Transcendent David

Chapter 352: CH 352

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Recently, after sorting out, David put some easy to store food in his dormitory, which emptied some space for space objects.

So when he was ready to return to the rubble again, he asked the shadow attendant to collect the corpse of the stone skin worm into the space object.

The shadow servant flew 40 meters into the air and looked down at the rubble mound. After the incident, the number of "stone skin worms" increased several times in the area near David.

David took out the "camouflage cloth" and put it on his body. He gathered his breath and spirit and approached the rubble.

This time, his target is two "stone skin worms" nearest to each other. The distance between the two "stone skin worms" is only five meters, and the distance between them is only 30 meters.

David is ready to speed up the killing of the two "stone skin worms" when they are 100 meters away. However, when they are within 100 meters, the two "stone skin worms" do not find him.

David's eyes twinkled, and the sensation of "stone skin worm" was 100 meters, which he had just confirmed, but now it is different from the situation just now.

He looked at his feet. At this time, there was soil under his feet, which made him guess.

The stone skin worm is likely to increase its perception distance through stones, which has not been confirmed.

The speed of the "short wing" is to activate the rocks at any time, that is to say, to open the area at any time.

Sure enough, when David stepped on the stone, two "stone skin worms" looked at David at the same time.

In fact, there are several boulders between the two "stone skin worms" and David. They can't find David with their eyes.

Two "stone skin worms" opened their mouths and made strange calls to the sky.

David didn't stop them from sounding the alarm. Instead, he ran through the rocks at a very fast speed, approaching two "stone skin worms.".

The bodies of the two "stone skin worms" quickly close together. They entangle their bodies with each other and become a two headed "stone skin worm".

Four eyes look at the approaching David. The eyes are full of desire for blood. Their open teeth are their main attack weapons. Their white teeth are shining with dark blue light.

This is also the only valuable material in the body of the "stone skin worm" in addition to the secondary fortified meat.

Perhaps in the understanding of the stone skin worm, a bigger body and more heads represent stronger defense and stronger attack.

But all this is useless like a piece of thin paper in front of the third class heavy axe.

David's third class heavy axe cut a green light arc in the air, and the heads of two "stone skin worms" were cut 80% at the same time.

This time, instead of leaving the air, David threw the heavy axe of the third grade to the shadow servant, who put it away. He rushed out of the rubble with a "stone skin worm" in each hand.

The rest of the "stone skin worms" heard the sound, but could not keep up with David's speed. When a group of "stone skin worms" came to this side, David had already left the rock heap.

On the way back, the shadow attendant also released the body of another stone skin worm, which was held by David together.

"Master David!" When entering the gate of the base, there were students greeting David and looking at the booty on his back with envious eyes.

Fortunately, David was wearing custom-made exoskeleton armor and carrying three "stone skin worm" corpses, so there was no need for any indication.

Instead of going to the trading area, he walked towards the mission reception.

"Master David, I'm here to serve you!" In the task reception office, a staff member with a work card on his chest trotted over and said respectfully.

"I'll take over the task!" David said, throwing the bodies of three stone skin worms on the ground.

"As you happened to come, the college has just changed the reward for the task of" stone skin worm ". Each corpse of" stone skin worm "has been increased to 150 points!" The staff said with a smile.

David was stunned. By such a coincidence, he checked the mission system. The body exchange of the stone skin worm in the task list had increased from 120 points to 150 points.

The staff took out an instrument to scan the corpses of the stone skin worms. Then three robots appeared and dragged the bodies of the three worms in.

"Master David, the three" stone skin worms "are very complete. The task settlement is 450 points. Please check it!" The staff operating the brain on the side said to David.

David also received a hint. He completed the task of "killing the stone skin worm" three times and got 450 points.

"Master David, you are really good. Since the purchase price of the corpse of the stone skin worm has increased to 120 points, no one can submit the task again. Because of this, the college has increased the reward for recycling the corpse of the stone skin worm!" The staff finished their work and praised David with admiration.

David couldn't stand the staff's eyes. He nodded politely and left.He is very clear about why no students have gone to kill the stone skin worm. With the density of the stone skin worm and its strange sensing ability, it is very difficult to kill the stone skin worm in the rock heap.

Unless we can kill "stone skin worms" in seconds like David, and then leave the battlefield at a very fast speed, we will have to face a large number of "stone skin worms" besieged.

David is very satisfied with the task of "killing the stone skin worms". Each worm has 150 points, which is almost the income of the second level Zerg he sold to David.

But it's hard to find those second-class Zerg. They don't appear in groups like the stone skin worms.

David didn't stay in the base for a long time. He walked out of the gate of the base and flew directly to the direction of the rubble.

For several days in a row, the rocks became David's hunting ground, and one stone skin worm was killed by him.

David doesn't love fighting at all. Every time he kills a stone skin worm, he will immediately stay away. Although every stone skin worm will send out an alarm, he has never been surrounded by a group of stone skin worms.

Once again, David walked into the reception desk with two "stone skin worms". He was the same staff member.

"Master David, I'm really sorry. The recycling price of the stone skin worm has dropped to 100 points per piece!" The staff said carefully.

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"Just recycle it according to the regulations of the college." Although David is a little upset, he has no other ideas. He has killed more than 30 "stone skin worms" in recent days, and has gained 5000 points.

Of course, the college won't let David brush points without limit, although this method can only be used by David.

