important thing. Energy instability will lead to unknown risks when the battle is most intense.

So none of the exoskeleton armor that David had seen before had the ability to fly, and when he needed to fly, he carried another set of flying gear.

It's just another set of flying device, which needs to be discarded in battle, which also affects the flexibility of exoskeleton armor and is not convenient to carry.

"Yes, flying, dual krypton drive, and some of my patented technologies can ensure that the energy of exoskeleton armor is stable enough!" Master Mckintosh said with a smile, pointing to the flying short wings, he continued: "this pair of short wings is not only for flight service, but also can provide additional power when running, so that your straight-line speed is faster."David is not surprised, and it's no wonder that jenrice admired the custom exoskeleton armor.

"I have strengthened the defense of this exoskeleton armor, including arms, heads, shoulders, back, chest, legs, feet, feet and soles. I have all strengthened these parts with grade 3 materials!" Master Mckintosh went on with pride.

David heard master Mckintosh introduce, a few steps to the stage, with his hand touching the surface of the exoskeleton armor.

In the process of his hand touching, he can be sure that the parts that master Mckintosh said were the three-level materials used.

If he was wearing this exoskeleton armor, the group of hunters Mantis would not have killed him in the Oracle virtual world.

This is a turtle shell. As long as you carefully avoid the position that is not protected by the third grade material, the exoskeleton armor will not be broken and protected.

The only thing to note is the vibration caused by the huge power attack of the Zerg, which will penetrate the attack into the exoskeleton armor.

This defect is David's own problem. As long as David's strength and constitution are stronger, he can have enough resistance to the attack of the Zerg.

"Master Mckintosh, how can I repay you by putting in the third grade material of this exoskeleton armor?" David said happily and helplessly.

"It's just 200 kg of grade three materials. As a master of weapon forging today, the share of every month is not just that!" Master Mckintosh said, with no concern, waving.

David didn't know how to open his mouth for a while when he heard 200 kilograms of grade 3 materials.

Only the other of the extraordinary men he had seen had a triple axe, and the rest had not seen the third grade weapons.

But master Mckintosh opened up 200 kg of grade 3 materials. Where this is a little material, this is to forge heavy weapons can also forge a few out.

David left Mckintosh design room, his head was still dizzy, he did not expect a custom, even to get the dream of the top-level exoskeleton armor.

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Looking at the outer skeleton armored loading box beside me, and the three main structures behind the car, I can not help but deepen my gratitude to master Mckintosh.

For metals, he is no longer an outsider. The knowledge of two maintenance masters allows him to see how precious the synthetic metals used in three main structures are.

Although the third grade material is extremely precious, it is not to say that there is no precious metal material except for the material on the insect body.

Some metal materials contain little in the universe itself, and less can be mined.

The most precious is the alloy formula of the main structure, which is why the main structure is far beyond David's imagination.

Excited need to share with people, put in the past David can be a person holding the exoskeleton armor, appreciate the extraordinary army stab, spend a day.

But there are people here to share, and David immediately contacted Emma through his identity bracelet.

"Emma, are you still busy?" After connecting the communication, David remembered that these days were the last time Emma concert was prepared. Emma was very busy. David asked calmly.

"Nothing. This side should be ready for it!" Emma stopped the costume man, made a no noise gesture, and then smiled and replied.

David didn't contact the two people during the normal time of the conversation. Emma knew what David must have done. It was the busiest time to prepare for the concert, but she was still ready to take time.

"I'll go and see if it will affect you?" David thought about it and asked.

"Come here, just let you see how the concert is ready!" Emma agreed with a quick smile.

David turned a bend in the air in a suspended car and stopped as he passed a drink shop.

Because he didn't know the number of people there, David ordered more ice and hot drinks, and filled the back of the suspension car.

The concert is located in a stadium that can accommodate 100000 people. It is the place where the city of Chia holds grand events and events.

"Well, that suspension car is very familiar!" David's suspension car just arrived at the gym, was found by reporters outside, a reporter called.

"I remember Emma's collection with the same suspension!" Another reporter thought of it.

David's suspension car was originally prepared by Emma and was selected by Emma from her collection. He didn't expect these reporters to find it at once, but I didn't know that this was the same one.

The suspension car passes through the underground passage of the gymnasium and enters the underground parking lot.

In a suspended car in the parking lot, a young journalist with short hair was holding up the camera and listening to car music without doing anything.

The reporter was assigned to the underground parking lot, a position where there was little success, because he was a new person.

And once found, it is almost certainly the end of the security eviction, and even can be beaten up.This is the old reporter's unintentional move to oppress the new reporter, and no one thought that it would have unexpected effects.

After David's suspension car stopped, Emma arrived at the parking lot with Leona and Nora, two female bodyguards, to meet David.

Agent Lucia wanted to block it, but when she thought it was inside the stadium, she didn't care too much about it. She went with Emma.

David had already asked the shadow boy to put the exoskeleton armor and three main structures into the space ring. He jumped out of the suspension car and handed Emma a bunch of flowers.

"The first time I bought flowers, I don't know if I bought them right!" David could not help explaining the surprise on Emma's face.

"I love it!" Said Emma, blushing.

"I also brought some drinks for the staff, right in the car!" David glanced at Leona and Nora.

Without Emma's arrangement, Leona and Nora step forward to take down the drink and hold it in their hands.

Emma stood next to David with flowers and a picture of happiness. Two female bodyguards followed and left the underground parking lot.

In the underground parking lot, the young reporter's eyes widened and he watched with disbelief the direction in which David and Emma disappeared.

Originally, if the reporter was an enemy and there was a trace of malice in his eyes, he could immediately find out in the spirit of David.

But the reporter was not malicious at all, or when he saw the interaction between David and Emma, he was simply shocked and did not have any other ideas.

If an old reporter thinks about the issue of reporting and the sensation of news, there must be a trace of malice. Maybe David will find out.

Everything is too coincidental. The young reporter is only surprised. As for his eyes, in a peaceful city, David is not as alert to his eyes as in the wild.

"I'm developed!" The young reporter finally recovered after a moment and whispered.

He picked up the camera and looked at what he had just taken. When he saw that the interaction between David and Emma was completely filmed, he was overjoyed.

David did not expect that he came to visit Emma on a whim, but was photographed by a reporter.

Emma took David in front of her, and the intimacy on her face made the staff see the relationship between them.

After two female bodyguards will be a drink, so that the staff on David increased a lot of good.

In the battlefield against the enemy is not changed David, by the eyes of many staff is very embarrassed.

"Don't you go to school today?" Came to Emma's dressing room, Emma just remembered today's date, can't help but ask.

"I asked for leave to get my custom exoskeleton armor from master Mckintosh!" David said with a smile.

"You must love the exoskeleton armor!" Emma has been in contact with David for some days. She knows David's temper and says with a smile that David has an excited look when he mentions the exoskeleton armor.

"Yes, I'm very happy today, so I'm here to share my happiness with you!" David looked at Emma and said with a smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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