Transcendent David

Chapter 373: CH 373

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"Dunbar, please stay at the base. David and I will meet the headmaster. Something has happened to the base of cardor college." Kenny said in a deep voice on the channel.

Just now, he received a message from the kador academy base, which was closed, and the news of Gilman's extraordinary death came.

Whether it is extraordinary death, or the closure of the base is an absolute event.

It happened that the base of SRA battle Academy was safe. Lake had time. Because he might have to fight with the third level Zerg, he decided to take David with him.

At this time, all the students in the first college base of alidiya are busy. A large number of Zerg corpses need to be recovered. Although these Zerg corpses will not be included in the points, the combat performance of each student will be recorded by the intelligent system of the college base, and there will be corresponding points reward after the post-war statistics.

When David and Kenny fly away, all the students are envious. They are the same students, but David can act with Kenny extraordinary. This is the difference brought by strength.

Of course, these students can't be jealous. In the previous battle, the three Gauss cannons controlled by David almost killed all the secondary Zerg who were dangerous to the student beetles from a dangerous distance.

In a war of this scale, no students died and only a small number of students were injured, which was hard to imagine before.

The death of a student in a battle with Zerg is acceptable to the Academy, as long as the number of casualties is small.

It is impossible for students to grow up without experiencing life and death battle. This is why it is obvious that there are two extraordinary students who have enough first-class heavy machine gun ammunition, or let students risk the risk of fighting with Zerg.

"Kenny is extraordinary. Will I have trouble going to cardor college?" David flew by Kenny's extraordinary side and asked in a voice.

David once checked the information of Archie extraordinary through the college intelligence office, so he had conflicts with Archie extraordinary. Several extraordinary people in the college had guessed.

"There won't be any problem. This time, the headmaster will be there. No matter what problems you and Archie have, they will not dare to do anything!" Kenny laughs and says confidently.

"I think so much!" David thought of lake's extraordinary strength and said with a smile.

"In fact, you can tell the principal about the conflict with Archie, and the principal will come forward to help you solve it!" Kenny suggested.

"There is no contradiction between me and Archie, or even a word with him!" David said with a wry smile.

David doesn't want to have any enmity with Superman, but sometimes he can't help it. For example, this time, it was Archie who ambushed him with other people. Finally, he was wounded and escaped by the king of stone skin worm, but it turned out that David hurt him.

Although the appearance of the stone skin worm king is indeed related to David, David can guarantee that Archie is extraordinary and there is no evidence at all.

Unfortunately, Archie extraordinary does not need evidence at all. He uses his extraordinary identity to appoint David to erto fund as the murderer, and Horace, the first successor of erto fund, was killed by David.

On the one hand, he is a Oracle, on the other hand, he has a close relationship with himself.

"Let's wait until we meet." Kenny was a little bit troubled when David said that.

After flying about 500 kilometers, they met with lake.

When they flew to the base of cardor college, what they saw was that the base had shrunk many times smaller.

Glenn and Edwin were hovering over the base. Just as David, Kenny and lake arrived, Galton of volgo college came to rescue him.

"Glen, how could this happen?" Kenny and Glen are very familiar with each other, and when they see the situation of the college base, they frown and ask.

"I'll tell you more about this later. On behalf of cardor college, I'd like to thank some of you for coming to the rescue!" Glen nodded to Kenny with a sad look on his face and then said thanks to the others.

"Glen, Gilman died?" Asked Lake in a low voice.

"Yes, I want to ask for your help in this matter." Glen looked down at a cloth covered corpse on the ground below and said in a deep voice.

"Do you want us to kill those three Zerg? We have five extraordinary people. With David as the sniper master, it's no problem to kill a third level Zerg! " Kenny said immediately.

"No, I don't hate the third level Zerg. To die in battle with Zerg is the way Gilman wants to die. I just hate that Gilman died too unjustly. I request to use the alliance agreement and ask you to go after Archie!" Glen said, gripping his teeth.

Glen's extraordinary words surprised everyone present, and Edwin, who was next to him, opened his mouth.

Edwin was staying to find a chance to ease his relationship with Glen and cardor college. Unexpectedly, Glen made such a request.

The three academies jointly pursue and kill Archie extraordinary. It is hard to escape from the guardian star, even if he is not injured.You should know that in the guardian star, as long as the three colleges ask, any organization of the whole guardian star will not risk offending the three colleges to help Archie leave the guardian star.

Even if Archie was lucky enough to find the ship he left, the power of the whole academy alliance would be enough to make Archie have no way to escape.

"Glen, Archie didn't know about the stone skin worm King's pursuit of Archie. We'll make a decision after investigation." Said Edwin, unconventionally.

"Edwin, you can leave!" Glen said coldly.

When David heard the name of the king of the stone skin worm, he immediately realized that Archie was extraordinary, and that he had suffered a great disaster.

This "stone skin worm" king should be looking for the whereabouts of the "pregnant crystal stone". It is estimated that Archie is extraordinary. This is the king of "stone skin worm" who is after him.

"Glen, are you sure you want to kill Archie?" Lake extraordinary ignored Edwin's extraordinary words, he confirmed to glen extraordinary.

"Yes, I confirm it!" Said Glenn, nodding his head.

"The space door is activated. It should be the extraordinary of your college Lake extraordinary was about to speak, but he looked at the shrinking base and said.

There were mechanical sounds coming from the base. David saw that the walls of the base were expanding outward. The whole base seemed to be filled with air, and it was growing.

