Transcendent David

Chapter 394: CH 394

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Suddenly David was lying on the ground, holding the stone skin worm puppet, because he saw the king of the stone skin worm swimming from a hole in the distance.

The larger body of the "stone skin worm" makes the king of "stone skin worm" more obvious among many "stone skin worms". Especially, the momentum makes David control "stone skin worm" puppet feel fear.

This feeling should not have appeared, because the "stone skin worm" puppet should abandon all the body's thoughts, and the whole soul is controlled by "enchanting the pattern".

But it seems that this fear is not only spiritual, but also physical instinct.

But it is also good to let David control the stone skin worm puppet, like the rest of the stone skin worm, express obedience to the king.

The king of the stone skin worm did not find any other species in the group of stone skin worms. It is estimated that it never expected this to happen. It needs to leave now to find more energy.

The population needs energy, the larva needs energy, all of which need the king of the "stone skin worm" to handle it.

After the wisdom has been strengthened, the king of "stone skin worm" also has a greater sense of responsibility, which is rare among the insect species.

The normal Zerg race can work hard and fight bravely. This is the limit that the normal insect can achieve, and the king of "stone skin worm" is constantly searching for energy to protect the whole population.

When the stone worm puppet was lying on the ground, David controlled it to lift his head and saw the king of the stone skin worm leave the cave.

David, who also lay on the ground, sighed, and the king of the stone worm was just about to go out and give him the opportunity to act.

The stone skin worm puppet stood up and walked towards the hole the king of the stone skin worm just walked out.

Because the cave is temporarily inhabited by the "stone skin worm" group, the king of "stone skin worm" has been busy and has not assigned tasks to the cave, so every hole has no guard of the "stone skin worm".

This makes it easier for the Stoneskin worm puppet to move, and David controls the stone skin worm puppet to the hole.

"Froude is extraordinary!" David saw at a glance the extraordinary TruD, surrounded by five larvae.

At this time, Freud had closed his eyes, and David would have thought he was dead if he could not feel his faint breath.

"Bewitch the brain worm!" David continued to look inward through the eyes of the "stone skin worm" puppet, and saw the familiar worm, and he was shocked.

David can never forget that day when he was confronted with the scene of "brain insects". Dozens of beetles were turned into puppets. The rest of the beetles and soldiers were unconscious, and the "brain bug" appeared in David's memory as nightmares.

But David soon found out that it was wrong. This "brain bug" was obviously too small, and it was a larva.

The puppet of "stone skin worm" entered the cave, and the sudden appearance of this "stone skin worm" did not cause the attention of the "brain worm" larvae and the other five larvae.

Whether it is the "brain worm" larvae and five larvae, the status of the "stone skin worm" group is not higher than that of the common "stone skin worm".

Before the "brain worm" grows into adult, it can not be compared with the common "stone skin worm", even after it becomes adult, it can only be regarded as the dependency of the "stone skin worm" population.

The puppet of "stone skin worm" first walked to the larva of "bewitching brain worm", and then he opened his mouth to the larvae of "bewitching brain worm". With the defense of the larvae, he could not block the bite of the puppet of "stone skin worm".

The larva, the "perplexing brain bug," was bitten half of its head and was killed immediately.

Five larvae were surprised by the sudden scene. They were not even afraid to resist when faced with the puppet of "stone skin worm".

The puppet of the stone skin worm walked to the five larvae and killed all five larvae one at a time.

Looking at the stupor of Froude, David had a little bit of a problem.

Looking at the body of the larva, David had an idea that he took the larvae out of the body. The work was done with his mouth because the "stone skin worm" had no forelimbs.

Even if David was just a bit of mind and God manipulating the body of the "stone skin worm" puppet, that feeling made David very uncomfortable.

The larvae were hollowed out and the stone worm puppet dragged Froude into the empty shell with his mouth.

Then the stone skin worm puppet walked out of the hole, through the cave outside, and walked by the countless "stone skin worms".

Although some "stone skin worms" looked up at the puppet of "stone skin worm", but saw the body of a larva, they did not ask again.

If David is adventurous, he knows that if he doesn't take risks now, then Freud is not expected to have a little life.

The stone skin worm puppet took the body of the larvae to the hole opened by the king of the stone skin worm when he left, and walked in without hesitation.David knows very well that although there is no warning in the cave, it is not so easy to get in and out of the cave.

On the contrary, the cave was opened by the king of "stone skin worm". Because there was no complete passage ahead, there was no "stone skin worm" guarding it.

David took the third grade sword from his back and dug it quickly on the ground. All the soil was collected into the space objects by the shadow attendant beside him, which allowed him to dig down without stopping.

When it reached 30 meters, it was connected with the cave opened by the king of the stone skin worm, and the puppet of the stone skin worm was also dragging the body of the larva.

David grabs the larva body and looks at the extraordinary state of Froude. The extraordinary breath of Froude is still in a coma.

David took Froude in his hand and ordered the shadow boy to take out the last krypton powder bomb.

He operated the krypton powder bomb, set it up, and threw it into the body of the larva and handed it to the stone skin worm puppet.

The puppet of the "stone skin worm" picked up the body of the larva and went back the same way.

This time, there was still no "stone skin worm" to interfere, and the "stone skin worm" puppet returned to the cave again.

The stone skin worm puppet removed the krypton powder bomb from the body of the larva with his mouth, and then placed it under the body of the larva.

