Transcendent David

Chapter 351: CH 351

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In the morning, alidia said, "my God, the Venus badge. If David enters the army after graduation, it will be the rank of Captain!" Miles exclaimed.

"Keep your voice down. What hasn't been announced yet, do you want to harm me?" Fitch said, glaring at miles.

"Know, know!" Miles said quickly, covering his mouth.

The rest of them were also very surprised. Everyone knew that military achievements were very rare, especially for the military merit of the Venus badge, few of them could get this honor every year, let alone a student like David.

They also know that there will be no fraud. Fitch's father has a high position in the army, and many of his family are also in the army. He is a military family.

"Fitch, know what David did to get the Venus badge?" Mike asked curiously.

"I don't know. My father doesn't know. I only heard that David had made outstanding strategic contributions that he was nominated for the Venus badge." Fitch shook his head.

"How long do we have to study here before we can meet David?" Louise complained, kicking the ground under her feet.

She is a big shield beetle, and has little chance to gain combat achievements.

If you go to the base early and act together with David, the chances of winning battle merit and getting points will be greatly increased.

"It's early. We'll go back and review well. We'll try to complete the assessment of cultural knowledge in three months. We have no problem in fighting ability." Mike looked at Louise, then at the others, and said in a deep voice.

"Do you think we can catch up with David?" Miles asked softly.

"Probably." Even if all the top talents of this session are present, there is no foundation to answer this question.

As they chatted, David was watching carefully 400 kilometers from the college base.

Because of the sudden decrease in the number of second level Zerg, David can no longer easily meet the second level Zerg just like before.

Fortunately, he saw a task briefing in the mission system, which was an open task.

"A group of" stone skin worms "appeared in the rubble mound 400-5 kilometers southwest of the college base. This task does not need to be picked up. The corpses of the" stone skin worms "are directly used for points, and each corpse is exchanged for 120 points!"

In fact, this task was carried out many days ago. At that time, a lot of senior class a teams of colleges went to complete the task.

However, after a few days of fighting, the number of "stone skin worms" has not decreased, on the contrary, it has increased from about 40 before to more than 80 now.

In recent days, the group A has handed in nearly 20 corpses of "stone skin worms" to the college, and the college has increased the purchase price of "stone skin worm" from 100 points to 120 points.

Originally, the second-class Zerg with "stone skin worm" is the students' favorite second-class Zerg.

But the increase in the number, so that students dare not hunt, even if the increase in points is also the same.

When David saw this task, he was very satisfied. A large number of "stone skin worms" appeared. Although the corpses of "stone skin worms" were not special, they could get 120 points for one. As long as the number was large, the daily harvest would be there.

In the air, the shadow attendant observes the rubble mound in front of him. The environment of this area is very chaotic. The stones with an average height of about five meters are stacked irregularly in the area of more than ten kilometers, making this area the best hiding place for Zerg.

This is why the number of "stone skin worms" is so large that senior students dare not come to hunt them.

In the rubble heap, it is impossible to find the "stone skin worm" nearby. Once surrounded by the "stone skin worm", relying on the strength of the student Oracle, not to mention killing the "stone skin worm", it is difficult to escape.

After several groups have been in danger here, there is no more group A.

The situation here is that it is not easy to clean up the beetles, and it is not worthy of extraordinary action. It is estimated that if the number of "stone skin worms" continues to increase in a period of time, the military will appear.

There are a lot of "stone skin worms" here. The shadow waiter soon found a trace of a stone skin worm.

The body surface of the "stone skin worm" is very close to the color of the stone. When it does not move, it is almost integrated with the stone.

It has no limbs, and it moves by twisting its body, which makes it have no forelimb spines of the other secondary Zerg, reducing its attack power and the harvest of killing it.

In addition to selling the second level Zerg to colleges, it is estimated that few shops will be willing to pay 100 points to purchase.

The shadow attendants move in the air, looking at the rubble mounds below from different angles.

Another "stone skin worm" was seen about 100 meters away from the stone skin worm.

Then the shadow boy saw the third and the fourth. Because he couldn't fly farther, he couldn't see more. But only by these observations, David could make some judgments.The location of these four "stone skin worms" was marked on the map by him. Although there are some small differences, the four "stone skin worms" are distributed at a distance of about 100 meters from each other on the map.

These "stone skin worms" are not so much moving in the rubble mounds as they are guarding.

One "stone skin worm" every 100 meters, as long as any "stone skin worm" finds out, the distance of 100 meters is enough for the slow moving "stone skin worm" to come to support in a short time.

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David's curiosity rose. He didn't know how the stone skin worms gathered here and what they were guarding?

