Transcendent David

Chapter 392: CH 392

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In the spaceship, Draper extraordinary came out of the gene repair module, his body injury has been healed.

He took a suit out of the space wristband, changed his wet clothes, and then took a look at the gene repair module on the edge, which was empty. It seemed that anilin finished the treatment one step ahead of him.

When he changed his clothes, he turned his head and looked at the transparent partition door. Unexpectedly, he saw many extraordinary people sitting in the hall. The atmosphere in the hall was not right.

"What's the matter?" 'asked Draper, who walked into the hall.

At this time, he also found that it was wrong, because the spacecraft was flying at the moment.

"Operation hunting king failed!" Said anelin, with a wry smile.

"How? So many of us are working together Said Draper, extraordinary and unbelievable.

He looked at the others and saw the same expression.

After Kenny's extraordinary detailed explanation, he knew what he had missed.

"With such a" stone skin worm "king in the guardian star, I'm afraid we will not sleep well in the future Said Draper, shaking his head.

There are too many interests for Lars to defend.

No matter how big the danger is, they have to bear it. However, draiper did not expect that they had just started to build a base when they met this kind of terrible Zerg.

Now he does not dare to underestimate the king of the stone skin worm. The price of belittling the king of the stone skin worm has been known from Kenny's extraordinary story just now.

"As long as there is a base, the king of" stone skin worm "dare not get close to it Kenny said with great confidence.

Not to mention the 5000 new defense missiles purchased by alidia first college, the three "Gauss cannons" operated by David are enough to make the king of "stone skin worm" have no return.

We should know that the "Gauss gun" is not comparable to a sniper gun. This kind of physical attack gun, which uses a huge amount of energy to integrate huge electromagnetic energy, can be said to be a super enhanced version of the sniper gun.

Even with today's interstellar Federation technology, the "Gauss gun" can not be miniaturized, which makes the "Gauss gun" a defensive weapon for the fortress.

With David as the sniper master and three "Gauss guns", Kenny is very confident in the safety of the base.

"Master David, please send us back to the base first!" Draiper pleaded to David.

The base of SRA battle academy is not far from the first college of alidia. David is also on the way. He just needs to stop over the base of SRA combat Academy.

Three extraordinary people left the ship, leaving only alidia's first college's own people.

"David, I'm sorry to put you in danger this time." Kenny said first.

He wanted to say this for a long time. David was invited to accept it on his behalf. This so-called "King hunting operation" almost made David, the most talented person in the college, fall before he grew up.

They fight the Zerg, and death is their duty, but David is different.

David is just a student. He is still studying in the college. He is a new student this year.

David has no responsibility or obligation to participate in these extraordinary battles of life and death.

"Kenny is extraordinary. Since I join in the operation, I should be in danger, just like everyone else." David shook his head.

"Kenny and David, you don't have to say that David's performance is very good this time. He has strengthened our relationship with SRA combat Academy. In the future, at least we can keep watch and help each other with SRA combat Academy." Dunbar extraordinary interrupts two people's words to say.

At the last moment, the extraordinary of SRA battle academy chose to board David's spaceship, which was an attitude.

Together with David's saving of the extraordinary life of annellin, this kind of kindness is enough to make the top fighting forces of the two colleges have an excellent relationship.

If there is no David's behavior, this relationship will take at least a few years to get along with each other before it can form.

After returning to the college base, the three extraordinary took David to the office.

On the way back, they reported the process of "King hunting" to Lake Chaofan. At this time, they needed to report in person, and David, as the client, was also called.

"Show me your hand!" As soon as he entered the office, Lake said to Beecher.

"If there's no big deal, you can't cut off your middle finger. There's not much influence except quarrel and gesture." Beecher said jokingly as he reached his left hand to lake for examination.

In his heart, Beecher was not too sad about his injury. Compared with the other injured extraordinary and the one who was completely petrified and died, he was already very lucky.

"It's very troublesome. I'll try to contact my old friends and see if I can find a way out from the god world!" Lake examined it carefully and said the result in the expectant eyes of several people.

"God belongs to the big world. Can it really be solved?" Kenny asked quickly."This kind of petrified energy is also a kind of casting. God belongs to the big world and has similar attack methods. If you want to solve this problem, you can only find it from there!" Lake explained.

"It's a pity that there's no such thing as amputated limb regeneration drugs in our college, otherwise we just need to cut off this finger!" Dunbar said with extraordinary regret.

"Are there any amputated limb regeneration drugs in the college that can be used by beetles?" Hearing this, David immediately thought of his father Hans. He asked.

Hans lost an arm and a leg on the battlefield. David looked for it for a long time, but he couldn't find a drug that could be used to regenerate the amputated limb of a warrior.

"We don't have it in our college, but I remember that there is a kind of supernatural blood on the side of SRA. After being refined, it can be used as a medicine to regenerate the amputated limb of a beetle. It can be used by injecting it into the gene repair module!" Lake thought for a moment and replied.

David's eyes brightened, as long as it was possible.

"If you need to, I can exchange it with SRA combat Academy for you, but you have to pay 5000 points. If you agree, I will help you!" Laker continued to David.

"Thank you, headmaster. I'd like to exchange my points!" David replied quickly.

Although David is in urgent need of points, he is willing to pay a higher price to find a treatment for his father Hans's broken limb, let alone 5000 points.

"Don't thank me. You have made a lot of contributions to the college, and it's right to show up for you." Said lake with an extraordinary wave.

"Headmaster, the king of" stone skin worm "will not die for a day, and this area will not be peaceful for a day. Can't all the students live in the safe area?" Kenny asked.

