Transcendent David

Chapter 395: CH 395

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Six medical guards came to the gene repair module. They helped Froude out of the gene repair module, opened their suitcase, took out three syringes with green light, and injected the green liquid into his body.

There are medical guards who have reprocessed Froude's extraordinary amputated limb, which has never been treated. Although some recovery has been made in the gene repair module, it is not professional.

"Is this Master David?" General Herman turned to look at the only one here, the youngest, who had never met, and said with a smile.

"I've met general Herman. I'm David!" David answered.

"This time your merit will be remembered by the military. Thank you for everything you have done for the military. Thank you for bringing back general Froude!" Said general Herman solemnly.

Before the guardian star military two extraordinary all death news, let the guardian star military lose face, army morale plummeted.

General Herman had been psychologically prepared to wait for the news of the fall of the two extraordinary men. After the news spread, he was ridiculed by the military in the whole theater and defended all the extraordinary people. This situation is extremely rare in the theater.

David's rescue of Froude is a direct way to save the face of the guardian star army.

In the army, face is sometimes more important than life, and the military, which is carrying the scorn, may not be able to raise its head for decades to come.

That's why general Herman was so grateful to David, who, in general Herman's view, was a benefactor to the guardian star army.

"This is what I should do!" David said in a deep voice.

"You don't need to be so serious. You can contact me directly if you need anything in the guardian planet. This is my contact information!" General Herman relaxed and said with a smile.

He took the initiative to exchange contact information with David and made a commitment.

Don't underestimate a general's promise, which can save lives when necessary.

On the other side, Froude's extraordinary treatment is almost over. Of course, this time of treatment can not completely recover his body, but the effect of the medicine in the hands of the military is much better than that of the ordinary people.

Especially when the treatment object is extraordinary, the best medicine for the guardian star military is taken out.

So just for a moment, the injury in Froude's extraordinary body was better.

Not only that, but also his arms and legs were replaced by mechanical prostheses. At this time, Froude was adapting to the new arms and legs.

He waved his arm and walked back and forth a few steps. This adjustable mechanical prosthesis is the best mechanical prosthesis in the army. It can receive signals from the brain and perform the same actions as the original limbs.

Of course, no matter how good the mechanical prosthesis is, it can not replace the extraordinary limbs. Such a mechanical prosthesis can not transmit extraordinary force at all.

"Master David, I thought I was going to die. You risked your life to save me. I was in a life of death. Thank you!" Froude walked up to David and grabbed David's hands with his prosthetic legs. He said sincerely.

Froude didn't ask David about his rescue because he felt there must be something David didn't want to say.

Because he was in the cave of the stone skin worm at that time, there were the king of the stone skin worm and tens of thousands of the stone skin worm. Even if he went to ten extraordinary people, it would be difficult to bring him out alive.

"I don't know how Master David rescued general Froude?" As soon as general Herman came out, Froude was ready to block, but he did not stop.

"Master David, you don't have to answer this question!" Froude made a gesture to general Herman, then turned his head and said.

"It's OK. It's easy to find you, Xiaobai. Come out!" David said, smiling and waving his hand. He called Xiaobai out.

Small white plate in David's hands, small head looked around, see all around the breath of terrible creatures, quickly put the small head into David's palm.

"This is my extraordinary pet Xiaobai, he is a little timid!" David comforted Xiaobai and introduced it. After feeling that Xiaobai had calmed down a little, he continued: "Xiaobai is very sensitive to breath. He can follow the breath left by general Fred to find general Fred. General Froude was caught in the nest of the stone skin worm. I was waiting outside for a while. Just when I saw the king of the stone skin worm leaving, I used some small hands to secretly find out and bring back general Froude

"You found the nest of the stone skin worm? You should have said it earlier! " General Herman was surprised, then disappointed, at David's words.

According to military intelligence analysis, the wisdom of the stone skin worm king has been upgraded to a higher level than ordinary human beings.

David rescued Froude from the nest of the king of the stone skin worm. He has let the king of the stone skin worm know the location of the nest. With the wisdom of the king of the stone skin worm, he will make corresponding arrangements.

General Herman could not complain that David should not save people. Froude was beside him. Even if he was disabled, he was still extraordinary.Besides, David is right to save people. Even if David tells the military the news, the military will choose to save people first rather than destroy the nest.

"I have a confession to the military!" David hesitated and said.

"Master David, I told you to contact me if you have any problems. General Froude and I will try our best to help you in case of an accident. Please tell us what happened first, and we will do our best to help you!" Said general Herman, waving.

"David, what's so serious that you have to confess?" Lake asked with a frown.

"I got a krypton bomb before. I put this krypton bomb in the nest of the stone skin worm and set it to explode!" David whispered.

"Ha ha!" Lake was the first to laugh.

Then Kenny was extraordinary, and then general Herman and Fred were extraordinary.

"Master David, you have done a very good job. The military does control the use of krypton powder bombs. However, this is nothing. As long as the super strong people have reasonable needs, they can apply to the military for the use of krypton powder bombs. Only peaceful areas will strictly prohibit the use of krypton powder bombs." General Herman explained with a smile.

However, no one here inquired about the origin of the krypton powder bomb. We all know that it must have been obtained from the war zone, or even most likely from the ship captured by David.

Because David arrived at the guardian star through the portal, it was impossible for David to carry such a large krypton powder bomb. The only possibility was that Esmond, who had been killed by David, put a krypton powder bomb in the spacecraft when he arrived at the guardian star.

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This is all the extraordinary ideas on the spot, which are well founded. Even David didn't think of it. He said the "krypton powder bomb" and made the dead Esmond go back to the black.

