Transcendent David

Chapter 353: CH 353

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President canning came to the door of box one and took two deep breaths to stabilize his mood.

He raised his hand and knocked on the box door very gently, because he knew that even the slightest knock on the door, the two extraordinary people inside would hear it.

"Come in!" Kenny's voice came out of the box.

President canning glanced back at the restaurant. Although there was nothing on his face, there was a trace of pride in his eyes.

This is the status, in the school students will have a decisive power, will only be responsible for the school leaders, can really manage the student union, only school leaders and a few extraordinary.

Pushing open the box door, President canning walked into the box, the pride in his eyes remained, but his face was surprised.

In the box, he saw David, the last person he wanted to see.

David was eating at the moment and didn't even glance at President canning's arrival.

As early as president canning approached the box, David saw president canning through the shadow attendant outside the door.

Perhaps president canning didn't know that David's look on his face had long been affected by his separation from him. If it wasn't because President canning was the president of the student union of the college, David would have planned to clean up the trouble.

In David's view, only dead enemies are good enemies.

"Kenny, Dunbar, good evening!" President canning hesitated for a moment, but said hello to the two extraordinary people. David didn't even look at him.

"Canning, what can I do for the student union?" Kenny extraordinary did not let president canning sit down. Although Canning is the president of the student union, he is not qualified to sit here. He just raised his eyes and asked.

Both of them were human beings. When they saw David's attitude, they knew that there was a contradiction between David and President canning.

Otherwise, when a student union president meets a student, they do not greet each other. Of course, this is very obvious for David.

So Kenny extraordinary directly asked President canning what was going on with the student union, which limited the content of President canning's talk.

This is to tell president canning that you can only talk about things related to the student union, and you don't need to talk about the rest.

"Kenny is extraordinary. I heard that a kryptonite was found in the College..." Of course, President canning knows Kenny's extraordinary meaning, but the interest of kryptonite relationship is so great that he must raise it.

"Canning, kryptonite has nothing to do with the student union, and it's a college secret. No matter where you hear about it, don't mention it again!" Kenny interrupted president canning with a deep voice.

"My father would like to meet you at the college base!" President canning's face changed slightly, he said quickly.

"I'm not interested in meeting him. You can go!" Kenny said with an extraordinary wave.

Kenny has been out of the ordinary social circle for a long time. He is entitled to refuse any invitation.

If there's no conflict between President canning and David, it doesn't matter if you meet President canning's father and get some benefits.

But now Kenny is extraordinary must consider David's face, no matter how to say David's sniper master identity, still very helpful to him.

President canning still wanted to say something, but he opened his mouth and didn't dare to speak again. Kenny extraordinary let him go. If he spoke again at this time, he completely offended Kenny extraordinary.

Before President canning turned to leave, he took another look at David who was eating, and the bitterness in his eyes flashed.

In his mind, the biggest problem is David.

Just when President canning showed his resentment, Kenny's extraordinary figure moved. In this moment, Kenny turned into a virtual shadow and appeared behind him, slapping him on the shoulder.

Canning's body leaped forward and slammed heavily on the door, making a heavy sound.

"It's really brave to be in my box, in front of me, my friends have evil thoughts. If you are not a student of the college, you will not only be injured today!" Kenny said in a cool voice.

Canning's whole body trembled to get up from the ground, Kenny's extraordinary blow was not light, he had a number of bone fractures, muscle damage, viscera was also affected.

He didn't expect that he would be seriously injured by Kenny if he had a momentary resentment against David just because he didn't talk about it.

President canning's emotion in front of the two extraordinary can't be hidden at all. In the extraordinary's view, this is a provocation to himself.

President canning did not dare to speak again, opened the box door and went out.

"Canning needs to be closed for a long time, and green will replace the president of his student union for the time being!" Kenny's extraordinary voice sounded in the dining room.

President canning's step was so cold in his heart that he lost his position as president of the student union and offended Kenny. He had not completed the tasks assigned by his family. His future was bleak.

The students in the restaurant also saw president canning's confusion and understood what had happened in box one just now.However, canning dared to make Kenny angry in box 1. The students all looked at canning and the former president of the student union with incomparable sympathy.

"Green must manage the student union well and he won't let Kenny down so much!" Green was stunned and then ecstatic when he heard Kenny's extraordinary words. He stood up and cried out to box one.

Green knew that David was the main reason for the position of president of the student union.

He came earlier than canning. He saw David step into box one. Although he didn't know what happened in box one, he speculated that canning provoked David and aroused Kenny's extraordinary dissatisfaction.

Anyway, to give canning a few guts, he did not dare to have any dissatisfaction with the two extraordinary, not to mention the words that made the two extraordinary angry.

No. 1 box door was closed from the inside. No one answered Green's words, but green didn't care. The smile on his face could not be covered up.

"Congratulations to President green

"Congratulations to President green

The students all stood up and cheered.

Those who can come to this restaurant are all elites in the college. Ordinary students don't even have enough points to practice. Where do you have extra points to spend here.

Green smiles and greets the students around him. Although the president is temporary, he is also a qualification.

As long as he does not make mistakes in the next student union work, with Kenny's extraordinary naming momentum, no one will kick him out.

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Canning almost hid his face and walked out of the restaurant. He could see that he hated green, Kenny and the students, but he hated David the most, even if David didn't say a word about it.

