Transcendent David

Chapter 257: CH 257

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The vehicle follows the designated route to a manor. After being checked by a scanning wave before approaching, the vehicle is guided to the front of the building in the manor.

This manor covers a very large area, and the floating car from the manor to the building, after a distance of 10 km.

In the process of floating car driving, David saw numerous flowers and trees in full bloom in the manor. Under the light over the manor, a sea of flowers was formed.

The architecture in the sea of flowers is like a pearl in the sea of flowers, shining with charming light in the night.

As David stepped out of the suspension car, he saw Emma waiting for him.

Today's Emma is wearing a long pink dress with her hair on her back. She looks pure and beautiful.

Especially when she saw David, her eyes were full of love. At the moment, she was not a star studded queen, but just a girl in love.

Standing behind Emma was a tall, handsome young man in a lieutenant's uniform. David knew that this was Emma's brother Frank from his very similar face to Emma.

At this time, Frank's eyes were fixed on David. When he looked up and down at the young man who had captured the heart of the princess, he saw the Silver Star Medal pinned on David's chest, and his eyes flashed with envy.

The Silver Star Medal represents the war merit and the outstanding contribution made in a war. Under the strict control of the medal by the interstellar Federation, any wearable medal represents great glory.

In the interstellar Federation, to participate in such activities will generally wear a medal representing meritorious service, which is to show their own bravery and strength.

David also wore the Silver Star Medal in order not to let Emma's family look down on him. Who said he was too young. If he didn't wear the medal, he would be regarded as a child by the Emma family.

"Emma, am I not late?" David asked Emma with a smile.

"No, the party will be in a while." Emma chuckled as she came forward and took David in her arms. She turned to introduce them to each other and said, "this is my brother Frank. Brother, this is David."

"Hello, Frank." David offered his hand politely.

"David, I've long wanted to know you!" Frank grinned and held out his hand.

Two hands clasped together, David felt a huge force in Frank's hands, David quickly raised the strength to resist.

Frank didn't use all his strength either. When David couldn't bear it, he took back his strength.

Of course, in the process, David almost inspired the "power shock" talent to fight back.

According to David's judgment, Frank's strength is close to the peak of the beetle's strength. The strength of more than 3000 kg is far from what David can resist.

In David's own strength, strength is the weakest. Although he has been using level 3 fortified meat as a top-level resource for cultivation recently, his training time is still too short. There is still a long way to go before a high-level beetle, let alone compare with the top-level beetle.

"Brother, what are you doing?" Emma was not a Oracle, but her spirit was very strong. When David and frank clasped hands, she felt that the situation was not right. She could not help but exclaimed angrily.

"Emma, I'm just testing David's strength!" When Frank heard Emma's blame, he waved his hand and said to David, "David, you're really strong. I don't have that strength at your age."

"Frank, you're strong too!" David replied with a smile.

"David, are your hands OK?" Emma ignored the flattery of the two men and took David's hand and looked at it.

David didn't even have a red mark on his hand, but Emma was still worried.

Although David has shown her own strength, Emma knows that her brother is close to the top. How old is David? How can she compare with her brother.

"I'm fine!" David quickly comforted Emma, then changed the subject and said, "I've brought a gift and I need to take it off!"

"Brother, help me with the gift!" Emma, however, did not let David go and said to Frank.

Frank did not hesitate to take two boxes out of David's floating car.

"This is for frank, this is for Madame!" David said, pointing to two boxes.

"I'm curious!" Frank said very directly. He tore off the package of the box he had given him and found that it was actually an exoskeleton armored loading box.

As a beetle, he could see the difference in this exoskeleton armored container.

"Oh, David, how did you get such a good thing?" Frank stroked the exoskeleton's armored container with his hand, and his eyes toward David became friendly.

The exoskeleton armor doesn't need to be opened. Just looking at the model on the loading box, he knows that this is a rare commemorative version of exoskeleton armor.

In addition to the practicality of this exoskeleton armor, it has great collection value.

As a beetle, what better gift than the last precious exoskeleton armor, and no wonder Frank's attitude changed.Frank was not dissatisfied with David before, but his sister fell in love with this young man. As a brother, he always felt uncomfortable.

"It's a trophy of mine. I'm glad you like it!" David replied with a smile.

His hand is not mean at all. This is a collection originally belonging to Cather's extraordinary collection. Among all the exoskeleton armor collected by Cather, it is also a relatively high value one.

Every piece of exoskeleton armor that can be used as a collection is of great significance. Even if Frank's home is extraordinary, the collection of exoskeleton armor can't be compared with a powerful and extraordinary one fighting in the front battlefield.

"Haha, David, seeing my gift, I'm more curious about what you gave your mother!" Frank said, with a happy face, holding the armored container of the exoskeleton.

"Madam, please ask David to talk in the study." Just then, Leona, Emma's bodyguard, trotted over to Emma and whispered.