All the buildings in the base are also in the expansion, one by one, but everything inside the building is flattened and useless because of the extrusion.

David only needs to see the large number of facilities that should have been on the outside of the base, which is no longer available now, to know how much damage has been caused to the base at cardor college.

This is not a little bit of facilities. The huge base has undergone numerous improvements and a lot of equipment has been arranged.

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Take missile launchers for example. Hundreds of missile launchers, together with all the missiles in stock, were completely destroyed. The enhanced scanning device specially designed and manufactured for the base, personal belongings in the students' residence, etc., were all gone.

It can be said that there is an empty shell left in the whole base of cardor college, and everything in the base needs to be rebuilt.

At this time, no one spoke. Everyone knew that the base began to recover, indicating that the extraordinary transmission of cardor college had come.

With the complete recovery of the base, a figure wearing green "extraordinary armor" rushed out of the base. His momentum was almost the same as that of lake.

"Glen, I'll give you the base, and you'll guard it like this?" When someone flies into the air and sees Glen extraordinary, it's a roar.

"Headmaster, I'm ashamed of the Academy, of the Gilman brothers!" Glen, who has always been very strong, cried with tears in his eyes when he saw the visitor.

It was Jonah, President of cardor college, who was taking part in an important activity in the star field when he received a message for help.

When the base is faced with a wave of insects, Jonah and the rest of the college should stay in the college, but it is because there are as many as four extraordinary here that the college has relaxed its vigilance.

When Jonah received the news, he rushed back to the college as quickly as possible and came through the portal.

As soon as he came over, he saw that the college base was closed, which made Jonah extraordinary angry.

"Tell me clearly, how did Gilman die and how did you make the Academy base like this?" Jonah, seeing Glen's extraordinary gaffe, calmed down a little and asked in a deep voice.

"This wave of insects was triggered by a mutant king of the stone skin worm. Its target was Archie. But Archie escaped at a critical time without even fighting the king. Archie killed the college base like this!" Glen said what he believed in his heart.

Of course, there is Glenn's subjective thought, but Archie's performance in the battle is also an important reason for Glen to blame the fault on Archie.

If Archie and the rest of the supernatural join hands to fight with the king of the stone skin worm, Glen would not have such resentment afterwards.

Edwin was eager to defend himself, but he shut his mouth as he saw Jonah's momentum rise.

Now if he dares to plead for Archie, he may be beaten to death by Jonah's extraordinary slap.

Although all transcendence is called transcendence, the gap is still very large, which is related to qualification, talent, resources and equipment.

"Let me see Gilman's body!" Jonah said in a deep voice, suppressing his anger.

Glenn's extraordinary body is falling toward the ground. The ground is cleared up and Gilman's extraordinary body is covered with a piece of cloth.

He uncovered the cloth that covered Gilman's extraordinary body, revealing the extraordinary body of Gilman below.

Jonah crouched down and gently touched Gilman's extraordinary armor, which shrank and detached from Gilman's extraordinary body.

"The extraordinary armor is not damaged!" He said in a deep voice.Then Jonah began to examine Gilman's extraordinary body, and found that the body was rigid, not a normal body at all, but more like a rock.

"Petrochemical!" Jonah said with a breath.

When Jonah got to his feet, he looked at Lake extraordinary with a wry smile on his face.

"Lake, let's see the joke!" Jonah said with extraordinary helplessness.

The two academies are the best in their respective star regions. Although they are in alliance, they are often compared because they are in the same area of the guardian planet.

This time, the great loss of cardor college, let Jonah extraordinary some can not face Lake extraordinary.

"What's funny? You and I are interdependent, and your loss is our common loss. Alidia first college will ride out difficulties with cardor college!" Said lake with extraordinary solemnity.

Jonah extraordinary nodded to Lake extraordinary. He looked at the dozens of students and tutors who had died at the defense wall. His face looked sad.

"Glen, did Archie find it?" He turned his head and yelled at Glen.

"No, I just decided to use the alliance agreement, and ask all the colleges to pursue Archie together!" Glen shook his head.

"You've made a good decision. Since Archie has suffered this loss to the academy and he has no courage to fight the Zerg, he shouldn't have lived at all!" Jonah said in a deep voice.

David stood aside to feel Jonah's extraordinary killing, while Edwin's extraordinary face was extremely ugly.

"Edwin, you stay in the base for a while. Don't contact the outside world. When can you get rid of Archie? When can you leave?" Jonah was not as good as Glen, he said, looking at Edwin.

Faced with Jonah's real intention to kill, Edwin felt that as long as he dared to oppose, the other party would kill him.

It is said to stay for a period of time, but can not contact the outside world, that is, detention.

This is an extreme insult to any extraordinary, but Edwin was afraid to resist and could only accept it. He regretted that he had not left as early as Archie.

But on second thought, if he really left with Archie, there would be another name in the hunting order.

In the face of death, suffering from some injustice is nothing, Edwin thought of extraordinary self comfort.

"Why doesn't this guy resist?" Make complaints about David's heart.

After knowing Edwin's name, David recognized that this was the extraordinary sent by erto foundation, and it was also the extraordinary person sent by erto fund to kill him.

So after Jonah said that, David hoped Edwin would have courage, so that Jonah could help him solve the problem.

"Edwin, give me your space wristband, and I'll give it to you when you leave!" Jonah, seeing that Edwin was not speaking, went on.

This time, Edwin's extraordinary face turned to iron blue. The space wristband is an extraordinary and extremely private item. There are extraordinary weapons and equipment, and some extraordinary important items. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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