Transcendent David

Chapter 253: CH 253

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The young reporter returned to the TV station as fast as possible in a floating car. He was not ready to share his harvest with the old reporter who took him. This is the guarantee of his promotion.

Even young reporters worried about what might happen, and made some preparations.

"Director, I got a video of Emma's latest love affair!" The young reporter stood in front of the director's desk, put the memory chip on the desk, and stifled the excitement.

"Emma's love?" Chubby middle-aged director expression a Su, picked up the memory chip to plug in the socket on the desk.

Soon, the video in the underground garage appeared. The middle-aged director looked at Emma in the video, and there was no happy look on his face, but he was very indifferent.

"Your work is very serious, but you don't have to follow this news. You should have never shot this video." The director nodded to the young reporter.

"Director, this is big news!" The young reporter accentuated his voice on "big news" to show the purpose of the reminder.

In the young reporter's opinion, this kind of video should not be appreciated by the director, and then get a bonus, so as to lay the foundation for future promotion?

"You just worked and don't know much about some things in the industry. I don't need to explain anything to you. Just do your own thing." Said the director, waving to the young reporter.

The young reporter looked at the director and then quietly turned away.

The director's face also showed a helpless color. As an employee of this industry, how could he not know how much repercussions would be aroused by the news about Emma's love affair.

But behind Emma is the force that the director dare not offend. Emma has never had any negative news in these years. Even the news from rock star has not been broadcast on renka star.

The young reporter did not return to his office, but directly left the TV station.

Back home, he immediately opened the Skynet personal authentication page, which was certified after he became a reporter.

He decided to send the video to his personal authentication page, which can directly improve his position in the industry. The most important thing is that anyone who wants to buy this video can buy the reprint rights from him through the personal authentication page.

Although few people pay attention to this young journalist's personal certification page, Emma's influence is too great.

At this time, Emma's concert was very popular, especially at this time.

It's just that the young reporter has just entered the profession and has not noticed that he has not obtained the portrait right of David. David is different from Emma. Emma is a public figure. The relevant laws have a special definition of the right of portrait of public figures, but David does not.

In all the videos broadcast publicly, it is against the law to release David's face without his permission.

Perhaps the young reporter did not pay attention, but some eager for quick success and instant benefit. After getting the big news by accident and not getting the corresponding reward, the young reporter put the video on the personal authentication page of Skynet, which means revenge.

On weekdays, people who pay attention to his personal authentication page of Skynet are peers. He thinks that news organizations will soon find him to buy his videos.

But he didn't expect that only commercial use would buy his video. Many people just want to spread the video to friends after seeing it, and they don't have to buy it at all.

When Emma's staff found the news on Skynet, the news of Emma's love and that video had been spread all over the sky net of renka star.

And the video has also been transmitted to other planets farther away in the Iridia region, as well as the nearby fields of cardor and volgo, where Emma is very famous.

Because of the wide spread of the video, the media outside lunca did not buy it at all, so they directly used the video. This is also the main reason why the news can spread so fast.

The same video was also sent to the war zone. While some people searching for David were still struggling to find him, they found David from the video and determined his location.

As a rookie reporter, David's attempt to keep his identity secret failed.

Of course, waiting for the reporter is a subpoena, as well as a team of lawyers to sue.

"Miss, Madame asked you to take David home." Leona, the bodyguard, whispered to Emma, who was rehearsing.

"Ah, does mother know David?" Emma was startled at Leona's words, then shyness, she said softly.

"Miss, although the news about you and David didn't appear in the news, you couldn't hide it from your wife!" Leona warns.

"Just say I'm busy with concerts recently and I'm not free!" Emma still insisted.

"Madame said that when your concert is over, hold a reception at home, and then you will take David there!" Leona said with a wry smile.

Madame knew Emma so well that she had arranged everything.

"How could that happen?" Emma had a puzzled look on her face. She was thinking about how to tell David about it.Tomorrow is the day of Emma's concert, but today, like ordinary students, David arrived at school on time.

It's just a little different today. When he walked into the school, it was the peak of the students' schooling.

Originally not noticeable, he enjoyed the attention of all the students.

"So handsome, Xiaotian's boyfriend, knew I would pursue it first!"

"I heard that you just transferred to school. You didn't have a chance to pursue it before, but it's really handsome!"

It's a little girl's whisper.

"God, this is Emma's boyfriend, who is our classmate!"

"This guy doesn't look so handsome. How can he win Emma's heart?"

"I can fight three of them!"

This is a little sour boy talking.

Some Emma fans are swearing in their mouth. If this is not a school, these students will go directly to do it.

David didn't know what happened. It happened too fast. Emma didn't inform him. Emma didn't want to affect his study and practice.

Although the voice of these students' swearing is very low, for David, who is extremely sensitive to the five senses, these words are not lost in his ears.

David shook his head. He didn't take these comments to heart.

As he walked into the classroom and sat in his seat, Moore was already close.

"David, you are famous!" Moore's face was full of surprise and excitement.

"Moore, I don't know what happened yet?" David spread out his hands and said helplessly.