After all this, the "stone skin worm" puppet left the small hole and went back to the big hole to find a place to lie down.

At this time, David took back his mind. The stone skin worm puppet was no longer concerned, and he was waiting for the extinction of the tribe.

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David took Froude's extraordinary body and walked away from the mountain.

Along the way, he flew straight into the sky and accelerated with all his strength. The "extreme speed" was always on, and the short wings behind him were also enhanced to the maximum energy. During the flight, he protected Froude's extraordinary body between his arms to minimize the impact of wind pressure on Froude.

At this time, Froude is extremely fragile and needs immediate treatment. David is not even sure how long he will live.

The nearest one is not the Academy base, but David's spaceship, so David's priority is naturally the spaceship.

The first 10 hours of tracking, just slowly searching on the ground, at this time flying in the air, only a few minutes back to the spacecraft.

As soon as he entered the spaceship, David started automatic flight. The target was the Academy base, and the speed was the highest.

By the time the spaceship was launched, David had put Froude in the gene therapy module, and he had given him a bottle of "level 3 healing potion".

David had not used this kind of good thing, but let Froude use it first.

Watching the extraordinary breath of Froude in the gene therapy module slowly balanced, and there was no state of death at any time before, David finally put his heart down.

"Headmaster, I have thirty-five minutes to get to the college base, and I've brought Froude back!" David linked up lake's extraordinary identity bracelet and reported.

"What?" Lake extraordinary can't believe exclaimed, his look also startled the other three extraordinary who have been waiting in the office, the three extraordinary all looked at Lake extraordinary with inquiring eyes.

"David said he brought general Froude back!" Lake repeated David's words.

"General Froude is still alive?" Kenny said in a surprise.

Although there were some contradictions with Froude before, he did not want the idea of Freud's extraordinary death. He had been friends for many years. When he heard that Froude was still alive, he was excited and disbelieved.

"Headmaster, please report to the military that Froude is seriously injured now. I gave him a" three-level healing potion "and put him in the gene repair module, but I think he needs better treatment!" Davidson reports.

"OK, you're doing a good job. I'll contact the military right away!" Said Lake in an extraordinary deep voice.

After breaking the contact, Lake Chaofan immediately contacted the military. Now, two of the military's extraordinary people have an accident. The only one who can contact is general Herman, the top general of the military currently on the guardian planet.

General Herman, surprised and pleased at the news, boarded the warship himself and came to the first Academy base of aridia without hesitation.

David's spaceship returned to the Academy base and was landing down. Suddenly, twelve huge light spots were displayed on the screen of the spaceship. The frigates were marked on the light spots.

It turned out that there were 12 frigates coming to the Academy base, and the students were surprised to see so many warships at one time.

Eleven frigates hovered in the air, encircling the entire academy base, and one frigate descended, ready to land on the square in front of the base gate.

The students changed from surprise to panic, which looked like the military had to deal with the Academy base.

"Attention, the military has important personnel coming, please guide the students in all classes, do not affect the image of the college!" At this time, the announcement sounded, so that the students were relieved, turned to excited.David's spaceship entered directly from the opening channel of the base and landed in the hangar.

As soon as he stopped, David received applications from Lake and Kenny.

David opened the door of the ship, and Laker and Kenny stepped in and saw Froude floating in the gene repair module.

"David, I didn't expect you to bring Froude back Lake looked at David with surprise.

"Good job, David!" Kenny stepped forward and hugged David.

"Froude's extraordinary back, you're going to give him back the space wristband. Do you regret it?" Lake asked with a smile.

David is not surprised at all. He thought about it long before he rescued Froude.

But to be able to save Froude, he will not give up because of a space wrist guard.

In other words, a space wristband is not enough for David to give up rescuing Froude. Maybe in the eyes of lake and Kenny, the extraordinary space wristband is absolutely precious to David, but they never thought that David had four space wristbands on his two arms and legs.

David's wealth is far beyond their imagination. With more than 200 billion credit points, as well as more third-class weapons and more sets of "extraordinary armor", David's wealth has long exceeded some extraordinary.

"If I didn't save Froude, I would regret it!" David said with a smile.

In the gene repair module, Froude opened his eyes, and the paralytic fluid in his body slowly faded under the effect of the gene repair liquid, and his consciousness slowly recovered.

As soon as he was sober up, Froude extraordinary heard the conversation between lake and David, and knew that David had rescued him.

Froude was very aware of his environment at that time. He never thought that he could be rescued and come back alive.

"General Froude, you are awake!" Lake extraordinary see Froude extraordinary wake up, quickly called.

In the gene repair solution, Froude extraordinary nodded to Lake extraordinary and looked at David with gratitude in his eyes.

"General Froude, this is your space wristband. I'll put it here for you!" David took the space wristband from the waist of the custom-made exoskeleton armor and placed it next to the gene repair module.

Froude is in the gene repair module, unable to speak. He tries to smile.

"General Froude, general Herman has come and is coming this way. He will take you back. The military treatment is better for you!" Said lake with a smile.

Just as he was saying this, he opened the cabin door and walked into a middle-aged soldier wearing a general's uniform. From the breath, he was a peak warrior.

Behind him were six medical guards, carrying equipment and boxes.

"Thanks to the first Academy of aridia for rescuing general frous!" As soon as general Herman walked into the hatch, he saw that Froude in the gene repair module was still alive. He immediately saluted everyone present. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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