This time, David didn't use a custom-made large caliber sniper gun. The environment here is not suitable for sniping. When he walked into the disordered rocks, the shadow attendant also flew back and crossed on his right hand. A heavy axe of grade three appeared in his right hand.

The shadow servant flew over his head again and circled David in the air to ensure that David would not be surrounded by "stone skin worms".

His footstep falls gently, silent sneak skill is used by him more and more skilled.

David keeps approaching a stone skin worm he has set as his target.

When he was a hundred meters away from the stone skin worm, David suddenly felt a sense of being peeped at. It seemed that some creature was watching him. At the same time, the shadow in the sky saw the stone skin worm collapsing 100 meters ahead, making a fighting posture.

"Do stone skin worms sense creatures within a hundred meters?" David immediately thought of something, but he couldn't believe it, because the stone skin worm didn't have that ability in the knowledge he learned in college.

But it was a real one. Just as he was 100 meters away, David's keen spirit felt peeping. Then the stone skin worm made a response to the enemy. All this shows that the stone skin worm really has this ability.

The shadow servant saw that the stone skin worm was about to make a sound when it opened its mouth. How could David let it go? A "high frequency sound wave" was sent out.

The "stone skin worm" was about to give an alarm, but it was hit by the "high frequency sound wave". The "stone skin worm" was stiff.

At this moment, David rushed over. The distance of 100 meters is a breathing time when the "extreme speed" and the short wings behind the customized exoskeleton armor are turned on.

When he appeared in front of the stone skin worm, the stone skin worm recovered from the influence of the high frequency sound wave.

The stone skin worm bit David. It was very confident in its own defense. Of course, it had no body and could not defend itself.

It's just that David is holding a heavy axe of grade three, which is not the stone skin of the "stone skin worm" to defend against.

David flashed by and waved his third grade axe. The neck of the stone skin worm was cut off, and only a small piece of skin was still attached to it. This was to ensure the integrity of the body. If it was divided into two parts, it would be difficult to take it away.

David was able to take this into account in the battle, and you can imagine how relaxed he was in the fight.

David took out a bottle and poured the liquid into the incision of the stone skin worm's neck. Soon the green blood began to solidify, and the smell of blood faded.

This bottle of medicine is a "clotting agent" purchased from David. It is a very cheap but practical medicine. It can make blood coagulate rapidly and reduce the pollution of blood on equipment.

The blood of the stone skin worm is better. The blood of some Zerg is corrosive, and the effect of coagulant is even greater.

Just after finishing this, David suddenly frowned, because he saw that the "stone skin worms" around him had abnormal movements and moved towards him.

"Found?" He felt strange. Looking back on the battle, he didn't give the stone skin worm a chance to sound an alarm. How could it be found.

What's more, David found that it was not just the stone skin worms that the shadow servant had just seen. In the depths of the rubble heap, many of the "stone skin worms" were moving rapidly towards this side.

With boulders all around him, David won't fight against the stone skin worms here. He grabs the body of the stone skin worm in his hand and lifts himself up with a little bit of his feet.

Just as David took off, many "stone skin worms" also found him.

Recently, several "stone skin worms" rolled up stones the size of human heads on the ground with their tails and threw them at David in the sky.

David didn't expect the stone skin worm to have this kind of attack, so he dodged to fly higher.

The strength of these stones is very terrible. Just listening to the sound of the air being crushed and exploding makes people's scalp numb.

Fortunately, David is on the edge of the rubble, so long as he flies out of the rubble, he can escape the attack of the stone skin worm.

After escaping for several kilometers, David was able to reach the ground. He looked at the rubble in the distance and analyzed the problem in his mind.

"It's high frequency sound wave!" In retrospect, the only possibility is the problem of "high frequency sound wave".At this time, David realized that he was facing Zerg, whose hearing was completely different from that of human beings.

For Zerg, the "high frequency sound wave" that humans can't hear is probably shouting.

David thought that he had just been in a heap of rubble and made a cry among the "stone skin worms". He couldn't help but smile bitterly.

It seems that the "high frequency sound wave" method can not be used as a conventional combat skill. Fortunately, this is because the "stone skin worm" is not moving fast, and he still has a chance to escape.

If you are fighting a fast Zerg group, a "high frequency sound wave" will attract all Zerg in the whole area.

"It's just like chicken ribs!" David is very disappointed with the talent of "high frequency sound wave". If he can't attack well, he can't even have the good feature of concealed attack.

If you can't use the high-frequency sound wave in the field, you can't use the high-frequency sound wave once in the field! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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