Transcendent David

Chapter 286: CH 286

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David's words are very attractive to master Bethune, that is, David said that he would take the injured passenger to the doctor, that is to say, as long as David takes away the injured passenger, David will leave here in a short time.

As long as David leaves here, he will have more time to arrange everything.

Of course, the most important reason for this is the ability of the negotiation master initiated by David, which is the reason why master Bethune can't help thinking of these after hearing David's words.

"OK, you take him away, but don't make any small moves, or I will kill the people around me with a wave of the hammer in my hand!" Master Bethune thought about it and agreed.

"Of course, I don't want these people to have an accident. I can't afford the consequences like that!" David said softly as he put the second class axe back on his back.

David put the level 3 heavy axe into the space items long before he entered here. He saw a group of light spots representing ordinary people coincided with master Bethune's light spots on his face armor. He knew what was going on here. He would not take out the third level heavy axe as a weapon to stimulate master Bethune.

He moved forward slowly, under the gaze of master Bethune, reaching for the injured passenger.

The injured passenger was very excited, and the passenger next to him was even more anxious that he did not have the look of injury.

But the passengers were so rational that none of them spoke out.

There's a crazy beetle here, and he's a master of weapons. Even most of the passengers here have guessed the identity of master Bethune.

The reason is that the passengers dare not change.

When David reached for the injured passenger, a "sleeping pattern" was made.

David is taking risks. He is gambling that there is something wrong with master Bethune's spirit. He can't find the "sleeping pattern". David believes in his own feelings.

"Sleeping pattern" on the ground bypasses the passengers in front of master Bethune and flies into master Bethune's body.

In the soul of master Bethune, the "sleeping pattern" immediately turned into many tiny "sleeping patterns", which began to absorb the soul energy of master Bethune and grow up.

If it is in master Bethune's normal state, don't say that the "sleeping pattern" enters the body, it will be discovered by master Bethune just after David uses it.

But now the "sleeping pattern" entered the soul of master Bethune and did not arouse his vigilance. This is the result of his spiritual decline.

Master Bethune felt that David was slow to take away the injured passenger. He was about to get angry, but he found that his head felt dizzy. He shook his head and tried to drive away the feeling.

As soon as master Bethune shook his head, David moved. His hands and feet were on the ground at the same time. He rushed out like a cheetah.

David didn't take the weapon from his back in the first time, let alone the shadow attendant to take out the weapon from the space ring. There are too many people here. He doesn't want to expose some secrets.

Several passengers standing in front of master Bethune felt David's exoskeleton armor hit them, but there was no terrible impact. Instead, it was a push that pushed them aside.

When David rushed to master Bethune, master Bethune responded.

But now David's hand is on master Bethune's second class hammer. For a Warhammer master, if his weapon is caught, his combat effectiveness will be reduced by half.

David is also hard to bear. Although the influence of "cell activator" is being eliminated, master Bethune is still more powerful than ordinary top beetles.

With a wave of master Bethune's hand, David's body was moved.

David was ready. He kicked master Bethune in the chest with a heavy kick, and then he was thrown out by master Bethune.

David did all this for the sake of this kick. It was the fastest way to attack at that time. If you wait for the backhand to pick up the weapon, the fighter plane will disappear.

There is a "power shock" in this step. This is not a weapon collision. You can use the control skills of the weapon. You can use the characteristics of the second class weapons to dissipate the power of the "power shock".

The "power shock" in this foot really acts on master Bethune's chest, and it also plays a role in his extremely poor mental state.

Master Bethune was paralyzed, and he immediately understood that this was a "power shock" talent.

He is very experienced and skilled in dealing with such natural abilities as "power shock". He began to mobilize his body's strength to fight against "power shock".

It is only because of the poor mental state of master Bethune that the skills that he usually successfully complete are not so good at this time.

After being thrown out, David turned a somersault in the air, landed on his feet, pushed hard, and rushed again toward Master Bethune.

This time, he had an extra army thorn in his hand, which was the "extraordinary army stab".David's spirit broke out. He drank a lot, which contained a trace of his spirit, which was learned from Emma. However, he could not make the spirit spread in the voice like Emma did by singing. It could only be realized by this way of drinking.

Of course, the actual power of this kind of drinking is extremely low, which even does not count as a mental attack. It can only deal with some ordinary people and make them feel a little dizzy. It has no effect on the more physically strong warriors.

David didn't want to use this method to deal with master Bethune. He just wanted to influence ordinary people here.

His drinking made all the passengers dizzy, and David rushed to master Bethune in front of him.

Master Bethune is also eliminating the effect of "power shock", and the distance between them is only 50 cm.

Master Bethune was preparing to attack, but he saw a strange scene. David's arm disappeared when he waved it out. Then he felt the pain and the strength of his whole body quickly disappeared.

He wants to wave the second class hammer in his hand, but this usually extremely easy action is unable to do, and the second class hammer in his hand is extremely heavy.

"Extraordinary..." Master Bethune wanted to name the weapon, but he could not say it any more after only half of it.

David pulls back the "extraordinary army stab" inserted into master Bethune's jaw. This "extraordinary army stab" penetrates master Bethune's jaw all the way to the brain, giving him a fatal blow.

When the passengers wake up, David is removing the second class hammer from master Bethune's body and holding it in his hand.

