Transcendent David

Chapter 369: CH 369

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"Principal lake is not here?" At the end of the meeting, David didn't resist asking.

Lake extraordinary is the strongest and extraordinary of alidia first college, and the top combat power of the Academy base will be stronger here.

"The headmaster went to the base of SRA combat academy, where the defense facilities have not been built, and it is difficult to resist the tide of insects. Although the school has mobilized a lot of fighting power, he still asks the headmaster to help him in the past, but as long as there is a need here, the headmaster will return immediately!" Kenny said with extraordinary helplessness.

In fact, because the kryptonite was discovered by David and David was a student of the college, alidia first college has a lot of shares in kryptonite. In order to ensure that his share will not be affected, Lake extraordinary has to accept the invitation of SRA combat Academy.

Kenny is of course not good at being extraordinary. In front of us, we can only simply explain the interest relationship.

As David walked out of the conference room, his identity Bracelet had more authority on the base, and three Gauss cannons were set to be usable.

"Master David, wait!" Just as David was walking to check his identity bracelet, green came after him.

"President green, what can I do for you?" David asked, turning his head.

"Don't call me president, just call me green. I've always wanted to find a chance to thank you. Unfortunately, I didn't find the opportunity. You can tell me if you have something to do. As long as you are within the authority of the president, I will definitely listen to you!" Green said solemnly.

When he got the position of president by accident, green was very grateful to David. He really wanted to thank David, but David returned to the college and was not in the base, which made green unable to thank him in person.

When David returns to the base, he hears the news of Batu energy company. This makes green see David's means to the enemy. He is afraid that David will look down on people when he is the president. He is scared to catch up with David to show his loyalty.

David didn't know how to speak for a moment. He didn't know how to kill an extraordinary person and bring down a super large enterprise to the students in the college.

"Master David, be busy first." Green saw that someone came here again, and felt that maybe something was wrong in his heart, so he said goodbye.

"Master David, I have something to tell you about!" Brennan is coming. He looks at Green leaving, with a hint of clarity in his mouth, then looks at David and says.

"Intelligence officer Brennan, go ahead!" David said with a smile.

"According to the latest information, Edwin came to the base of cardor college the day before yesterday." Brennan whispered.

David was stunned. Edwin's extraordinary name was so familiar. On second thought, isn't this the legend that erto fund disappeared!

"Thank you, Brennan. This news is very important to me." David really thanks.

"President Lake asked me to tell you that when the tide of worms is over, the college will help you drive away the two legends of erto foundation!" Brennan said with a smile.

Brennan's message is to tell David that the information is not disclosed to David personally, but the meaning of the college, and the college supports David.

"Brennan intelligence officer, I don't understand why the military doesn't attack this kind of epidemic?" David wanted to ask during the meeting, but the occasion is not right. It depends on whether there is anyone else. Brennan is also engaged in intelligence, so he asked.

"The military will not take action until it is absolutely necessary. The insect tide is a crisis, and it is also the fastest growing experience of student beetles. Both the academy and the military hope that this group of students can grow up faster and play a role in the possible war in the future." Brennan looked to the left and right and explained softly when he was sure there was no one.

David nodded, which made it clear that the military's combat power in the theater and the tide of insects on the guardian planet without additional support were very easy to eliminate.

As long as space weapons avoid the base, a few rounds can clean up a large area of Zerg.

However, the consequence of using space weapons is that it will directly damage the environment of the guardian star, especially for the rare mineral resources of the guardian star. Therefore, the military will not use such weapons when there is no need.

Two hundred kilometers away from the base, the density of Zerg is getting higher and higher. In particular, there are a lot of weak first level Zerg. These Zerg are not strong in fighting ability, but they have some special one-off ability. They belong to the war consumption species with rapid evolution of Zerg larvae in a short time.

Once this weak Zerg appears, it means the Zerg is ready to attack.

All the students in the 200 kilometer safe area of the base have been withdrawn, and all senior students have been recalled. Even the students who rest in the college, as long as they have certain strength, are recalled to the base one by one today.

If David had not returned early, he would have been within the call.

David stood in the main entrance of the college in the fortification, and then he really saw the strength of the college.

There are more than 200 top class A's alone. You know, they are all students, and the oldest one will not be more than 30 years old. These more than 200 top class beetles can be regarded as top talents in any force, but they are only one of many talents here.The rest of the high-level beetles are everywhere. As long as they are senior students, at least half of them have reached the combat power of high-level warriors.

There are more than 20000 beetles who can fight the Zerg head-on. These students are guarding all directions of the base according to the allocation of the college.

David is now wearing custom exoskeleton armor with a custom large caliber sniper gun and a second class heavy axe.

He works in a control room where three Gauss cannons can be controlled by operating equipment.

David gently touched on the armor, and a picture of the base's 200 km scanning range appeared on the mask, which is one of his new permissions. Through the picture on the face armor, he can know in advance the Zerg who enter level 2 or level 3 within 200 km, and be ready in time.

"Is David there?" There was Kenny's voice on the channel.

"I am!" David responded.

"It has just come from warstar that there have been many regional wars, and the space fleet must guarantee the blockade of Battlestar, so the military reinforcements will not be available at least until the end of the war there." Kenny said in a deep voice.

David was surprised. The base of the base was the army's reinforcement. Even if the Zerg were strong enough, as long as the Academy rescued the army, the insect tide could be ended in the shortest time.

But now it's different. Warstar is much more important than guardian.

No matter how much damage is lost on the guardian side, the impact on the overall situation is limited, but on the warstar side, no loss is allowed.