"Will destroying the nest of the stone skin worm with krypton powder bomb make the king crazy?" Kenny asked in an extraordinary deep voice.

Everyone at the scene understood that although the krypton crystal powder bomb was very terrifying, it was not likely to kill the king of the stone skin worm. At most, he was seriously injured.

With the defense and resilience of the stone skin worm king, it only takes a short time to recover.

"The most terrible thing about the king of the stone skin worm is not its strength, but its wisdom. Once it goes mad, it is a good thing. As long as it is mad, there will be flaws and we can give it a fatal blow." Said lake, shaking his head.

"Yes, I will inform all bases to be careful. The reinforcements are coming soon." General Herman agreed.

"This is the location of the king's lair of the stone skin worm. It hasn't exploded yet. Go there immediately. Maybe you can kill the king of the stone skin worm when he is seriously injured!" David said as he shared the location with several extraordinary people.

"You think well, but it takes time to organize an extraordinary hunting team. In addition to the previous losses, it's hard to organize an extraordinary hunting team in a short time!" Kenny said with an extraordinary sigh.

Nowadays, the extraordinary combat effectiveness of the Academy bases and the military has been greatly lost. There is no need to think about it at volgo college. Only one extraordinary person has not been injured and will not participate in the operation again.

At the end of the last operation, SRA combat Academy said that it was necessary to guard the base under construction. Glen extraordinary of cardor Academy was also injured and it was estimated that it would be difficult to fight again.

It takes time to persuade these extraordinary people to join the war again. Now there is no time.

"The extraordinary military support has not yet arrived, otherwise it would be a good opportunity." General Herman also said helplessly.

Such a good opportunity can not be used, the presence of extraordinary are a bit depressed.

In fact, if lake is extraordinary, it is not without a chance. However, Kenny Wong will not accept the chance to let lake make extraordinary moves at the risk of survival of the college.

Even if the "stone skin worm" King continues to rage, it can not make lake extraordinary dangerous. Lake extraordinary is the pillar of the college, and we can't lose anything.

The king of the stone skin worm returned to the nest. It brought back some energy, most of which contained energy. Kryptonite is hard to find, but the rest is easy.

In any case, the digestive system of the stone skin worm is as strong as that of all Zerg, and the ore is equally easy to digest.

The king of "stone skin worm" threw the ore into the big hole and let the "stone skin worm" group use it. Most of the "stone skin worm" here will stay still to reduce energy consumption. Only a few active "stone skin worms" can't help it.

Therefore, the "stone skin worm" group does not consume much energy. All the "stone skin worms" understand the importance of energy, and no "stone skin worm" takes more energy.

The king of the stone skin worm enjoys the gratitude of the people. It swims its body towards the hole where the prisoner is.

When close to the mouth of the cave, its sensitive smell makes it smell the bloody smell of the larvae, which makes it not from the heart of a tight.

Speed up to enter the cave. When you see the corpses full of the cave, especially the body of the larva of the "bewitching brain worm", its anger rises.Froude disappeared, and it was obvious that one of the "stone skin worms" was responsible for all this.

Because the king of the "stone skin worm" saw the wound on the head of the "bewitching brain worm" larva. It was a wound bitten by the "stone skin worm" with its mouth. It was impossible for him to admit that he was wrong.

This is also reflected on the rest of the larva bodies, and a "stone skin worm" came in and attacked the larvae.

The king of the stone skin worm is not the most angry about the disappearance of Froude. His anger lies in the killing of the "bewitching brain worm" larvae.

How difficult it is to cultivate a "bewitching brain worm" larva? Among the thousands of larvae, it is very lucky that it produced a "bewitching brain worm" larva.

If it's not for luck, it's likely that one of the millions, even millions, of Zerg larvae will have the talent of "bewitching brain worms.".

The main reason is that the talent of "bewitching brain worm" is too special, and it needs a larva with high spirit to transform it.

This is also because the guardian star is very close to the war zone. There is a prerequisite for the "brain worm" gene to be recorded in the body of the larva. If it is placed in the rock star, David's hometown, the larvae there have the talent of "bewitching brain worm", and there is no corresponding gene record to transform it into "bewitching brain insect".

The king of the stone skin worm let out an angry roar. Its roar made the stone skin worm in the big hole outside a commotion.

The roar was filled with anger, disappointment and other emotions. The king of the stone skin worm regretted it very much. He should order the elite "stone skin worm" to guard the hole.

It's just to save energy. In addition, there are "stone skin worms" here. The king of "stone skin worms" never thought that "stone skin worms" would disobey orders and do such things.

the angry "stone skin worm", the more the king wants to become angry, his body turns around in the cave, and his tail spits like a vent. The larval corpse in the cave is hit by this huge force and hit the wall.

At this time, the "krypton powder bomb" hidden under the larva body of the "bewitching brain worm" was exposed.

At this moment, the king of "stone skin worm" understood that it had misunderstood the "stone skin worm" of the family, because it was obviously a product made by human beings and could not be brought by the "stone skin worm".

At the same time, a sense of extreme danger rose from the king's heart. It almost instinctively curled up its body and wrapped its head in the center of its body.

The krypton powder bomb exploded instantly, and the white light completely covered the distance of 3000 meters. In this area, the soil and rocks, including the "stone skin worm", were turned into gas.

In this area, the only one that still exists is the king of the stone skin worm, whose skin layer by layer disappears, revealing the flesh and blood under the skin, and the blood and flesh are constantly reduced by the violent energy.

However, in the process, the king's ability to recover from terror is constantly repairing its body. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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