Transcendent David

Chapter 374: CH 374

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Edwin was eager to resist, but he saw Lake extraordinary move his body slightly to seal the only escape route. He also saw Glen's fingers moving, and he would take out the weapon from the space wrist guard at any time.

At this moment, the courage that just rises seems to be venting one's breath.

He silently removed the space wristband from his wrist and handed it to Jonah transcendence.

"Don't worry, no one will move your belongings. As long as Archie is killed, it will be returned to you!" Jonah takes the space wristband, throws it aside to glen transcendence, and says to Edwin.

At this point, Edwin extraordinary still believes in Jonah's extraordinary, not to say, as Jonah's extraordinary identity, he does not disdain to lie to him. It is the resources that Jonah has, where can he look up to that.

However, it is difficult to restrain the stifling and bending, especially seeing the eyes of several people on one side, makes him almost want to be locked up immediately.

"Glen, find Edwin a place to live at the base!" Jonah said to glen.

"Yes Glen stares at Edwin and replies heavily.

After Glenn and Edwin entered the base, Jonah carefully folded Gilman's extraordinary space wristband, and then put the body into the space wrist guard.

"Lake, this pursuit of Archie, no matter who succeeds in killing Archie, can choose a top-level skill in the library of cardor college!" Jonah said, looking at the others.

Jonah's meaning is very obvious. Archie must be killed. This important weight is enough to make everyone take it seriously.

Although the top-level skills can't be spread out in addition to my own learning, who will dislike more top-level skills!

You should know that top-level skills need talent very much. The top-level skills of every college are different. Maybe the top-level skills of our college can't be learned, and the top-level skills of other colleges are very suitable for them.

No one will give up such an opportunity, even if it is extraordinary.

David's eyes lit up when he heard the reward.

"David, don't get involved in the hunt for Archie!" Lake extraordinary to see David's look, can't help but say.

"Headmaster, I...!" As soon as David heard this, he quickly prepared to defend himself.

"I know that you have killed extraordinary, but that is only the extraordinary who was seriously injured. Although Archie has a hand injury, but the overall strength loss is not big, you must not underestimate the extraordinary strength!" Lake extraordinary stopped David's words.

David can only say his own advantages when he sees Lake extraordinary saying so, otherwise he can't even participate.

Even if we don't want the reward from cardor college, killing Archie extraordinary also solves David's big trouble, so David decides to participate.

"Headmaster, I can find Archie extraordinary!" David said in a deep voice.

David's words stopped Laker from trying to persuade him. Even Jonah looked at David incredulously.

You know, except David, everything here is extraordinary. What David said here is unlikely to be a lie.

"Do you really have a way?" Before Lake asked, Jonah asked.

"I have a super creature pet. Although it has little fighting power, it has good tracking ability. As long as Archie is not away from the guardian planet, I can find him!" David said confidently.

Since Archie has just escaped, as long as there is Archie's extraordinary breath, Xiaobai can lock in the breath and find Archie extraordinary.

"If you can really find Archie, cardor college won't be stingy with rewards!" Jonah said in a deep voice.

David connects with Xiaobai in spirit, and Xiaobai swims out of the holes opened by his custom-made exoskeleton armor and reaches out a letter to collect all kinds of breath in the air.

Obviously, there is a breath that Xiaobai is very afraid of. Fortunately, David's presence does not affect Xiaobai's collection of breath.

With the help of returning Glenn, he found the direction of Archie's escape and locked a breath in this direction.

"Find Archie's breath, shall we follow it together?" David looked at some of the extraordinary and asked.

"The rest of us don't have to go. I'll go with lake and David!" Jonah said without hesitation.

Here, Jonah and lake are the strongest. At the same time, they are the presidents of the two colleges, and their identities are also the highest.

The rest of the extraordinary are interested in that top-level technique, and it's hard to refute Jonah's transcendence.

"David's extraordinary pet ability, please keep a few secrets!" Lake extraordinary before leaving, looked at the presence of several extraordinary said.

Several extraordinary people nodded in agreement.

This is what lake extraordinary is thinking about for David. You should know that David's extraordinary pet can track the extraordinary breath. If it is known by others, it is likely that David will be asked for help because of this. Even some extraordinary people will kill David directly if they don't want to be tracked.All of them are extraordinary members of the College Alliance. In addition to the two presidents, the other three are very close to each other and often form teams to fight together. Therefore, it is not difficult to keep this secret.

Besides, this is the request of Lake extraordinary. None of these people will risk offending Lake extraordinary to disclose the news.

"Thank you, principal lake!" David paid close attention to Xiaobai's guidance, while thanking lake for being extraordinary.

"In order to make sure that I can't reveal my ability, I'm not going to reveal my ability." Jonah was in a better mood after seeing David's orderly tracking, he assured David.

"David, you can rest assured now." Said lake with a smile.

Archie flew all the way, far away from the base of cardor college, he had to consider how to leave the guardian star.

He came with the portal of cador college, so there was no spaceship on the guardian planet.

However, there is no passenger ship like the star flyer in the guardian star. It is too dangerous here. Only the transport ships between the major colleges and the military often come and go.

But if you want to travel in a transport ship, you need to be able to meet the arrival of a transport ship.

At the moment, Archie can't even connect with the star. The identity bracelet can only get little information from the guardian star's Skynet.

Fortunately, Archie was not without friends. He opened his identity bracelet and found a black market merchant named Burbank from the list.