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"You don't have to worry about the king of the stone skin worm. The army lost a super man. They can't ignore it. Next, there should be a stronger extraordinary to take over the matter. The king of the stone skin worm won't live long!" Lake waved his hand to reassure Kenny.

"I don't know how many days it will take for the military to solve the" stone skin worm "king!" Kenny said in a deep voice.

Just as he finished this sentence, his identity Bracelet lit up.

Kenny looked at his identity bracelet. After a while, his expression was strange.

"What happened?" Lake asked, seeing Kenny's extraordinary look wrong.

"After learning that all the supernatural had returned, the military found that general Froude had not returned to the base, and that his identity Bracelet could not be contacted after the early end of" operation King hunt. " Kenny replied superbly.

"Did general Froude not want to return because of his failure?" Dunbar extraordinary doubt said.

"How could it be that, with the experience of general Froude, he would not be so decadent as not to go back. Besides, this is the guardian star, where can he go if he doesn't go back?" Said lake, shaking his head.

"Damn it, we left general Froude alone in the end. He won't be in danger." Kenny exclaimed with a pat on the thigh.

The identity Bracelet cannot be contacted. In addition to the self closing of Froude, the rest may be the death of Froude, or the loss of identity bracelet.

Identity bracelet is fixed on the arm, unless it is intentionally removed, or it can not be inadvertently lost.

"Contact the rest of the extraordinary who took part in the operation. If there is no news from them, general Froude is in real danger!" Said lake with an extraordinary face.

Kenny extraordinary immediately contacted the rest of the extraordinary in the office. At the end of each contact, he shook his head at Lake extraordinary, and soon all of them contacted again without any news.

"David, it looks like I'm going to trouble you again!" Lake turned to David and said.

"I know, I'm going back to the scene of the battle, and as long as general Froude leaves from there, I have a good chance of finding his way out!" David understood what lake meant and nodded.

Xiaobai's perception of breath is not a secret between the transcendence of alidia first college and cardor college.

He was the first to think of Xiaobai when he needed to find someone. Although this kind of special ability has no combat effectiveness, it is very practical.

"David, I'll go with you." Kenny extraordinary worried that David was not safe to move alone, he volunteered.

"In fact, as long as I don't fight, I don't have to worry about safety!" David didn't want to act with Kenny and refused.

David's combat power is much weaker than that of the supernatural. However, in terms of hiding the breath, there are not many extraordinary people who can compare with him. The hiding breath skill of the sniper master is the basis for the sniper master to participate in the extraordinary action as a warrior.

Otherwise, the sniper master will be unable to hide his breath and be torn to pieces by the Zerg.

In order to prove his ability, David's breath disappeared instantly, and even his spirit could not be observed.

Even Laker, who was close at hand, had a look of surprise, because he couldn't feel the existence of David.Plus the sniper master's camouflage skills, as David said, in the wild, as long as David does not take the initiative to fight, it is very difficult for zerg to find out.

"David's breath is very strong, so it's no wonder that the sniper master can go deep into the Zerg gathering area." Said lake with an extraordinary sigh.

"Then you should be careful and keep in touch at all times." With lake's extraordinary recognition, Kenny said helplessly.

In fact, he knows David's hiding ability, but David is still a beetle in the final analysis. Now the headmaster Lake extraordinary agrees, he can only explain two more words.

"Keep in touch!" David nodded.

Without hesitation, he left and went to the hangar.

The high-speed spacecraft is still very useful, at least on the road is very safe, the use of speed can get rid of the attack of flying Zerg at any time.

The spaceship lifted off and flew to the battlefield before.

It was safe all the way. 20 kilometers away from the battlefield, David found a relatively safe place to stop the spacecraft, and the optical stealth system and signal shielding system were turned on.

He was wearing "camouflage cloth" and went to the battlefield.

The most convenient thing for a single person to move is that he can hide his breath with all his strength, and make use of the silent sneak skill to make a silent journey.

But the shadow servant suffered. Sometimes he flew up to 40 meters in the air to observe the situation on the ground around him, and sometimes he flew into the ground to see if there was any danger underground.

As he approached the battlefield, the smell of scorch came, and he immediately opened the internal circulation of the exoskeleton armor to isolate the odor.

The closer he got to the battlefield, the more careful he became and the slower he moved.

If Froude is attacked near the battlefield, there may be danger here. Every meter David goes forward, he must ensure that there is no danger on the ground, in the sky and under the ground, and he will continue to push forward.

Soon, he came to the battlefield and saw Dwight's extraordinary body still lying on the ground.

David immediately understood that something must have happened to Froude. Otherwise, Dwight's extraordinary body would not have stayed here.

At that time, Froude showed his grief for Dwight's extraordinary death. It was impossible for him to leave his brother's body in the wild and destroy it by Zerg at will.

David approached carefully, and on the premise of ensuring safety, he came to Dwight's extraordinary body.

However, he was immediately attracted by the remnant, because there was still green light on the stump, which was the light of "extraordinary armor".

David collects the remains of the ground, which is an extraordinary limb, and even the space wrist guard on his right arm is still there.

If you think about the extraordinary order of departure at that time, David and they were the last to leave, it is not difficult to judge who the owner of the stump is.

David also found space wristbands on Dwight's extraordinary body, which made David hesitant to take the two space wristbands as his own.

This is the extraordinary space wristband of the two military. Of course, there must be something good in it, but it is also the remains of his comrades in arms. After fighting for a moment in his heart, he made a decision.

"Headmaster, I have found Dwight's extraordinary body, as well as the most likely remains of Froude's extraordinary limbs, and there are also two space bracers, which should confirm the identity of the stump!" David reports on the channel to Lake extraordinary, the president of the college. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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