Transcendent David

Chapter 370: CH 370

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Now the shadow servant is standing 40 meters above David's head. The wars on both sides have nothing to do with David, and the shadow servant can't absorb any soul.

However, the location of the shadow service station is an excellent observation point, so that David can see the situation more clearly.

"Why David looked at the group. A different breath from the nearby one was descending with the group.

He had been in contact with the king of the Swarm for many times, which made David familiar with the king of the swarm. This "trematode" is obviously a king of the "flying ant".

Of course, the "flying ant" itself is very weak, and its king has only one level peak, so it is not marked in the scanning of the base.

David is operating a Gauss gun. He quickly enters the coordinates and locks the king of the "flapping winged ant" in one breath.

He did not attack immediately, because in his Gauss shell cabin, all of them were grade II ammunition. It was too wasteful to use it for the king of the "flying ants with wings".

Besides, it's hard to say whether the king of the "flying ant" can pass the blockade of the anti-aircraft machine gun, so David just locked in the king of the "flying ant".

Under the cover of numerous flying ants, the king of the "flying ant" fell to the left. David's work was nearly 3000 meters away from that side.

When the anti-aircraft machine gun attacked the king of "Zhenyi feiant", a group of "Zhenyi feiant" stood in front of the king, allowing the king to pass the blockade of the anti-aircraft machine gun.

"Be careful, there's a king of the flying ants!" The regional captain is very experienced. He first found out that it was wrong and immediately called out.

However, the king's dive speed was too fast. It was only about five meters away from the student beetle below. When the student beetle heard the warning, it was too late to reorganize the defense.

In the past, because of the weakness of the flying ants, both the big shield beetles and the Warhammer beetles, as long as they were careful to stop them, could defuse the downward trend of the "flying ants.".

But the king is different. Although he is only a top class Zerg, his actual combat power is not weaker than that of the second level Zerg.

There are few student beetles who can face the second level Zerg alone, at least not among the students below.

The district leader is ready to accept the reduction of his student beetles. The student beetles below are ready to fight for their lives. At this time, a class II Gaussian shell with great kinetic energy flew in at a speed invisible to the naked eye, and accurately hit the head of the king of the "flying ant of the shaking wing".

The beetle below was drenched with green blood, and then a large shield beetle blocked the corpse of the king of the "flying ant of the shaking wing" with a large shield.

The big shield beetle turned his head and looked into the distance, and saw that one of the three Gauss guns added by the Academy was turning from this side.

"Thank you, Master David!" The big shield beetle yelled thanks on the public channel.

"Be careful, don't occupy the channel!" Immediately a College Tutor warned.

During the war, no one could use the public channel, which was the best channel to receive important notices at critical moments.

The big shield beetle did not speak any more, but used his big shield to salute Gauss cannon in the distance.

The rest of the group and the nearby beetles also took advantage of the wartime gap to salute David in that direction to show their gratitude for David's helping hand.

In the war room, Kenny extraordinary and Dunbar extraordinary looked at each other, and their eyes showed the color of horror.

At a distance of 3000 meters, there are many other "flying ants". In a chaotic environment, it is really terrifying to hit the head of the king of the "Zhenyi flying ant".

It is not easy to lock down the king of the flying ant, because it is very fast and there are many flying ants around. Moreover, it is obvious that David killed the king after waiting for the beetle to be unable to deal with it.

This shows that David is calm in the process of sniping and has a lot of spare power.

David used not the sniper gun he had been used to, but the Gauss gun. Although the trajectory calculation rules are the same, the operation mode is quite different.

"Why don't we bring Archie and Edwin here and let David kill him directly!" Dunbar said jokingly.

Although he was joking, Dunbar's remark also shows that David's Gauss gun is powerful enough to kill Superman.

The power of the Gauss gun is much greater than that of the sniper gun. Even David's customized super large caliber sniper gun is far inferior to the Gauss gun in terms of firing speed and caliber power. This can be seen from the huge body of the Gauss gun.

Gauss gun replaced with three-level bullets is enough to pierce the extraordinary armor. With the caliber of Gauss gun, as long as it hits the body, the target will not survive.

"I can't imagine how David's sniping ability was practiced!" Kenny said, shaking his head.

It's not that there is no sniper beetle in alidiya first college. It's just that sniper beetles seldom come to the base. After four years of college life, most sniper beetles are still practicing, and they can't form combat effectiveness at all.Sniper beetle talent was found, and then entered the University, to accept sniper skills, this process also needs to practice physical skills.

Generally, the sniper beetle students need to be sophomore before they can really get the sniper gun. The next practice is boring and simple. They consume bullets every day and increase their sniping experience with bullets.

Due to the recoil force of the sniper gun used by sniper beetle, the daily practice times are limited, which also makes the improvement of sniper beetle level very slow.

This is why sniper beetles are rarely seen in colleges, because they are trained in special sniper zones.

"Genius is special. You see, David's cultural achievement is not the first in the college. Such talent is incomparable!" Dunbar was also envious of David's talent. Although he was already extraordinary, it was only his physical talent and luck. He did not dare to say that he could defeat David without using his extraordinary power. When all the "flying ants" were killed, the "explosive poison impact beetle" and "corrosion mutation larvae" all fell within hundreds of meters in front of the base.

Heavy defense machine guns equipped with first-class bullets are killing these weak Zerg.

After a war, the students can't help crying out with excitement. They wave their weapons. When they can face thousands of Zerg and fight against them, they have become real war warriors.