Once a high-level Zerg takes advantage of Warcraft chaos and wants to break through the space defense line, then the consequence is not the loss of the base on the guardian star.

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Therefore, the mission of blocking Battlestar is the most important. The space fleet can not give up its duty and come to reinforce the guard star base.

"How could it be so clever?" David asked incredulously.

"This matter should be kept confidential, but you can rest assured that there are still three extraordinary people in the college who can come and help at any time. In addition, the president can also help. The insect tide is not a big problem!" Kenny understood David's worry and relieved him.

In fact, telling David this news also shows that Kenny extraordinary treats David as an important core of the college base.

During the call, an alarm came from the call channel. David and Kenny extraordinary quickly ended the call and opened the scan screen.

"All attention, we found that the number of" explosive poison impact beetle "and" corrosion mutation larvae "is about 50000. Open the internal circulation system of exoskeleton armor I heard master Leo's commanding voice.

Most of the first class soldiers here are students. Although they go out to fight on weekdays, they are still lack of experience. At this time, they need a tutor to direct them.

There are 50000 weak Zerg on David's armor. These weak Zerg mainly attack on the left and right sides. Looking at the scanning image on the armor, it is like two red torrents rushing to both sides of the base.

David didn't really want to stay in the fortification. He thought more about the front line, where the shadow attendants could absorb more soul energy.

But as a sniper master, in the eyes of two extraordinary and academic, his greatest value is to manipulate the three Gauss guns.

The attack of "exploding poison beetles" and "corrupting mutant larvae" needs to go through a 200 kilometer area, and the waiting time for 50000 weak first-class Zerg to approach the base is extremely long in the minds of all students.

"Coming!" Manuel, holding the shield, felt the tremor of the shield's contact with the ground, and said in a deep voice.

The students standing on the defense wall also heard the sound of the ground shaking, just like the drum beating on one side. Some students who had not experienced this kind of scene were short of breath.

"Keep the battle formation, just like the cooperation of previous groups, pay attention to the cooperation with other groups around you. These are only weak Zerg, not even first level Zerg. I'm afraid that it will only bring danger to your friends and classmates! Win Yelled the captain in this direction.

"Win The students roared along.

"Shield in front of you The captain called again.

A row of big shield beetles came forward and pounded their big shields on the ground. The sound of big shield contacting the alloy wall made every student excited.

At this time, the students can see with their naked eyes the figure of the weak first class Zerg. The ugly "explosive poison impact beetle" is running with dark green thick liquid. The body of "corrosion mutation larvae" is smaller and runs with the "explosive poison impact beetle".

When these weak Zerg approached 500 meters, dozens of heavy defense machine guns appeared on the wall outside the defense wall.

Then these heavy defense machine guns fire at a rate of 20000 rounds per minute. The steel storm formed by the first-class bullets instantly turns the weak class I Zerg into a bloody rain in the range of 500 meters.

The "explosive blast beetle" exploded before it died and turned into pieces of poisonous fog. However, because it was hundreds of meters away from the base, it did not affect the college base.

In the same way, the bodies of the "corrosion mutant larvae" were torn apart by a steel storm formed by first-class bullets, which also eroded the ground into holes.The students, who were ready to meet the weak Zerg, cheered after seeing the results of the heavy defense machine guns.

This easy victory greatly increased the confidence of the students.

As a matter of fact, the academy is not at a loss. After the end of the war, these first-class bullet warheads can be recovered even though they have some troubles.

In addition, the Zerg killed by this class of bullets, although the body is broken, but the grade material teeth and claw thorn can be left, which is not a small harvest.

Of course, the most important thing is that the weak level Zerg can't get close at all. This is to get close to the target and then explode. The college will not fight these weak Zerg with the lives of students.

David looked at the death of a group of weak Zerg, and his heart was as miserable as an ant crawling. These are all souls.

"Pay attention to the sky. There are 5000 first-class Zerg flying ants. They are approaching!" Master Leo's voice came out again, reminding him to look ahead and not pay attention to the students above.

This is not to blame for the students, because a large number of "explosive poison impact beetles" died, forming a green toxic fog area in the front of the area, and students could not see the distant target at all.

"The formation of a single group remains unchanged, while that of a double group changes into an air defense formation. Every two groups cooperate!" Call out, captain.

On the defensive wall, separated groups of beetles step into the battle array of the nearby group of warriors, and then form an air defense formation.

The speed of the "flying ants" is very fast. It is not long before master Leo's warning is over. There is a buzzing sound in the sky.

First, they fly directly above the base and then dive down in a straight line.

The base's air defense machine guns opened fire, and the "flying ants" burst into green fragments in the air and fell to the ground.

Many of the students who looked up to the sky were drenched with green blood, but none of them moved or wiped, allowing the green insect blood to flow from the outer bone armor to the chest armor.

I don't know whether it was the college's intention or whether the air defense machine gun could not completely cover the attack. A small number of "flying ants" hit the top of the student's head.

They are met by a class of weapons that have been prepared for a long time. First, the impact of the big shield and the hammer will break the impact of the flying ant. Then, the sharp weapons will harvest the life of the flying ants.

There were more and more big shield and Warhammer beetles injured by the shock, and they were immediately replaced by the big shield and Warhammer beetles in another group.

The wounded shield beetles and Warhammer beetles were immediately treated by a special medical team, and were treated with battlefield gene repair module.

The number of "flying ants" exposed by the college's air defense machine guns is just the limit that the student beetles below can fight. This allows the student beetles not only to get the training of war, but also not to cause many deaths, but also to be seriously injured at most. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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