Transcendent David

Chapter 258: CH 258

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Mrs. Amelia withdrew her thoughts and looked at the gift box on her desk.

Obviously, it was David's own box, so it was not delicate, but it made Mrs. Amelia feel David's sincerity.

When Mrs. Amelia opened the box, she saw the old but well maintained guitar and the special symbol.

Mrs. Amelia, who has a good knowledge of music, recognized the value of the guitar, and a smile appeared on her face.

She loves the guitar, but her smile is not because of the guitar, but because David put his heart into the gift.

To be able to spend a lot of thought on this matter indirectly shows that David attaches great importance to Emma.

As for the value of the guitar reaching tens of millions of credit points, Mrs. Amelia didn't pay attention to this point. At her level, credit points are just a series of numbers. As long as it's not too amazing, it's hard to attract her attention.

"Mother, the guests are here!" Frank rapped on the door of his study and came in to remind him.

His eyes also saw the guitar on the desk. He couldn't help but jerk at the corner of his mouth. He thought to himself that this must be Emma's meaning. Both of them chose their hobbies as gifts.

"It's OK. Today's guests are not outsiders. What's your impression of David?" Said Mrs. Amelia, waving.

"David, he has a good strength. Although he is less than me, he is a genius at his age. Emma has a good vision." Frank thought about it and said with a smile.

Mrs. Amelia looked at Frank like an idiot without saying a word.

"Mother, am I wrong? I've tried David's strength with my own hands, and I'm not wrong! " Frank scratched his head when he saw Mrs Amelia's look.

"Frank, I didn't expect that David, who is called" the first class invincible ", will only have good strength when he comes to your mouth. How can you make me feel at ease with your ability to look at people like this?" Said Mrs. Amelia, shaking her head.

"What? Who said David was "invincible in the first class" Frank asked in disbelief.

He could not help but think of David's young and handsome face, and could not see anything like "invincible".

Besides, he tried the strength of David, only the strength of the middle class A.

"See for yourself!" Mrs. Amelia waved the information in front of her and turned the screen to Frank.

Frank looked at David's profile on the screen, his mouth opening wider and wider.

He originally thought that the Silver Star Medal was David's most important achievement. For David's age, it was enough to be proud to get a Silver Star Medal.

However, the Silver Star Medal is one of David's achievements.

Kill the elite group of beetles alone, kill weapons masters, destroy the entire space fleet, poison extraordinary, everything is enough to make any one of them famous.

That's why David was in the rock star before, and his influence there was too low. If such achievements were put in the Iridia region, he would have been famous and become the most famous Tianjiao.

"Frank, if you want to take the road of Oracle, your family can only help you with resources. There are not many other things your father and I can help you with. In the future, you should contact David more, don't care about face, and ask David more for advice!" Said Mrs. Amelia in a deep voice.

David and Emma visited the garden outside the manor. Because of the time, it was impossible to see the whole garden at this time. They just walked around.

But even so, the precious flowers and plants in the Garden opened David's eyes.

According to Emma, because Mrs. Amelia loved the fragrance of flowers, Emma's father specially planted flowers and plants in this ancestral manor, which formed the present situation.

When it was ten minutes to eight o'clock in the evening, Emma led David back to the villa because it was eight o'clock when the party would begin.

When David and Emma walked into the hall side by side, he saw that there were already guests in the hall.

"Uncle two, uncle three, this is David!" Emma took David's hand and came to several middle-aged people who were talking and introduced him.

David bowed down to see the ceremony. Because Emma's introduction was too simple, he didn't know how to address them. He could only look at the two people Emma had specially introduced.

Emma introduced the second uncle, David can not see the identity, but its standing position shows that the position in this circle is very high.

As for the three uncles, their identity is very obvious, because they are wearing a major general's uniform and are a general.

"Hello, David, Emma can't even introduce people!" The two uncles looked at Emma with a smile. Instead of blaming her, he introduced himself with a smile: "my name is Ned, the mayor of Kia. You can call me uncle two according to Emma's name!"

This tone obviously means "love me and love my dog", which makes David feel Emma's status in the family."Hello, second uncle!" Although David was surprised at the identity of mayor Ned, there was not much surprise on his expression. He bowed down again to see the ceremony again.

David is now in contact with very high status people, met with a few mayors, has long passed the formality of meeting high-ranking officials for the first time.

Looking at David's calm look, mayor Ned's smile was even stronger. This kind of heart was worthy of Emma.

"David, my name is Elton, and you call me my third uncle!" Major general Elton was more serious than mayor Ned, but his words were equally cordial.

After that, Emma introduced a lot of people to David, all of whom were related to Emma's family. It can be seen that the reception was a family dinner.

There are not many people in the hall. There are about 30 or so people in the hall. Apart from some young people, there are only 12 important people. Among them, except Emma's second and third uncles, the others are relatively far away from each other and their status is much lower.

But when David found out who these people were, he saw a big net, a network that covered the whole city of Kia.

"Emma, there are so many relatives in your family David and Emma finished their initial introduction, and when they came to one side, David said softly.

"This is just a part of the relatives in Kia, because the reception was in a hurry, my mother didn't invite relatives from other places!" Emma replied softly.

This is the first time David has come into contact with this kind of political family. Maybe it can't be called a family. It should be said that it is a family.

