Transcendent David

Chapter 393: CH 393

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"David, give me your location. I'll inform the military immediately, and there will be a military going to pay you for finding your location. The two space wristbands and the items in the space wristbands belong to you. I will ask the military for that!" Lake extraordinary sat on the sofa, without expression, said to the identity bracelet.

Standing next to Lake extraordinary, the faces of the three college extraordinary are also completely expressionless. Here is the guardian star, the war zone, and has its own rules.

David found the extraordinary clues of Froude for the military, and the item he got belonged to David, no matter how valuable it was.

In particular, David is a student of the college. David gets two space wristbands. Whether the items are exchanged or used by himself, it can improve the possibility of David's promotion.

Although they don't know whether Froude is dead or not, they are short of limbs and have lost the space wristband. In that environment, several extraordinary people don't think that Froude can survive.

It's cruel to assign Froude's space wristbands to David before he's sure if he's dead, but that's the theater.

David risked his life to help find Froude's extraordinary information. If David was greedy and didn't report the two space bracers, there would be no problem.

In fact, the two space wristbands are not considered as compensation. After the military confirms, the military will give David a real reward. Otherwise, who will serve the military in the future? We should know that David and the first college of alidia are not for the military.

"Thank you, headmaster!" David is a bit surprised, but also a little happy, with lake's extraordinary words, he can get two space wristbands, and he won't be affectated.

He put the two space wristbands into the storage space of his waist, and sent the current position to Lake extraordinary.

David was back in hiding and waited for about 20 minutes when six frigates appeared.

He didn't show up. He just watched five frigates protect the surrounding area. One frigate landed. Several soldiers came to Dwight's extraordinary body, carefully placed the body on a stretcher, and then collected the broken limbs.

"The limbs of general Froude!" A soldier took out an instrument, put a little tissue in it, and said in a deep voice.

Although David, who was hiding on the side, did not see any change in the look of several soldiers, a sad mood appeared on them.

"We'll take two extraordinary people home!" Several soldiers saluted in unison, and six frigates sounded the alarm at the same time, which was the highest mourning.

On the six frigates, all the soldiers saluted, and several soldiers escorted the bodies and stumps onto the frigate.

David watched quietly until the frigate disappeared in the sky, and then he moved his body and stood up.

"Xiaobai, just write down the breath on the stump. Let's follow the breath to find it!" David's spirit connects Xiaobai.

Xiaobai obviously hesitated. It found in the breath here that mixed with the breath on the stump was the breath that made it extremely afraid.

Fortunately, what David didn't ask for tracking was the breath that made Xiaobai extremely afraid. After Xiaobai hesitated for a moment, his trust in David overcame his fear and guided him in a direction.

According to Xiaobai's guidance, David found a residual hole on the ground not far away.

The reason why it is the residual trace of the hole is that the cave has collapsed for a long time, and now only small pits and fresh soil are left.

Here, Xiaobai's breath tracking is useless, because the breath goes down to the ground. Unless David also enters the underground, Xiaobai can't trace the underground breath.

Although David has three class weapons in his hand, it is possible to move underground in a short distance, but long-distance tracking is not realistic.

Although Xiaobai had no way out, David still had a choice. His mind entered the shadow servant's body, and the shadow servant went underground along with the trace of the hole.

Before the cave collapsed, but there are still traces to be found underground. Yingshi quickly found a parallel underground cave with a distance of 30 meters.

The David people walked on the ground, and the shadow guards tracked them 30 meters underground. The speed was not fast, but they did not miss them.

Some parts of this parallel underground cave, which is 30 meters underground, also collapsed. That is because this kind of underground cave without any support is very normal.

The intact underground caves that can be preserved are all underground rock layers. In the hard rock layer, a thick underground cave has a very smooth surface, as if it had been carefully polished.

David knew that this should be due to the special ability of the king of the stone skin worm. With this ability, the king of the stone skin worm can swim underground smoothly.

Froude's extraordinary body is very weak. His extraordinary physique makes the blood vessels of his limbs' wounds close by itself, no more bleeding, and the injury in his body will not aggravate in a short time.

His consciousness is still very clear, but it is because of this that he is extremely shocked.

Froude could feel the sharp teeth pierce the "extraordinary armor" and pierce his skin, and his body was constantly moved by the teeth.He opened his eyes hard, and the darkness under the ground was illuminated by the glimmer of his "extraordinary armor", just in time to see the scene ahead.

In front of Froude's transcendence, both the earth and the rock seemed to be separated by a pair of invisible hands, forming a round underground cave, in which he walked.

He couldn't see the king of the stone skin worm behind him, but the stench in the mouth of the king of the stone skin worm was constantly introduced into his nose, stimulating his smell.

even make complaints about the possibility of death at any time.

Froude is extraordinary. He doesn't know where the king of the stone skin worm wants to take him. Is he going to take him back to eat or feed the larvae.

But thinking about the wisdom of the king of "stone skin worm", it will never be so simple.

The burrows seemed endless, and Froude felt like hell.

Finally, after a long time, he felt that the king of the stone skin worm stopped.

Froude raised his head with extraordinary effort to see what was going on around him.

He saw a pair of shining eyes. Each pair of eyes was a "stone skin worm". He knew that he had been brought back to his nest by the king of the stone skin worm.

The king of the "stone skin worm" bit Froude and walked through the group of "stone skin worms". All the "stone skin worms" were lying on the ground, indicating their obedience to the king.

With the light of "extraordinary armor", Froude could see that this was an underground cave, and it was also a huge rock cave.