"Thank you, Master David." A passenger bowed deeply.

This kind of etiquette is not commonly used in the interstellar Federation, it is a kind of expression of gratitude.

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"Thank you, Master David." Fortunately, the rest of the passengers also received the response.

"You contact captain bulver and security, and I'm going to find my companions!" David said with a wave.

He ran to Emma's position and sent a message to Leona. He didn't want Leona to think it was the enemy and fly out of the starfighter in the rescue capsule.

"David, are you not hurt?" When David arrived at the rescue capsule, Emma had already come out of the capsule. Seeing David's arrival, she immediately went up to check and asked with concern.

"I'm not hurt at all, protected by exoskeleton armor." David said, smiling, patting his exoskeleton armor.

"Really not hurt?" Emma asked incredulously.

Leona's exoskeleton armor can receive the public channel. Emma also heard what kind of enemy David was this time. Even if she wanted to come, no matter how strong David was, she couldn't be unhurt.

In particular, David's exoskeleton armor, with a lot of blood, let Emma worry.

David had no choice but to remove the custom exoskeleton armor. After coming out of the custom exoskeleton armor, he made a circle in front of Emma to let Emma see more clearly.

"These people are so bold that they dare to commit murder on the interstellar flyers. Aren't they afraid of the law?" Emma, seeing that David was not hurt, began to blame the mercenaries.

"Emma, didn't I say before that they were against me?" David looked at Emma apologetically and said, and then he went on, "it's been determined that I'm the target of these mercenaries. They've accepted the task to kill me. I've got you involved."

"Don't say that. It's not up to you to decide!" Emma reached out and stopped David from saying.

Talking to Emma, David returned to the first class and the two female bodyguards behind them looked at David in a completely different way.

In the past, although David was very strong, the two female bodyguards did not have a practical understanding, only knew that David was better than them.

But after this time, they really understood David's horror.

"Master David, what about the five masters?" Leona finally did not hold back a voice to ask.

This is rare for Leona to take the initiative to interrupt David and Emma's conversation, and her address to David has changed.

"There should be master Bethune's body. Master Johns's body is in the passage two areas away from here. The bodies of the other three masters may have floated into space!" David thought about it and replied to her very accurately.

Leona felt a dry mouth. As a Oracle, she was very aware of the horror of these weapon masters.

With the removal of mercenary beetles, starflyers began to restore order, and the service staff sent one of the wounded to a doctor for treatment.

Maintenance work has also been carried out everywhere. Due to the serious damage to the StarCraft, especially in the cab, the maintenance work is very huge.

The explosion of the cultivation area also damaged the shell of the StarCraft. Before the shell was repaired, the StarCraft could not enter the warp state.If we don't enter the curving speed state according to the distance between the interstellar flyer and Ryukyu blue star, the time of this voyage will be counted in years if we only fly slowly.

This is unacceptable to any passenger, especially those who are frightened.

As captain BRVO appeased the passengers, the first rescue arrived, three of the army's thunderbolt V frigates.

"Master David, are you free?" Captain bulver rang the doorbell of David's room and asked the room.

The door of David's suite was damaged by master Bethune. At this time, all the maintenance personnel are repairing the fragile hull. The door has not been repaired.

But Captain bulver didn't dare to go in like this. This is the terrible master David's room.

"Come in!" David heard the voice, recognized the voice of captain bulver, and said in a deep voice.

He had just taken a bath, then cleaned up the blood on the custom exoskeleton armor, and was now free to sit down and see what the shadow waiter had achieved.

Captain bulver carefully led the way, followed by a colonel.

"Master David, this is captain Maxim who has come to the rescue. He wants to know something from you!" Captain bulver introduced David respectfully.

"It's a great honor to meet you, Master David." Said Colonel maxim, smiling.

"What can I do for you, Colonel Maxim?" David made a gesture of invitation for Colonel maximn to sit down and asked.

Colonel Massin then sat down and turned on the recording function on the identity Bracelet in front of David. This is to let David know that he needs to record, and it is also a kind of expression of kindness.

In fact, if Colonel Masin had turned on the recording function on the ID Bracelet in advance, David would not have known.

But this is an attitude, a respect for the strong.

"Master David, I'd like to ask you about the attack. You are the most familiar person." "I wonder if you know the identity of the attacker?" he asked, smiling

"I know the names of three mercenary regiments: Shadow mercenary, red fire mercenary and blue ice mercenary. I know the names of five weapon masters, but I don't know the rest!" David replied truthfully.

Colonel Maxim seemed to be startled by the names of the three mercenaries, and his face was a little ugly.

"As far as I know, these mercenaries are all aiming at you. What is your relationship with them?" Asked Colonel massing again.

"I'm sorry, I don't know why you say that. I'm just an ordinary victim. I just take up arms to defend myself when my life is threatened. This is also my power under the interstellar federal law." David will not be fooled into saying that he has something to do with himself. The ability of a master negotiator is not useless.

"Master David, I need to tell you that you killed so thoroughly. If you don't come forward and tell the truth, it's very difficult for us to investigate the responsibility of the three mercenaries!" Said Colonel maxim, with a puzzled look on his face.

"I didn't have any hatred with the three mercenary regiments before. It's also a matter between you and the mercenary regiment whether to investigate the responsibility of the mercenary regiment. It has nothing to do with me!" David said in a deep voice. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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