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"Ha, the video of you sending flowers to Emma has been spread all over Skynet. Be careful. There are a lot of fans who like Emma. If I'm not friends with you, I'd like to hit your head with a chair!" Moore opened his mouth with exaggeration and then told the story.

David frowns, finger in the identity Bracelet quickly query up, but there is no relevant news in Skynet.

"Skynet search can't find it, I'll send it to you!" Moore said with a smile when he saw David's action.

He manipulated the identity bracelet and passed a video to David. David opened the video and saw the environment in the underground parking lot, which was the scene of his meeting with Emma.

"Is this video very popular?" David closed the video and asked Moore.

"I don't know about other places, but almost no one in our school doesn't know!" Moore said with a smile of schadenfreude.

David's face sank, and he knew his own business. He came to read in the airy region, on the one hand, to enhance his knowledge, on the other hand, to avoid some assassins.

There is no comparison between rock star's knowledge of Oracle and that of airidia, let alone the knowledge related to transcendence. If you want to be more sure of becoming transcendent, it is the best choice to enter the first college of Iridia.

He did not come to this world for a long time, only about a year, but the enemies he offended were not simple.

From the terrible organization such as the God belongs to the big world intelligence organization, to the interest groups related to Cather's extraordinary for killing him, and then there is the destruction of a fleet, which completely offends the forces behind the thunder and lightning mercenary regiment.

If this video has been spread, then his position will be completely exposed, the consequences are unimaginable.

The original relaxed vigilance due to the arrival of renka star was suddenly restored. He ignored him and followed his shadow attendants and flew outside the classroom.

David knew that he should pay attention to everything around him in the future. The former comfortable days are gone.

"Students, you have reached the final stage of the college entrance examination, don't be affected by other things!" As soon as Miss Delia entered the classroom, she exclaimed.

She glanced at David, but did not talk to him.

To tell you the truth, the video of David and Emma meeting is really nothing, just with a bunch of flowers and walking side by side.

It's just that Emma is so famous that it makes the video go crazy.

Delia also had nothing to say to David. She had nothing to say about her study. As for the life outside school, she couldn't interfere.

David's lunch was brought to the classroom by his classmate Moore. He didn't leave the classroom all day.

Even so, some students from other classes appeared outside the classroom just to have a look at David.

As soon as he got to school, David left quickly. No matter how big his heart was, he didn't want people to stare at him like a monster.

Out of the school gate, David saw the familiar floating car, which was Emma's private floating car, beside which stood Leona, the bodyguard.

After seeing David, Leona immediately made a gesture of invitation.

David enters the suspended car and sees Emma in her costume.

I can see that Emma came in such a hurry that she couldn't even change her costume.

"I'm sorry!" David and Emma looked at each other for a moment, and then said out of the same way.Both of them were amused by the apology, and the atmosphere relaxed at once.

David thought it was his going to the stadium that caused the incident, which had an impact on Emma.

But Emma thinks that her side did not do a good job in security, involving David.

Anyway, the reporter was there to shoot Emma. David just happened to be there.

"David, my team is already working on this. The video will soon be suppressed and that reporter will be sent to prison!" Said Emma softly.

"It doesn't matter to me. You are a star. If you need me to do anything, just tell me!" David said with a smile.

He will not worry about his worries. Now, as long as his strength is not extraordinary, he is not too worried.

Not to mention the security level of this Lunka star is very high. It is not very difficult to assassinate him here.

"I really need your help!" Emma spoke in such a low voice that David's keen hearing was almost inaudible.

Emma's face was full of embarrassment.

"Emma, tell me what you want David looked at Emma, smiling and encouraging.

"David, my mother invited you to a party at home." Said Emma softly.

David was stunned when he heard the speech. It was time to see his parents. Even if he was a man for two generations, he was still nervous.

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to, I'll talk to my mother!" Emma looked disappointed at David's silence, but said softly.

"No, I'm thinking about what to give you!" David quickly shook his head and said.

"You agreed!" Emma's face changed into a smile, so that the suspension car was instantly lit up, also let David's heart tension disappear, for Emma to see parents.

"Emma, I don't think it's rude to tell me how many presents I need to prepare?" David asked with a smile.

"If the father is not at home, my mother and brother will be in my family. The reception is a family dinner, which should only invite uncles. They don't need to prepare gifts, as long as two gifts are given by mother and brother." Emma is very careful to help David calculate, look serious so that has been looking at them Leona can't help but headache, her miss this is really trapped, this is all for David's advice.

"My mother likes music. I like music, which is inherited from my mother. My brother is in the renka guard army. He is a Oracle like you, and he also likes to practice." Emma continued.

David and Emma are talking, and the car has returned to David's villa.

But Emma didn't stay. Her time was tight, not for David. She was still busy in the gym.

In the evening, David received news from James, Emerson and Anita. They all congratulated him on learning about David and Emma, especially Anita, who chased after David and asked to meet Emma.

This is to make David sure that his current situation, he really exposed.

Therefore, he spent more hours in the evening, constantly strengthening the intelligent system, which is the most powerful means to protect his residence. With this intelligent system, even if the master of electronic warfare comes, he can't get close to his villa quietly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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