"Mother wants to see David now!" Emma said, slightly alarmed, but she was soon calm enough to say to David, "I'll go with you. Mother is very talkative."

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David nodded, and he was a little flustered, but he had been prepared before he came, so he took the gift from Frank to Emma's mother and followed Emma into the door.

Obviously, he came a little early. At the moment, the servants in the hall were still making final preparations for the reception, and the rest of the guests did not arrive.

Because David didn't know the rules of Chia's reception, he arrived an hour ahead of schedule, so that Emma's mother, Mrs. Amelia, made plans to meet David in advance.

From the hallway next to the hall came a tall metal door, and Emma gently pushed the door open.

"Mother!" Emma walked into the room and called to Mrs. Amelia, who was sitting behind her desk looking at the screen in front of her.

David followed him into the study and saw Mrs. Amelia.

Mrs. Amelia looked very young, and probably a little more mature than Emma. It was not too much for Emma's sister.

This is also very normal. The life span of the interstellar Federation is as long as 200 years. Ordinary people are just as good. The rich people have more precious maintenance methods. The difference in age between 20 years is hard to see on their faces.

Mrs. Amelia's momentum is very strong, David can feel the strength of the other side, this is a leader who has been in a high position for a long time.

"Emma, you go out first. I want to talk to David alone." Said Mrs Amelia, frowning, looking at Emma.

"Mother!" Emma called again, with a hint of coquetry in it.

"I won't embarrass David. Be obedient!" It can be seen that Mrs. Amelia is very fond of Emma. When she hears Emma's coquetry, her original aura disappears. She says with helpless indulgence in a consultative tone.

"Really?" Asked Emma, looking suspiciously at Mrs Amelia.

"Really!" Mrs. Amelia assured me.

"Don't worry, David. I'm right outside the door!" Emma turned to David and said softly, not to worry, and then withdrew from the study.

Only Mrs. amelia and David were left in the study. When Emma closed the door, Mrs. Amelia's momentum rose again.

"David, put your things aside and sit down." Said Mrs. Amelia, pointing to the chair in front of her desk.

David put the gift aside with some formality, and then sat opposite Mrs. Amelia, but the chair was obviously shorter than that of Mrs. Amelia.

He was originally influenced by Mrs. Amelia's aura, and this chair made David completely oppressed by Mrs. Amelia's momentum.

The environment here is not for David, but for guests.

This study can give full play to the master's aura to the greatest extent, so that the guests here will lose the advantage psychologically, so that they can have better negotiation.

"Emma David knows his own experience. There are hundreds of warriors who died under him alone. If you count all the people who died in that fleet on his head, the death toll will be tens of thousands.

Not to mention another extraordinary death in his hands, to see such information is enough to make anyone wonder.

But it's only for irrelevant people. For people like Mrs. Amelia who are extremely concerned about her daughter, such a David is too dangerous.

"I know Emma loves you very much. I won't make Emma sad or do anything to break you up, but I hope you can think about Emma before you do anything. I don't want to see Emma sad because of you." Mrs. Amelia said this, her voice full of helplessness.

"Madam, the environment I used to live in was doomed to be dangerous, but now that I come to renka and will study in renka, I don't think I will encounter any accident in the war zone with the security of renka star!" David said with a smile."How do you explain yesterday's killer?" Suddenly Mrs. Amelia interposed.

David couldn't help but be stunned. He made a mistake in estimating the power of Mrs. Amelia. Being able to get this information, it shows that Mrs. Amelia has more power than he imagined.

He didn't talk to Emma about yesterday's killer. All the treatment was going to fox.

"It's just a common thing. It's not even a threat!" Mrs. Amelia was also surprised by David's answer.

However, considering the past of David's information, an ordinary killer is really an ordinary event for David.

"For Emma's sake, I hope you should pay attention to your own safety. I heard that you have the authority of the police consultant, and I will help you to raise the law enforcement scope of the police consultant to the whole range of renka star!" Said Mrs. Amelia, in an earnest tone.

"I will!" David could feel Mrs. Amelia's deep concern for Emma, and he nodded heavily.

"Emma, come in!" Mrs. Amelia said, looking up at the study door.

The door opened, and Emma put her head in and looked first at David and then at Mrs. Amelia. She could not help but relax and smile.

"Take David to visit the manor, and the party will start soon." Said Mrs Amelia, doting on Emma.

"Madame, I'm going out first!" David also stood up at the right time and put the gift on the desk.

Mrs. Amelia watched David and Emma leave, her eyes full of worry.

With the power of her family, she did not want to let Emma get married, so Emma would be free to do her favorite industry without any restrictions.

Emma fell in love with David. To tell the truth, David's everything is excellent. Maybe the excellence can't reflect David's achievements.

Mrs. Amelia looked at the evaluation of "invincible class" in the red letter in the materials. She was very clear what it meant. At such a young age, David's future growth would be amazing.

But Mrs. Amelia didn't care about David's future. She cared about Emma. What she cared about was that David's safety would affect Emma. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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