Transcendent David

Chapter 287: CH 287

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"Master David, we need you to stand up and testify. Otherwise, with the influence of the three mercenary regiments, you will never be able to get rid of their pursuit in the future!" Said Colonel maxim, staring at David.

Although Colonel Maxine was extremely shocked by David's fighting power, he wanted to let David stand up to testify. At the same time, David would also become a bait. The three mercenaries would never let David, who had slaughtered so many of them.

In this way, as long as he keeps watch of David, he can continue to perform meritorious deeds.

For Colonel maxim, the credit was within reach.

Because of the influence of the three mercenary regiments, the case can not be dealt with by the government. Colonel Maxin was the first to arrive at the scene and wanted to put the case in his own hands.

As long as we can show our due merits in this case, it will be an important basis for the promotion of Colonel maxim in the future.

In the current situation, the three mercenary regiments have indeed caused great consequences, but all the participants have died. It is too difficult to bring the three mercenaries to justice without the criminal's confession.

This is a matter of the judicial system. It will be many years before the three mercenary regiments can be sued. At most, the consequence is to let the three mercenaries hand over several high-level officials for their crimes.

Such a long period of time, together with the achievements that can be achieved, can not be compared with the merits of using David as a bait.

"Colonel maxim, I've made it very clear that I'm just an ordinary student. When I'm threatened, I'll help myself according to the interstellar federal law. If there's any problem with this, please come to me through the court, not the military!" David said in a deep voice.

"Master David, I can't help you. I hope you can come back with me and accept the investigation!" Colonel Massin's voice hardened, too.

He is not afraid that David dares to resist, and David dares to kill hundreds of mercenaries. However, David absolutely dares not to fight against the military, even ordinary soldiers.

"Captain maxim, get out of the starflyer and report to your boss. Your boss will send someone to replace you!" A middle-aged man in a gray windbreaker and gray hair came in, his tone was very gentle, but his speech was very strong.

"You..." He stood up and looked at the door as he spoke. When he saw someone coming, his words stopped.

"Melvin is extraordinary. I'm sorry, I didn't know you were here!" Colonel Masin did not salute, but bowed and apologized.

Obviously, he was terrified of Melvin's transcendence.

"I'll give you three minutes. If you haven't left in three minutes, you'll stay here forever." Melvin's voice is still so gentle.

"I'm leaving now!" Said Colonel maxim, with a grim look, and, as he bowed his head, gave David a hard look.

David felt this look, which made David frown. This is a trouble for Colonel Maxim. In David's character, he has the idea of solving it immediately.

With David's thought, a terrible killing intention erupted from David's body, enveloping Colonel Maxin.

Colonel Maxim's whole body felt creepy, just like when he was only half a meter away from a Zerg, and his life would be stripped away at any time.

"David, let him go. He's afraid to ask for trouble. I'll give him the honor of starflyer." Melvin looked at David with interest in his eyes.

David didn't plan to take captain Masin on the starfighter. Just after killing more than 600 Jiashi, his killing intention has not been recovered. After being provoked by Colonel maxim, his killing intention rises again.

David's intention to kill was taken back, and Colonel Maxim stumbled out of the door. After he rushed out, his clothes were all wet with cold sweat.

Although he had known David's record before, he didn't know how strong David was. Besides, he had the military identity. No matter how strong David was, he didn't care.

But when David killed him, he realized how terrible David was.

Colonel marchin no longer wants revenge, not only because of David's strength, but also because of Melvin's extraordinary warning.

Melvin's extraordinary words, guaranteed by starflyer's reputation, actually tell Colonel maxim that David is under the protection of starflyers.

Besides, Colonel Maxine's return this time will definitely degrade his position in the army because of Melvin's extraordinary expulsion. He has no time to find David's trouble.

"Lord Melvin!" Captain bourvoir recovered himself and looked at Melvin with a look of great admiration.

Melvin nodded to him and turned to David.

"Melvin is extraordinary, thank you!" David said with sincere thanks.

Once he is taken away by the military, many things will not be under his control, especially the cultivation will be greatly affected.

"David, sit down!" Melvin sat down on the sofa, and then said to David. When David sat down, he turned to captain bulver and said, "I have something to talk with David. You can take care of the business."Captain bulver bowed himself out.

"David, I've heard of your name for a long time. Fox used to mention you at parties before." Melvin said with an extraordinary smile.

"Uncle Fox boasted David quickly waved his hand and said.

"I forgot to introduce myself. I am one of the shareholders of StarCraft. On behalf of StarCraft, I would like to thank you for this incident." Melvin said, bowing slightly to David.

"Melvin is extraordinary. In fact, this incident is also caused by me. I am the target of these mercenaries. It is I who have brought trouble to the StarCraft!" David said to the truth.

David doesn't want to hide this kind of thing at all, and he can't hide it. As long as starflyers check it out, they will know.

Throughout the process, the mercenary's goal has been very clear, through various means is to kill David.

"David, you are our guest when you buy the ticket of starfighter. Your safety should be our duty when you are on board. These mercenaries dare to fight on the starflyer, but they don't take starflyer seriously. It has nothing to do with whether you are the target. Today is you, and then there will be other people!" Melvin said, looking at David with great appreciation.

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In fact, Melvin learned something before he came. David was the target of the mercenary attack, and he knew it.

David's attitude is very satisfying to Melvin. As for whether David is the target, it doesn't matter at all.