Many beetles can not face the situation faced by these students in their whole life. They will eventually return to the city, become the assistance of urban public security, or become criminals.

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The opportunity of this kind of insect tide is too rare for the college. It can let students get into contact with Zerg war in a very small risk.

Otherwise, these students will enter the army after graduation and go to Zhanxing to face the brutal Zerg war directly. The huge pressure and fear will make many people lose their lives without exerting their strength.

"Attention, there are 5000 first-class Zerg" Hunter Mantis ", 5000 first-class" jumping flash worms ", 20 second-class" hard rock beetles "and five-level" burst spray insects "of second-class Zerg Master Leo's voice came again.

This time, even master Leo's voice was dignified.

Both "Hunter Mantis" and "Leaping flash worm" are agile Zerg. They are not only fast, but also good at changing direction in charge. In particular, the "jumping flash insect" can make use of its powerful jumping ability to jump hundreds of meters at a time.

At least the heavy defense machine gun can't break through the defense of the rock beetle.

The "popcorn" is a long-range attack Zerg, with a very long attack distance, and is very effective against the base.

This Zerg attack is not just the exploratory attack.

David saw more clearly the swarm of insects through his face armor.

There are 20 giant rock beetles in the front, and 5000 Hunter mantis and 5000 leaping lightning insects behind. Five of them are surrounded by scale-1 Zerg groups. Even the first-class Zerg can block the attack.

In the defense missile base of the college base, 20 defense missiles were launched into the air, and when they flew to 50 meters, they suddenly turned to fly toward the insect tide.

The target of the 20 defensive missiles is very clear, that is, the 20 "hard rock beetles".

David has seen the horror of defensive missiles. When he thought that twenty of the beetles were doomed to die, from the tide of insects, five "blasters" spewed out energy beams. This time, the jets were mobile and continuous.

The beams of energy laid a net of energy in the sky in front of the beetle.

Of the 20 defense missiles, 15 were swept by the energy beam and disintegrated directly in the air.

The remaining five will be shot down by the remaining five by the "surge defense" when approaching.

At this time, it shows the leaping advantage of "jumping flash insect". Without fear of life, the ability of "jumping flash insect" to block defensive missiles is too strong.

During the countless years of war with the interstellar Federation, the Zerg have developed a variety of abilities against federal weapons, such as the energy jet of the "popcorn" and the active impact of the "Leaping flash bug.".

Five "popsicles" open their mouths. A dozen "Hunter Mantis" jump into the mouths of "popcorn" without any hesitation. The "popcorn" bites them. These "Hunter Mantis" become the energy source of the "popcorn".

Each time the "popcorn" ejects energy, it consumes the energy storage in the body. In particular, the continuous ejection just now consumes the stored energy.

Under the command of a higher level Zerg, once the Zerg's cooperation is formed, its power will far exceed its single combat ability. If the "popcorn" consumes a lot of energy in peacetime, it must slowly look for food to recover. It cannot be recovered in half a day or even a few days.But in this kind of insect tide with high-level Zerg command, the "popcorn" is like a perpetual motion machine. As long as there is a level of Zerg, there will be an endless supply of energy.

"David, these five" popcorn "need you to kill ahead of time, can't let them close to the base!" Kenny asked David on the channel.

"No problem!" David said he understood.

In fact, the best choice at this time is for a supernatural to fall directly into the Zerg group. In any case, the damage of the first level Zerg to the supernatural is very low. It is not a problem to kill five "burst squirrels" on the premise of ignoring the damage of the first level Zerg.

Obviously, both of them don't want to go out, and David doesn't need to know why. All he has to do is to show the fighting power of these powerful Zerg.

Ten kilometers away from the base, the five "popsicles" move forward with the tide of insects while opening their mouths to spray out energy beams.

This distance is not the best range for the "popcorn", so when the energy beam passes through 10 kilometers and hits the wall of the alloy defense wall, only shallow holes are left.

But it also makes all the students look nervous. The hardness of the alloy defense wall is very high. The distance of ten kilometers can leave a mark on the alloy defense wall, and its power is very powerful.

If the blow is to hit the beetle, even the big shield beetle will be seriously injured.

At this time, the formation of student beetles on the defense wall has already become a multiple defense type. The three groups cooperate with each other, and the three big shield beetles are in the front, forming overlapping defenses, ready to meet the "popcorn" energy beam.

Even if all the students knew that they could avoid the "popcorn" attack by flashing behind the defense wall, none of them did so.

The order given to students by the college is to defend the defense wall. Every defense wall in each area has designated students to defend. They who have received combat education since childhood will not give up their defensive positions.

Oddly enough, after entering a distance of 10 kilometers, the insect tide began to slow down, as if it was designed for the continuous attack of "popcorn".

But David remembers that the best attack range of the "popcorn" is about four to five kilometers. This kind of long-distance micro effect attack always makes David feel something wrong.

But at this time, David did not find anything else. He could only stay in the fortification and wait for the insect tide to approach.

The movement of the 20 "hard rock beetles" in the walking room is greater than that of the 50000 weak first level Zerg before. All the student beetles on the defense wall feel that the defense wall is shaking.

Finally, the swarm reached a range of five kilometers. The direction of the attack was the main gate. As long as it entered five kilometers, it was the range of Gauss gun.

While David was waiting for the "popcorn" to enter the five kilometer range, the five "popsicles" simultaneously opened their mouths and ejected five energy beams at David.

With the sound of "boom", a big hole about the size of a person was blasted out of the gate of the base. Immediately, more than ten repair robots rushed up and began to repair. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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