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The rocks of the original guardian star are very difficult to penetrate and scan, but the rocks here are the associated rocks of krypton crystals, which can not be found by scanning at all.

This is an abandoned kryptonite found by the "stone skin worm" king. This kryptonite was abandoned by the Zerg. The kryptonite was mined by the Zerg in a disorderly and savage way. After the abandonment, only associated rocks were left, and there was no krypton crystal.

The king of the stone skin worm specially chose this place to settle its population. It is safe enough to be found.

Froude was thrown into a cave by the king of the stone skin worm. This is a breeding room for juvenile Zerg. However, this room is special, with only one larva.

This larva is lying on a pile of krypton crystals to absorb energy. The reason why this larva has such special treatment is that it has shown some characteristics.

There was a flash of fear in Froude's eyes when he saw the larva. He was not even afraid of death. But when he saw the characteristics of the larva, he was really afraid.

This larva is short and fat, the only exception is that its head is very large, accounting for almost one third of the whole body.

Although the body of a larva is only the size of an adult because it is still in a young state, it can be seen that this is a "bewitching brain worm".

After losing the pregnant stone, the king of the stone skin worm has been searching for the lost treasure, which carries the hope of the stone skin worm race.

For this reason, the king of "stone skin worm" did not hesitate to launch a wave of insects. Of course, he was able to launch a wave of worms. Thanks to David.

David killed the king of the iron winged bat, cleaned up the natural enemies of the stone skin Worm Race, and made the king of the stone skin worm the strongest third class insect tribe in this area, and gave the king of the stone skin worm the ability to launch a wave of insects.

After the outbreak of the worm, the wisdom of the king of the stone skin worm has been improved again.

The king of the stone skin worm was unable to communicate with human beings, and could not know where the "pregnant stone" was, so it began to cultivate a large number of larvae.

The king of the stone skin worm cultivates its larvae with a purpose. Some of the larvae with no potential are transformed into adult Zerg like cannon fodder, while a small number of potential larvae are cultivated into subordinate Zerg of the "stone skin worm" race.

The larval stage of the second level Zerg with super talent like "bewitch brain worm" is very difficult, because the rest of the Zerg don't want to have "bewitch brain worm". Adult "bewitch brain worm" is almost the natural enemy of most low-level Zerg.

Only warstar can grow up because of the direct leadership of Zerg, and the talent of the larva will not be buried.

The king of "stone skin worm" has enough wisdom. It knows that as long as it has adult "bewitching brain worm", it can communicate with human beings or accept the memory in human brain.

It was obvious that Froude had guessed the idea of the king of the stone skin worm. He changed his face and wanted to die.

But the king of "stone skin worm" was obviously prepared. Five larvae crawled in from the cave. These larvae have long mouthparts.

The five larvae climb up to Froude's extraordinary side. The long mouthparts are inserted into Froude's extraordinary body, and a thread of liquid flows into his body.

A sense of paralysis enveloped Froude's extraordinary body, leaving him completely out of control of his body.

Of course, the role of the five larvae is more than that. In addition to introducing paralytic liquid into Froude's extraordinary body, this mouthpiece can also introduce the nutrition to keep him alive all the time.Froude had never thought that he would become a prisoner of Zerg in such humiliation. He was a soldier. If he had known this, he would have killed himself when he could control the power of transcendence.

With fatigue, injury, and paralytic fluid, Froude's extraordinary consciousness gradually blurred, and the "bewitching brain worm" larvae in his eyes were gradually unable to see, and he fell into a deep sleep.

The king of the stone skin worm felt Froude's extraordinary state and left with satisfaction.

After ten hours of constant tracking, David came to a mountain.

This is the direction of the mountain.

The discovery that the underground caves are no longer parallel here, but inclines upward, makes David more careful, avoiding any rock area as much as possible.

Because David still remembers that the gift of the "Stoneskin worm" is that it can sense creatures that are in contact with rocks within 100 meters.

With Xiaobai's body stiff with fear, David knows that the king of the stone skin worm is here.

The more upward, the more rocks there are, which makes David's movement more difficult.

The shadow servant in the underground discovered the underground cave. This is not the previous cave, but a cave many times larger than the underground cave.

In the caves, many "stone skin worms" can be seen.

"Found the nest!" David's heart is happy, he would like to report to the principal Lake extraordinary, but he has not found the extraordinary, need to confirm the life and death of Froude extraordinary.

At this time, a "stone skin worm" crawled close to the shadow service not far away.

The stone skin worm is more than 50 meters away from David on the ground and more than 20 meters away from Yingshi.

This distance is enough for David to use some means. He leads the "bewitching pattern" from the soul fortress and flies underground.

With the help of a shadow attendant, he also replaced David's eyes, leading the "bewitching pattern" to the "stone skin worm".

The "stone skin worm" suddenly moved, and its abnormality did not attract the attention of other "stone skin worms". Because they were unable to move outside, many of the "stone skin worms" in the population would move aimlessly.

Within a second, the stone skin worm became David's puppet.

David controls the "stone skin worm" puppet through shadow attendants, and a trace of mind enters the body of the "stone skin worm" puppet, and controls the "stone skin worm" puppet to go to the cave * *.

Through the eyes of the stone skin worm puppet, David saw that there were "stone skin worms" everywhere in the cave. The army had never found a group of "stone skin worms" in this cave.

"Stone skin worm" puppets move around in the cave, and the ground is full of corpses, including Zerg and human beings.

After searching for a circle, David did not find the extraordinary body of Froude. As long as Froude's extraordinary body is here, it should be easy to find. If the "extraordinary armor" on his body is broken again, it will give off the light that grade 3 materials should have. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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