Businessmen who can do black market business in the guardian star are not ordinary people. Burbank himself is a powerful oracle. He secretly uses high-level to purchase the booty of various bases, and then transports them back to the peaceful area.

Even if Burbank's price is three times the price given by the college, he still makes a lot of money.

Of course, if Burbank was not a special person, he would not be able to do such business. The college would have driven him away from the guardian star.

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"Burbank, I need to see you!" Archie extraordinary connected Burbank's identity bracelet, said without politeness.

"Archie is extraordinary. You don't want to leave the guardian planet, do you?" Burbank over there spoke in an odd tone.

"How do you know that?" Archie asked strangely.

"Archie is extraordinary. As a friend, I advise you not to look for someone to help you. There will be no one who dares to help you leave the whole guardian planet. The Academy alliance has released a wanted person for you. Anyone who wants to mix up in the guardian star will not dare to offend the Academy alliance!" Said Burbank in a deep voice.

With these words, Burbank broke off contact. As a friend, he was able to tell Archie the news. He felt that he had fulfilled his obligations as a friend.

As for helping Archie leave, Burbank doesn't have to think about it. He won't offend the College Alliance.

As long as he dares to move a little bit, the academic alliance, which has long wanted to kick him out of the guardian star, will certainly take this opportunity to kick him away, and the relationship behind him will not work.

Not to mention helping Archie to be extraordinary, but recently, Burbank has been preparing to rein in his business and avoid this period of time, so as not to suffer from the disaster of the fish pond.

Archie was staring at the identity bracelet. He didn't understand why he was also a victim and why he was wanted by the Academy League.

He stood still for a full minute before opening his identity Bracelet again to find Edwin's extraordinary contact.

To Archie's surprise, Edwin was unable to contact him on his identity bracelet.

In this case, the identity bracelet has no signal or is not on the same planet.

"Edwin has left the guardian star!" Archie thought of it.

Disappointment rises in Archie's extraordinary heart, and he looks at his left arm.

Nothing happened before. As long as there is a gene repair module to maintain this left arm, it can be kept in a state without deterioration.

At present, it is very difficult to find a gene to repair the condition of the left arm.

It is estimated that as soon as he is close to any base, he will be immediately detected and notified to the Academy alliance.

Archie extraordinary did not contact other friends because he did not dare to contact other friends after he got the exact information from Burbank.

On the one hand, he is very clear that no friend dares to help him under the premise of forming a feud with the College Alliance; on the other hand, he is more afraid of being betrayed by his friends.

Archie is extraordinary and can even imagine selling out the benefits he can get, which can definitely make ordinary people excited.

Archie has been here for 20 minutes, and he's thinking about what to do.

The best choice is to find a transport ship route, and then ambush in the route waiting for the transport ship to leave the guardian star when it bursts into the transport ship to take it away.

The route of the transport spaceship is public information, which can be found through Skynet on the identity bracelet.

He had to find a remote and safe route, far away from all bases."David, your super pet is so powerful. I found it for you!" "Lex looked at the figure in the distance, laughing.

"David, your reward must be satisfactory to you!" "Jonah said with satisfaction.

"So, can I try to snipe once?" David made his request in a whisper.

This is a rare opportunity, with two powerful and extraordinary protection, and a long-range sniper who has not lost much power. It is just possible to try how much the threat of the sniper master to the extraordinary is.

Many people have always said that the sniper master has the power to kill the extraordinary, but in the words of leck, the sniper master can not really kill the supernatural.

"It seems that David wants to try the power of sniper, just give you a chance!" Jonah is a good speaker, and that's why David really finds Archie.

Although there is 3000 meters from Archie, but at this distance, Jonah has a full grasp of catching up with Archie.

"David, I'm just looking to see your strength!" "And lex said with a smile.

David excitedly takes the custom oversized sniper gun from behind, then lies on the ground and fixes the sniper gun.

David did not look at the alchi in the distance during the whole process, until David switched the customized super caliber sniper gun to a three-level bullet, which locked the alche supervan through the sight glass.

Lex and Jonah looked at each other, and each other was shocked.

Because when David was in sniper state, two powerful super people could not perceive David. If they didn't see David in front of them, they would think there was no one in front of them.

There is no breath leakage, no spiritual fluctuation, and no killing intention when the target is locked. David is like a stone without signs of life.

But both of them knew that David was alive, but they could not find David from perception.

"The sniper master is really terrible!" 'Lex can't help but sigh.

No one can guarantee that he is in the best condition every moment and can deal with snipers from unknown directions at any time.

Especially such sniping makes their mental perception of danger useless, which has been a great touch on the two super people who have always felt trust.

David didn't take care of the two extraordinary feelings. He locked the sniper target in Archie's extraordinary head and was ready to kill him.

The sound shielding device was turned on at random, which was already a common device for David.

Then the custom-made super caliber sniper gun body suddenly shocked, and then a third class bullet flew out.

Archie was looking up information through the sky net to compare and analyze, and suddenly he felt the tear of the air, almost instinctively, he blocked his left arm in front of him.

I didn't feel the killing intention, but the third grade bullet flew over 3000 meters, but there was still a trace to find, but the distance took too little time.

Archie has less time to respond to extraordinary things, but his instinct is to make the best response.

The left arm of alchi super Fanhua block the third class bullet. First, the super armor outside the left arm was forced through by the same level sniper bullet, and then the powerful impact force shocked the left arm of the petrochemical into fragments.

The third level sniper bullet breaks the super armor inside the left arm again, with the buffer of this arm, which allows Archie to avoid the only sniper when he has time to turn his head. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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