StarCraft is a transportation business. It is the responsibility of starflyers to protect the safety of their guests. This time, the biggest responsibility is actually the starflyers themselves.

Captain bulver put more than 600 beetles on board starflyers. The reason is that the starflyers will carry out self-examination, and Melvin will not speak out in front of David.

In particular, the appearance of krypton crystal powder bomb made Melvin extremely surprised. We should know that the interstellar flyer's scanning system will not allow this kind of illegal weapon to board the ship.

It's the same whether it's carried with you or transported by goods.

Krypton crystal powder bomb can appear on the interstellar flyer, the only possibility is that there is a loophole in the security of the star flyer, which may be in the security system, or it may be on the personnel. These are the reasons why Melvin came extraordinary.

The most important thing is that David killed all the mercenaries, which protected the reputation of starflyers.

These mercenaries dare to do such a big thing. If they hit the starfighter in the face, there will be an end.

This ending, needless to say, is to blow up the interstellar flyer directly, and the damage to the interstellar flyer will be fatal.

So to David Melvin, there's more to thank.

"David, what are your plans for the three mercenaries?" Melvin looked at David and asked.

"Melvin is extraordinary. I don't quite understand what you mean?" David also looked at Melvin and asked.

"I've studied your files. You've always killed the enemy completely. If these three mercenaries attack you like this, you will not fail to respond!" Melvin said with an extraordinary light smile.

David slaughtered so many warriors on the starflyers, with a pair of 600, including five famous weapon masters. How could Melvin not be allowed to investigate David's details.

When he saw David's file, Melvin was shocked. David, who had just graduated from high school, had more than a thousand dead under his command.

As for the number of people who died indirectly in his hands, more than 10000.

After being attacked by the organization, how can such a David endure.

"If you help me, I'm not needed!" David replied with a smile.

When he saw Melvin, David was surprised by the courage of those mercenaries. There was an extraordinary soldier in the starflyer company. Those mercenaries dare to do something on the starfighter. Isn't that a death wish?

"Do you think you can do what you want if you are extraordinary?" Melvin said with a wry smile and shaking his head. He opened a map in front of him and continued: "all supernatural beings have their own protection areas. If the other supernatural beings enter rashly, they will be regarded as provocations. If their friends are good, if their relationship is not good, then it will lead to direct conflicts."

Melvin points three times on the light screen of the map, and marks three names on it. They are red fire mercenary group, blue ice mercenary group and shadow mercenary group.

"This is yak, known as the holy land of mercenary regiment. In the space near yak, there are more than a dozen abandoned fortresses, which were handed over to yak for management and sold to some mercenaries through yak.

These three space fortresses are red fire, blue ice and shadow three mercenary regiments.

Jacques is guarded by Gerald extraordinary. He is a mercenary. He enjoys the worship of mercenaries and provides the guard duty to the mercenaries. The relationship between me and Gerald is not good. In the past, I would only fight against Gerald, but not the three mercenary groups! " Melvin introduced David to the light curtain."Can't they be sued by law?" David asked curiously.

This attack is very clear. It was the three mercenary regiments that launched the attack. Isn't it a better choice to pass the law?

"The law can achieve some results, but the attack is in this space of no owners. If the legal process is finally chosen, it will also be carried out in yak. It is estimated that the first legal process can not be completed in a few years. Even if the final result is achieved, it will not have much impact on the three mercenaries." Said Melvin, shaking his head.

"So starflyer isn't ready for action?" David asked uncertainly.

"Of course not. On the one hand, I am here to thank you for all you have done, and on the other hand, I want to ask you to attack the three mercenary regiments." Melvin replied with a smile.

"Melvin extraordinary, you are not good to go to yak star, my strength can not dare to challenge extraordinary!" David said with a wry smile and shaking his head.

David just wanted to find trouble with the three mercenary regiments. He just took the opportunity to find the members of the three mercenary regiments and attack them to revenge. But he never thought about going to the three mercenary regiments.

He is not really invincible. There are so many strong men sent by the three mercenary regiments this time. The garrison must be well defended and there are many experts.

"Haha, you don't have to worry about Gerald's extraordinary existence. The existence of Gerald's transcendence is to prevent other extraordinary people from intervening in the affairs of mercenaries on Jacques. He will not interfere with the conflicts between the other mercenaries or the oracle. In case he interferes, I will do it!" Melvin assures with a smile.

"Melvin is extraordinary. Are you so optimistic about me?" David said helplessly.

But since then, there has been no doubt about the name of the famous brother "Bryce" and "bard" in the whole field, and there is no one in the world who has ever known the name of "Bryce" and "bard" in the whole field Shi dares to say that they can deal with it calmly, let alone kill them easily. I believe that only you can successfully attack the three mercenary regiments.

Of course, we won't let you go alone. The company will send 100 elite warriors, equipment and intelligence support. If you think something is impossible, you can withdraw at any time. " Melvin said with an extraordinary smile.

David didn't speak. He was thinking about Melvin's opinion. He didn't feel that Melvin was pressing him, but the three mercenaries did pose a threat to him.

If you don't eradicate it, you don't know if you will attack him again. He is not too worried. He has a strong ability to sense danger. In addition, he has shadow attendant. He is confident to face any danger. As long as the opponent is not extraordinary, he can solve it.

But he was worried about Emma. This time, he exposed his relationship with Emma, and believed that there would be some troubles for Emma in the future. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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