Just as David was curious about Emma's parents, Mrs Amelia took Frank into the hall.

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At this time, Mrs. Amelia, like Frank, was wearing a uniform, but the uniform on Mrs. Amelia was a monitoring uniform, which magnified her momentum a lot.

"Emma, what is your mother's position?" David couldn't resist asking.

"My mother is the deputy chief inspector general of Xingyu, and I don't know the specific power!" Emma whispered.

Although deputy chief inspector general of star domain is deputy, this prefix is star domain, which means that the scope of his power is the whole iridian star domain, which is the scope of 100 billion people.

Even higher than the mayor of chichia, he is already a high-ranking official in the iridian star system.

Of course, this has nothing to do with David. His interest is not in power, but in practice.

"Everybody, I think everyone knows David. Welcome to join us!" Perhaps because of the close relationship, Mrs. Amelia did not say any more polite words. She introduced David directly and expressed her ideas.

All the people in the room immediately understood that Mrs. Amelia had initially agreed to David's relationship with Emma, otherwise they would not have said so.

There was a big round of applause, and everyone looked at David more kindly.

"This reception is for everyone to get together, and for the introduction of David. Now the party officially begins!" Mrs. Amelia said, holding up her glass of red wine when the applause subsided.

All raised their glasses, and Mrs. Amelia, smiling, went to the small circle of mayor ned and major general Elton, and raised her hand to David and Emma to come here as well.

"David came from the rock star of war, and brought some small troubles there. Please take care of Emma's face." Said Mrs. Amelia, smiling to a few in the small circle.

Although Mrs. Amelia's attitude towards David was a little stiff, at the moment, she showed a sense of maintenance.

"I'm afraid we don't need our help. The" Eureka organization "that killed David was cleaned up last night. It's Fox's extraordinary guard." Mayor ned said, smiling at David.

What happened last night may not be known to others, but Mayor ned is very clear.

The dispatch of extraordinary guards and extraordinary privileges must be reported to the government.

Fox extraordinary sent out the extraordinary guard to settle the matter for David, which also made mayor ned very curious about the relationship between David and fox extraordinary.

"Ah, David was assassinated yesterday?" Emma exclaimed, and looked at David with a worried look.

"Emma, don't worry about David. This boy is very strong." Frank on the side comforted.

"David, why don't you tell me what's going on?" Emma's worry didn't abate at all. She looked at David and blamed him.

"It's really just a small matter. The killer is not even a oracle. I caught him when I didn't have the chance to fight. I just didn't have the law enforcement power and didn't want to surprise you, so I asked Uncle Fox to help me deal with it." David quickly explained.

Mrs. Amelia, mayor ned and major general Elton looked at each other, and they heard David's extraordinary address for fox. "Uncle" is a very close name.

Although David and Ned city and major general Elton met for the first time, they asked David to call them uncle, but there was Emma's relationship among them.Normally, they are called "Uncle" by real nephews and nephews.

The power network of the family is very large, but they can not despise any extraordinary person, especially in the super large city of Kia.

Although transcendental, it has a huge influence. They are a kind of deterrence.

A city, or a planet, inhabited by the supernatural can deter the oracle and the same supernatural beings.

The power that beetles can break out is very terrible, especially in the city. Although the police can find it, they can't solve it quickly.

Therefore, if there is no extraordinary presence, then once there are uncontrolled beetles, in the environment where heavy energy weapons can not be used, it will be a disaster for the city.

With extraordinary presence and extraordinary deterrence, any Oracle should consider the extraordinary pursuit before creating chaos.

In the same way, transcendence is the same. In a mega city like Qiya, the extraordinary is far more powerful than ordinary transcendence, which forms a deterrent force to most extraordinary people.

"If there is such a thing in the future, you must tell me first, or I will be angry!" Emma did not notice the look of the others, she said softly to David.

David felt Emma's concern and nodded.

"David, how strong are you?" Frank has been holding back since learning David's strength from his study, and now he has the opportunity to ask.

This issue has also attracted the attention of others in the circle. Although it is a political family, force is also very important.

Before attending the reception, they learned some information about David. Although it was only some simple information, it was enough to show that David was not ordinary.

Of course, the third year students of senior high school become first class scholars, and there are many in renka star. In the end, the population base is here, and there are also thousands of young people who become first class scholars.

It's just a thousand out of 10 billion people, which is enough to show David's genius.

"David is very strong. My heart will last forever" is written by David Emma was wrong, or in her opinion, to be able to write "my heart will last" is more important than David's force, so she said first.

"I didn't think my heart will last forever" was written by David Mrs. Amelia, however, said with a twinkle in her eyes, and looked more kindly at David.

As a professional who has studied music, she has enough respect for composers and lyricists who can write works handed down from generation to generation.

And when the composer was her daughter's boyfriend, the trace of dissatisfaction with David was completely eliminated.

Even if David is always in danger, it is regarded as a kind of eccentricity of artists by Mrs. Amelia. People who study art to this degree always have some special features.

Of course, it is estimated that only Mrs. amelia and Emma would attach importance to the author of "my heart will last forever", while the rest are more concerned about the results Frank wants to ask.

"Emma, I'm asking about David's ability to fight. He's known as" the invincible of the first class. " Frank said weakly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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