David now has more than 28000 points, among which 15000 points are awarded by the college, 5000 points accumulated before, 3000 points obtained by auction, and 5000 points gained in recent days.

He has already completed half of the 50000 points he needs. Unfortunately, if the college reduces the purchase price of "stone skin worm" a few days later, he will be able to exchange for the "cutting spirit heavy axe skill" in advance.

"Master David, I heard that it was the student union that proposed to reduce the purchase price of the stone skin worm. President canning of the student union arrived at the base yesterday!" The staff looked around their eyes and whispered.

Thank you David really thanks.

As a staff member of the base, it is really not easy to remind him at the risk of offending the student union.

"You are the pride of the college!" The worker whispered, then waved and a robot came forward to drag away the body of the stone skin worm.

After settling the points, David was a little depressed. He had no hatred with President canning. Why did President canning stare at him all the time.

Just as he walked out of the reception desk, he saw president canning face to face. Strangely, President canning looked at David with a smile on his face.

"Master David, we had some misunderstandings before. Those were all traditional activities arranged by the college for freshmen. Please don't take them seriously!" President canning said with a smile.

"What can I do for president canning?" David looked at him faintly and asked.

"I just heard that you brought two" stone skin worms "back to hand in the task. The college has reduced the recovery price of the" stone skin worm ". I am negotiating with the college. I should raise the recovery price soon. This is my apology to master David!" President canning still said with a smile.

After learning about David's record in the base, President canning's heart was full of regret. Such a genius was offended by him.

However, when President canning knew that the conflict between David and green had eased and he had initially become a friend, he thought David was very good at cheating, so he arranged this opportunity.

In his mind, using his power to seek benefits for David should get David's forgiveness and even become David's friend.

These days, it has been circulated in the college that President canning and David had a bad relationship with him. Some members of the student union looked at him with some wrong eyes. It was also reported that the college had the idea of replacing the president of the student union.

It is also because President canning needs to quickly resolve the previous conflict with David, so president canning came up with this solution.

It's no wonder that President canning has no other way. The main reason is that David has recently completed his task like crazy. In addition to coming back to rest every night, he has been constantly going out to fight against the stone skin worm.

Even if President canning wants to talk to David, he also needs an opportunity. Rushing to visit may backfire.

The student union has a certain say in the release of tasks. President canning proposed to reduce the recycling price of "stone skin worm". After David returns, he will hand in a task, and then he will appear to speak for David. This will not reestablish the relationship with David.

"President canning, the task of" stone skin worm "is released by the college, and what kind of recovery price is also set by the college. I will not break the rules and let the college bear the loss!" David said in a sarcastic tone.

After that, David ignored president canning and left.

Even if each "stone skin worm" is less than 50 points, it is very cost-effective for David. He killed more than 30 "stone skin worms". For the area of rubble heap, less than one tenth of the area has been cleaned up.In addition, David also felt that the college would suffer from the 150 points recovery of the corpse of the stone skin worm.

President canning looked at the direction of David's departure. His eyes were sometimes angry and sometimes insidious. It was not only his own strength that made him the president of the student union of alidia first college, but also the reason for the power behind him.

However, he came to the base not only for David, but also with the mission of Batu energy company behind him.

The discovery of kryptonite near the college is unknown to most people, at least until it is publicly announced.

However, Batu energy company, a large energy company, has its own channels. President canning's task is to get through the relationship and take the kryptonite development project and base construction project into the hands of Batu energy company.

As long as Batu energy company can get involved in the development of kryptonite, the newly established base will have a little voice of Batu energy company. At least Batu energy company can get part of the rights and interests of the new base, even if it is very important for Batu energy company.

We should know that every base on the guardian planet is the old school, or the military, and other forces can't get in at all.

The Zerg resources on the guardian planet are also firmly grasped by the Ministry of military affairs and the Ministry of education. The benefits of these resources are beyond imagination.

Just look at the Zerg hunted outside the base every day, and the resources generated can support a huge team of beetles. If there is a base, you can get more precious second level and third level Zerg resources.

The geographical location of the guardian star is very special. It is very close to warstar. Sometimes Zerg from warstar will enter the guardian star, but few Zerg of level 4 or above are close to the guardian star. That is because outside the guardian star, a most powerful fleet of interstellar Federation is arranged to prevent the Zerg of level 4 and 5.

The guardian planet, which is relatively safe and has an almost continuous stream of Zerg hunting planets, is a natural resource pool of Zerg.

President canning took a breath, turned his face into a smiling face, and turned to the top restaurant.

President canning got the news that Kenny extraordinary returned from kryptonite to the base and was having dinner with Dunbar Chaofan in the restaurant. This is an important opportunity. With the sincerity of Batu energy company, he believes that he can impress the two extraordinary.

Walking into the dining room, President canning saw green and Barbara who were eating. They also saw president canning.

Barbara wanted to stand up and say hello to President canning, but he was stopped by Greene. Green shook his head to Barbara, and Barbara understood Green's idea.

President canning would like to teach green a lesson, but Green's position in the student union is not as good as him, but the power behind him is not weak, and he can not take it at will.

"Don't be angry. You'll take care of him later." President canning said to himself as he walked to box one.

Only when he saw the other students in the restaurant looking at his eyes, his anger could not help burning, because those eyes are full of ridicule. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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