Transcendent David

Chapter 401: CH 401

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David's mind is in the shadow servant. The shadow servant breathes in the soul of the king of the stone skin worm. This is a huge soul energy. The comforting feeling from the shadow servant makes him a little stunned.

"To bring the corpse of the king of stone skin worm back to the base, we need to discuss the follow-up matters!" Draiper winked at Kenny supernaturally and said in a deep voice.

Kenny regained his excitement and immediately understood what draiper wanted to say.

The reason why the military is so enthusiastic about killing the king of "stone skin worm" is that it suspects that there are "extraordinary materials" in the king's body. Therefore, it has gathered so many extraordinary people to start the "King hunting operation".

Although the guardian star's military is now outstanding, there are still many outstanding academies of cardor and volgo, especially Draper, who has sent a call for help to the other side.

If we don't immediately decide on the distribution of the king of the stone skin worm, there may be more troubles if we come here.

"Dunbar, you and annelin will carry the corpse of the king of the stone skin worm into the base. We will talk about it in the base first!" Kenny said to Dunbar.

Although the body of the king of "stone skin worm" is large, it can be moved by Dunbar alone. To call on annalin is actually an expression of cooperation.

"David, come on, you've got a lot of share in this distribution!" Kenny turned around and was about to leave when he saw David still in place.

David is also recovering from the shadow boy's feelings and quickly turns to follow.

The students of SRA battle academy are still cleaning up the battlefield, treating the wounded students and collecting the dead students' bodies. When they see the body of the king of "stone skin worm" brought back by the supernatural, they scream wildly.

After the death of the stone skin worm king, the Zerg who were still fighting lost control, and they turned around and fled.

Some of them were killed by the students, and the others were lost in the dark.

"Victory There are students shouting, their mood is agitated.

When the king of "stone skin worm" rushed into the base with invincible momentum, at that moment, many students thought that the base that gave them hope was over, and that the base for the future growth of SRA combat academy would be destroyed.

Now, the invincible "stone skin worm" King has become a corpse, and several extraordinary people have returned without loss. Is there a better ending than this?

David walked all the way through the broken base. After a period of fighting, the shadow guards did not absorb the soul.

As the only student in the area who can fight with the extraordinary, he has become an idol of these students.

The crowd entered a complete conference room, which was located near the interior of the unfinished base, so the war did not affect it.

Dunbar and anilin threw the body of the king of the stone skin worm into the middle of the conference room and then returned to the side.

"Draper, in what way is the booty distributed?" Kenny asked with a smile.

As the party who came to rescue the base of SRA combat academy, Kenny extraordinary has the priority of distribution. He also wants to see the attitude of SRA combat Academy.

"I know how to distribute the spoils of the guardian star. We are no exception to the slar combat Academy. Just follow the rules." Draiper said with a smile.

Draiper wants to allocate more, but if the SRA combat academy wants to survive in this area of the guardian planet, it must abide by the rules here. The price of breaking the rules is not only to offend alidia first Academy, but also to be rejected by all the people here.

Once rejected by all, the result is that the SRA combat academy cannot survive in this area, even if there is a base and there are extraordinary guardians.

As it is today, if there were no reinforcements from the first college of aridia and no military frigates, there would be no victory in the war.

On such a dangerous planet, if you can't help each other, survival is a big problem.

Draiper would never abandon the long-term interests of SRA combat Academy for some immediate benefits.

He knew that, and Kenny understood it as well.

"Let's first see the value of the corpse of the king of the stone skin worm!" Kenny nodded superbly.

"It's better for Dunbar to decompose together with anillin!" Draper extraordinary looked at Dunbar extraordinary and annalin extraordinary said with a smile.

The two extraordinary people came to the body of the king of stone skin worm again. They took out the decomposition knife from the space wrist guard. Their decomposition knives were made of grade 3 materials.

As for the decomposition of Zerg corpses, they don't know how many Zerg corpses have been decomposed. They are very experienced for a long time.

In order to ensure that the material is not wasted, they also chose the neck that David broke.

Dunbar deals with the head of the stone skin worm king, and anarin deals with the body of the stone skin worm king.All the people present did not make a sound, all looked at the two extraordinary operation.

When cutting the skin of the king of the stone skin worm, anelin has obvious difficulty.

"Anelin, is the skin still tough after death Draiper asked in surprise.

After death, the normal Zerg's skin will be a little lower than before, only after professional treatment, can be restored to the majority.

The skin is still extremely difficult to cut, but what he holds in his hand is a decomposition knife. This extremely sharp thin blade decomposition knife is much sharper than the weapons of the same grade.

The sharpness of the decomposition knife is not without cost. When using the decomposition knife, you must pay attention to the cutting direction. If the direction is wrong, this valuable decomposition knife will break.

It is also for this reason that although the decomposition knife is sharp, it can not be used as a weapon in combat. It can only be a tool knife.

"Yes, this skin can be used as armor directly!" Anelin extraordinary is also one side decomposition side exclamation said.

After the death of the king of the stone skin worm, the skin is still so tough that you can imagine how strong the defense is when you are alive.

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Thinking of the previous battles, although they could hurt the king of the stone skin worm, most of the attack power of each attack was blocked by the skin, and the damage caused by the remaining attack power to the king of the stone skin worm was very limited.

After hearing the comments on the king's skin of the stone skin worm, several extraordinary people were interested in it.