"Master David, it's strange to me that canning can live to this day!" Dunbar, who was watching the play, said with a smile to David who was still eating.

David is so famous that David's materials have been studied by several extraordinary scholars in the college. Many of his deeds can be seen in his temper.

Almost everyone who offended David was killed by David.

"Canning and I are students of the same college. How can I kill people because of something?" David quickly denied.

When David said this, Kenny and Dunbar were laughing at him.

"Master David, Gabriel was killed by master sniper. Don't tell us that you didn't do it!" Dunbar said with a smile.

Gabriel's extraordinary killing is an absolute big event in renka, and it is also a matter of great concern.

There are not many cases of extraordinary being sniped. One reason is that there are few sniper masters. The other is that every extraordinary person has a huge background, which will cause great trouble.

But Gabriel extraordinary was killed is impossible to investigate, sniper masters are very clear, how lunca star did not find out who the murderer is.

It wasn't until David showed his ability as a sniper master at the Academy base that the investigators realized.

No one guessed that it was David who killed Gabriel.

Everyone knows that Gabriel is here to arrest David. If it wasn't for fox, David would have been captured.

After studying David's information, people found that almost none of David's enemies could survive. Before long, there was an extraordinary person who was poisoned by him. As for weapons masters, large organizations, etc., as long as they were enemies, they would be destroyed soon.

"I did it to protect myself. I don't want to be missed by a supernatural person." David also knew that it could not be kept secret, but explained helplessly.

"It's lucky for canning to live to this day. Thank you for your kindness." Kenny pointed to David and said with a smile.

"I promise that as long as canning doesn't come to me, I won't look for him!" David quickly promised.

"I don't want to ask about canning. If he wants to die, let him die. Batu energy company is so fantastic. Even our academy can't get involved in kryptonite if it is taken over by SRA combat Academy." Kenny said, shaking his head. He laughed again and said to David, "come with me to kryptonite later and introduce you to Draper from slain combat Academy."

Kenny's return this time is for this matter. The first group of personnel from SRA combat academy have arrived, and it is this draiper extraordinary leader.

Draiper and lake have met each other. The Ministry of education has already talked about all the things they should talk about, but they still need to get along with each other.

It was also Draper's initiative to meet David.

The reason is that I want to know the genius who discovered kryptonite, plus David's identity as a sniper master, so that David is the strongest person in this area except for a few extraordinary people.

Although David is not extraordinary, he can be regarded as the first person in this area. Of course, this refers to David's status as a sniper master. No matter how strong a warrior is, he can't survive as long as he keeps a distance from the master sniper."I'll be there when I change my equipment!" David nodded.

"You eat first, and I'll eat well too. It's too bad to stay in kryptonite!" Kenny said with an extraordinary smile.

Half an hour later, David and Kenny were in the air, targeting kryptonite.

By the time it reached the kryptonite, it was quite different from before, with a huge energy shield covering the entire valley.

Near the valley, some beetles are lining up to clean up the Zerg.

You know it's dark now, but the warriors are still fighting.

"This is the first group of students in SRA combat Academy. There are many combat beetles in their Academy. The first group came to 5000, all of them were high-level and above!" Kenny introduced to David.

Kenny's extraordinary tone is also full of exclamations about the SRA combat Academy.

In the past, the SRA combat academy has been relying on the funding from SRA star region to survive. In order to train the combat awareness of the cadets, they fight around the theater in warships.

Even under these difficult conditions, the number of first-class warriors at SRA is still at the forefront of the interstellar federal Academy.

The reason why the Ministry of education is considering handing over kryptonite to SRA combat academy is that on the one hand, it is strongly supported by the SRA star region, and promised to send the strongest construction team in the construction and provide financial funds in the initial stage.

On the other hand, it is the combat effectiveness of the SRA combat academy, which is just preparing for the possible war in the future.

As far as SRA combat academy is concerned, they are not afraid to fight as long as they have the opportunity to establish bases on the guardian planet.

Even at the expense of a generation, as long as the base can be built on the guardian star is also worth it.

"Their momentum is terrible!" David felt the breath of the beetles and sighed softly.

"Many students in our college take the base as a matter of course, but the students of SRA combat academy are fighting for the base!" Kenny nodded.

Come to the front of the energy shield, after scanning, the energy shield opened a small gap, two people flew into it.

In the valley, the lights are bright, hundreds of construction machines are working, and this has become a construction site.

"The speed of SRA combat academy is too fast David came down from the air to the ground, looking at the original hole has become a small fortress, can not help but say.

"It was estimated that it would take one month to complete the project. Now it seems that it will be completed in about 10 days. I heard that there will be a second batch of fighters and engineers coming tomorrow, and all kinds of materials will be transported in a continuous stream. Sri Lanka is not afraid of the cost!" Kenny leads the way ahead.

Now to enter kryptonite, you still need to check their identity. All the beetles in the vicinity are peak warriors, and the number has reached 60, which is exactly 10 combat groups.

When entering the cave, the passage is paved with alloy floor, and the wall and roof are made again. The light will drive away the darkness of the hole.

Through the passage, when he came to the original big hole, David saw a big tent taking up a corner of the hole, and the rest were busy engineering robots.

"The other things of SRA combat academy are fast, but they don't have high requirements for their living environment. This is where they are going to live!" Kenny said, pointing to the tent. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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