With the huge body of the king of the stone skin worm, the decomposed skin is enough for the whole body armor of ten people.

That is to say, every extraordinary person here can allocate enough skin of "stone skin worm" king, and "extraordinary armor" can increase inner armor. With a layer of protection, extraordinary survival ability will be greatly enhanced.

Dunbar is also dealing with the head of the king of the stone skin worm. Due to the complexity of the head, his speed is somewhat slow.

"Here comes Draper, Eldon from cardor and Galton from volgo!" A College Tutor came in and whispered to Draper.

The College Tutor looked at the corpse of the stone skin worm king on the ground. There were two more extraordinary people coming. He was afraid that his college would suffer losses. In the end, their college had just come to guard the star, but they still suffered a lot.

"Please come in, two extraordinary people!" "I'll meet them!" draiper said, waving his hand

In any case, the two extraordinary representatives of the two colleges came to reinforce their colleges. Although the war is over, we still need to express our thanks as masters.

Draper returned in a moment, with Galton and Eldon beside him.

As soon as the two new comers entered the conference room, they were startled by the corpse of the king of stone skin worm.

When they came, they didn't see the battle. They thought the battle was the same as before. The king of the stone skin worm escaped again, but they didn't expect that only these six extraordinary people would kill the king of the stone skin worm this time.

Last time, there were 14 extraordinary people who were killed and injured by the king of stone skin worm.

Of course, this is also the fact that the extraordinary men of SRA combat academy and the first college of alidia deliberately concealed the battle results, and they wanted to inform all parties after the distribution was over.

"You killed the king of the stone skin worm!" Even if the body of the king of the stone skin worm was in front of his eyes, Galton could not believe it.

"Ha ha, six of us have dragged down the king of the stone skin worm. Master David shot the king of the stone skin worm for eight times in a second. This battle can be recorded in history!" Said draiper, with an extraordinary laugh.

Galton and Eldon couldn't help but look at David. Although David is very powerful and has a terrifying ability to snipe, they all know that, but when they heard that David used eight Gauss guns to kill the king of the stone skin worm in seconds, they were impressed.

The reason why the Federation is powerful and can share the Zerg with the gods is not to say how powerful the federals are, but that the federals can manipulate powerful scientific and technological weapons. This is the biggest reliance on which the Federation can defend the warstar and block the Zerg invasion.

From armour exoskeleton armor to extraordinary "extraordinary armor", all these reflect the strength of federal technology.

Stronger Star Destroyer guns can directly destroy everything, even the whole planet.

Although it is not his own strength that David manipulated Gauss to bombard and kill the king of stone skin worm, in the eyes of the two extraordinary or all extraordinary people, it is David's own strength.

Why do frigates have so many Gauss cannons that they were not used in the first place, not just because they couldn't aim, or because the Zerg found out in advance, they couldn't hit.

So it's very difficult for a direct strike weapon like this to achieve an effective hit. Unless it's a large-scale attack, the Zerg can't escape even if they know they're being targeted.Just like the previous space weapons, in space, the main guns of large warships carry out an attack, which completely destroys an area, and naturally the Zerg in this area is also eliminated.

David's sniper masters are only 10% perfect, which is only a new level among snipers.

But David not only has the ability of sniper master, he has a super spirit of cooperation, has the "extreme speed" talent, so that his sniping ability is far more than 10% of the perfect level sniper master.

Kenny's extraordinary evaluation of him, the best of the sniper masters, is not an empty word.

"Master David, would you please come to our college to give a lecture on sniper beetle?" Galton asked David with an extraordinary smile.

These colleges are not without sniper beetles. On the contrary, they all have sniper majors. It's just that sniper beetles can't be trained after four years of University. Dangerous Guardian stars are not good places for sniper beetles to fight.

Therefore, the sniper beetles of all colleges will only practice in the war zone with lower intensity, which is the decision made by the colleges with countless blood lessons.

If David is not the master of heavy axe, how can he use the portal so easily.

Without the ability to protect themselves in close quarters, ordinary sniper beetles may be in the safe area, and they may be killed by the first-class Zerg from the underground.

"Galton, David is a student of our college!" Kenny let out a cry of extraordinary rage.

Seeing Galton's face-to-face digging made Kenny extraordinary angry.

"Kenny, I just want to invite Master David to give lectures in our college, not to compete with alidia first college for students!" "If you come here, we'll give you a professor's title, 10000 points a month!" he said

David was a little surprised that Galton would say such a thing, even if the conditions were set out.

Professor's title, and a professor from a top college like volgo college, has a very high position in the Federation. With the salary of 10000 points per month, it is estimated that most of the secret skills and techniques in the college can be learned as long as they work in the college for a few years.

This kind of condition is not high, but it is not in line with David's idea. If he can teach in the college without soul absorption, his growth will be much slower.

Although many of David's current abilities have nothing to do with his own strongest spirit, his spirit has the most direct and important role in the battle.

Plus some secret skills and techniques, if you start from scratch, it will take too long to absorb the soul and get the corresponding knowledge light ball quickly.

Just like his current "spirit forging golden body skill", let him learn it by himself. Even if he has a strong spiritual foundation and reaches the master level, it can't be achieved in a few years or even longer.

So David is very clear about his goal, that is to go to dangerous places and improve himself in the battle. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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